The illegal One

By Staceylove21

10.5K 424 66

My name is Anastasia Light and I haven't been outside in sixteen years. I've never felt the sun on my face or... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine

Chapter twelve

281 13 0
By Staceylove21

Yesterday was the most terrifying and exciting thing that ever happened to me. I was finally a teenager. I was free for just a few moments, not worrying if someone was going to catch me for what I am. It was nothing like I ever felt before. And Jasper...He was an amazing person. He was sweet and kind and he was like one of those boys you read in a book or a movie or a tv show. He was unpredictable, he broke my extremely shy shell with a hammer for just a few moments and I didn't know anybody could do that. Break somebody out of their shell like that, making them take risks and being daring and unpredictable. It was thrilling. I wanted to do more unpredictable things. Unfortunately I am unable to do that without fear of being caught. I sighed as I got off my bed and went to my bathroom.

I took off my clothes and went inside the shower. As I bathed, I wondered what would it have been like if you were allowed to have more than one child. Our lives would have been different. If the sickness never came, my mom would've been alive, if dad never went to war, he would've been alive. And my brother wouldn't have been my keeper. I wouldn't be so shy and afraid all the time. Imagine a world like that, a world with happy endings. I asked my brother if he believed in a world with happy endings. He told me that it was heaven because that's the only place he thought of. Where people are free from stress, acceptance, cheating, grief, depression, surviving life. They just live and love up there in Heaven. He would want to be there someday but not until he finishes taking care of me. Which I believe he will never stop doing.

I got out of the shower and wrapped my towel around me. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. I dried myself and put on my bra and underwear. It was finally spring, the winter finally left us, it was extremely brutal with us. When spring came, it meant heat and allergies for the people that have them. I don't have allergies and neither does Nate. But then again, he never had anything, getting sick, acne, allergies, etc. He was the definition of perfect. One time, when he brought the mail in, I saw a lot of love letters for him from a lot of girls. He was always popular. But he never paid attention, he always with me, taking care of me, never having time for a relationship. As I put on my pink tank top and white shorts, I begin to realize something. Does Nate even have a social life? Does he talk to anyone on the job? Does he get crushes?

I feel like Nate knows more about me than I do him even if he is my brother. I walked down the stairs and noticed that Nate wasn't in the kitchen as usual. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. I walked to the living room and noticed that Nate was lying down on the couch. His face was sweating and also red.

"Nate?," I called gently. He opened his eyes a little bit and smiled softly.

"Hey Ana," He whispered hoarsely. His voice sounded all scratched up, as if it was difficult for him to talk.

"What's wrong?," I asked as I walked over and kneeled down in front of him. He looked at me and started shivering.

"I have a fever," He mumbled. A fever? I didn't know that Nate could get a fever, he was never sick. Ever. I was the only that always got sick because I have a low immune system, Nate always had a better immune system that I was always jealous of. I grabbed his hand that was shaking. I smiled at him softly.

"How did you get sick?," I asked. He sighed and stroked my hand with his thumb.

"I must have got it from a mechanic while I was working on a car," He said. The way he said it sounded like it really hurt.

"Would you like me to get you anything?," I asked gently. He looked at me and nodded. He pointed towards the kitchen at the oak cabinet we had.

"Remember those pills that you took when you had a fever? Could you please get that?," He whispered. I nodded my head and got up. I walked towards the kitchen and opened the cabinet. Empty. There were no pills.

"Nate," I called. I heard him hum in response. I swallowed and stared at the cabinet.

"There are no more pills, it finished," I said. He slowly got up and walked towards me. He stared at the cabinet and sighed. He closed it and turned towards me.

"It's fine, I'll just sleep this off," He said. I touched his arm and he smiled at me softly.

"Are you sure? I-I'll check again, maybe it's in the back," I said. We did have a full cabinet, it probably is in the back.

"No, don't bother," He said as he went back to the couch. I walked back to him and had a horrible idea.

"Okay if your going to sleep this off, then go to your room, this couch is really uncomfortable," I said crossing my arms. He narrowed his eyes at me but I ignored him as I pointed up the stairs. After glaring at each other for the longest, he chuckled and got off the couch.

"Alright Miss Bossy-pants," He said and I stuck out my tongue at him. He trudged up the stairs and I followed him. We walked towards his room which had gray walls, King sized bed with blue sheets and photo graphs of mom, dad and him. Photo graphs of me and him. Lots of it. I smiled at each and every single one of them.

I walked towards his bed and I took off the sheets and I patted his bed. He rolled his eyes and laid down. I put the sheets over him and patted his head.

"Good Night, don't let the bed bugs bite," I said and he chuckled. I was about to bend down to kiss him good night when he stopped me.

"I don't want you getting sick. I know how easily you get sick," He said and I rolled my eyes. I raised my finger and kissed it and then I placed it on his forehead. He smiled and kissed his finger and then placed it on my cheek.
I smiled and when I was about to leave, he called me.

"Ana," He said and I turned my head. "You're an amazing little sister."

I smiled at him and I blew him a kiss.

"And you're an amazing older brother," I said as I closed the door and decided to do my crazy idea as soon as I closed it. For Him.

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