Main Character Syndrome (Senk...

Oleh dianawaslost

2.7K 155 69

It was just stupidly thick yellow notebook that everyone had and used for chemistry, but it caused you to fin... Lebih Banyak

And we're just getting started
The notebook
Expectations are too high
Congratulation! Now do your job.
1,Energy 7,Drink 3, Revenge
The Bridge of Socialization
The Idea of Talking
You... Understand?
Bonus Chapter!!!!!!!!!!
Good Morning [Old] World
The Nice Girl Ballad
There's no need to hurry, (Y/n). It's going to be another year... Or two:D
Stone Formula Arc
Vs. Tsukasa arc
There's difference between Bad and Baaa(a)d
Type of Man for The Three Sparkly Sisters
Sky Won't Be The Only One With Rage
Such Feeble Beings
To Be Better Writer Than Strategist

More and More New Characters

67 4 9
Oleh dianawaslost

"C'mon you two. Me and (Y/n) understood it from the very start so you better catch up. There's no reasoning with a murderous friend like Tsukasa. Remember what he said when you fought him, Taiju?" How is that a deal? You remember his words. "So basically, you're saying that the gunpowder, which will be on our side, will put us in a better position... Looking ready to make a deal?" you asked not really liking the idea this is the only way to 'win'. "Yes, but if talks with Tsukasa breakdown... Then we'll have no choice but to kill."

Feeling nervous about the upcoming events you tried to stop the literal smoke signal to Tsukasa. "Guys. Look. Over there," Yuzuriha said quietly, looking somewhere far from where you are. A smoke signal?! "Is it Tsukasa??" she asked full alerted. "No. Wrong direction. And Tsukasa would never alert us to his position intentionally," Senku said with astonishment. "What. then?! A forest fire?!" Taiju shouted, looking ready to run there in any second. "The timing's too coincidental. It's clearly a reaction to the smoke we sent up," Senku rejected another possible answer. Then the thought came to your mind: "As if it's not already messed up enough, we find out this," you ran your hand through your hair in a frustration.

"What do we do, Senku? Put it out?! Or light it back up?!" Taiju shouted the questions you too were asking. Senku then turned around and shouted back: "Light it! Raise the smoke signal!" All four of you went to throw anything that will help the fire. After some time the gunpowder started to run out, so Taiju and Yuzuriha ran to grab some. "Senku...?" you tried to ask him something. "This smoke signal's a double edged sword. It'll alert anyone who's nearby to our location," he thought out loud. "Senku," you tried to get his attention once again. No reaction came from him so you sighed and continued: "I'll go and find the other person."

He immediately turned around at looked at you. For second you felt like he's going to try and change your mind, but after some thinking he agreed. "That's probably the best thing you can do in this situation." You understood why he let you go. Tsukasa is almost here.

"Hey... It's going to be alright. No one will die, right?" you said your empty words 'cause there's no way you're going to say goodbye. "Heh heh heh... Don't underestimate me, writer. I can take care of them even when you're not here," he smirked, putting hands on his hips. "Right," you rolled your eyes and started to walk backwards, not wanting to look away. "You better don't die on me, too," he said little louder 'cause you were slowly getting further to direction of the third smoke signal. "Will see. You know what kind of simpleton I am," you shouted, imitating his voice. Then you turned around and your smile disappeared. "Yes... Sometimes," he mumbled not letting you hear it.

You briskly walked passed all the trees, wondering where Yuzuriha is. It's weird 'cause she should be somewhere near this this location. In the end you let it go and continued in your mission.

After some time you came to newly made smoke signal, but no one was there. You groaned in annoyance and decided to check the other, when, in a corner of your eye, you saw something running behind you. Tsukasa?! Instinctively you turned around and knew it was too late, when a silhouette with blue dress, which was the only thing you noticed in that short moment, jumped right on you.

Her knife in a right hand went right to your neck, threatening you with your own life. She's strong there's no doubt and her blue eyes, little brighter than her own dress, pierced through your own (e/c) ones. "Are you the one, who made that black smoke signal?!" she asked with demanding voice. So we're right. There's another person besides us.

"No. Me and my friends did... Are you the one who gave us these smoke signals?" Stupid question, but good enough to hide the fact about how nervous you're. "Yes. What's happening? How did you know I'll see you?" she asked, still not releasing you. "We didn't. We're trying to deal with death itself;" Then you explained it even further.

"This man... Tsukasa, right? He doesn't sound like a guy, you're able to deal with. In this case you should hit fast and hard," she gave you an advice, to which you didn't dare to laugh. You're happy enough that she agreed to follow you up to Hakone and help, but it took too long and you're afraid that it's too late. "Can we hurry a little?" you pleased every now and then. "No. I need to stay alerted with your every move and running will cause disadvantage," was her answer.

Suddenly she grabbed your wrist and stopped you. "What is it this time," you said slightly annoyed. "Stay behind me," she stepped in front of you. From shadows came the only person you were afraid the most.

"(Y/n)..." he said calmly, but with fire in the eyes. "Stay back!" the girl shouted back. "I have no intention in fighting. I just came to... Make a deal. Just like your friends tried," he said now in more threatening way. "What have you done?!" you shouted half not even wanting to hear the answer.

"I killed him, (Y/n). I had no other choice. But you may like to hear that the others live. He saved them," was his answer. You started at him and he did the same to you, waiting for your answer. "And you came to tell this?" you said quietly. "Yes. And as I was saying I need to make a deal with you-"

"Tsukasa," the girl made a step closer to him. "I heard things about you so first I wanted a confirmation, but now  I had enough to know I won't let your cruelness go any further." She then went into her fighting position. Tsukasa sighed, but did the same.

She ran to him before you could stop her. Universe once again showed you how useless you're in this stone world 'cause as much as you want you can't do anything. You couldn't hear much 'cause in the end it looks like it's only their conversation. But then she started to talk louder:

"Apologize for what you did to the gentleman sorcerer... Until your soul fades from this earth!" Sorcerer?! What is she talking about? Doesn't she understand? "That strange black powder it called forth the mountain's rage." You're trying to understand her, which isn't easy, but if you're not mistaken, she's talking about the explosion. And it looks like Tsukasa has the same idea as you. "It seems as though you weren't revived from petrification. Maybe you're a child of someone who was..." No.

"How many generations removed... Are you?"

Then he pushed her away. Hardly enough for her to fall on the ground. With inhuman strength he slashed the tree. In a last second the tree missed you, but the girl's got stuck under it.

You sat down and looked around. "Now that this is over." His voice made snap your head to him. You got up and looked him straight in the eyes. "Have you come all the way here just to tell me that y-you killed him?" You mentally cursed because of your stutter. Tsukasa noticed and it made him feel more confident.

"You weren't with them, so, I followed the smoke signals and looks like I was right. I found you. (Y/n). Will you-"

"No." You fearlessly said. "I'll not listen to anything that a murderer like you has to say." He deeply exhaled. "Understood... We'll see later, maybe your friends will give you good enough reason and you'll make the right decision," and with these words you turned around, showing you have no other intentions to talk.

You kneeled next to the girl. "Is he still looking?" you quietly asked. She looked behind you and shook her head. "No. He's just walking away." You sighed in relief. "Good... Now what should I do about this," you thought out loud. "There's no way you can get me out," she replied in defeat.

You sat down and leaned against the fallen tree. You looked up and saw that there'll be sunset soon. How are we going to survive the night?

"Guh," she tried to release herself. "You good?" you asked the obvious. "Can be better- Huh? It's you! The gentleman sorcerer who protected the girl. You're alive!!" Knowing about who she is talking about, you turned to where she's looking and stopped. "What the- Have you actually died or was that Captain America that desperate that he even lied?" you demanded the answer.

Senku ran up to you and in hurry asked: "You met Tsukasa, right? That's why you knew I died. Do you have any injuries?" You blinked twice to process what he's asking. Wasn't he dead just a second ago?! "No no. I'm alright, but we need to help her. She's the one who saved me," you explained the situation. Senku broke the eye contact by looking at the girl. "Yes, but I wasn't able to stop him," she said with sadness, clearly ashamed she didn't win.

"Don't waste energy talking! We can introduce ourselves until we're sick of each other once you're safe! Save your strength for now!" Senku shut her down while trying to lift the tree with a small stick he had. "If you're about to die we might mange to blast you outta there with what little gunpowder's left. But of you can gimme some time... You might die from waiting for so long, but there's a 10billion% chance we can save you!!" The girl wasn't answering, but you and Senku were getting impatient. "Look. I know he said it in a way you don't understand completely, but you know the point of these two choices and we'll do nothing without you choosing about it. So, which'll it be?!" you asked in hurry. "Right. My internal organs and bones are fine. I can endure!!" And that's enough for the both of you.

The process was long and really exhausting. For example. You had to take turns while chopping wood. And then he even asked you: "How much do you weight?" To which you didn't want answer... Obviously, but in the end you gave up. "Good. My weight plus yours multiplied by 2³ is just about 500 kg. Three wheels should just be enough." Mostly you enjoyed pouring the gunpowder to make a holes into the wheels. Other weird thing was when you're putting soap on the rope to lather it up. "Heh heh heh... It's like an all-star collaboration between professor Senku's greatest-hits inventions!" He's right... But professor?

"Wait... I'm going to pull it with you? Is that why you asked about my weight?" you asked with disbelief. "Of course. Back in modern world we used to do this adrenaline stuff, so better... Grab onto me or you miss the fun," he smirked. "Twenty-first-century kids learned about this in elementary school, but it was invented...?" You thought for a moment, when you realized Senku's waiting for you to give him your information. "287-212 before Christ," you answered proudly. "By old man Archimedes," he said, trying to get onto the tree while you're waiting on a branch. "With this, a high school nerd like me can wield strength on par with monsters like Tsukasa or Taiju," he exclaimed proudly. "Now, hold tightly 'cause we're testing... The pulley!"

"Eeek!" you let out, when your stomach did a spin while going down. Lifting the tree too. Once you're on a ground you deeply exhaled the air you didn't know you even were holding. "Astounding. Not your knowledge of that Archi- something fellow. But how you kept hammering away at the problem one step at a time."

"She better not be talking just about you," you huffed, folding arms over your chest. "Really? Is this the only thing that triggers you?" he asked in disbelief.

"My name is Kohaku," she introduced herself, which made you focus on her once again. "And I do believe... I've fallen for you quite hard, sorcerer," she said while fixing her ponytail.

"Pfft," you laughed. "S-Senku?! Believe me. You haven't! Haha."

"Sheesh... Annoying crap like that makes me wanna curl up and die," Senku responded to poor Kohaku's confession. "I mean, really? You've got a crush on me now? In an emergency like this...?" Senku asked disgusted with whole situation. And even thou you couldn't see it, in his head, he's working really hard to find any logic in her words.

"I'm not saying that at all! I'm saying I'll cooperate with you and her, because I like you!!" she explained her "confession". You stopped laughing, when Senku said something more ridiculous: "Oh, I appreciate it. A brain clouded by love is the most most irrational kind. It leads to nothing but trouble."

"Now I'm not even sure if I agree or disagree with what you just said," you thought out loud. Senku sat down and leaned against nearby tree. It's obvious you're going to spend night here.

"Of course you agree. I'm not mistaken in this stuff." With that said you went to do more 'logical' stuff.

Fire and sleeping bags were giving you just enough heat to survive the night, which for Kohaku's restless. But even the next day it didn't affect her. The only thing she's bothered with is her new nickname: Lioness.

"That long-haired man... You're fighting him? I would be happy to help! I'm not one to retreat in disgrace you know," Kohaku said casually, but there was a hint of anger. "Yep. That's why I'm building a Kingdom of Science," Senku shared. "Kingdom of Science? Since when?" you asked, feeling like you've missed something. "Since me, Taiju and Yuzuriha had to split apart, so they can go and spy on Tsukasa and I can play dead... But first, I need manpower!" Now that explains everything. You were wondering where those two are and suddenly you a little sad that you couldn't say a proper goodbye to them.

"Then you should come with me. I'll be returning home after fetching some hot spring water," she informed.  Not long after you're standing in front of an actual hot spring water. Kohaku filled the pot she had and proudly exclaimed: "This will make a fine hot bath once I carry it back. Perfect for rejuvenation."

You both looked at her with confusion. "Why would a Lioness like you need rejuvenation?" But you knew it was a bad idea to refer to her as a lioness, when she turned around and all her cuteness faded away. "I am no Lioness! And it's for my older sister!!" You wanted to apologize, but the atmosphere changed with her calmness. "I swear... She's such a nuisance... That sister of mine only slows me down," she said, sounding like it really annoys her, but then her facial expression changed, when she started walking.

You both followed her and carefully listened. "She's been sick lately... If I could take her place and give her this healthy body of mine I would," she said with calm expression.

You nudged Senku the the arm and made a gesture that he should go and help her. "Aren't you supposed to be a gentleman sorcerer?!" you scolded him, but loud enough for only him to hear.

"That pot only holds about 50 liters. Not exactly enough for a full-blown bath," Senku suddenly said with no emotions. But then it clicked. "How many times have you gone back and forth, carrying that big, heavy thing... Day... After day?" you asked worried about her.
"Hah! It serves as my daily training. The water is just heavy enough for that. It helps strengthen my body, so... I suppose I have to thank my troublesome sister for that," she smiled with pure love towards her sister, but then the worry towards her came back, when she wobbled and almost fell down the hill with pot.

"Is it time for me to be gentleman once again?" Senku asked you with a smirk, still watching Kohaku. "You really like hearing her referring you to that way, don't you?" you rolled your eyes. "Maybe. I've never heard you referring me like that, so, I cannot say if it's just because her, yet," he said casually.

Old habits never change. And same goes for Senku. It was perfect plan. He smartly covered his intentions behind the fact of just finding something out. Now you're supposed to feel the need to try it, right? If he was you, he'd like to find out. So, it's logical you are going to do same-

"Yet? Right. Once she finds out more about your personality she'll change her mind," you said with same cocky tone he used on you.

Senku's jaw dropped. Where did he go wrong? Well, that's the other thing he needs to learn sooner or later because it's his fault. But right now he walks past you, with broken pride, and put his right hand under Kohaku's pot to help her get some balance.

"You're still not totally healed from earlier, huh? I'll be in a real pinch if you overdo it and kick the bucket. Lemme lend you a hand," he said in a voice with pure intentions, but his expression just showed how much he craves to gain his ego back. "Senku...

Are you sure? You don't look like a guy to-"

"Yes. Just give it to me and you better fully heal," he said, grabbing the pot from her grasp. Oh, Senku. Guess, we two won't grow up even after waking up in this stone world.

Out of your thoughts brought you back the loud thud and when you looked over there, it's Senku kissing the ground. "Talk about overdoing it," Kohaku mocked with folded arms. "Am I the only one in this stone who's not gorilla? Kohaku, Tsukasa, Taiju..." Senku said weakly while getting up. Kohaku flinched and turned her attention back to Senku. "Gorilla?! Go back to Lioness! I prefer that!" She shouted, which you're not surprised. It pretty much gets on your nerves when he calls you Simpleton, but, guess, whenever you'll feel angry about it you'll just have to remember it could be worse like... Gorilla.

"You're missing my point..." he sighed. "What do we do now, genius?" you asked. "Guess we'll have to go back and fill the pot again," Kohaku said with reasonable annoyance. "If we just had something like the pulley on wheels to just push," you thought out loud. It was stupid, but Senku's face suddenly says the otherwise. "We can make an improvised cart from the rope and wheels we used for pulley... Not bad, Simpleton," he smirked at you.

And just like that you made an improvised cart. Senku sat in the back and tried to drive while you and especially Kohaku were enjoying this.
"Amazing, building such a useful contraption so quickly!" she exclaimed full with excitement. "So quickly? It's only because I had the perfect set of materials from the pulleys yesterday. Progress gives rise to further progress and practical application of that progress is at the core of science!" he shouted back with the same excitement. "Oi, idiot! Stop and pay more attention to-" In that exact moment you three went flying somewhere above the trees and back down. You all survived and after Senku survived even your scolding there's nothing to stop you.

"Senku! (Y/n)!! We're here..." she said before you two into the sort space between the trees to see. "Welcome to my village!" Kohaku proudly said. In that very moment your jaw dropped. "You see this?" you asked carefully. "Yes, the whole civilization," Senku answered following Kohaku down from this small hill. "It's got such a marvellous view," you said in admiration.

"Isn't that a bit big piece you just took, Senku? You sure we can handle whole village?" you asked getting little nervous about the whole idea of building the Kingdom of Science. Walking on a bridge to the village, Senku acknowledged your question by thinking for a second. "How many people live here...?" he asked in the end. Kohaku smiled. "I forget how many children and elders there are, but them aside, we have exactly...

40!" she exclaimed. "That many?! Now, are you seeing my point? They all probably know nothing about science or modern civilization," you lowered your voice on the last part. Kohaku continued walking while you and Senku stopped to discuss your situation.

"There must have been a first generation here at some point. Maybe a couple hundred years ago?" he said his theory. "Like, some people who broke out of the stone at the same time? How'd it happen though?" you immediately rejected this idea. Then you both started to walk to the village. "You're right there. If there was someone who knew the secret of Revival Fluid, you'd expect their descendants would know about the fluid, and about the power of science," he thought out loud. "Then there's this question that at some point we should find the answer for. Where'd these people come from?" you said not really satisfied with the outcome of this discussion.

Stepping on the land you could see two silhouettes approaching in pretty nervous steps. Before realising it they jumped in front of you, pointing their sharp spears. Out of reflex you wanted to somehow protect your friend, but luckily Kohaku saved you by her quick back flip.

"No violence, Kinro, Ginro! I'm alive thanks to them!!" she argued about your own lives. "Is it just me, or she has some kind of power to gravity on her dress?" you asked actually willing to start whole debate about it. "Really? Is that what bothers you most in this situation?" Senku looked at you with disbelief.

"Sorry 'bout that Kohaku. But no can do. No outsiders allowed you know that. The chief'll be mad," he said, which sounded like he has other  utter intentions. "There's nothing to argue about. Rules are rules," the other boy seemed more serious about his job. "'No humans live beyond our borders. Any outsiders hafta be criminals we kicked out in the past," the blond boy folded his arms. "They cannot stay here. Whether he's your saviour or not, the details don't matter," the brunette boy continued. "You leave me no choice.

Right here, right now. Fight me! Two-on-one, though! The advantage is yours, so I'm in biiiig trouble!" Kohaku challenged these two with such patronising grin that as Ginro even you felt goosebumps. Senku came closer to Kohaku's pot and took out your favourite invention -right after Revival Fluid thou-.

"Heh heh heh... Looks like we've walked into a powder keg, (Y/n). Don't give us those nasty looks fellas." Knowing this basic science you did the same.

Blowing your first bubble you for a second needed to appreciate it with other three *new* friends. Just like when you were a child back then. Doing some more of them you heard the blond say: "How mysterious... Flying jewels...?"

"Whut?! They're that primitive, huh?" Senku observed with his pinky finger in left ear. "What have you expected?" you said and facepalmed, feeling exhausted about this. "Ku ku ku... Perfect. They'll all be mine. I'll have the power of science and 40 people to boot... Once I recruit this bunch to my cause. Now, that's exhilarating!" You put down your hand, which was still resting on your face, and looked at him to say something that'll make him loose his nasty look.

"Ugh! My eyes!!" you shouted in pain. Of course. Your hands were still covered with soap, which now has got into your eyes and- "It hurts like hell!" you uselessly informed while trying to save your crying for live eyes with your shirt. Senku came closer to you and then he put your hands away from your face.

He then used a random cloth he found in one of his bags and soaked a piece of it in a hot water in the pot. "See? You are Simpleton," he mocked while trying to roughly save your eyes.

"Heyyy! Someone's using sorcery over here!Chrome!!" you all stayed shocked while the blond boy ran away, shouting this. He haven't run far away, when a voice stopped him. "Don't be scared, Ginro. I'm already here." Ginro slowly turned around with hope in the eyes. "I saw these from the coast and came running! Because that's what I do! I'm a genius... Sorcerer!!" he suddenly shouted on Senku. "Right... I'm (Y/n) the pencil user...? Oh, and this is Senku, science user. And just by this I can say you two will get along at some point," you shorted the whole introducing thing. "How so?" Kohaku asked you while Chrome's explaining the bubbles to Ginro and Kinro. "They both are full of themselves," you said casually as if it's the most normal thing on Senku and then folded your arms over chest. "Ahhh~" she agreed as if it's the most normal thing on Chrome and then just like you, she, too folded her arms.

Then both of you, as a long lost twins watched this children game in front of your not anymore aching eyes. "But I won't be upstaged! Sorcery is my domain! So back off!!" Chrome dramatically threw his coat somewhere behind him. "Ooo... A sorcery showdown," Ginro said, but then his face change into horrified look. "Things could get hairy for villagers if we fight here. And we can't have that. Let's pick a different location!"

Senku Vs Chrome starting in a next chapter! Get excited!!

"Oi, Are you stealing my line?!"

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