Black Plague

由 Charlie-Ortiz

1.1K 122 18

In the quiet town of Sherwood, Jessie Cruz is about to find out his family's secrets have severe consequences... 更多

Behind the smoke
Journal Entry: Jessie Cruz
Chapter 1: Baby's on fire
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Journal Entry:Rose Dononvan
Chapter 5
Chapter 6:Venom
Chapter 7
Chapter 8:Voltage
Journal Entry:Travis Johnson
Chapter 9: My own worst enemy
Journal Entry: Lily Han
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Journal Entry:Travis Johnson
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14:Master of Puppets
Chapter 15
Chapter 16:Overdrive
Chapter 17
Chapter 18:Ballroom Blitz
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Journal entry:Jessie Cruz
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26: Go to the Light
Chapter 27: A Thousand Eyes
Chapter 28: Daybreak
Chapter 29:Freak
Chapter 30: Dreaming of You
Journal entry: Rose Donovan
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37: See You Again
Chapter 38: Starkiller
Chapter 39: My Mom
Chapter 40
Chapter 41: Electric Love
Chapter 42
Chapter 43: Do I Wanna Know
Chapter 44
Chapter 45: Limbo
Chapter 46: My name is
Chapter 47: La Puerta Negra
Chapter 48
Epilogue: Moonlight

Chapter 34: Animal

5 1 0
由 Charlie-Ortiz

"This forest is so flush with life, I wonder how they were able to make this happen down here." Akita said as he studied a deer staring at the group.

Taking another step Jessie heard a stick break underneath him startling the deer. He watched as it ran away from the group into the forest leaving behind no trace it was ever there. He could hear the group sigh and turned to see disappointment in Akita's wooden eyes.

"Sorry about that." He said as he slowly raised his foot, the crushed stick fell into pieces.

"Nice job string bean." Rose said as she poked Jessie's side.

"You seem like you're in a better mood now." Jessie said as he followed the others.

"It's kinda hard to be nervous in a place this serene. It's hard to tell it's even December down here, all this green seems out of place." She said as she brushed her hand against the bark of a tree.

"What I don't get is why they need this down here in the first place." Travis said as he slowed his pace to match theirs.

"Maybe they needed a place to relax after a day of terrorizing Sherwood." Lily said shrugging her shoulders.


Jessie stopped in his tracks.


"Jessie? What are you doing?" Lily asked looking back at him confused.

Beaming Jessie jogged back towards the group.

"I can't hear L in my head anymore! Finally alone with my own thoughts." Jessie said triumphantly.

"Is it really that bad having him in there?" Lucas asked concerned.

Jessie found it hard not to smile as he heard no reply to his every thought.

"He asks so many questions about everything it's like dealing with a curious two year old, except I can't just turn on cartoons to distract him." Jessie replied.

"Sounds like a drag, can't imagine how you deal with it. If that was me I'd pop myself just to end it, then again you can't really do that can you" Sarah said as she nearly tripped on the roots of a nearby tree.

Catching his sister as she stumbled into his arms Toby looked up towards Jessie with an apologetic look.

"Don't mind her she had a horrible childhood." He said as he gave his sister a death glare. She scoffed, pushing him aside as soon as she regained her balance.

"We had the same childhood idiot." She said pinching his arm. "Don't talk to your older sister like that."

Jessie chuckled as Toby winced slapping her arm away. He felt someone place their hand on his shoulder and turned to see Akita beside him chuckling as well.

"Don't mind those two, you get used to them." He said as he continued walking, taking his hand from Jessie's shoulder.

"How long have you four known each other anyways? You all seem really close." Lily asked.

"Oh close to thirty years now." Lucas said.

Wow must be nice to have friendships that last that long.

He turned towards Rose and Travis smiling as he remembered their humble beginnings. He could feel someone pulling the sleeve of his uniform and looked down to see Lily looking at him.

"How long have you known those two?" She asked as she pointed towards Rose and Travis.

"Since kindergarten."

"Wow I'm jealous, the longest friendship I've ever had has only been for about two years." She said as she smiled weakly. "So for just about as long as I've been in high school."

"You're only a sophomore? You seemed older than that." Jessie said shocked.

"Nope only sixteen. How old are you guys?" She asked turning to Rose and Travis.

"All three of us are seventeen." Travis said proudly.

"Jessie's technically older. His birthday is in February." Rose said pointing her thumb towards Jessie.

"What day?" Lily asked.

"Valentine's Day." Jessie answered.

Lily gasped loudly shocking Jessie so badly he threw his arms up. Sarah snickered as she walked past making his face flush.

"That's so cool! What's it like to be born on Valentine's Day?" Lily asked excitedly.

Jessie sighed and looked to his friends for a way out. Travis smiled mischievously and Rose shrugged leaving him without any help.

"Pretty mundane actually it's just any other day, except with a lot of cartoon hearts." Jessie said rubbing the back of his neck.

He could feel Lily's eyes on him leaving him feeling vulnerable. He stared out into the forest trying to avoid her gaze and hopefully more questions.

"So loverboy you're not a big fan of Valentine's Day huh. That's understandable since you seem like a novice when it comes to romance." Lily said nudging Jessie with her elbow.

"I-I am not a novice ok, I just have no interest in romance. Case closed let's talk about something else." Jessie said feeling embarrassed.

"Is he always this awkward?" Lily whispered to Rose. To Jessie's dismay she nodded and his face flushed as everyone chuckled.

Trying his best to ignore his friends Jessie turned his attention to the forest and watched as a small group of birds watched him from atop the tree branches. They watched curiously as the group passed by following them with their eyes. Jessie smiled softly as they moved across the branches as they curiously watched.

His smile dropped as a sense of unease overtook him, he looked toward the sky as a faint whistling noise broke the silence.

"Wait." Jessie said as he interrupted Lily. He stopped in his tracks as he perked his ears.

What was that noise?

"What is it now string bean? We have a schedule to kee-." Travis said.

Holding his finger up to his mouth Jessie looked around. He turned as he heard the faint whistling from before grow louder.

"Don't shush me." Travis said irritated.

"Do you hear it too?" Akita said pulling Jessie's attention. Nodding he watched as Akita placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Suddenly from above the top of the trees Jessie watched as a black mass flew towards them. As the mass approached it gained speed hurtling towards them dangerously fast.

What is that?

"What the hell is that thing?" Sarah asked as she squinted trying to get a better look.

"Whatever it is it's coming in fast!" Rose said taking a step back.

"Look out!" Akita shouted as he attempted to push Jessie out of the way

Jessie gasped as the black mass sent him flying backwards into a tree knocking the air out of him. Struggling for air Jessie fell to his knees feeling as if his lungs were on fire.

Run now! You aren't safe here!

"Jessie!" Lucas cried out as he ran to his side.

"W-we need to run!" Jessie cried out as he struggled to his feet.

"What's happening? What was that!?" Sarah yelled as she reached towards her sidearm.

Danger is approaching, you have no time!

"N-no time. We need to r-run now!" Jessie said as Lucas helped him up.

The longer you stand idle the more danger you are in. You don't have the strength to survive this.

No thanks to you!

"Why?" Travis asked confused.

"Was that black thing L? Did he find something?" Lily asked shaking Jessie's shoulder.

It's too late. She's here.

"What's this? They sent me more toys?" A voice said from above Jessie. Fear took over his body as he slowly looked up, only for it to be intensified as he saw the largest mountain lion he had ever seen sitting atop the trees branches.

Reeling back onto his feet he pulled back Lucas by his jacket. Staring up at the large cat he could have sworn he could see a smile.

"So tense right from the start, there's really no need for you to be worried. I'm quite nice gal once you get to know me." The cat said as she gracefully climbed down from atop the branches.

She stretched as she reached the bottom staring at each and every member of their group. Taking a step back Jessie watched cautiously.

"Now let me put on something much more comfortable." The cat said as she stood on her hind legs. Taken aback Jessie watch as she slowly shrunk in size, her fur disappearing and her teeth becoming more rounded.

He covered his eyes as a small woman stood naked in front of them.

"Now does anyone have any extra clothing it's quite cold here." She said as she crossed her arms across her chest.

Feeling embarrassed Jessie way he saw Toby took off his jacket, handing it to the petite woman.

"You can uncover your eyes now." The woman said.

Splitting his fingers Jessie peered through them to see her draped in Toby's jacket, he looked down to see the bottom barely covering her abdomen. Still feeling uncomfortable he lowered his hands.

Her long blonde hair reached the floor, falling at her feet. Her striking blue eyes bore a hole in Jessie as she stared ever so curious. She smelled the air with her crooked nose and smiled.

"Now the next test isn't scheduled for another week and the last of the cleaning crew left a few days ago. So who exactly are you people?" She said as smiled.

Either run now or fight Jessie, we can't remain idle!

I know I know! If she can turn into a mountain lion there's no telling what else she can become.

She's going to kill you all, make your choice.

"Test what test?" Travis asked as he took a step forward.

Stunned she stared at Travis, the look of confusion slowly on her face slowly curled into another smile.

"So you aren't with the soldiers, that much is clear. You had me stumped for a second considering two of you are wearing the uniform." She said as she looked Lucas up and down. Suddenly bending down on all fours she ran towards him a cold smile on her face. Rearing back Lucas cried out as she grabbed his right arm and pulled his sleeve up.

"You aren't wearing any of the bracelets either so you can't be test subjects." She said as Lucas pulled his arm back.

"That's enough!" Lucas yelled as he manifested his sidearm. It glowed a striking blue.

"Oh so you're chosen as well? Looks like we have something in common." She said as she stood upright. She straightened out the jacket she wore as she stepped back to where she stood before.

"Oh you have me so curious I feel like I'm gonna die with anticipation!" She cried as she threw her hands hands in the air.

"This exhibitionist is giving me a bad feeling. What's the play?" Sarah said keeping her hand firmly on her pistol.

"L wants us to get out of here, he's practically ringing an alarm in my head." Jessie said as he winced.

"This one hears voices too? Oh this mystery just keeps getting more interesting, it has me practically foaming at the mouth with curiosity." The woman practically purred as she ran her hands over her body.

Jessie shivered as he felt her hungry gaze land on him.

"Look miss we don't want any trouble, we're just trying to make our way down." Jessie said. "I'd appreciate it if you let us pass by without any problems."

An unsettling feeling came over him as she slowly smiled, grabbing the collar of her loaned jacket.

"You're trying to make it to the bottom floor aren't you? To see Plague? Why would I let you do that?"

"So you're with Plague then?" Jessie said with a sigh.

This isn't gonna be easy.

"No I despise the man, he always smells like smoke. Men who smoke leave a bad taste in my mouth, I prefer a more lean meal." She said licking her lips slowly never breaking eye contact with Jessie.

Jessie shuddered.

"Then why stop us from seeing him?" Sarah asked loudly a scowl on her face.

"Why would I let him play with my toys? I'm not known to share missy, besides you all intrigue me so much I can't help but want to mess with you." She said followed by a small chuckle.

Ok this lady is crazy.

And dangerous, you need to either escape or fight. You are wasting time.

"Look you don't like the guy, we don't like the guy, we have a mutual hate for this guy. Why don't you let us past so we can take care of that while you stay here in this nice forest you got down here?" Travis said as he took a step forward.

Quietly the woman pondered taking a look at each member of the group. Her gaze left Jessie weirdly vulnerable. Suddenly she snapped her fingers and pointed towards Travis startling everyone.

"That's gonna be a no, but I've got something in mind that'll help all of us." She said coyly.

"What do you have in mind?" Jessie asked confused.

"A game of tag! One where I'll be able to see all you can do." She said triumphantly clapping her hands together. "If you win I'll let you pass."

"And if we lose?"

"I get to kill and eat you." She said happily.

They stared in a stunned silence as they took in exactly what the woman just said.

"Oh this bitch is crazy." Sarah said as she aimed her firearm towards the woman.

"Stop!" Jessie said as he pushed Sarah's arm into the air just as she pulled the trigger. A loud crack sounded throughout the otherwise quiet forest scaring Jessie, a sense of relief washed over him as he turned to see the woman unharmed.

"What the fuck is your problem kid!?" Sarah said as she shook her hand free from his grasp.

"We don't have to kill her! There's no reason for us to take it that far!" Jessie said taking a step back.

"This furry exhibitionist just threatened to Jeffery dahmer us and your first reaction to that is to save her life!?" Sarah said stunned.

The woman has a point Jessie. What are you doing protecting her?

"Well it's been fun watching you guys fall apart but I'm starting to get bored. So I'll take that little act of aggression as a yes." The woman said as she grabbed the zipper to her loaned jacket.

"I'm going to be kind and let you have a head start." She said as she slowly pulled down the zipper revealing soft white skin underneath.

"Try not to disappoint me, I don't like easy game. Make me work for my meal."

She removed the jacket from her small frame and dropped it to the floor. As it landed an ear splitting cracking filled the forest as the woman's body contorted snapping her bones into place. Fur furiously burst from beneath her skin as she growled in pain.

"This could have been an easy kill Jessie, whatever happens next is on you." Sarah said annoyed.

Jessie felt a lump in his throat as he watched in disgust as a small pool of blood began to gather on the soft grass beneath the woman.

"I never really introduced myself." The woman spoke in between moans of pain. Her body twisted as it her legs snapped into place.

"I don't remember if I ever had a real name, all I know is the people they send in here for me to hunt like to call me an Animal." She snarled as her eyes shifted their color to a dull yellow.

"Better start running folk, your head start started the moment I dropped the coat."



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