~hamilton smut~

Por taviola

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what the title says <3 request in dms if you please <3 don't like it? don't read <3 Más

jamilton ~ no inkling of respect (apparently)
jamilton ~ aww, generic comfort sex <3
lams ~ fwb but it's cute
pheacker ~ pool sex
jamilton ~ "look at yourself."
thaurens ~ vanilla praises.
lams ~ "i love you."
jamilton ~ no hard feelings.
jamilton ~ holiday sex.
jamilton ~ filthy praise.
lams ~ jealousy.
jamilton ~ merry christmas. <3
jamilton ~ last time.
lams ~ gentle and simple.
lams ~ valentine's day plans.
lams ~ shower sex.
mirror sex ~ thaurens
overprotective friends ~ lams
lams ~ dry humping.
lams ~ chair sex.
lams ~ "i've already caught feelings."
hamiltonxjefferson ~ take a break.
forbidden worlds ~ hamiltonxlaurensxjefferson
first time ~ hamiltonxlaurens

lams ~ hate fucking.

668 7 5
Por taviola

"when is this new roommate coming? it's been days. i am going to turn that damn room into an office space." john grumbled.

"no, you will not." lafayette responded as he chopped up onions in the kitchen.

hercules walked behind the couch which john was sat on. he slapped him in the back of his head, making the boy grumble.

the three young men had been living in their reasonably sized apartment for almost two weeks. their fourth roommate, alexander, was meant to arrive on the same day they all did. however, he was fashionably two weeks late. laf took on the responsibility of covering his part of the rent, for whatever reason.

"he should arrive today."

"you said that a week ago." john snapped.

"okay, well i am positive now." hercules replied back to john's snarky comment.

"why does he get the biggest room?"

laf and hercules exchanged a knowing glance, one john could not decipher.


john dramatically waved his hands in the air.

"shut up." herc waved a dismissive hand.

john frowned. who was this alexander and why was he uprooting everything when he was not even here?

everyone's head turned towards the door when there was the scratch of a lock and a key being turned. there in all his glory, alexander. he watched as laf ran to him and gave him a hug, immediately saying something in french. alex laughed, then made his way into the apartment. he waved at hercules and then his eyes stopped on john's.

"hi! we haven't met before, i'm alex." the young man smiled whilst introducing himself.

"i know, i've heard so much about you for the past two weeks." john said back, his eyes squinting.

lafayette nearly chucked alex's suitcase at john after seeing his expression and listening to his tone.

"yeah, i had some things to wrap up before coming here."

"i'm sure you did." john hummed. he pushed himself up off the couch, then began walking off to his room.

"did i do something?"

"no, not at all. i'll talk to him." herc reassured alexander with a quick pat on the back.

herc went and did exactly what he said he would. he knocked before opening the door to john's room, closing it behind him. john was on his bed, his arms held up in the air, with his phone in his hands.

"okay, what is it?" hercules asked.

"i don't think i know what you mean." john replied.

"oh, come on. what was that little scene out there?"

"there was no scene."

"you're an awful liar."

"and you are a pain in my ass."

"real mature, laurens. why were you acting like that towards alexander? you just met him."

"what's your point?"

"my point is you have no reason to act like that. he has done nothing to you."

"are you done? i'm busy."

"laurens, look at me,"

john sat up and looked at herc. he raised an eyebrow at him.

"just try to get along with him, please? for all of our sakes. you just met him. i promise you'll love him as much as laf and i do. just don't be an ass."

"who even is he? why are you and lafayette so ecstatic about him being here?"

"he and laf are more alike than you'd think. he is like a little brother to him, and you know laf only likes a select few people. please be nice."

"i'll play nice with the new boy, thank you." john gave a fake smile.

"i'll deal with you myself in alexander tells me you're being anything but civil to him."

john made a face when hercules turned around to leave. he quickly smiled sweetly when herc turned back around to look at his expression.

"watch yourself, laurens."

a week later...

"laf, can i have my calculator back- - why the hell are you here?"

"john." lafayette snapped.

"nice to see you too, laurens," thomas drawled. "i'm simply meeting alexander."

"of course you are."

"if you want you can join us! we're just watching stuff on Netflix." alex offered.

"i wouldn't want to intrude."

"why would you think you're intruding? you live here." alex laughed halfheartedly.

john gave alex a glare which made him shrink back into the couch. lafayette stood up, making john take a step back.

"relax, laf." jefferson spoke from the floor, looking ahead at john with a confused expression.

"something to say?"

"stop being a dick."

"clearly he's riding yours for you to be acting like this."

everyone's eyes widened. john retreated to his room, no calculator in hand.

something about alexander intrigued him. there was something a lot more darker underneath the surface.

two weeks later...

"alex, herc and i are going out, just to hit a few bars. do you want to come? we'll be going to see thomas right after so we can spend the night."

"do you need a designated driver? i can't drink anyway. i'll drop you two off after then come back here. also, i wanted to talk to you guys about something."

"alright, lex. grab a coat and let's go."

once the three made their way down the stairs to the lobby of their apartment, they began to talk. alex followed the couple to laf's vehicle, mentally preparing himself for what he had to say. he spat it out rather quickly.

"what did i do to john?"

"nothing at all. he is just an asshole. very weary around new people."

"you guys told him about me though, right? it wasn't a surprise that i was coming..."

"we did. he's known about this since the day it was official you were coming to live with us."

"i don't know what to do. i feel out of place."

"don't. you are right where you belong. do you need anything from us to feel more comfortable?"

"no, thank you. i'll figure it out."

"are you sure?"

"yes, i promise. if i do need anything i'll let you guys know."

"hamilton, explain to me why you're making so much noise."

"i'm washing the dishes, laurens."

john furrowed his eyebrows. what happened to the timid attitude he originally had? john did not expect him to bite back. was it even considered that? he just gave him a simple response. there was the inkling he had about him.

"anything else to complain about?" alex asked without turning around. he had a plate in one hand and a sponge in the other.

"what is your problem?"

alexander laughed in total disbelief.

"my problem? be so fucking for real, laurens," alexander turned off the running water and dried his hands rather aggressively before turning around to meet john's gaze. "i could be asking you the same thing. answer me one thing; what did i do to you?"

"don't talk to me like that." was john's only response, because he knew he didn't have a reason.

"that is ironic considering the way you talk to me and about me," alex retorted. "i can do whatever you do and more, that includes being a bigger bitch than you are. it's clear you have underlying insecurities that have nothing to do with me. with that being said, maybe you should get some help about it instead of making my life a living hell."

alexander left the kitchen to go to his room. john heard the door slam shut.

john knew he had no reason to act the way he was. he couldn't even try to make one up. laurens wanted to go and grovel out an apology, but he knew it wouldn't do any good. john had made an enemy pretty quickly, which made things a lot harder than they should have been.

alex rubbed his eyes sleepily as he walked from his room to the kitchen. he didn't bother turning on a light, instead just walking around aimlessly. he grabbed a glass that was sitting on the drainboard and filled it up with water from the fridge. he yawned before taking a sip. hamilton rested his elbows on the counter, his eyes closing on their own accord. he looked up when he heard footsteps walking towards him.

"sorry," john said meekly. "i just wanted water."

alex didn't respond. he went out into the living room, plopping himself down onto the couch. he tucked his legs underneath himself, then sank back.

john watched him closely. he was obviously drained in more ways than one. that was john's doing, no doubt.

"look, i just want to say- -"

"i don't care what you have to say." alex cut john off.

"i'm trying to apologize here."

"i don't want your pathetic excuse of an apology. i'm going back to bed."

alex stood up, glass of water in hand. right as he made his way to his room, he felt a hand wrap around his wrist. he swung himself around, then flung his water in john's face. the realization of what he did hit pretty quickly. both wrists of his were grabbed and he was yanked towards john. alex nearly tripped over his own two feet. he was now face to face, chest to chest with john. he attempted to shake his grip loose, but that was in vain. john backed him up against the wall. he was trapped. alex tilted his chin up in an attempt to seem unfazed, bigger than he really was. john saw right through it.

"what will it take to get that attitude out of you?"

"you don't scare me, laurens."

"then why are you shaking?"

that shut alex up. john cocked an eyebrow at him, a fake pout playing on his lips.

"you had so much to say before. what happened?"

"let go of me."

"or what? you're going to tattle to laf about me?"

"let go."

alex's eyes were ablaze, even in the dark. he had half a mind to knock his head into john's hoping it would make him let go, but decided against it. instead he squirmed, the grip on his wrists tightening in result.

"i'm not going to fight you, laurens."

"i don't need you to. we both know how this is going to end."

"with laf taking care of your sorry ass if you lay a hand on me?"

"don't tempt me."

"or what?" alex seethed.

alexander could feel john's breath warming his face. it drove him crazy, how close together they were. he could only wait for john let go of him to retreat to his own space. john moved so his legs kept alex's apart but not able to use them to retaliate. alex's head involuntarily fell back to land on the wall. he realized his mistake right away. he looked back up at john whose lips were parted and quirking up into a smirk. because of their position, both their bodies had inadvertently pressed against each other in a way that stimulated one of them, it clearly being the smaller of the two. john moved again, making alex press his mouth into a thin line and quiet a groan.

"i can take that attitude of yours away in twenty minutes."

"you think so?"

"i haven't even touched you." john drawled.

john kept his gaze on alex's body as he released his wrists, not wanting to look in his eyes. he then trailed a hand up alexander's oversized sweatshirt, then stopped over one of his nipples. alex's breath wavered. he pushed his hips forward to where john's knee was in between his legs.

"there it is." john smirked.

alex couldn't get a word out. their lips were together in a matter of seconds, and a hand was around his throat. alex was yanked forward and his hair was pulled with a grip that made him cry out. the noise was muffled, the two's lips still locked. the hand around his neck squeezed, cutting alex off. alexander broke their kiss, then screwed his mouth shut when the hand up his sweatshirt pinched his nipple with such tenacity he thought his knees would buckle.

"what happened to those pretty noises you were making for me?"

"they were not for you." alex struggled to say, his hand grabbing john's wrist on the same hand that was pressing against his neck.

"tell me you want this."

alex couldn't even deny it. instead of answering verbally, he ground himself against john's thigh.

"that's what i thought."

john had alex in his arms in a matter of seconds, carrying him to his bedroom. he was tossed onto his bed with no care, and his door slammed shut. john stripped himself of his sweatpants, revealing his boxers. alex sat up quickly, his own pants coming off. the two never made eye contact. john climbed onto the bed and attached his lips back to alex's. alexander sank his teeth into john's bottom lip, which got him a quick smack to his ass. he was wearing far too small briefs, ones that exposed part of his ass cheeks. john noticed this, realizing he hadn't hit fabric when he struck him. alex climbed on top of john, pinning his hands over his head. he straddled him, keeping him down. john easily flipped them over, this time breaking their connection and lifting alex's upper body up by his throat. he roughly grabbed alex's dick through his underwear, making him stifle a groan.

"you don't want to moan for me?" john pouted.

"i could never, even if i wanted to." alex growled.

john's hand tightened, making alex's face go red, but not because of his lack of air. he was burning at the face, embarrassed and severely turned on. john twisted his wrist on the same hand that was grabbing alex's erection. alexander bit down on his tongue. he refused to give john the satisfaction of hearing him vocalize what he was feeling.

alex regained his ability to breathe freely when john removed the grip around his throat. he watched as john took off his boxers, leaving him completely exposed as he didn't have a shirt on. alex's mouth fell open and his mouth watered on its own free will. john propped himself up on his elbows, thinking about what was going to follow. he watched alex's hands fall to his briefs and tug them off. feeling impatient, john reached forward and tore his sweatshirt off his body. alex climbed onto john's lap and ground their cocks together, still vehemently refusing to make eye contact. john, feeling the same way, picked alex up by his waist and turned him around.

"lean over to your right and grab me a condom from the second drawer of my nightstand." john ordered.

alex did has he was told, grabbing a condom and blindly shoving it into john's hand. he only set it aside and hummed to himself. he pushed alex off of him and brought his ass up, running his hand over his hole. it was slick, as if he had prepped himself prior to this. alex buried his expression into the bed. john noticed this. a smirk played on his lips and he pushed two fingers inside of alex and didn't meet any resistance. when he pulled his fingers in and out, they were slick with the unmistakable lubricant of vaseline.

"that's flattering. did you say my name when you came too?" john taunted.

alex couldn't respond. he was too embarrassed. he was caught.

alexander was pulled back into his previous position, but this time his hips were up and hovering over john's cock. john had lined himself up, and immediately pulled alex down onto his cock with no warning. john's hand flew to alex's mouth, and he brought them both down onto their backs. alex's cry was muffled by john's strong hand, keeping him quiet. it soon turned into craving moans, ones that escaped each time he exhaled. he couldn't help it anymore. he tried to keep himself quiet, but failed. john shoved his hips up into alexander with no regard for his pleasure. he could only feel his ass squeezing around his dick with a vice grip. john slowly released alex's mouth, then sank his nails into his thighs. john sat them up, and reached around to grip alex's dick. he began fucking him, regardless of the fact that alex was on top.

alexander squirmed to no end until an arm squeezed around his waist. he yelled out a curse word, knowing exactly what john was doing. the thought that john wasn't going to let him come was the only thing going through his mind, the hand around his dick squeezing was the dead giveaway. he was keeping him from building any sort of orgasm.

"fucking hell, hamilton. i would've done this a long time ago if you had a better attitude for me."

"nothing i do will ever be for you." alex said with a guttural grunt.

john bucked his hips hard up into alexander, knowing he would hit his prostate head on.

alex's mouth betrayed him. "oh my god, right there- -"

"there it is, my favorite words to come out of your mouth all night."

alex nearly turned his upper body around to slap laurens right across the face. he dug his nails into john's wrist, wanting him to let go of his cock so he could come. precum was leaking from the head, pooling over his hand. john continued to hit alex's prostate, knowing he would be right on the edge but not able to come. alex led with his previous thought, his body turning around and a hand flying to hit john's cheek. using his other hand, john caught his wrist in midair and pinned it to his side.

"tell me this is what you wanted. say my name and i'll let you come."

alex fought himself. the angel on his shoulder was kicking him in his temple right now, whilst his demon begged him to speak. john scoffed. he moved his hips ever so slightly, just enough so he wasn't stimulating alex's sweet spot any longer.

"oh my fucking g-god- -"

john yanked alex's hair back, making him cry out. he brought his lips right next to his ear.

"c'mon, i know you want to. say it and i'll give you what you want." john growled.

"fuck you- - ah!"

never in alex's life would he have believed that hate fucking was his thing. this completely changed his mind. he assumed it was insults left and right, which part of it was. but he didn't know this was what it entailed.

"i'm holding off from coming right now, for you. you think i care if you finish or not?" john snarled, then brought his lips to alex's neck to suck a harsh mark.

alex swallowed his pride. he let the demon on his shoulder win.

"j-john, oh my god. p-please, let me come. i want it so bad, i want you to make me come- -"

"there you fucking go."

john's hips repositioned themselves so he could hit alex's prostate once again. his hand left his dick, allowing him to get to the point where he could finish. alex's head lolled back and his breathing became labored. heat rose in his abdomen and john only aggravated it by spanking his ass. right as alex was about to let go, john's hand wrapped around his cock. john came into the condom he was wearing, and he finished himself off with firm pumps into alex. alex's moan quickly turned into a veritable sob. hot tears rolled down his cheeks and his head fell forward, his hair falling in front of his face. john lifted alex up and off of his cock.

"go to your room and finish yourself off. i know you'll think about me the entire time, which brings me more satisfaction than making you come myself."

alex sat up quickly. he grabbed his discarded clothing, wrapping his body in it in an attempt to hide. he hasted off to his room and did exactly what john told him he would do.

laf: hey lex thanks for dropping hwrc and i off at the bar we are bery much appreciative and pnly a little bit deunk

herc: what laf meant to say was thank you. i hope everything with you and john is resolved since you two got some time alone to talk things out. if not, i at least hope you didn't cross paths and murder each other.

Read 2:31 AM

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