Here We Stand [H.S]

By SJ_Storiesxo

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* Book 3 in The Harry and Izzy Series - originally written in 2015 * Following the events of Lay It All On Me... More

Author's Note


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By SJ_Storiesxo

I watched in amusement, as Harry collapsed on the couch in a heap, his long arms and legs hanging over the cushions, sighing as he covered his face with his hands.

I'd been in the kitchen, clearing up dishes when I noticed the door going and Dexter began yapping like crazy, his tiny little nails scarpering across the wooden floor of Harry's LA home.

"For the love of Jesus, stop yapping at me you scatty dog-"

I grinned, chewing on my lip as I threw the dish cloth and leaned against the door frame, watching Dex try and jump onto Harry's leg, his little body struggling against Harry's massive leg.

Well, it would've looked massive to him at least.

Laughing, I rushed over to our little four legged baby and scooped him up into my arms, stroking his head lovingly as he began to lick my chin and neck.

"C'mon Dex, Daddy's shattered. Let's leave the horrible, grumpy old man alone shall we?" I cooed, rubbing and stroking his little face, "Mumma loves you, so very much, yes she does."

Harry was looking at me as if I was mental.

"I still maintain that we should have called him Scrappy Doo, not bloody Dexter." Harry huffed, his body now sprawled across the couch; "He'a a little sh-"

"He's adorable, and cute, and mumma's boy aren't you Dex?"

"You spoil him too much, we've only had him for just over a week, Izzy."

I grinned, cuddling my little one right into me, watching the amusement spreading on Harry's face.

"He's my baby, so I'll spoil him in whichever way I want too."

"I still draw the line at him sleeping with us though. That is not happening, Izzy."

I rolled my eyes, gently whispering to Dex.

"Mumma will work on that. You can have the little spot on the edge of the bed, tucked right beneath my feet- daddy will never know-"

"Over my dead body. He's a dog. He stays in his basket-"

"Don't be mean to him, Harry." I pouted, sticking my lower lip out as I escorted our little devil out into the kitchen.

"I'm so wrecked." Harry sighed, "So tired..."

It was quite late into the evening, and with Anne and Robin gone out for the day exploring, Gemma and Michal (who had reconciled over Christmas- that 'friend' she stayed with, that was him as we later found out much to Harry's annoyance) had gone out for dinner together too.

So I had been left alone to bond with my little fur baby, spending the day already trying to teach him tricks while Harry disappeared off to his audition.

Not to mention that today was actually my birthday.

I didn't mind, I mean this is what sacrifices were about, right?

It was hard to believe that Christmas was just last week, and after enjoying our first Christmas together with Harry's family, we packed everything up and flew into a sunnier climate for the New Year on Boxing Day.

Of course, details of Harry's audition had been kept under wraps from Anne, Robin and Gemma (and everyone else I guess), so it was hard to come up with an excuse on why he wouldn't be spending my actual birthday with me- but I think we somehow managed to pull it off.

It wasn't that Harry was ashamed or anything like that, I think mostly he was feeling nervous about setting his feet into something that he had never done before.

But with encouragement from me, I pushed him to knock them off their feet and to do us all proud regardless if he got the role or not.

I didn't actually know what the role was about or the film for that matter (and neither did Harry) but I wasn't going to lie and pretend that I hadn't thought about a chick flick.

I mean, I was a girl, a 22 year old woman now and I loved my chick flicks as much as the next one.

I enjoyed my lovesick puppy films with the dashing prince charming with the beautiful eyes, smile and a heart as big as the sun since I could remember, and it plagued me that this could be the road of direction that Harry was being taken on by Jeff.

Don't get me wrong, I knew he could do it if it was- it was just that I wasn't sure if I could actually cope with the fact (and watching) that my fiancé, the love of my life, could kiss another girl on screen, say such beautiful things to her from his very beautiful mouth, touch her like he touches me... and actually make love to her.

I knew that it was fake, deep down I did know that, and I told myself to not be so silly and that Harry would treat this as a professional job (not to mention that he would be coming home to me) but I also believed and knew in my heart that Harry would smash anything he put his mind and heart to- and that's what concerned me the most.

He was young, dashing, charming, easy on the eye and had an accent that made most women drop their knickers in a flash.

He was that handsome, English gentleman that made women (especially women from different countries- they love an Englishman don't they?) weak at the knees, and I just knew that if Harry starred in some sort of rom-com, it would make him and turn him into a lucrative star in the movie business.

But I knew Harry better than that, because I knew deep down that he wouldn't want to be seen as 'that guy' who did 'this film'.

He had dreams, ambitions and talent, and as much as One Direction made his name, he was determined to make it on his own and carve a career during their hiatus- however long that was going to be.

It still somewhat haunted me though, knowing that one day (maybe not now) that Harry would eventually have to do a romantic movie, if that's what he wanted and if he was successful enough to do so.

But I worried myself to the point of insanity, thinking that his future co-star would have a free pass to kiss, grope, touch and basically pretend to fuck Harry in a film that would be seen by millions worldwide.

I wasn't exactly stupid, I'd heard numerous times over the years that Hollywood actors and actresses used their jobs as a way of escaping their relationships without any of the consequences that followed (Kristen Steward cheating on Robert Pattinson with her director, anyone?).

I also knew that many on-screen relationships and romances sometimes didn't end on screen either.

Deep down, I wasn't worried that Harry would cheat on me, Anne had told me from the start that it wasn't in his DNA that he would, and I knew in my heart of hearts that cheating just wasn't in his Harry's vocabulary.

But, I had in fact cheated with him- and maybe this was something that was sent to test me... to see how I would cope with it.

It didn't stop the haunting questions though.

I got sucked into questions such as, what if his co-star liked kissing him?

What if she liked having him on top of her?

What if she liked them pretending to make love?

What if she had thoughts that the Harry Styles was above her and currently wanted him to fuck her?

Would she tell him that?

Would she try it on with him?

I knew Harry would never, ever put me in a position that would make me think he was cheating, but I knew how talented he was- and like I said, he could do anything once he'd put his heart and mind to it, which is why it made me so sick to think that this one day could be a possibility.

Harry doing a romantic movie.

So I decided to shut off, and leave it be, because I knew I could be worrying about nothing and for all I bloody knew, this role could be him playing a gay man or something.

And then the whole bloody cycle started again.

So, deciding to suck it up and be a big girl, I told myself that these things were done professionally and I wasn't going to let it bother me- until the day arrived that Harry would came home with a script in his hand and we'd discuss it properly together.

Until then, I wasn't going to stress myself thinking about women (or men for that matter) and Harry in a rom-com lovey dovey movie.

I stared at him from the doorway, watching the way his eyes fluttered closed, his hands linked together and crossed over his stomach, as his chest began to go up and down in a slow, rhythmically motion that was gradually sending him off to sleep.

I couldn't help but smile at him, watching him as he smiled softly, his eyes still closed.

"I know that you're watching me, Izzy."

My smile spread further, pressing my lips together to stifle my laughter.

"I can't help it you look so good when you're asleep."

Harry smiled, rubbing at his eye and forcing himself up, looking all sleepy and just genuinely beautiful.

I wasn't upset that we hadn't done anything on my actual birthday, as Harry made sure that he made yesterday just as special and magical, as if it were the real thing.

Before he left for his audition, we all had a lovely day together yesterday.

I was spoiled rotten to the core with love, attention and gifts galore, not to mention that Harry had made reservations at Casa Vega, which was founded in 1956.

It was a Mexican restaurant that was respectful, private and helped us be enclosed from the general public, and to keep things down on the low.

Harry even requested that we could all enter and exit the restaurant discretely, so my birthday meal went as smoothly as possible and we were all comfortable.

Not content with that though, as I was just about to get ready to leave, Harry stopped me and said we weren't going home just yet, and after seeing his mum, Robin, Gemma, Michal and Ryan off, I was whisked away into a car and taken to the local marina, where there was a boat decorated in pretty little fairy lights waiting for us.

It made my heart race just reliving it all over again, and I couldn't believe that once again, Harry had pulled off yet another surprise that consisted of him hiring a boat and spending the rest of the night on the waves in the sunset, eating strawberries and cream, drinking champagne before making love into the early hours of my actual birthday upon the waters of LA.

It was the most perfect birthday, and I couldn't have asked for anything more.

"How was your day?" I asked, not wanting to make it too obvious, but I was interested in talking to him about his audition if he wanted too.

"It went really well, yeah. Just didn't realise how tired I would be..." he yawned lightly, "It was good though, really good."

"Well, you did have a pretty late night last night." I smirked, "Maybe it would have been better to have done it tonight instead, or tomorrow?"

Harry smiled, "It's fine. Nothing I can't handle. C'mere, beautiful birthday girl."

Taking his hand, I shuffled myself onto his lap, loving the feel of his arms wrapped around me.

We kissed softly, Harry's hands gently cupping me at my hips, while my own nestled themselves just above his pecs, stroking as I began to grind on him slowly.

"Happy birthday, baby." Harry said quietly, "I'm sorry that I missed it."

"You more than made up for it yesterday, Harry. It's fine." I whispered, clearing my throat as I clenched my thighs, my body shaking at the mere touch of his hands kneading my hips; "Were they nice to you, at your audition?"

"As nice as they can be, Izzy..."

"Hmm..." I responded, my hands now working on his shoulders, "And did you meet anyone? What was it like? Was it fun?"

"It was... different." Harry said, "Kinda felt like the first day of school."

"You were the new kid... did any of those big boys bully my baby?"

"No." Harry snorted, laughing; "You're so cute."

"Because if they did, I'd set Dexter on them."

"Sure... because he'd cause so much damage right now."

"Don't underestimate our little fur baby daddy, he's very protective. Failing that, I'm pretty sure the fandom will have it covered." I grinned at him, listening to him chuckle, "I'm really glad you had a good day, Harry." I whispered, my legs now either side of his lap.

I kissed his face slowly, feeling his chest hardening underneath the palms of my hands.

"Really glad..." I whispered, kissing the curve along his nose, before moving to his cheeks and lips with soft, warm, movements of my own.

"I'm pretty sure that it's your birthday, not mine." he remarked, "But please, carry on... don't stop on my account."

I smirked, "I just missed you so much today... last night, the whole of yesterday, was a dream thank you."

"Anything, for you." he said quietly, as I moved to his neck, kissing and lightly pressing dainty kisses upon his skin.

He smelled so divine, so sexy and so masculine, his Tom Ford aftershave that I got him for Christmas ringing right into my senses.

I don't know what came over me, but knowing that everybody was out and we had the place to ourselves, I wanted to look after him.

I wanted to ask him how his day went, talk to him about his aspirations while also stripping him on the couch so I could make love to him.

He was so intoxicating to me, I was slowly pulling at his shirt already because I wanted to be close to him.

I wanted his touch, his hold, his gaze, his warmth, his breath... I wanted every part of him that were only for me.

"Hmm, Izzy..."

I hooked my fingers around the neck hem of his shirt, my lips caressing his jaw.

I smirked to myself, feeling the light stubble scraping along my cheek, moving slowly towards his ear so I could gently nibble on it.

I could feel him stirring beneath my legs already, and I couldn't help but lightly drag my fingers down to his shirt, pulling at the buttons to reveal his chest to me.

I kept my hips moving, slowly grinding and swaying, stroking my hands over his pecs, his ribs and finally travelling at a slow pace where the coarse, soft line of hair trailed from his bellybutton and down below to the waist and thin lining of his skinny jeans.

Hooking my arm around his neck, I bit my lip and moaned as he kissed my chest through my dressing gown, slowly pulling it apart to reveal that I was wearing absolutely nothing underneath.

I like to live dangerously, what can I say.

I gazed down, feeling him rubbing his face softly between my breasts, and just to tease him that little more, I pulled back and leaned down, capturing his swollen lips with my own.

"Is anybody home?" he breathed, his hands slowly working on pulling my gown off completely.

I shook my head, brushing my hair back messily.

"Everyone's out... and won't be back for a while." I whispered, gasping at the feel of his hand cupping my breast, softly pulling and teasing my nipple; "Oh, Harry-"

"Does the birthday girl want some loving?" he huskily replied, planting a soft kiss on my collarbone.

I nodded, almost breathlessly, "She does baby, she does."

"Hm, I thought as much." He murmured, "But I really need to talk to you first, Izzy."

I stopped, noticing the tone of his voice.

Immediately, my insecurities regarding him starring in a film that would need him to get his kit off or pretend to fuck his co-star started gnawing at me, which was something that Harry clearly picked up on.

"Nothing's wrong, I just have to talk to you first about something." Harry promised, "I don't want to let this go on any further... I'd rather tell you now."

Oh God, I felt sick.

This was it.

He was going to tell me that Jeff had signed him up for some bloody romance film that required him to get naked and hump some stick thin model that neither had a brain cell or the lumps and bumps that I had.

He was going to tell me that the audition went well, and that he'd have to meet up with her for a screen test and-

"Izzy, your brain is going into overdrive." Harry said, knocking me out of my internal thought process; "You're doing that thing where you're driving yourself nuts thinking about every worst case scenario and I haven't even told you what it's about yet-"

"You don't have to," I said quietly, hunching back and gently pulling my dressing gown back on; "You really didn't have to."

"What do you mean?" Harry frowned, "I haven't told you yet, babe-"

"It doesn't matter, Harry." I whispered, "But, I want you to know that when it happens, I don't want to know. I don't want to know when you have to kiss her, I don't want to know when you're touching her, I don't want to know when you're fu-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa-" he cut through, leaning forward and frowning deeply; "Where the hell is this coming from? Kissing who? Touching who?!"

"Your movie, you idiot. If you get the role... that's what it is, isn't it? He's signed you up to do some romance movie and you're going to have a co-star, a female co-star and-"


"And you're gonna be like Patrick Dempsey in Enchantment, or worse Hugh Jackman in Someone Like You, Leonardo fuckin' DiCaprio in Titanic, oh God what if you're like Richard Gere in Pretty fucking Woman or Ryan Gosling in The Notebook which is our favourite movie?!" I ranted, my chest heaving as I caught Harry grinning at me and pursing his lips into a thin line to stop himself from laughing.

So naturally, and angrily, I punched at his shoulder half-heartedly.

"What are you laughing at, Harry!"

"Is this what's been going through your mind today?" he questioned, "I mean, really? Is that what you've been doing with your day? Stressing yourself out on your birthday wondering what type of role I was auditioning for... what sort of movie it is? Hm?"

"Yes." I admitted freely, "But not that you can blame me, because-"

"It's not a romance movie, Izzy." he said slowly, a beautiful smile spreading across his face wickedly; "And I don't have a female co-star."

"It's not...? You don't?" I found myself asking breathlessly; "I mean-"

Harry chuckled, "You're so cute."

"Stop calling me that." I pouted, slapping his hand away from my face; "Do you really mean it?"

"I mean it... no romance, no females, no kissing, no touching, no fucking as you were politely going to put it."

"Well... I was just making a point."

"A very jealous point."

"Can you fucking blame me?" I frowned, sighing longingly; "I'm so relieved. And feel kinda stupid."

"Why?" he asked, "I'd probably be the same if it was the other way around..."

"Would you really?"

"Of course I would be," Harry replied, "I don't like anyone looking at you, well, in the terms that we are speaking of anyway... you're not the only one that gets jealous from time to time y'know. Remember the waiter from last night?"

I grinned, remembering the kid that was probably barely 18 that served our table.

I couldn't help but laugh, remembering how he tried to innocently flirt with me- with Harry sitting right beside me.

"He was a kid, that doesn't count."

"Only four years younger if he was 18, and completely legal." Harry argued, "He totally had the hots for you."

"Stop changing the subject."

"I'm not, I'm making a point."

"Well, you've made your point now get to the point with what you wanted to tell me."

He gripped my bum, giving it a squeeze which made me raise myself onto my knees a little.

"Alright, Miss bossy-pants." he muttered, grinning as he kissed my collarbone softly; "The audition today, was for a role in an upcoming film... directed by guess who?"

"Bugs Bunny." I muttered, which earned me another squeeze on the ass; "Well I don't bloody know do I? How many directors are there in Hollywood?!"

"Two words." Harry said slowly, "Christopher Nolan."

My heart dropped.

"Fuck off." I breathed, "Christopher... Christopher fucking Nolan, are you shitting me Harry?!"

"Nope..." he grinned, "That's the script that Jeff had, and he knew I would love it because it's based on the Battle of Dunkirk which was in France... and you know I love my History."

I nodded, completely enthralled by his words.

"And uh, well... If I'm successful, the role will be a guy my age in the army... and the story will be told and set during the Second World War during the Dunkirk evacuation."

"Christopher Nolan..." I strung out, "As in, the Christopher Nolan that directed the Batman trilogy, Inception, Interstellar, The Prestige, Insomnia... and Momento?!"

"That's the one."

I literally, screamed.

"Much better than a female co-star and a romance novel, hm?" Harry laughed, as he held onto my hips as I practically bounced on him (although not the type of bouncing we were literally close to doing ten minutes ago).

"Harry, this is... oh my God, you have to get this, do you hear me?" I ordered, to which he grinned at me; "I mean it, this is huge... and I know this may come across as really rude, but I'm only telling you because you know I tell you how it is... but people will already write you off because of who you are. You have to fight for this, fight tooth and nail for this part, and prove to them that you're a risk worth taking... that you'll do them proud-"


"Hang on, a second, I just-"

"I have to attend a reading next week in London. I passed my audition."

I stopped, almost deadpan.

"The audition went really well, they liked what I did, and they've invited me for a reading next week that I have to attend... I'll do a couple of readings for the next couple of weeks, but I'll know by March whether I've gotten the role or not."

I literally screamed, again.

"I'm so, so, so proud of you." I said, smothering his face in kisses; "I knew you'd do it, I knew you'd smash it today Harry, I just bloody knew it..." I breathed, catching him grinning from ear to ear; "I love you so much."

I was beaming with happiness, pride and love, and I couldn't help but touch him as I rested my forehead against his.

"I can't wait for this, I know you're going to get it."

"Steady on." he laughed, "I have to fend off other actors first, more seasoned, professional and trained actors who are miles better than me-"

I frowned, holding his chin with my fingers.

"You're going to be fine. I know it." I whispered, "And when you get this role, and you go off filming with Christopher bloody Nolan, I'll be the proudest fiancée in the world... nothing is holding you back, baby. Nothing. You're going to go out there and show the world that you're not just Harry Styles from One Direction... you're Harry Styles, the artist."

"Doesn't sound too bad..." he smiled at me, "But how about, just for the next couple of hours, I turn into Harry Styles... your lover."

"That could work too, I guess." I shrugged, feeling his hand creeping over my dressing gown; "You're quite talented at that too, being my lover."

"Hm..." Harry murmured, "Let me show you how much talent I do have, missy."

I grinned, giggling and screaming with laughter as he covered my body in kisses again, before he gently threw me onto my back on the couch.

I bit my lip, still laughing as he hovered over me, his shirt still wide open as he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans.

"How long is everybody out for, did you say?" Harry asked, as he struggled to pull down his jeans.

I just laid there and laughed, as you do.

"Pretty sure nobody will be back for a while... why?" I asked, as Harry kicked off the jeans at his ankles; "What do you have in mind, oh talented one?"

"Baby, you're about to find out."


I couldn't stop staring at him.

We were laying in bed that was filled with drapes and light coloured sheets, a beautiful fresh bouquet of flowers that Harry had gotten me for my birthday sat beside me on my bedside table, the both of us completely and utterly sated and satisfied with one another.

Currently laying on my side, I drew tiny little circles on Harry's chest, his arm safely wrapped up and curled around my back, his fingers lightly dancing just above the crevice of my bum, while his other arm was bent and under his head.

I loved it when we were like this, just laying here without a single care in the world.

Since finding out about Dunkirk (as I called it, I wasn't sure if it was really going to be called that just yet) Harry had also brought it to my attention that Jeff had also presented him with the new contract he had been banging on about during their phone call on Christmas morning.

We spoke about it in-between our lovemaking, trying to figure out which way we were going to do this and how we were going to make it work.

Jeff was based in LA, so that meant that probably 50% of Harry's schedule would be based in LA... which meant that if I was still in college, I would probably never get to see him.

But then, the other 50% meant that he would be in the UK, and he would never be gone too long anyway because his family and friends were here, not to mention me too.

Also, the contract that Jeff had mustered up in an attempt to keep Harry sweet was one that even I found hard to refuse.

I didn't like the original one, only because I knew one day that Harry would want to return to One Direction if and when he was ready, along with the rest of the boys.

I didn't want Harry signing a contract stopping him from returning to the place that made him just because he was signed to a solo contract.

So, because I knew it was possible thanks to my history of the Backstreet Boys (shush) I knew that Harry could have both a solo career and One Direction, if he absolutely wanted to- and he did.

He wanted the freedom to do what he wanted and how he wanted when he pleased, in fact, he craved it.

I thought about everything, even of the times when I knew he was going to be away and how hard it was going to be if I couldn't go with him, but even though I missed him terribly when I wasn't there, we still had FaceTime, Skype and we were constantly texting and on the phone.

So as I politely reminded myself, I knew from the minute I allowed myself to fall in love with Harry, that his career was a part of our relationship too.

So, without further ado, I'd decided on the spot what he needed to do.

That's if he wanted it too.


"Hm, yeah babe?" he said sleepily, his hand still stroking the middle of my back which gave me tingles.

"You know I want you to be happy in what you do, don't you?"

He moved his head slowly, peaking at me through his half opened eyelid.

"What's brought that on?"

"I've been thinking..." I whispered, "And I want you to know that I love you, I really, really, really do love you... and every day I just love you a little bit more. When I think back to that day in London when we first met, I didn't know what to think of you at first... you intimated me, yet I thought you were so beautiful and that frightened me, but I somehow managed to get past that fear... and so I decided to give you that chance, although admittedly keeping you at arms length."

"I'm not sure where you're going with this, baby-"

"Just, hang on... it'll make sense, I promise." I replied, "I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I love you for you... I always have and I always will. I'm happy when you are happy... and you're happy when I'm happy. It's not going to be easy H, but when has it ever been easy for us? I wasn't sure what was happening when you walked into my life, and I spent most of the early days trying to figure that out... figure you out, but then out of nowhere, I just couldn't stop thinking about you... and I fell in love, and as every day passes, I fall in love with you that little bit more."

Harry leaned up, now hovering back over me, his hair lightly hitting me in the face.

"Those days quickly turned into weeks, into months... and I can't believe how fast this first year has flown, but it's been the best year of my life... and I don't know what's going to happen, if the cancer will ever come back or if everything will work out with my work and yours, but what I do know is that we should grab every opportunity that comes our way. I took a huge chance, a huge risk with you and you were my opportunity... the opportunity to make my life matter, to make it better and more real... and I guess, worth it. You're my lifeline, and you make everything worth fighting and living for... and I want yours to be the same, I want your life to matter just as mine, and I want you to grab every opportunity that comes your way... and we'll make it work, Harry. Somehow, we will."

"What are you saying, baby?" he asked me softly, his hand now brushing my hair out of my face.

God I loved him.

I loved the way he dressed, the way he expressed himself through his fashion, like his shirts, jeans and scatty old boots, I loved his hair and the dip in his dimples when he smiled.

I loved the way he made me laugh, made me feel safe, made me feel that nothing could harm me and how he would protect me through everything.

I loved the way he let me fall asleep on his chest so I could hear the beating of his heart, and I especially loved the way he would cuddle into me, cupping my curvy hips and kissing my hair in our bed, trying to make me laugh with one of his stupid jokes.

I loved the perfect little beauty spot on his chin (he called it a mole, whatever, beauty spot was much better) and I loved the way he would hold my hand and entwine our fingers whenever he was feeling insecure about something.

I loved the way he thought of people in general, and how he went out of his way to make everybody happy.

I loved the way he loved me, and how he would happily walk on hot coals to make my world a better place if I asked him too; but most of all, I just loved him.

Every single inch of him, I loved him... and I wanted to spend the rest of my days making sure he knew how much.

"I think you should sign the contract with Jeff, Harry." I whispered, licking my lips before tugging at the lower one; "I want you to be happy, and if you want the deal, if you think it's suitable for you to be able to do both One Direction and do what you want to do on your own, then sign the contract. We'll figure it out, together-"

"Izzy-" Harry breathed, lowering himself closer towards me; "Do you mean it? Are you sure?"

I nodded, "Absolutely sure... if we can beat cancer, death, destruction, loss and get through losing our beautiful, precious baby, then we can get through anything... and I'm not saying it won't be hard at times, because it will be, but we can do this Harry... we can totally work around our schedules and make this work. I know we can."

"Baby... you don't know how much this means to me." he huskily said, hands coming around and holding my waist down, kissing my shoulders along the way; "I love you, baby..."

"I love you too, so much." I whispered, pulling him up to me, digging my fingertips into his neck while I kicked out my legs, locking him in once he got comfortable; "You'll sign it?"

"I'll sign it." he whispered, "Now I've had your blessing and we've discussed it... I'll sign it, Izzy. Thank you."

"Don't thank me, just love me." I murmured, feeling him dip forward to trail kisses around my skin.

"I plan to, for the rest of my life." Harry whispered, moving his mouth between the swell of my breasts, swirling his lips and tongue with licks, moving down my curves to the under drop of my breasts, cupping them gently.

I bit my lip again, moaning slightly as he peaked over my stomach, his green eyes flicking up to catch my gaze, smiling into me as I hooked my fingers into his hair.

"Ready for round... wait, what did we finish on?"

I giggled, "I don't know... I kinda lost count after the third time."

"Hmmm, we're on a roll today... but, I guess you deserve it being the birthday girl." Harry whispered, slipping himself firmly between my legs; "Have you had a nice birthday?"

"The best." I smiled at him, "22 isn't so bad from where I'm laying..."

"That means, for like, the next month, I'm your toyboy."

I snorted, laughing into my half clenched hand.

"At least you have the stamina, hm?"

Harry smiled against my lips, kissing me again as he moved to suckle on my jaw and neck, his hands pinning my wrists down upon the pillow.

"With you, I will always have the stamina of a teenage boy."

I burst out laughing, unable not to, as he grinned into my pulse, biting at it slightly as he let go of one wrist, allowing me to curl my arm under his, gripping on to his shoulder.

"Gonna give you a bit of a birthday treat, I think..." Harry murmured, "Reckon you deserve it... Izzy."

Chewing on my lip, I gazed at him as his hand slid up my inner thigh, massaging and petting my skin.

He was working me quickly, and he knew it, and I couldn't help but bite into his shoulder, my hand stroking his strong bicep while my head lolled backwards onto the pillow.

"I love you so much," he whispered, as he slipped his ring-clad fingers between my legs, touching me slowly as I tried to open my legs a little bit more, allowing him to feel the heat that was building up once again; "You like that, baby, hm?"

I nodded, feeling the pulse and throbbing sensation ride through me, forcing me to moan into his neck as his arm now curled tighter around my back.

"Hmm... please touch me, Harry," I whimpered, encouraging him with my voice and the excitement between my legs.

My knees were already quaking as he suddenly swirled his fingertip against my clit, stroking my slit gently and slowly.

"Just like that... just like that, Harry." I moaned, leaning down to smother his neck and shoulders in kisses.

He looked so hot above me, focusing on my every need and want, touching me so intimately and making me feel pleasure with just his fingers and the way his eyes were glued on me.

I requested almost breathlessly that he kiss me, and without hesitating, Harry's head was lined up to mine, taking in a breath before kissing me deeply.

"I'm so hard..." he groaned, "I adore your body... so much perfection. It really is... so beautiful, you are so beautiful."

Even though my legs were currently wrapped around his waist, Harry's hands both moved to cup my breasts, squeezing, stroking and massaging them softly, making me moan directly into his mouth as my nipples hardened beneath his touch.

Now that my hands were free, I somehow managed to linger my hand between us, stroking the length of him, listening and feeling the intake of heavy breath as he shuddered beside me.

"Feel good, baby?" I asked, teasing him slightly.

"So good, baby. So good." he breathed into my neck, shifting himself to line up against me.

I squealed at the feel of his hands grasping at my hips, pulling me forward towards him as Harry knowingly rubbed the tip of his cock against my slick arousal.

"Ready?" he asked, and I nodded, curling and wrapping my arms around his neck, wanting to hold him as close to me as possible.

"Ready," I breathed, "Love you..." I whispered, pressing my cheek against his, feeling him bring my hips forward.

"Love you," Harry huskily replied, slowly entering and stretching me, "Shit... oh fuck, that's so good."

"Shhh," I shushed him, moaning against his lips as we kissed once again, "Oh, Harry..." I gasped, feeling fully stretched around the width of him, taking all of him in until we were connected deeply like no other.

I relaxed quickly around him, letting him take the lead as I laid there, only shifting my hips every once and a while, the both of us gasping, whispering and panting as we made love once again.

Letting my chin fall to his shoulder, I groaned out lightly as Harry swirled his hips, his beautiful lovemaking making me whimper and cry out quietly as he found himself a steady rhythm.

"You're so beautiful, Izzy..." he breathed, stroking my face with his thumbs, while I pushed my hands into his long locks, stroking it back from his sweaty face, holding it just inches above my own.

"You feel so good, Harry..." I whispered, "Love you... I love you..."

Even though we had made love constantly since he had come home from his audition, this time was a little bit different.

It wasn't particularly wild or adventurous, but really slow, soft, gentle and loving... which is what we both needed.

It was all that we needed.

The feel of Harry inside me, so strong and firm, but gentle and loving, filling me up softly with little movements, was so perfect and beautiful, I couldn't help but cry.

Luckily, no words needed to be spoken and Harry wasn't afraid that he had hurt me, because he was feeling it too... the both of us, tingling with tears and igniting our love through an act that only we could do together.

I couldn't do this with anyone else, and neither could he.

He was my one, my only and my forever.

"Iz, I won't last long..." he apologised breathlessly, "I'm just... exhausted and- I need to come, now-"

"Shhh," I shushed, "I'm almost there, baby." I quietly told him, scaling my hand down my side and between us so I could help myself out a little.

Harry kissed me tenderly, just as I wrapped my other hand around his neck.

I could feel the shift in his breathing, the difference in how his pulse was literally vibrating through me.

He was literally skating on the edge and even though he was trying to slow down, I whispered that it was okay, that it was fine to let go.

Shaking his head, his breath lingered against my skin as both of our chests heaved with delicious pants, my thighs clenching tightly to keep him in me and as close as possible against me.

"Harry, let go, it's okay,"

"No," he whispered roughly, "I can... I can hang on, please. I love you, Iz."

Holding onto him tighter, I felt the pressure building within me as I kept rubbing my clit, feeling him slide in and out of me beautifully, my body beginning to swell with intense pleasure.

"Almost there..." I panted through my gasps, cupping his face and kissing him vigorously; "So good, so good baby... I love you, I love you so much."

"Fuck-" Harry growled, steadying himself above me; "C'mon Izzy, one more... I can't hold it any longer, baby-"

I bit my lip, feeling the heat flush through my orgasm, pouncing and shooting through my body, the fire licking through my veins as my thighs clenched, my bum tightening as I reached to grab his head.

Pushing the back of my hand through his hair and holding the back of his scalp, I held him above my own, our eyes completely engorged in one another as I came.

"Jesus, fuck..." Harry rasped, his breathing becoming quick and shallow, "I'm comin' babe, I'm comin'-" he moaned, quickly followed by a muffled groan and an even sharper cry, right into my neck as he pulled the sheets from the bed.

We laid there, Harry collapsed on top of me, his arms shaking as my own stroked him.

I stroked his back and his arms, anything to help him come down from his high.

Surprisingly, he pulled back a little, cupping my face and stroking my cheek, kissing my lips softly.

Our bodies were flushed with heat, a slight red blush was sitting on my chest, while Harry's sat on his neck, slowly spreading towards his jaw.

Neither of us cared though, and we seemed to laugh sheepishly at our imperfections.

"Happy birthday, baby." he murmured softly, pulling the sheets over us to keep us warm.

I smiled, kissing the beat of his heart, content, warm and soft, tangled up in the arms of the man I would die for tomorrow... and with each steady breath we took, the both of us fell asleep, completely blissed out and not having a single care in the world.

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