Friends With Benifits #Watty'...

By MarguenaDorceus

1.9M 36.5K 7.4K

When Cassie gets dared to kiss Matt Walice, two worlds collide. Cassie is the shy girl while Matt is the s... More

chapter 2
Author's Note: DONT SKIP ‼️
chapter 2 continued....
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Author's Note
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10: Operation jealously
chapter: 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
A/N:please read!:)
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
authors note!
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
A/N:please read
Sequel Is Up!!!
A/N:please read!!!!!
Paperback version 🙌🏾

Friends With Benefits

148K 2.1K 1.4K
By MarguenaDorceus

® All Rights Reserved To Marguena Dorceus.

  Please do not take any part of this story unless you have permission ‼️

To my friends and family.
With love 💕

Chapter 1:


"Do it! Do it! Do it!" my friends kept on chanting.

"Come on Cassie, don't be a pussy!" Lisa shouted. I shook my head furiously. We were at Katelyn's house having a sleep over. It was a Saturday so my parents agreed.

"Yeah... Who told you to pick dare if you weren't gonna do it?" Katelyn asked.

"You guys forced me!" I shouted

"Well, now you gotta do it! So go already!" Lisa said, opening the door

"No," I said, stubbornly.

"Come on! All you have to do is knock then do it," Katelyn said.

"Kate! It's not that easy! He's the most popular guy in school! I can't just do that!" I argued

"Do it or else that picture of you in the first grade will be all over Facebook!" Lisa stated.

I gasped, "You wouldn't." In that picture, I looked a hot mess! I had three missing teeth, with chocolate all over my face, my thumb shoved in my mouth with my hair looking like a birds nest!

"Oh we would! And plus, a dare's a dare!" Kate said.

I groaned, "I hate you guys!" I then stomped my way across the street to Matt Walice's house.

"We love you, too!" I heard the girls screamed back. If you're wondering what I'm doing, the girls and I were having a sleep over, so Lisa suggested that we play truth or dare and apparently I was first. Of course I picked truth, but the girls weren't having it. So I had to pick dare and the dare I'm getting isn't quite fun! I got dared to kiss one of the most popular guys in school who happens to live right across from Katelyn. To make matters worse, it was gonna be my first kiss! I sighed as I gathered the courage to knock. As soon as I knocked, I started to panic. What am I gonna say, "Hey i got dared to kiss you?" Whats he gonna say? Is he gonna think I'm crazy? Omg what if he calls the police on me and I go to jail for sexual harassment?

The door suddenly opened revealing a shirtless Matt. My eyes traveled up his six-pack slowly to meet his eyes and man was he worth the look!

"Can I help you?" He asked, smirking. I took a deep breath before I took a step closer to him. I put my hand around his neck and crashed my lips to his. At first, he just stood there in shock.

Then, just as I was about to pull away, his hands went around my waist and he started kissing me back.

Tingles ran throughout my whole body as he licked my lips asking for entrance and I quickly let him in.

I don't know why, but I swear fireworks exploded inside of me when his tongue met mine. Our tongues battled for dominance as he tasted each and every corner of my mouth.

I ran my hands down his body and let out a slight moan. He groaned and I realized I was kissing Matt Wallace outside of his house! Wait... I was kissing Matt Wallace outside of his house... Where all the neighbors could see... Neighbors that know my mom! When I realized what I was doing, I tried to pull away, but my brain was on shut down!

The way that he was kissing me was driving me crazy! I couldn't think, it just made me want him more! As the kiss got deeper, a throat cleared behind us and I quickly pulled away from Matt.

But not quick enough because when I turned around, I couldn't help but see the anger in the lady's face.

She looked in her late 40s but she was stunning!

"Mom!" Matt said, surprise running through his voice. My eyes grew wide when I heard what he just called her. I just got caught kissing Matt Wallace by his mom! I was so embarrassed that my cheeks flamed red hot.

But what I said next was more stupid!

"It was a dare!" I said before I ran past her to my friends who were standing in the doorway too shocked to move. I pushed both of them inside before I closed the door shut.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

I am so dead! I know for sure Matt will not let me get away with this!

"Dude, that was his mom!" Kate said.

"No shit, Sherlock!" I said, sarcastically before groaning. "That was so embarrassing," I said, covering my face with my hands.

"Oh, man! He'll be in big trouble!" Kate said again, laughing. My head snapped up when I heard what she said, "Wh-what do you mean?" I asked stuttering.

"I mean... His mom is gonna kill him! She doesn't approve of him bringing girls inside her house!" Kate said.

"B-but I wasn't inside h-her house!" I said pouting.

"Yeah, but from the scene outside, it sure looks like it. I mean you and him standing outside, his door half open, him half-naked, you guys making out like Y'all been doing that for years... If I saw my son doing that, I would assume he just had a quickie while I was out," she said shrugging her shoulders.

"We weren't doing the nasty!" I said blushing. "We know that but SHE doesn't!" Lisa said finally talking.

"Ugh! He's so gonna come after me on Monday! Guys... I can't afford to be dead! And if my mom finds out, I'll literally be dead," I said

"Look on the bright side, at least you got to kiss the hottest guy in school!" Lisa said but her words lacked enthusiasm.

I frowned at her.

"Yeah, and he kissed you back! I mean you should have seen you guys! You were full on tongue kissing and we didn't even say tongue," Kate said. I blushed a deep red.

"So... Um, how does it feel?" Kate asked. For some reason, I looked at Lisa and saw that she was looking at anything but us. She looked uncomfortable. Why? I'll have to ask her later on.

"Um, it felt nice?" I said but it came out more like a question.

"Oh, come on... We need more details than that! Right, Lisa?" Kate asked.

"Huh? Oh... Um, she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to," Lisa said. Both me and Kate frowned. What's wrong with her? Something's wrong with my best friend and I will find out what it is!


The next day

The next day, I got home around 2 in the afternoon. Lisa came with me, but Kate had to stay. When I came home, my mom told me and Lisa to go to some new grocery store down the street to buy some items... Apparently, we're having a guest! I think my mom said she was working with her! My mom was a nurse and so was she.

Her and my mom got along really well, so she invited her and her son over for dinner. As Lise and I made our way to the store, I decided to ask her about yesterday.

"Hey, were you okay yesterday?" I asked. As soon as the words left my mouth, her body stiffened.

"I um... I was fine. I was just kinda feeling tired, but I'm better now," she said, smiling. I knew better. That smile didn't reach her eyes I knew she was lying but I dropped the subject. We walked in silence for a while before she broke the silence.

"Casie... Do you like Matt?" Her question took me by surprise which made me choke on my spit "w-what?" I asked.

"do you-"

I quickly cut her off, "No! He's a player!" I said she let out a breath of air out.

"Promise me you won't go for him," she said holding out her pinky.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just promise," She said. I sighed.

"I promise," I said grabbing her pinky with mine.

"Super swear?" she asked causing me to give her a look.

"Look, I just don't want you to get hurt, okay? Just please super swear you won't," She stressed causing me to sigh.

"Fine! I super swear," I said causing her to smile brightly.

"Come on... Before your mom hunts us down," she said. We made it to the store and stepped inside, a bell jingled and a guy stepped out from the back. My breath caught in my throat when I saw him. He was tall with black hair and dark blue eyes that captivated you. He looked built and suddenly I wanted to run my hands all over his body.

"Can I help you?" he asked, snapping me out of my daze. I looked at Lisa to see her looking at the person behind the cash register. He looked similar to the other boy except his eyes was gray and his hair was brown.

"Are you guys brothers?" I asked.

"Yeah, are you girls sisters?" the guy in front of me asked.

"No, we're best friends," I said.

"Cool... Oh, I'm Justin and he's Alec," Justin said, lifting his hands for me to shake.

"I'm Casie and this is Lisa," I said shaking his hand. His hands were large and wrapped around my small ones perfectly. We had a moment where we just stood there holding each other's hands and looking into each others' eyes until someone cleared their throat. I let go of his hands and looked away a small blush creeping into my cheeks

"Um... We need these," I said, handing him the list my mom made.

"Okay. I'll get them, just wait here," He said and I nodded and he went to the back. I looked back at my friend to see her talking to Alec. He said something and she giggled. I smiled. I guess Lisa got a crush.

"Here you go!" Justin said handing me three bags.

"Thanks... Did you guys just move here? I've never seen this store here or you guys," I said.

"Oh yeah. My mom just bought this store, so we moved down here," he said. I nodded.

"Cool, I guess I'll see you around then?" I asked. He flashed me a brilliant smile.

"Yeah... I'll definitely be seeing you!" he said then winked causing me to blush and look away.

"Lisa, let's go!" I said. She said bye to the guys and we were on our way. She talked about Alec the whole way to my house. We gave my mom the groceries and went upstairs. Lisa helped me to get dress and sadly she put makeup on me. She also wanted me to take off my glasses and wear the contacts my mom bought me but I'm fine. By the time I was done, Lisa was gone.

"Casie! The guests are here!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I sighed and walked down the stairs. Everybody came to face me, but I couldn't see the guests since my mom and dad were blocking them.

"Sweetie, you look beautiful!" my mom said causing me to smile.

"Thanks mom," I said. When I got down the last steps, my mom moved aside and that's when I saw them. Matt and his mom was standing there mingle brightly until they saw it was me... The smile fell right off their face.

"Sweetie, this is Jacy, my partner at work with her daughter Nancy and her son-"

I cut my mom off, "Matt!"

"Casie," Matt said as shocked as I was.

"Aren't you the girl I saw standing outside my house kissing my son yesterday?" His mom asked.

"WHAT?" both my mom and dad screamed at the same time.

"That cant be! She was sleeping over at Katelyn's yesterday, right?" my mom asked turning to me.

"I-I," I stuttered.

... Oh God I'm dead.

"We'll both talk about this later," my dad said. I looked at him to see his jaw clenched. I was a daddy's girl and one thing I know about my dad is that he hates it when I lie to him. But technically I didn't lie. We all nodded and we went to sit at the dinner table. All throughout dinner, both me and Matt didn't talk. After dinner, both our parents sent us to the living room so they could 'talk'. When we got there, Matt turned around to face me and smirked.

"Looks like someone's getting in trouble!" He said

"So are y-you," I said.

"Oh, I already got my punishment yesterday! Thanks to you! And don't think I'm not still gonna talk to you about that kiss," he said causing me to gulp.

"What's your punishment?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"nothing big just grounded for two weeks," He said shrugging his shoulders.

"And you don't care?" I asked.

"I care because I wont get to hang out with my friends. Other then that, it's nothing new. What? Is the goody-two-shoes scared?" He asked.

"No!" I said quickly. To be honest, I was scared out of my mind! I've never been in trouble before.

"This is your first time, isn't it?" He asked.

"I-" I was cut off by my mom and Matt's mom entering the living room.

"Sit," my mother ordered me. I quickly sat down and looked up at my mom. Where was dad?

"First things first, are you guys going out?" My mom asked.

"NO!" Matt and I shouted at the same time.

"Then why were you guys kissing?" Matt s mom asked. My cheeks heat up, "it was a dare."

"A what?" My mom asked.

"A dare. As in somebody dared her to kiss me," Matt said.

"So you were still at Katelyn's house?" My mom asked.

"Yes... Katelyn lives across from them," I said.

"Am I still grounded now, mom?" Matt asked.

His mom sighed, "No... I guess not."

"Sorry Mrs. Walice," I said.

"Oh it's okay. But um I saw your work on the fridge!" She said.

i nodded, "yeah..."

"And I see they're all A's," she said again.

"Geek," Matt said under his breath, but I heard him. I shot him a dirty look before I turned back to his mom just as My mom went to the kitchen.

"Yeah, they are," I said, suddenly getting nervous.

"Can you do me a favor?" she asked.

"Um, what kind of favor?" I asked.

"Can you tutor Matt for me?" she asked.

"Well, I would-"

I started but my mom cut me off, "She'd love to!" She shot me that look that said 'You better do it'

I sighed, "I'd love to, but I'm sure Matt wouldn't want me as his tutor," I said.

"Oh, he won't mind. Right, Matt?" His mom asks.

"No I wouldn't," he said. My mouth dropped open as I stared at him. He smirked at me.

"Then it's settled," His mom said.

I sighed, "Okay."

"Yay!" His mom squealed before hugging me.

I looked at Matt and he was still smirking before he mouthed the words, "Payback's a b*tch."

Edited by nekogirl78

July 11, 2016, at 11:00 AM

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