His Angel in Disguise (Comple...

By msjasly

764K 88K 25K

(English Translation done) He was not arrogant yet she felt him the boss of arrogance. She was not beautiful... More

Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32
Chapter - 33
Chapter - 34
Chapter- 35
Chapter - 36
Chapter- 37
Chapter - 38
Chapter - 39
Chapter - 40
Chapter - 41
Chapter - 42
Chapter - 43
Chapter - 44
Chapter - 45
Chapter - 46
Chapter - 47
Chapter - 48
Chapter - 49
Chapter - 50
Chapter - 51
Chapter - 52
Chapter -53
Chapter - 54
Chapter - 55
Chapter - 56
Chapter - 57
Chapter - 58
Chapter - 59
Chapter - 60
Chapter - 61
Chapter - 62
Chapter- 63
Chapter - 64
Chapter - 65
Chapter - 66
Chapter - 67
Chapter - 68
Chapter - 69
Chapter - 70
Chapter - 71
Chapter - 72
Chapter - 73
Chapter - 74
Chapter- 75
Chapter - 76
Chapter - 77
Chapter- 78
Chapter - 79
Chapter - 80
Chapter - 81
Chapter- 82
Chapter - 83
Chapter- 84
Chapter - 85
Chapter - 86
Chapter - 87
Chapter - 89
Chapter - 90
Chapter - 91
Chapter - 92
Chapter - 93
Chapter - 94
Chapter -95
Chapter - 96
Chapter - 97
Chapter - 98
Chapter - 99
Chapter - 100
You are Stars
New Story
Bonus Chapter - 1
New story Alert

Chapter - 88

5.5K 765 213
By msjasly

Recap: Liya gets the file which had the details of Naren's parents


Jhanvi entered the closet to grab clothes after bathing but she felt someone's presence in the room. She tiptoed and tried to call someone but before that a huge hand dragged her from behind and shut her mouth.

Jhanvi closed her eyes feeling the relief and kissed the palms and the next moment she bit the palms. She chuckled and saw Akhil waving his hand in pain.

Akh: Ratchasi ya di nee. Ippadi kadikure ?

Jha: You scared me to death in a moment and now you are complaining me is it. You never informed me about your arrival and upon that you were trying to scare me. Sleep on the couch tonight and that is the punishment.

Akh: I would have missed this welcome from you if I had informed you already. See now you are already for me fresh and beautiful as always.

Jha: Prevert...go refresh first. baby might wake up from sleep. Before that get bathed else you are not touching her with those dirty hands after travelling for so long.

Akh: Give me a dirty kiss then I will do all the work as you say. I have returned after these many days and you are making me wait already. Bad Mrs. Akhil. You underestimated me so get ready for.....

He moved near her ears and whispered "daddy" sending chill through her spines and pecked her lips before rushing to the washroom.

Akhil was holding the baby in the living and others were watching him speaking to the baby with adoration.

Akh: Have you decided the date for the naming ceremony angel ?

Jha: hmm yes Akhil. Four days to go and I have informed Ram and Sanjay anna to make arrangements for it. We need to buy dress for our angel and before that we need to decide on a name. I have shortlised some and you decide from it.

Akh: Only dress is it ? Nothing else for my princess ? Too bad mommy. We will go shopping and buy jewels, toys for her.

Jha: I want something important for the ceremony but you need to be calm for that and listen to me.

She took the baby from him and gave her to Kamala and dragged Akhil to their room.

Kam: nowadays she is doing something very seriously behind our back. Even now she has planned something big. Not sure whats going on.

Isha: Whatever she does will the well being of everyone so we need not worry granny. Just chill let them come back and we will know what she was asking for.

Jhanvi made Akhil sit on the couch and she sat down taking his hands in hers.

Akh: Hey your actions are creating too much curiosity. Just tell me straight what do you want. Afterall I could get anything for you from anywhere in this world.

Jha: I want Sheela aunty to be in the ceremony Akhil.

Akhil gritted his teeth and yanked his hands from her hold and tried to get up but she stopped him in place and cupped his face.

Jha: Akhil, I know you are hurt from whatever she did but just don't forget she is your mother and she doesn't deserve this punishment.

Akh: Jaan did you forget how badly she hurt you, how cruelly she planned to separate us. How sure are you that she will accept our baby and not hurt her. I can't bear anyone hurting you or our baby anymore Jaan. It will be better we are like this and are you not happy with me and others with you. 

Jha:  She did everything out of love she had for you. I believe she must regretting everything now. Isha needs her mother Akhil, uncle is feeling all alone. He had shared so many years of life with her. Our angel needs everybody's blessing and Sheela aunty is her grandmother and I want her presence that day. Please...

Akh:Did Isha or dad say anything about this ?

Jha: Isha has not said anything but yesterday uncle was here to see the baby and I shared my thoughts to him. He did not oppose and felt bad for aunty. He wished that aunty might have changed which means he expecting her to regret everything and live a life like normal. You have to do this for your dad Akhil.

Akh: what if she has n't changed ?

Jha: Don't judge even before you give a chance Akhil. Let her come for the ceremony and we shall see her.

Akh: Why that has to be on our angel's day. What if something happened and ruin our baby's day. I don't want anything or anyone messing up that day. Its her first special day with us and I want it be more special without any problems.

Jha: Nothing will go wrong. If you trust me then bring her back. That will be the big gift for our baby Akhil. If not then as you wish. I won't force you further.

Jhanvi tried to move but he caught her hand and joined their foreheads and shut his eyes hiding the moist from her.

Akh: Are you sure Jaan. Do you want to do this...I cannot handle another break down.

Jha: I will not let anyone break you Akhil. Its not that only men has to save their woman. I will stand before you to save you from anything and anyone Akhil.

Akh Mv: Like you stopped my PI from updating me on whats happening around me is it and that Mayuri is Naren's sister ? You just forgot that I m your Akhil and will follow you like a shadow to protect you. I may not know what you are conversing with Mayuri, Liya and Naren but I trust you and I will keep quite and watch everything unless Naren doesn't harm you by anyway. I will wait for you to open up to me Jaan. Lets face anything together. 

Akh: fine if that is what you want then I will arrange for that. But don't force me beyond this and don't have any expectations. I will be worried about my daughter's day and celebrating it.

Jha: thank you so much daddy....

She teased him and quickly ran away from the room and he chased her. Jhanvi sat in the middle of Kamala and Isha.

Kam: Oii enna yedho serious pesa pore nenacha ippadi vilayaditu irukke ? 

Jha: Granny, happy news. Akhil accepted to bring Sheela aunty back home. 

Isha teared up and quickly wiped it but Jhanvi hugged her and kissed her temple.

Jha: Our baby's ceremony will be a reunion so don't worry and take her home. Let her come here for the ceremony meanwhile Akhil will take sometime to set his mind to meet her.

Isha: Thank you anni. I hope everything will be fine and we will be happy from now on. I believe she would have changed.

Jha: I too believe that. So lets manifest for only happiness in our lives. Lets go shopping, Akhil is taking us so get ready.

Isha and Jhanvi went to get ready and Kamala patted Akhil's hair and kissed his forehead.

Kam: You are the most blessed child Akhil because you got Jaanu in your life. She is an angel and only she can think of everyone and forgive anyone. Treasure her and do anything for her like you did today. Sheela truly deserves a chance from you. 

Akh: I hope she forget everything and live a new life from now on. I just don't want Jhanvi or our baby to suffer by anyone or anymeans.

After their conversation Akhil took Kamala, Isha and Jhanvi for shopping and they bought lot of dresses, toys, jewels for baby and Akhil gifted everyone with expensive clothing and jewels for the ceremony. He himself bought saree for Sita and Jhanvi gave him a glare and he randomly chose a saree for Sheela.

Jhanvi called Kamini and invited her for the ceremony. Everyone stayed in penthouse to enjoy the happy moments. Isha went to the place where Sheela was kept. Akhil had already informed the caretaker to send Sheela with Isha.

When Isha arrived there the caretaker opened the door and let her in. Sheela was in a broken state, lost weight and bags under eyes. When hugged Isha immediately and kissed her face. Sheela held Isha's hand and cried for a long time which made Isha to tear up.

She: I m sorry Ishu ma, I m so sorry. I should have not done those disgusting things to Akhil. I lost him by my foolishness. Please forgive me and tell Akhil to forgive me and I will die in peace. I can't even die without his forgiveness.

Isha: Akhil has set you free from here. Lets go home.

She: Did he forgive me ?

Isha: I don't know but you need not stay here anymore. You can stay in our home as usual. I hope you regret whatever you did and accept all of us for what we are.

She: I regret everything Ishu ma. I m not the same Sheela anymore. Please trust me. I want to see Akhil and beg for his love for me.

Ish: Not today, Akhil and Anni has planned the naming ceremony of their baby in two days. You can meet him meet there.

She: baby?....They have baby ? I m a grandmother now. I can't wait to hold the baby in my arms Ishu. I will love the baby with everything. 

Ishu: mom, you need to be clear of something. They have adopted the baby who lost her mother due to cancer. Her mother was a friend for all of us. We all loved her and Akhil and Ram considered her as own sister so they adopted the baby. Hope you won't create any problem during the ceremony. Jhanvi made Akhil accept to set you free after convincing him that you will be changed now and will not create any problem. So for their sake....

She: I m not the same...If Akhil and Jhanvi adopted her then she is my grand daughter and I will love her truly. Promise. I m not saying this for the sake of being set free from here. I can stay here and show my changes to them. Just once I want to see everyone and seek everyone's forgiveness.

Isha: Anni bought these sarees for you. Get changed and I will drop you home. Dad is there at home and we are at Akhil's penthouse since there are lot of work to be done.

Sheela nodded and quickly changed into the saree after kissing it realising how good was Jhanvi's heart. Isha dropped her at their residence and stayed for sometime until Chakravarthy started conversing with Sheela and then left to penthouse.

Jhanvi called Sanjay to the garden to clear his mind about Isha and her feelings for him.

Jha: Anna, I know about you and Isha so let me be direct. Are you ignoring her just because Akhil will feel betrayed ? 

San: Jhanvi you don't understand things. I value my friendship with Akhil above everything in this world. I can do anything for him. 

Jha: That is not my answer stil I will take that as indirect answer that you like or love Isha but you are scared of Akhil.

San: I never had any sort of feelings for her in the begining and tried to avoid her my best when she approached me but I m a human too Jaanu. Her love was so innocent and she is so pure like you and who will not fall for her and I fell too but we are not destined to be together. I can stay single all my life with her in my mind and her love in my heart because I value Akhil above everyone.

"Appo poi Akhil ah kalyanam panniko" ( then go ahead and marry Akhil ) came Isha's voice from behind and Sanjay startled in his seat.

Isha: Fraud, love illa sollitu life full ah single ah irupiya ? ( You said you don't love me but you will live single in your life thinking of me is it ?)

San: I never said I love you. Don't imagine things and leave from here. I m having my time with my sister.

" I m too having my time with sister then " came Akhil's voice from Jhanvi's mobile. Isha and Sanjay looked at her and Jhanvi smirked and cut the call. Akhil walked in the garden and sat next to Jhanvi and wrapped his hands around her.

Akh: Both culprits now answer me clearly ....how long is this going on ?

San: Machan, nothing like that. She is just having an infatuation on me. I will clear everything.

Isha smacked his head from behind.

Isha: Bro, I m sorry. This is not infatuation and I love this idiot. I m sorry..but I will not deny my feelings for him even if he is not ready to accept.

Akhil stood and walked to Sanjay who was now looking at the floor. Akhil pulled him by collars and Isha gasped in horror and the next moment Akhil punched Sanjay in his stomach.



Sheela is out now. what do you think of Jhanvi's this act ? Will Sheela be good or return to her old self and create problems ?

Please vote and comment.

Take care and Thank you.

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