Who's next?

By hisokasbungeegumshot

69.9K 1.8K 1.9K

You're 20 years old living on the outskirts of the big city, York New. Along the way, you unintentionally mee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 10

2.3K 62 19
By hisokasbungeegumshot

A/N (authors note) -

hey guys, I hope you're enjoying this fanfic so far!

I just wanted to throw another disclaimer out; I'm aware that not everyone has the same hair type, therefore, I will not be writing about how y/n styles her/their hair. you can choose to imagine that yourself! :) for example; there will be certain parts in this story where I will describe y/n getting ready for an occasion, event, etc. those will be times when you can incorporate and imagine the hairstyles that fit you.

ok, that's it thanks byee <3  ———————-

word count - 1964

you were fuming. this wasn't something you'd take easily. Maybe you were being a little overprotective, but gon was your family now. so why did hisoka have to pick him? you knew the answer would probably be because gon is strong, but you wanted to hear it from hisoka.

You pounded your fist a few times on his door and waited impatiently.

you tried thinking about what you were going to say, but the only thing consuming your mind was pure anger. nothing else.

once the door opened you walked right inside brushing past hisoka into his living room

"y/n..you know it's quite rude to invite yourself into someone else's-"

"why the hell are you fighting gon?!" you cut him off sparing no time for his sly remarks "Out of all people? gon? he's a kid?!"

"Indeed, but a strong one at that." hisoka replies shutting the door behind him

you give him a strong glare. "are you serious? you could kill him."

hisokas grin faded "But I won't." he stated "yet."

"Yet?" the adrenaline forced you to walk back over to hisoka. he wasn't helping his case at all.

looking at his stupid face was only convincing you of how punchable it was. As much as you wanted to hit him, you've always been taught to never strike first unless absolutely necessary. so you held back.

the closer you became, the more he towered over you. on any other day, that would be intimidating, but right now you didn't care. hisoka didn't scare you anymore at this moment.

he watched your every move. you could feel his bloodlust seep out a bit, but yours overpowered him for the first time.

finally, you stood right before him. "if you ever, kill gon..." you stepped a foot closer "I will kill you. slowly."

you and hisoka both knew he was stronger than you, but you didn't care what happened to you as long as you tried protecting gon. although, you could tell he knew you were serious. it did shake him a bit knowing one day, you
might surpass him.

his straight face turned back into his regular smile. "will you?~" he teased

you gave him no reaction, standing in silence. the thought of hisoka killing gon, killua, kurapika or leorio made your blood boil.

hisoka knew he wasn't getting any reaction out of you, so he quickly gave in

"oookay~" he sang putting his hands up in fake defeat

there was no other reason for you to stay, so you attempted to leave nudging hisoka to the side to access the door knob. but he didn't fully move out of the way.

"on one condition.." he leaned his body weight against the door.

of course, he wants something out of this.


"let me take you out to dinner tomorrow night~" he smirked

..is he serious? after threatening to kill him he wants to take me to "dinner". he's crazy. so much for avoiding him.

you let your guard down knowing this was just typical hisoka. you were willing to do anything to protect those you love. it was a weakness of yours, and he saw right through you.


" sigh.. fine. but it won't mean anything." you snapped

"I'll pick you up at 6 my love~," he said opening the door for you "and do dress for the occasion"

"I'll wear what I want," you said walking out the door

you didn't hate the idea of going on a date with hisoka, but you didn't love it either. besides, you were doing this for gon. not because you wanted to go out with hisoka, not for you, for gon.

   the following day after finishing up your morning training, you decided to cook yourself a huge brunch. you weren't exactly the best at keeping up on daily meals anyway, so you'd usually skip breakfast and mix it with lunch.

heading to the kitchen, you planned to make ramen mixed with 2 scrambled eggs, cheese and green onion. along with a side of peanut-buttered toast, and a few chicken strips.

after you ate, you sat in silence as your thoughts overwhelmed you, bringing in a wave of sudden anxiety.

it's only noon...should I take the rest of the day off for some
self-care..? yep

With Illumi's mission only being 3 days away, you needed some time to release the anxiety. you barely had an idea of what was in store for you, and to be honest you were a bit terrified. especially after the stunt, he pulled

as you cleaned up the kitchen, you thought about what you could do to calm yourself, settling on a bath.

you ran a hot bath with your favourite bubble bath and grabbed a glass of wine.

before jumping in, you apply a hair mask along with a facial one.

once your body hit the hot water you felt instant relief, letting yourself sink into it.

you put on your favourite R&B playlist and slowly shut your eyes, letting yourself drift off for a bit.

you tried your best to think positively to relax. then suddenly you started to think of nothing at all, realizing that was the best way to relax. soon enough your mind went blank for a few minutes.

reopening your eyes from the trance, you quickly checked your phone for the time.

"4:02 pm" you whispered out loud, setting your phone back down.

"4:02 PM?!" you shot up out of the tub. "shit shit shit shit!" you had fallen asleep in the tub for 3 hours, completely forgetting about the date with hisoka tonight at 6.

you panicked knowing it always took a good 2-3 hours just for you to get ready.

you quickly unplugged the tub allowing the bath water to drain. once it drains, you turn the shower on to do a quick rinse of your body, washing off the face mask with it.

throwing on a robe, you rushed to your bedroom searching for something to wear, eventually settling on an F/C dress. The dress touched right below your knees complimenting your shape. it was pretty casual with a hint of sexy from the tight fit around the waist.

you weren't overly worried about this date with hisoka. right now you hated his guts.

the only concern you had was being seen with him by gon, killua, or especially chrollo. that's the worst-case scenario. Reason one is that hisoka doesn't know you're still talking to chrollo, and reason two is that chrollo has no clue you even know hisoka. you didn't even want to think about how that situation would end.

you didn't know chrollo well enough to predict his reaction yet, but hisoka... that's a different story. you hated to admit it, but you were scared of hisoka. he was unpredictable and predictable. and that didn't even make sense. Nothing about him made sense.

brushing off your thoughts, you scurried back over to the bathroom attending to your makeup followed by your hair. makeup wasn't your thing, but you didn't mind doing it every once in a while. and for you, every once in a while meant once a month. besides, you were too lazy to put time into it every single day.

you went for a full face covering the bags under your eyes along with the few pores interrupting your facial features. after completing your look, you stared at yourself in the mirror a bit admiring what you saw. I should wear makeup more often...

the F/C dress you threw on complemented your skin tone hugging your waist, while the full face of makeup brought out your E/C eyes. And last but not least, your feet carried a pair of black casual flats. you knew your look would throw hisoka off in a good way, and that was the point.

while you touch up your makeup one last time, you hear a gentle knock on your front door. "5:50 pm, he's 10 minutes early," you said checking your phone as you headed to the front door.

you swung the door open revealing a well-dressed hisoka.

you were shocked. this was definitely a different side of him you've never seen before. looking up and down you picked up every detail. he stood before you wearing a black tuxedo suit with a red dress shirt underneath. it fit him so perfectly outlining his slim, but buff body shape. he wore his hair down allowing his ends to fall delicately over his forehead.

a bit overwhelmed, you took in a slight breath unintentionally picking up the fragrance he always wore, only this time it was a bit stronger. he did mean it when he told you to dress for the occasion. and to top it off, he had his natural stupid smirk on his face, watching you take in the view in front of you

you gulped silently, opening your mouth to say something, but no words came out. instead, your face got hot. you swear it was quiet enough that he could hear your heartbeat picking up its pace.

not realizing you had been staring for more than a few seconds, hisoka broke the silence

"enjoying the view flower?" he cooed

at this point there was no denying you were staring, it was pretty damn obvious. "you look...handsome" you said genuinely.

fuck why did I just say that?! that's fucking embarrassing. a million thoughts ran through your mind at once regretting how you just openly complimented him. you were supposed to hate his guts.

"And you look quite beautiful yourself y/n" hisoka complimented as he took your hand and gently kissed it.

you stared in confusion like a deer in headlights. something felt off. did you like it? once you saw him it was like a little smack in the face. a good one at that. he wasn't being as cocky, and rude, and didn't seem interested in making smart remarks. it was odd. but it was especially odd that now, you were nervous about this date.

you hesitantly took your hand back ignoring what you had just felt. "thanks. should we get going?" you suggested pointing past him and trying to re-apply your poker face.

"Sure, after you~" hisoka stepped aside gesturing you out of the front door and closing it behind you.

yeah, you were for sure a little nervous now. you had this weird feeling every time you were around him. you weren't exactly scared of him, but it was like a feeling of anxiety that made itself appear in your lower stomach.

you took a deep sigh, brushing off the feeling. it's nothing, suck it up y/n.

Hisoka taking you on a date was weird. It was weird to see him acting like a gentleman considering he had pinned you against him recently and threatened you.

Out of all things, has to take me on a date. You knew he was somewhat obsessed with you and probably insane, but it was more severe than you anticipated.

But If it meant helping gon, this had to happen.

You only manifested for the night to fly by.

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