FELLOWSHIP || Ateez Fanfiction

De Poicatari

3.1K 137 43

In the strange, magical world of Wolkmaar the young captain Hongjoong and his new crew, Seonghwa, a man from... Mai multe

Intro: The crew and Wolkmaar
Chapter One: Halt in Kroosborg
Chapter Two: Treasure Hunt
Chapter Three: Run Away
Chapter Four: Caring
Chapter Five: Storm
Chapter Six: The Clairvoyant
Chapter Seven: Kruslfaesd
Chapter Eight: Into The Unknown
Chapter Nine: Snowfall
Chapter Ten: Ispaledts
Chapter Eleven: Burglary
Chapter Twelve: Falling
Chapter Thirteen: New Friends
Chapter Fourteen: Deceived
Chapter Fifteen: Investigation
Chapter Sixteen: Alone
Chapter Seventeen: Family
Chapter Eighteen: Decayed
Chapter Nineteen: Chased
Chapter Twenty: Faisnvild
Chapter Twenty One: Unwelcome
Chapter Twenty Two: Nervous
Chapter Twenty Three: Spooked
Chapter Twenty Four: Trapped
Chapter Twenty Five: Kidnapped
Chapter Twenty Six: Enamored
Chapter Twenty Seven: Blinded
Chapter Twenty Eight: Coel Wajasi
Chapter Twenty Nine: Brotherly Love
500 Reads Special
Chapter Thirty: Information
Chapter Thirty One: Training
Chapter Thirty Two: Temple
Chapter Thirty Three: Through Wind and Storm
Chapter Thirty Four: Undiscovered Lands
Chapter Thirty Five: Foreign Island
Chapter Thirty Six: Split Up
Chapter Thirty Seven: Regret
Chapter Thirty Eight: Ungrateful
Chapter Thirty Nine: Going Back
1000 Reads Special
Chapter Forty One: Memories
Chapter Forty Two: Trying To Escape
Chapter Forty Three: Rebellion
Chapter Forty Four: Inside The Dungeon
Chapter Forty Five: Hide and Rest
Chapter Forty Six: Exploring Nekra Cueda
Chapter Forty Seven: Set Me Free
Chapter Forty Eight: Into The Jungle
Chapter Forty Nine: Old Letter
Chapter Fifty: Dugang
Chapter Fifty One: House Number 666
Chapter Fifty Two: Just Imagine
Chapter Fifty Three: Wolkmaar History Lesson
Chapter Fifty Four: Rivalry

Chapter Forty: The Border To Darkness

32 1 0
De Poicatari

After a good night of sleep and a small breakfast I walk upstairs and take over the navigation of the ship. Soon after I see the tip of the volcano in which the pirates live. Hongjoong helps me to navigate into the cave entrance. There are five ships on the inside, two of which are getting repaired at the moment. I squeeze our ship next to them. One of the pirates that is repairing the ship runs further inside the cave. I watch as he comes back with a bunch of armed pirates, some of which seem familiar. I wave at them after a few seconds they wave back and split up. Half of them go back, the other half comes towards us.
My friends have also gathered on the deck by now. We go on land and meet up with the group.
"Welcome back! Sorry we didn't recognize you at first.", one of the pirates says.
"No problem.", Hongjoong replies.
"Follow us, we'll bring you to the general."
We follow them through the cave into the crater. From there we have to walk up all the way up to the big house of the general. The pirates knock on the door. A minute later the butler opens and smiles upon seeing us.
"Come in! The general will be delighted to see you."
We step into the familiar living room and I sit down on the sofa.
"You are back!", general Ba'huen exclaims while storming down the stairs. He gives us all a hug but hugs Seonghwa a bit longer.

"What brings you here?"
"We wanted to see how you were doing and we also might need your help with something.", Seonghwa explains.
The others sit down too and Ba'huen begins to tell us what happened after we left.
"A week after you were gone, some people from the Nekra Kingdom came. They demanded an update and resources from us. We told them that we won't work with them anymore and they started attacking us but then fled because they had no chance against us. Two weeks later they came back with two ships and tried to ambush us. We lost a few good friends, may they rest in peace, but we were able to drive them away. They told us that they would come back soon with reinforcements. Another two weeks later three ships from Coel Wajasi came. Their captain told us that the king gave us one last chance. When the Nekra scums came one and a half weeks later they had no chance. We had quite a few wounded friends and did work out some more details with the king but tomorrow the first two ships will go on patrol at the border."
"Good to hear that it mostly worked out well in the end.", Yunho says.
We tell Ba'huen what we experienced in the mean time.
"You were on the other side of the wind barrier?! There are people living there?! That's unbelievable! I wish I could have seen it with my own eyes."
"Well, the main thing is that we got the key now.", I say.
"The thing is, we're going to the Nekra Kingdom next and they are already searching for us. Do you have an idea how we can get there unseen?", Wooyoung asks.
Ba'huen thinks for some time.
"They are definitely weakened from the failed attack. So it will be easier for you. Maybe we can distract them by attacking them."
"Isn't that risky for you?", Yeosang worries.
"Won't that declare a war between the two countries?", Jongho wonders.
"It's risky but you are my friends, so it is worth it. As for the war, they attacked first, so they started it.", Ba'huen states.
"I don't know if it's worth to risk your people's lives for us.", Seonghwa argues.
"Why? How can you say that?"
Ba'huen looks at Seonghwa with hearts in his eyes.
"Please don't look at me like that."
"Oh, of course, sorry. But you helped me last time even though I gave you a hard time. So now I should make it up to you."
"Don't you also need permission from the king?", Mingi asks.
"I'll just say that the Nekra scums provoked it."
"Thank you. We will help you with planning the attack.", Hongjoong utters.

We spend the whole afternoon and evening creating a plan before we go back to our ship and fall asleep. The next morning we go back to the general's house for breakfast. Hongjoong takes the swords from the Nekra Kingdom with him. He thinks that they might be useful to the pirates.
We enter the house and the butler brings us to the dining table where Ba'huen sits.
"Good morning! Oh you brought weapons?"
"We found them on one of the islands behind the wind barrier. We don't need them, so I thought that I would give them to you.", Hongjoong says.
"Are you going to the Nekra Kingdom unarmed?"
"It was prince Nekra's wish to not hurt any of his subjects.", Yunho explains.
"But it might be very dangerous."
"I don't want to fight violence with violence. I want to set a good example for my people and gain their respect.", Yeosang states.
"I understand."
Ba'huen takes the swords and examines them. Meanwhile we sit down and his butler brings the breakfast. It's been a while since I ate this much. Since we're always on the ship and need to ration our food, we usually always eat the same small breakfast every day. Although I can't complain because I used to have no breakfast before. Somehow the time where I lived in poverty feels like a lifetime ago. I never thought it would ever be like this.

After breakfast Ba'huen tells us to prepare for the journey since we are going to set off at noon. We go back to our ship where some of the pirates bring crates with food and crystals to our ship.
"The general wanted us to bring you these.", one of the pirates says.
"Thank you."
We sort the stuff into our storage before we sit down at our dining table and go over the plan again.
"We will accompany the pirates to Soshug Şahar, where we will split. The pirates will pretend to try and conquer the island that used to belong to Wajasi while we are going to pass the border south of it. We are going to fly straight through to where the border used to be. It is very crucial to keep an eye out for the ships of the Nekra Kingdom.", Hongjoong explains.
"Yeosang and Wooyoung should also disguise themselves.", Yunho comments.
"Well Yeosang's hair already is much longer than it used to be and a bit bleached out because of the sun. We just need to cover his birthmark.", Seonghwa says.
"We can cut a fringe again and cover it with that.", Yeosang suggests.
"I think we could also buy a coal pencil and draw on a few moles. For Wooyoung, the people of Wajasi use a crushed leaf powder to stain their skin and dye their hair. Wooyoung could dye his hair a reddish color with it.", Hongjoong adds.
"D-dye my hair? Is that permanent?"
"No. Only for a few weeks."
"They changed a bit over the past year anyway, so I don't think people will recognize them as easily.", I state.
"I hope so."

At noon Ba'huen comes onto our ship and tells us that they're ready. Since the pirates know the way a bit better than us we let them fly out first. Three pirate ships depart from the island. Two of them wait for us and fly to each side of us while their main ship leads the way.
The next weeks are apart from Jongho's birthday very uneventful.
For Jongho's birthday I get to decorate his cake which turns out a bit messy but our youngest doesn't seem to mind. The rest of the day we spend playing games together.
Most of the days I either read, play games with the others, do our fighting lessons or watch the pirates on the other ships. They are very entertaining to watch sometimes. For example they did a dancing competition on their deck or fight about who is taller.

After what feels like eternity, we finally reach the town. Ba'huen invites us to eat with him. We go to a restaurant in the town.
"I was here a few times with my family when I was younger. They have very good chicken dishes.", Ba'huen says. I can see Yeosang smile as soon as he says that.
We order a lot of food and dig in.
"I hope that nothing happens to you in the Nekra Kingdom. It is a brutal place. It is important that you keep a low profile."
"We will try to be inconspicuous and Yeosang and Wooyoung will help us to fit in better.", Yunho says.
"I don't know if I will be of much help. I barely know anything about the places outside the castle. I don't know what their everyday life is like.", Yeosang clarifies.
"I am sure you will be able to help us. Especially if we need to get into the castle."
"Wooyoung can tell us more about everything else.", I add.
"Well, the most important rule is that you can potentially be arrested for anything.", Wooyoung tells.
"I'll just be kind and smile and wave at a soldier when he walks by."
"No, that will land you in jail almost instantly. They don't want you to seem happy. They want you to be scared of them."
"I see. It's going to be really hard then."
"But Yunho always smiles.", Mingi chimes in.
"I think the best would be to think how the others are going to be brutally murdered if you smile."
"You should also look out for your friends and yourself, Ba'huen. What you're doing might even be more dangerous.", Seonghwa says.
"Don't worry. We are experienced in such maneuvers."
"Aren't you scared?", I ask.
"A little bit but I know that I have to stay calm. If the leader is nervous then the others are going to be nervous too and then mistakes are bound to happen.", Ba'huen states.
Once we are finished and have payed, the general shows us the town. The town has beautiful ancient houses. They look similar to the houses in the main city. We also walk through a park full of, according to Ba'huen, kaektai and sakkulents. Some of them have beautiful flowers, others look very dangerous. Like the one that looks like a toture stool. Wei dus samphing laik dis eksis?
"When I was young, I tried to hug one of these, I got a few scratches from it.", Ba'huen tells.
"Oh, I did that too.", Hongjoong says.
"These over there look kind of wrong!", Wooyoung exclaims.
He points to a tall kaektas with two small round ones next to it. I can't help but laugh. Wei dit dey blaent dat? Jongho also tries to look at it but Seonghwa covers his eyes.
"Your young, innocent eyes shouldn't see this.", he jokes.

We return to our ship and wish Ba'huen a good night. I get ready for bed, grab Shiber and try to fall asleep.
After a half hour, I still can't sleep. I keep thinking about the next few weeks. I am worried about the things that we will see in the Nekra Kingdom. It sounds like the people there have it even worse than my family in Kraggnsdrant. Will we see people getting killed? We will get killed? The thought of Wooyoung and Yeosang betraying us swiftly comes to my mind but that is completely out of question. Why would I even think that? All the training that I did will it help me against armed soldiers? And don't get me started on the dangerous manuver of the pirates. I hope they don't loose too many people.

After 15 minutes I still can't sleep. I get up and grab something to drink from the kitchen. Of course while still holding on to shiber because it is scary in the dark. I go up onto the deck. The city is mostly dark with only a handful of houses where light still shines through the window and the lanterns of the guards that have a very faint glow. I turn around to the main pirate ship where I see two figures with a lantern at the railing.
After a few seconds I notice that it is Ba'huen who is cuddling with another pirate. Seems like he has moved on from Seonghwa. They notice me too and the pirate seems embarrassed. This is kind of awkward...
I turn around and go back to bed.
I hope nothing happens to Ba'huen's new boyfriend. They seemed really happy just then.

The next morning we stand up early, eat breakfast and then gather at the harbor with the pirates.
"It is time to say goodbye. Thank you for doing this for us. I hope that you all stay alive and well.", Hongjoong says.
"Thank you. I wish you the best for your journey. Don't get into too much trouble and stay safe."
We wave them goodbye and go back to our ship. We wait for the pirates to sail off and wave at them again. The plan now is to wait three days. We spend these days stocking up on food, crystals and most importantly candles and lantern oil, cleaning the ship, buying new books and the things for Yeosangs and Wooyoung's makeover in the city and going treasure hunting on the island with moderate success. The area around the town is also very nice. It has lots of trees, flowers and bushes. There is also a small stream near the city. After the three days are up we hoist our sails and fly towards the Nekra Kingdom.

It becomes cloudier each day and the clouds gradually become darker. Starting from a light gray colour to now an almost black colour. But there are still a few rays of sun coming through. That should change in the next two to three days though. Luckily for us the plan of the pirates worked. We only saw one ship in the far distance but it was heading northwards and didn't see us. Then after almost two weeks Yunho and Wooyoung wake us at what seems like the middle of the night.
"Why are you waking us up? What time is it?", Jongho asks.
"It is 10am according to Hongjoongs watch.", Yunho replies.
"It's so dark.", I remark.
"We are almost at our destination, that is why.", Wooyoung says.
I eat my breakfast and then go outside to check on the situation. As expected you can barely see anything. It was really creepy the first time and it is still creepy. I already know that I am going to feel really tired during the first few days. Seonghwa and I spend half of the day cutting and dyeing hair. Seonghwa does the cutting, I do the dying, with Seonghwa's guidance of course. Yeosang ends up with a side fringe that covers his birthmark and Wooyoung's hair is now a reddish brown colour.

On the next day in the afternoon I see lights in the distance. Since we can't park at the harbor, there are some guards that will ask us questions, we have to park somewhere at the edge which isn't easy in complete darkness. We also have to turn out the light except for one lantern, so people's can't spot us so easily. Since Yeosang and Wooyoung see better in the dark they have to tell Hongjoong how to park the ship.
"Slightly more to the right.", Wooyoung says.
"Go straight.", Yeosang says shortly after.
"A little bit to the left again."
"Only a few more centimeters."
I hear the side of the ship get scratched.
"That was one centimeter too far."
We have finally come to a halt. Yunho ties the ship to a big black leafless tree. Last time we were here I only saw the harbor of the main city. The island looks like something straight out of a nightmare. Blood-red soil, dark brown, lifeless looking grass, creepy, crooked black trees, looking at it gives me chills but that could also be the change temperature. I would decribe it as a sort of wet coldness. When I look up in the sky there is almost only darkness. I think I can make out something faintly red up there but it could only be my imagination.

In front of us lies a small village. I can see trees with those weird purple potato-like fruits that we have seen before and a small pond with purple water in it. The houses are made out of the black wood from the trees. Most of them have two floors. It doesn't look particularly welcoming.
Before we go there, we need to pack some things though.

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