Domenica (+18)

By kiraisawriter

6.2K 127 36

#12 in Selenagomez "What makes you think a young boy like you could care for a woman like me?" "We all know... More

do read. before reading.
Prologue | edited
chapter two | edited
chapter three | edited
chapter four | edited
chapter five | edited
chapter six | edited
chapter seven | edited
chapter eight | edited
chapter nine | new
chapter ten | new
chapter eleven | new
chapter twelve | new
chapter thirteen | new
chapter fourteen | new
chapter fifteen | new

chapter one | edited

632 13 12
By kiraisawriter


Business has been going on very slow. Especially when the only employee slashed partner that you have is your only son where he had to drop out of college because of his family's insufficient funds. It wasn't a choice but it was a reality. I personally didn't mind that I had to, I suck at economics and business. I took it because my dad wanted me to, he thinks graduating with the diploma will make it easier to get into any offices. But I wasn't loving it, maybe it was god's plan for me to drop out and screw up our family's financial—It wasn't a pleasant experience, but at the same time it was a relief for myself.

I wanted to pursue art & history. I like painting, I like crafting. I'm pretty sure I could make a shit tons of money out of those. But parents will be parents, they will doubt everything that you want in the name of you need to have a secure future.

"Jaxon, your dad wants you outside!" My step-mother, Lora, calls out my name from downstairs.

I holler back, "I'll be out in a minute!"

But I don't think my step-mother would agree to that, "Now! It seemed important!"

I sighed and push myself off of my bed along with slamming my phone down to the duvet. I literally had to gather all my strength in me to push myself off of my comfortable position. I was in the middle of scrolling down through my Pinterest to gain some kind of inspiration for my next sketch. Walking out to our small hallway, I climbed down the stairs to find my step-mother standing at the foot of it with her hands on her hips.

"I told you to clean the dishes hours ago, which part of my sentences you didn't understand?" She barked. I fight the urge to roll my eyes, I might slightly hate her sometimes. She would always throw fits about how I never took care around the house which is not true.

"I'll do it later." I walk pass her and proceed to make my way towards the back door.

"You better not forget, young man! And don't use too much soap, for god sake's you always use too much soap don't you realize that..." Her voice registered as muffled and smaller inside my head.

"What do you need, dad?" Stepping out of the house and closing the door, my dad is sitting at the porch with a beer on his left hand and his phone on his right.

"Sit down, boy." I watched as he placed his phone on his pocket before patting the ground of the porch. I sat down beside him and lean myself forward, my arms hung on my knees.

"That was my first client, Missus Anderson on the phone. She called me wondered if we could decorate her entire backyard with a new gazebo, some sets of flowers, tend and care for her gardens."

"That's a ton of work. What did you say?"

He pursed his lips with a tiny smile while looking down to the ground before he looks at me, "I told her we'll take it."

"Dad, You know it's just the two of us and it's a shitload of work! She must've expected to be done by at least 3 months, isn't she?"

"She expected 3 months for the gazebo, for decorating and tend her gardens... She expect us for a lifetime.."

"Are you saying she's hiring us as her personal gardener?" My dad nodded his head excitingly.

"It's a good offer, Jax! When we earn a pretty good money from there, we'll start our own gardening business!" My dad excitedly explain which I couldn't help but break out a smile. It has been a while since I saw him this excited. My dad has always dream of having a big business of his own. He wants to create an employment for gardeners, or people out there who needed one. If he thinks this is the right opportunity that he needed to take for him to start his plan, then of course, I wouldn't want to be the person to tell him no.

"What do you think, Jax?" He turned his body to the side and grab a bottle of beer, opened the cap before he turn back towards me with his hand holding it. "You with me?"

I pursed my lips and look down to the beer on his grasp. I give myself a second to think, The money earned could definitely help me get back to college and take Arts & History as my major, I thought.

"When do we start?"

"First thing, Monday." My eyes darted up to his eyes before smiling and accepting the beer. He slowly smiled cheekily before he laughs.


And I prayed to god that this was his plan without any more screw ups.


"Hurry up, Jaxon! I want to get my morning coffee at Bernie's then be at the Anderson's at 8 AM!" I heard my pops holler from downstairs.

It's the first thing in my Monday morning, precisely at 6:30 AM, my dad being excited and giddy to start our new job. I'm also excited for him, seeing him all giddy and pumped up, it's like watching a ten year old kid with his new bike and he can't wait to take it on a stroll. Every time he's about to start his day to work, he always visits Uncle Bernie's cafe and get his lucky charm coffee if I may say. He believes it's luck and it's what gets him through the day. One time, he didn't stop by at Uncle Bernie's and went straight off to work—His client wasn't pleased with the work he'd just done. It wasn't a one-time thing, it was five. As for me, I don't have any superstitious beliefs. Though, I always pray for every time I start the day, to be another step of getting what I want.

"You sure you don't want to take out their blueberry muffins also?" I asked my dad, my left foot already set on the pavements, the rest of my body is still sitting in the car—Making sure that my dad doesn't want anything else other than the coffee.

"Yes, just get on with it!" He said as he read his newspaper. I rolled my eyes with a smile and climbed off our truck. I had to make a couple of steps before reaching the medium coffeehouse. As I was grabbing the handle of their front door, I bumped into someone—A hot liquid gushed against my skin. A coffee had spilled against my body.

We both gasped, "Oh no! I'm very sorry, I ruined your shirt!" I look up to find a lady who looks like she's in her mid-thirties. Though as I took a quick scan from top to bottom, she's wearing what seems to be a very neat professional work dress that stops right at her knees showing her tanned legs. I assumed she is in her thirties but her face seems like she's twenty-five years old. Snap out of it, Jaxon. Stop being a creep and look at your shirt!

"Argh! God I woke up late today, my assistant is not doing her job.." I listen to her mumble to herself as she threw the cup away then dig into her purse to find what I assume a napkin or a tissue for me until she found one. She kept apologizing until I spoke,

"It's okay, Miss. It'll be alright. I have a spare on my truck." I chuckled.

"No, no, no.. You don't understand! I truly am sorry about it, should I write you a check for your shirt?" My eyebrows pulled together, Who writes a check for a $10 white shirt? I thought. A bewildered expression sprawled across my face finding the whole situation amusing before I let out another chuckle, "Seriously, Miss. It's okay! You go on and have your day." I give her a smile.

When she looks at me, I could take a real good closer look at her. She's got doe brown eyes, her lips are full and plump, her cheeks are puffy. I give myself another debate, she looks like she's in her 20's but the way she dress and from the looks of her body, it displays a very beautiful womanly body topped with her feet wearing a really shiny black heels.

"I'm very sorry once again!" She said before she rushed out as I watch her walk in a fast pace towards her car where she park right at the back of my truck. I looked down at my shirt and I sighed. I proceed to walk in to find Uncle Bernie already looking at me, I assume he witnessed the whole thing with a silly smile on his face.

"I assume you're not whipped because of the coffee spilled on your shirt." He small laughs before walking towards the cashier. "Here's two coffees, and a blueberry muffin for you, Jaxon. Tell your Dad, I say Hi." I nodded my head at him before giving him the money.

"Will do, Uncle Bernie."

I walk out towards my truck and realize that the lady's car must've pulled out when I was inside. A small wave of disappointment rush over me, I know I shouldn't felt that way but I couldn't help it. There is something so intriguing from this woman, this aura she projects, I reminisced the whiff of her fragrance when she walked passed me. A mixture of fruity, rose, and a hint of vanilla that lingers under my nose.

"What happened to your shirt?" My dad asked once I got inside our truck. "A lady spilled her coffee on me, she was in a hurry." I answered.

"Well, we can't go in on our first day with your shirt like that. Do you have a spare?"

"No, I don't."

I wasn't going to waste my time listening to her wailing apologies for a hundred times, so I did what I had to do which was speed up the situation. During the car ride, my dad explained our work plan today. I narrow it down to examine the yard, if there's anything that we should care and replace then we'll do that. The rest of the day we're going to go over the Gazebo plan.

Once we arrive at our destination, my dad scrunched his eyebrows and expressed his dismay, "Jaxon, you better do something to cover up that big stain on your shirt!" My dad barked as we got off the truck. I sighed and take off my jacket before taking my shirt off and throw it inside the truck. I grab my jacket then zip it up until it stops at my chest. Thank goodness it isn't very hot this morning, though it was a bit breezy.

We walk up towards the gate as my dad pressed on, what seems to be a monitor before we hear a man speak. "Yes, how can I help you?"

"We're the Anderson's 8 o'clock schedule." My dad spoke.

"Oh right! Mr. Stoll. I'll be opening the gate and you can park your truck in front of the garage, okay?"

"Alright." My dad answered before he turns to me, "You go in and drive, I'll walk to the front door." I nod my head and walk towards our truck.

I wouldn't say it's a big mansion, but I wouldn't say it's small either. The gate is pretty massive for a medium mansion, the front yard is your typical circle-y type of rich people yard. Two cars line up in front of their porch, on the left side there goes the closed garage. I parked the truck in front of it before jogging towards the porch where my dad waits for me in front of the massive door. The door then swung open to reveal a man, he's tall and a bit buff, his hair is dirty blonde, I assume this would be the Mister Anderson, considering the way he dressed in some kind of I'm sure a designer suit.

"Larry Stoll, my name is Neil Anderson. I believe my wife was your long-time client?" The man spoke with a smile on his face, his right hand extended as my dad shook his hand.

"Yes, yes.. Ah yes, she did."

"Right, I assume she told you everything we needed and answer all of your inquiries beforehand?" Mister Anderson and my dad proceeded talking as he invited us to step inside the foyer. I didn't listen to what they were conversing about but I was sure it takes a good 5 minutes before I notice my dad turns to me. I assume he just remembered that he came in with his son today.

"This is my son, Jaxon. He'll be helping me with my work, he'll mostly build the Gazebo that you requested, Mister Anderson." Mister Anderson turns to me with a big smile on his face,

"Ah yes, Jaxon. I've heard about you, I believe you sell your crafting design online. You craft mini tables, chairs and such, yes?" I'm starting to like this man when he mentioned that he noticed my mock-up designs online. I don't put out much on the internet, but I am aware from how much I'd receive likes and comments about my design on Pinterest.

"Yes, sir." I nod with a smile.

"Yes, I adore your work. I think you got some real talent there boy, how old are you?"

"I'm 23, Sir."

"Ah, the discovering-path-kind-of age." He laughs as we laugh along, though I laugh because I don't want to be seen as impolite, I don't find the statement amusing at all.

"Anyway, let me show you the way to the backyard."

We followed Mister Anderson through the hallway while he gave us a little tour of each room. There's the living room, the dining room. There's two access that leads to the backyard, there's from the living room and the kitchen. We went through the kitchen as he also introduced us to the cook and the clean, he said if we ever need anything to eat or drink we should just let them know. How very kind, I thought.

"I think that's all you needed to know, is there anything I could help before I let you guys start?" Mister Anderson clasp his hands together.

"We're good here, Mister Anderson." My dad answered.

"Please, Larry. Call me Neil." He insisted with a smile. "As for you, Jaxon, I assume you needed to list all the things that you need to build the Gazebo. Larry had given you the design, correct?"

"Uh.. No, Sir. My father and I didn't receive anything, yet."

"Oh... Well then, I should talk to my wife about that, in the meantime, you all can start. I'll be in the living room, if you need anything."

"Thank you, Neil." My dad said, he looks at us with a smile before he walks back inside the house.

"Let's get to work then, boy."

As the day goes by, the cool breeze was just in the AM. By 1 PM, my dad and I had just finished plucking out the ones that are dead, by then the sun had set real high and it was also getting more hotter than before. I sighed and wipe the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand before standing up straight, I could feel the sweat breaking away from my body as it runs down my skin. Taking off the jacket would be the answer.

"Yes, right. Take off that Jacket, boy. It makes me sweat even more just by looking at you." My dad hissed.

"I know, sorry. Are you thirsty?"

"As a matter of fact, yeah I am. Could you go inside and ask if we can have some water?" I nodded with my eyebrows furrowed together due to the sun. As I made my way towards the porch, I placed my jacket on the floor before sliding the kitchen door open. I look around the room to find it empty, no one was there.

"Hello?" I called out. "Can we have some water?" I called out once again. Nobody shows up. I sighed and decided to take matters into my own hands, Sorry Andersons. I look to my left to find their rather large refrigerator and made my way towards it.

"Melissa, I've been trying to reach you through the intercom. Why haven't you-" That voice sounded very familiar. I turn around to find, her. She looks as astound as I am. The lady that spilled coffee all over my shirt is no other than Missus Anderson.

"I-.. I.." I noticed the way her face went pale, I'm not sure it's because of the recent event that just happened this morning, or the fact that I'm standing in the middle of her kitchen shirtless which I find to be a little bit embarrassing.

"I'm your gardener." I chose to immediately spoke.

"You're Larry's son?" Missus Anderson raised her right eyebrow, which I registered as she can't believe I am my dad's son.

"Y-yes Ma'am." I stammered, why on earth I struggled to speak?

"Oh, I didn't know he had a son." I chuckled, nervously looking down to the ground before looking back at her. A bewildered expression still displayed across her face before she blinked her eyes many times and shook her head a little.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude-"

"Not at all, Ma'am. I should be the one who apologize. I'm just looking for something to drink for my dad and I." I stated.

"Oh, well then let me fetch you some ice tea. You go on and take a break with, Larry. I'll meet you outside." She started making her way towards the refrigerator.

"Are you sure? Let me help you a little." I try to insist.

"No, no, no, it's alright. Let me do this, you go on." She send me a smile as she walk towards what I assume to be their cupboard. I pursed my lips and nod my head, still looking at her as I try to find some kind of validation if she's sure she won't be needing my help, before I make my way towards the door.

That, was so weird. Not in a bad way, I just wouldn't expect to see her. I mean, who could've expect it either way, right? I thought. Though, I'm glad that I could see her again. The moment at the coffeeshop was a very brief moment that I yearned it'll take a while. But, seeing that she was in a hurry I had to let her go. I could've offered to buy another cup of coffee for her but, she was really in a hurry. Though meeting her for the second time today, really left this images in my head.

She was honestly, so beautiful. I know she must be older than me, because I wouldn't call her as a girl, a woman. She's definitely out of my league, hell, I am definitely not her type either. A woman like her, deserves a real man. Who can protect her, who can love her dearly and properly. You know what fascinates me? The soft, delicate features of her face, so innocent and pure, made her appear as if she had just stepped out of a fairytale. Each delicate curve and line of her face whispered stories of innocence and youth.

"Jaxon! Don't just stand there, get back to work!"

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