Here We Stand [H.S]

By SJ_Storiesxo

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* Book 3 in The Harry and Izzy Series - originally written in 2015 * Following the events of Lay It All On Me... More

Author's Note


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By SJ_Storiesxo

"I've had a couple of tweets this morning," Harry announced suddenly, his eyes moving from his phone and towards my direction; "Did you post something? They're tweeting in their thousands... you're... even trending on Twitter."

We were currently on our third day at the lodge, and right now we were laid up on the couch together, the TV on in the background with a blanket cocooning us from the cold- well, I say cold, we were naked and didn't really want to get dressed.

It was one of those glorious, naked moments with my boyfriend that I just wanted to cherish and remember for the rest of my life.

This was us, this was Harry and I, when there was no work, no college or assignments, no One Direction... and no heartache and pain, just us and the world outside locked away.

We had everything we needed and wanted right here, and it was lovely to cuddle up and feel Harry's skin upon mine, but not in a sexual way.

It was nice, comforting even.

I nodded in reply to his question, noticing the strands of his hair that was peaking out from his tight bun.

He looked so good, looking relaxed from our three day getaway that we absolutely cherished... because for the last three days, we literally didn't leave the area that the lodge house was in.

Others may have deemed it unhealthy, but it was just what we needed after everything that had happened this week.

We had each other's company, in a completely natural habitat, waking up to sunrise being wrapped up in each other's arms.

We made love whenever we wanted too (day or night), had breakfast, dinner and tea together and in between taking walks in the woodland, I was able to share a part of one of the most beautiful parts in Wales with my better half.

It was everything and more that I needed after Gran's sudden untimely death.

The first day, after we had showered together the night before, I made sure to call Ryan and to break the news to him.

Needless to say, Harry did offer to do it for me, but I think talking about it helped me deal with it in some way... and it was so good to hear Ryan's voice for the first time ever.

We had messaged on messenger first, after I explained I had some bad news that I didn't want to tell him over instant messenger.

Surprisingly, he handed over his number at a drop of a hat and after a small panic attack and words of wisdom from Harry telling me that I could do this, I called my brother for the first time... and it was incredibly emotional for the two of us.

Once the ball had begun to roll, Harry left me to it with Ryan.

I think he felt that he was intruding a little bit, but that couldn't have been any further from the truth.

Harry was my family just as much as Ryan was, so I was equally pleased that I could share the aftermath of my conversation with him afterwards- and happily too.

Ryan in fact, was upset at the news of Gran, and even though emotions were running high between us both and we were reunited on the phone, I was still shocked to hear him be so affected by Gran's death when he didn't even know her.

In his own way, he felt immense guilt that he had left it as long as he had to get in touch with me- and in a way, he said if he had done it earlier, he could have had the chance to meet her.

And now he never would.

To my utter astonishment, Ryan even offered to pay towards the funeral arrangements, something which completely threw me because I wasn't expecting him to do anything because of the obvious reasons why- but he brushed them off as nothing, and pretty much said that what's done was done.

It was then that I came to the conclusion that my brother, my twin, truly was an amazing person.

We agreed to Skype too, and came to an agreement that we would call each other everyday and Skype twice a week depending on our schedules and time zones.

But we had so much to catch up on, and with recent developments of finding out certain family secrets, I didn't want to waste a second- but I had to remember that this was scary for Ryan too, and that he had to go at his own pace without jumping head first into everything.

I was in fact, a stranger to him, just as much as he was a stranger to me.

So the last three days had been a complete whirlwind, from dealing with Gran's death, to speaking to Ryan for the first time (which was also weird, as he had an American accent) and then agreeing to marry Harry, having this time away to come to terms with everything had completely re-energised and revolutionised me.

I was ready to go back and face Gran's house, face the funeral arrangements and start planning everything like I was supposed too.

"Izzy, you're spacing out on me again."

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

"Don't think too much, you'll hurt your little brain."

"Tosser." I smirked, kicking him gently in the chest, just as he caught my foot and squeezed it.

"What were you thinking about?"

"How crazy this week has been..." I admitted, "I just hope it gets better from here. It's not normal is it? What we've gone through in our first year together?"

"Probably not, no." Harry said, a small smirk on his face; "Others probably would have buckled under the pressure... but we're not others."

"I'm surprised you haven't run for the hills yet, I seem to have a lot of bad luck behind me."

"You've had a shitty run of luck," Harry murmured, "But it's going to get better, babe. I promise. From this day on, everything will be much better for you Izzy... I'll make sure of it."

I smiled, our baby fingers linking above the blanket.

"I posted something for Gran, posted a picture of her on Instagram. Did one of you too, I think." I said, stretching out from underneath the blanket that was covering us both on the couch.

"One of me?"

"Yeah," I sleepily replied, cuddling into my pillow a little deeper; "I was going through some pictures on my phone and I found one of you from one of the shows. Made me think of the tour and how much I actually missed it... and sort of reflect on the last year."

"You miss it? The tour, I mean?"

"A little bit," I replied, "Milan seems like it happened such a long time ago now... and when I flew out to be with you in Europe. Don't you miss it sometimes?"

"I guess so." Harry said, "I miss the fans, miss the madness of it all, singing practically every night and seeing all those faces... It's addictive." He added, as my phone pinged beside me.

Picking it up, I noticed that Harry had liked my photo and commented on it.

There were many comments to begin with, but I knew as soon as it got round that Harry had liked and commented on my Instagram, my notifications were going to go through the roof I was sure of it.

"Loved the way she called me Harold and never took any crap... so proud of you Izzy, as is she. xx"

I smiled like a goof, my phone slipping from my fingers.

"That okay?"

"More than okay, handsome."

"Handsome?" Harry scoffed, "I prefer sex God, drop dead gorgeous, panty dropping-"

"Don't push it, Styles." I laughed, using the ball of my foot to push him and his bloody ego back down a peg or two.

Harry paused, a smirk plastered across his face.

"One of these days," he said lowly, "I'll be able to answer you back, but instead of calling you Thomas... I'll be calling you Styles too."

My belly fluttered, it was as if the entire butterfly population had taken their place into the deep pit of my very own stomach.

"Can't wait." I whispered, nibbling on my inner cheek; "Does your mum know about this?"

"Me asking you to marry me?"

I nodded.

"No, nobody does. Well, except for your Gran because I had to ask for her permission, but no... nobody else knew what I was going to do."

"Are we going to tell her? Tell everyone else?"

"What do you want to do, Iz?"

I thought about this for a second, before coming to my conclusion.

"I think we should keep quiet, until we have a ring at least."

"Who says I'm getting you a ring? God, isn't the lodge enough?!"

I pushed him with my foot again, laughing as he grabbed and squeezed it again, forcing me to yelp out in giggles.

"Have you got me a ring yet?"

"Obviously not, otherwise you'd have it."

"Smart ass."

"You're not very observant, are you Izzy?"

"Fuck off." I smirked, "How are we going to do this?"


"Picking a ring, like do we do this together or-"

"I will take care of it." Harry interrupted me, "I've already messed up the proposal, so I have to make sure that your ring is perfect and special."

I literally felt all the goose bumps cascade over my body.

"You didn't mess it up, you just... sort of blurted it out in the heat of the moment. But I liked that... we have never been the sort of couple to do things 'properly' anyway, have we?"

"I guess not." Harry said, his eyes flicking back to mine; "We never really discussed the whole wedding thing, did we?"

"No, we didn't." I answered, seeing the screen of my phone light up repeatedly thanks to Harry's like and comment on my picture of Gran; "What do you have in mind?"

"Whatever you want, Izzy."

I rolled my eyes; "That is such a typical guy thing to say."

"What?" Harry laughed.

"The 'whatever you want, babe' line. It will your wedding too, y'know. It's not just going to be all about me-"

"That's where you're wrong, in my world it's always about you."

I smiled, unable not too.

"Smooth Styles, very smooth."

"Smooth as a baby's bottom." Harry said, before it clicked what he had actually said; "That was a terrible reference."

"You've done better." I giggled, "What would you like to do? If we did get married?"

"There's no if, we are." Harry responded, "I wouldn't have asked you otherwise."

I smiled, feeling my heart explode at his words while my stomach continued to flutter.

"And I never really thought about it, Iz." He spoke softly, "With my mum and dad, I never really thought I'd be one for the whole marriage thing after their divorce... their split affected me more than it should have, but I mean I always believed that I would get married eventually when I found the right one, but I guess I've always had this niggling thought at the back of my mind that it doesn't always work."

I sat up a little, wanting to move closer towards him.

Laying my legs across his thighs, I buried my hand between the cool slick material of the couch and Harry's skin, my nails lightly scraping at the nape of his neck.

"Then you came along and you changed all of that. I wouldn't want us getting married to change us though babe, when we do eventually get there."

"How'd you mean?" I asked softly, my lips kissing his temple, the blanket drifting slowly towards my stomach as it revealed upper naked half.

I liked being this close to him, naked and touching him, but not sexually.

It felt nice, and even though I was half naked beside him, his eyes weren't on my most obvious- my breasts -his eyes were completely on my face, and I loved him all the more for it.

"I still want us to be like this, Harry and Izzy, two idiots that haven't got a bloody clue what we're doing in the world... to have those mornings where we can wake up when we like, those late night parties with our loved ones and friends; and to just be us... but as long as we're together, who cares right?"

I nodded, "Right. And I guess, now that we're kind of engaged-"

"Not kind of, we are." He corrected me, as I smirked at him.

"-now that we are engaged, we really need to discuss your future Harry."

"What about it?" He asked.

"What are your plans regarding the hiatus?"

"I don't really know yet," he admitted, "I'd like to try some new things, but I guess I'm just petrified that I will fall flat back on my face."

"You can do anything that you put your mind too, Harry." I whispered, tilting his head to face me; "And now that we're engaged, we need to discuss these sort of things together. We have to consider my work too eventually, and if I can come with you in whatever you decide to do..."

"I know."

"What is it, babe? What would you like to do?" I asked, nails lightly scratching at his scalp while I kissed his cheek softly.

"I'd like to try a bit of acting, actually."

I paused, hunching back a little.

"Really? Acting?"

"See, even you think it's stupid." He huffed.

"No, no I don't.... It's just, that was the last thing I expected you to say. I thought you would have done a solo album or something?"

"I will, when the time is right. But I'd like to try something else first, get myself out there... Even though it made me, I don't want to be seen as just "Harry from One Direction." I'd like it if people would see me as "Harry the artist", that is capable of making music, movies and art... just anything creative, because that's what I am. An artist."

"Then go be an artist," I encouraged him, "You can do whatever you set your mind to Harry and you know you'll have my support as always."

"I was thinking, when we're in LA, of maybe getting some screenplays in or something, and just go from there. It wouldn't harm to audition for a few, would it?"

"Absolutely not." I smiled, "If that's what you want to do Harry, do it. Grab every opportunity that you can... we know more than anything that life is way too short and time isn't always on our side."

"Yeah... you're right." He whispered, the palm of his hand and fingers now lingering across my thigh muscle; "You think I can do it?"

I pressed myself closer, cupping his face between my fingertips, his aftershave hitting me as I kissed him lovingly.

"I know you can. You can do anything, Harry." I said in between our kiss, manoeuvring myself to sit on his lap while his hands cupped my bum; "You can do anything." I said again, this time with more conviction in a hope that he would believe in himself; "And I'll be with you every step of the way, supporting you, having your back as always and being the proudest fiancée in the world."

His hand gripped my bum gently, before moving to my lower back, his hands now resting there.

The change in the atmosphere had been pretty quick, and I felt my heart racing as we kissed once again, a little more urgency put into our effort this time round.

"Do we really have to leave this place?" He asked me breathlessly, "I love how free we've been..."

I smiled, biting the corner of my mouth as I raised myself onto my knees slightly, getting myself more comfortable as I positioned myself above Harry, the tip of his dick rubbing gently against me.

"It's been an amazing three days," I agreed, finally allowing myself to sink down onto him, feeling him stretch me without foreplay.

I was wet anyway, so it was relatively easy for me to do this.

I watched as Harry closed his eyes, resting his head back against the couch, my mouth now peppering light kisses against his pulse point in his neck.

"I'll never get sick of this," he whispered, "Feeling you, loving you... so wet beyond anything I've ever felt."

"You better get used to it, Harry... because it's the only one you're going to get for the rest of your life." I teased, licking his lip as I delicately moved my hips; "Go on, say it." I urged him, giggling playfully as I caressed his cheek with my lips; "I want to hear you say it."

"It's the only pussy I want and need for the rest of my life," he murmured, "And it's not yours, it's mine."

"Good answer." I smiled, as I gently rocked my hips into him, hands cupping around his now tense neck; "You're not even fully hard, but I can feel you stirring inside me. Feels good, doesn't it?"

Harry nodded, "So good, Izzy... Keep doin' that and you'll have me rock hard in seconds."

I smiled, utterly pleased with myself as I felt his cock involuntarily responding to my actions- but even with a semi hard on, he was able to get me off and have my body completely at his mercy.

I inhaled sharply, feeling the way his hands softly kneaded my breasts, playing and massaging with them while littering my shoulder blade with gentle kisses.

The air was cold from the air conditioning inside the lodge, and I swear I grew thousands of goose bumps as Harry blew across my skin, holding my body while I slowly rocked against him.

I touched him slowly, my hands caressing his chest while I moved above him, feeling him move in and out of me at a deliciously, slick pace.

"You have the greatest pair of tits I have ever seen, I swear to God..." Harry groaned, a soft snicker soon following, "So damn perfect. Can we try something?"

"If you want?" I replied, remembering our conversation inside his car.

"Your back to me? Can we try?" He asked casually, "Have you ever?"

"Don't think I have, no." I admitted, "Can we do that on here?"

"Course we can, if you're comfortable?" Harry said, as I nodded and lifted myself away from him; "Be back soon." He joked.

I smiled playfully at him, just as I positioned myself over Harry once again, only this time my back was against his chest.

We were in no rush, and while I got myself comfortable above him, I revelled in the way he massaged my sides, forcing me to lay back against his chest.

Biting my lip, I watched as Harry's hands moved forward from my sides and over my breasts, cupping and massaging them with his big hands, his rings grazing over my nipples.

"Feel good?" He rasped, and I nodded, enjoying the way he was making me feel; "I love watching you when I play with your boobs... Having your head fall back onto my shoulder, your breathy pants in my ear... so hot baby."

I gyrated my hips slightly, wanting him back inside me, but he had me right where he wanted me- his arm wrapped around my waist, his mouth nibbling on my ear and his other hand tumbling down between my legs.


"Spread your legs for me, Izzy."

I did what I was told, flinching at the cold air hitting at my warm, wet pussy.

I leaned back against him, biting my lip as his fingers moved delicately over my wet flesh, causing a small tremor to flood through my body.

"You're so sexy, Izzy... wish I could film you right now, but I haven't got my camera."

"There's always our phones-" I offered.

Harry shook his head, "Too dangerous, baby. With hackers. We'll do it another time, just lean back and enjoy this for me, yeah?"

I nodded, feeling his fingers flick and stroke between my legs, his breath hot against my ear as he pleasured me lightly, purposely missing my clit and never entering me.

"So wet, Izzy..."

"I'm only wet for you."

"Just for me?"

"Just for you, Harry." I whispered, my back arching as he touched a sensitive spot on my pussy, my body quaking at the thought of what he was doing to me right now.

"You taste so delicious when you're wet for me, Iz." He rasped, his fingers moving from between my legs and towards his mouth, lapping up my juices that I provided freely for him; "You feel delicious too, baby."

"Oooh..." I panted, his fingers back on me and moving over my clit; "Yes, there, yes, yes, harder, more, just like that Harry, yes."

Harry moved a little faster over my clit, his mouth licking and nipping at my earlobe and neck, while his fingers pressed and teased my pussy lips, drinking in the constant flow of how wet I was.

"So fucking sexy, Izzy... move for me baby, grind on me while I play with you."

Now concentrating on my clit with his thumb, Harry let his fingers slide down and slipped two into me, moving them in and out of me, helping me as I grinded above him.

"Is this the tightest pussy you've ever had?"

I don't even know what possessed me to ask that question, but I did anyway.

"Why do you think I want to marry it?" He teased, causing me to laugh; "I liked it, so I wanted to put a ring on it."

"No ring, so it's not yours yet." I said playfully.

"Is that so?" Harry said challengingly.

One of his hands was now on my ass, massaging and squeezing it before slapping it lightly, pulling me into him while the other hand finger fucked me mercifully, causing me to writhe uncontrollably above him.

"Fuck, Harry!"

"Did you say it's not mine?"

Oh fuck, he was good.

I arched my back, one hand on my breast as I tugged and tweaked at my nipple, while the other buried itself in his hair, gripping it hard as my fingers tightened, feeling the intensity build up in my body.

"It's yours baby, it's yours." I breathed, "Fuck that's good, don't stop Harry-" I cried out, "Shit... I'm coming-"

"Are you sure you want to come, Izzy?"

I licked my lips, wanting it so badly.

"I do, I do... Make me come, Harry... I need it, I want it..." I begged helplessly, a pad of his finger literally brushing past my g-spot; "Fuck-"

He moved slowly over the roughened area inside of me, buried deeply on my front wall, his finger moving so deliciously and agonisingly slow, I thought I was going to break in half.

"You like it when I touch you like this, Izzy?"

I nodded, "I love it when you make me come, Harry."

"That's not what I asked baby, I asked if you like it when I touch you like this-"

I tensed, my body tightening.

"Fuck yes! I do... I love it when you touch me like this, Harry... please-"

"You're so wet Izzy, shit..." He breathed, "So tight and warm, and-"

"Fuuuuuck!" I cried out, "There, please Harry, right there-" I panted, moaning in complete ecstasy as Harry fingered me hard and fast; "You're gonna make me come, oh shit-"

"Hold still, Izzy." He rasped, holding me firmly against him; "Do you like me slowly fucking your pussy with my fingers, Izzy?"

I nodded, almost completely breathless.

"Much prefer your cock buried deep inside me though."

"Plenty of time for that, baby." He said almost dangerously, my moans becoming a lot louder, as my hips started to press down into his hand, smearing and soaking his knuckles and fingers with my juices; "Such a dirty girl for me, Izzy... fuck."

It was in that moment that I realised that we hadn't shared our obvious liking towards daddy/mommy kink since the miscarriage.

I wasn't entirely sure if he was even comfortable with that anymore considering the circumstances, but I figured that we would get to that conversation eventually.

So I refrained from saying what I really wanted to call him.

I was throbbing all over, my hand now working at his still slick dick to give him a taste of his own medicine, when the sensation of his fingers fluttering against my walls and how he's finger-fucking me sends me right over the edge.

I'm screaming his name as I finally come.

Not wasting a second, I flipped myself over and start a hard rhythmic grinding, moving my hips back and forth while sitting impaled on Harry.

It wasn't the plan, but I needed him inside me, and I needed to ride him as fast as I could, the animalistic need forcing us both to kiss hungrily.

Harry stretched out his hands out to hold my breasts as I leaned into him, letting him support my weight as we both enjoyed the sensation of him moving inside me.

"I love the way you controlling the pace; working yourself up by grinding hard, leaning forward to make sure your clit rubs against me, Izzy-"

"Fuck, Harry-" I moaned at his words, slowing myself down to make slower more sensual movements.

Fucking him like this is making me so wet and I can literally feel my juices foaming out of me, coating our bodies in a sticky wet glistening sheen.

No longer semi hard, Harry is completely rock hard inside of me, pressing against my walls as I grinded effortlessly above him.

I can feel it throbbing with a growing intensity each time the pace of our fuck session increases, and unable to control himself, Harry thrusted back into me, pushing his dick even deeper inside of me.

Feeling his hips begin to thrust, I responded by grinding harder and faster, sliding myself up and down his engorged cock; using the full length of him, angling my hips so that it presses against me as Harry glided in and out of me.

So fucking good.

"Watching you fuck me while you get wetter, creaming on my dick is so sexy, Izzy." He groaned, "The way you use my body to satisfy yourself, whilst driving me crazy with pleasure and lust at the same time is hot as fuck... you're so fuckable, baby."

I groaned out, listening to his words as I fucked him harder.

"I love being with you, being inside you... you fucking me, c'mon Izzy, fuck..." He encouraged, his words spurring me on even more, sending me into an out-of-control frenzy; "That's it... fuck me Izzy, fuck me hard."

"Harry- you're so...fuck... I can't baby, I-" I breathed, the heavy weight of my breasts swinging wildly as my breathing came in quick, shallow pants.

"Want some help?" He asked, and I nodded, unable to go any further because of the burning stretch in my muscles; "Turn around for me, baby."

I did as he asked of me, swinging one shaking leg over his, straddling him but facing the other way once again.

Helping me to position myself above him, Harry instructed me to lay my hands on his thighs, using him as my balance and for support as I raised myself up and down.

"Can't wait to watch your sexy ass move as you fuck me," he murmured, his hand moving and stroking my cheek firmly.

"My fat, wobbly ass you mean."


"What the fuck was that for?!" I yelled, feeling the sting of his slap on my ass; "Fuck Harry, you could have given me some warning-"

"That wasn't meant to have been pleasurable, that was me shutting you up." He remarked, "You do not have a fat, wobbly ass Izzy... do you hear me?"

I liked the tone in his voice, it was bossy, playful and dare I say it, a complete turn on.

"Yes, sir." I joked playfully, giving him a wiggle.

"In this position, I can admire your back, the way your waist pinches in then flares out at your hips, forming one smooth curve with your ass." He murmured, just as he reached out and gripped me on either side of my hips.

Harry squeezed and used all the upper strength he had in his arms to guide my body up and down, ensuring that I was riding him in long full strokes.

"And the best thing about this view Izzy, is that I can see your delicious soaked pussy clamped around my cock and I can watch you slide up and down as you ride the fuck out of me."

I cried out, feeling the deep smack of our skin colliding as the position we were in really maximised the way Harry slid into me.

Swaying to the side, I angled my hips and felt every swift deep stroke and thrust as Harry increased the friction between our bodies, stimulating the nerves in both our genitals and eventually turning us on even more if that was possible.

I held my breath tightly in my chest, riding Harry with every fibre of my being, enjoying the indescribable tingling in my body.

I felt like I was on fire, my clit aching to be touched as Harry pounded into me, slowly subsuming my whole being; filling me with incredible pleasure.

I could feel it with him too, the huge build-up of tension and throbbing in his cock as his blood pulsed through it, only heightened that little bit more as I began to play with his balls, feeling them tightening in my hand.

"I want you to come inside me so hard, Harry... fill me up nice and good."

"You keep touchin' my balls and talkin' like that, I'll be bustin' in you Izzy."

I smirked, the feelings in our bodies mounting up as we kept on fucking, my pussy sliding onto his cock again and again.

Wanting more and to maybe experiment a little, still impaled by Harry, I sat up a little and began grinding a little harder, stilling my thrusting and his in the process.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his breath rattling out from his rig cage.

I shushed him, switching to what I figured was a grinding fuck, taking him deeper and deeper inside of me.

Pressing myself down onto him, I clenched and squeezed, crying out as I came; coating his dick and balls as the wetness gushed out of me and onto Harry... and the couch.

"Ohhhhh..." Harry rasped, laughing as he leaned a little forward; watching and listening as I began to officially lose my mind.

"Don't you dare move, stay where you are..." I begged.

Positioned like this, I greedily began playing with my clit, playing with myself as I slowly began to ride him again.

The extra stimulation was incredible, and I was enjoying it so much, I began to fondle Harry with his balls, squeezing and moving my fingers over the soft flexible sack of skin covering his testicles.

"Fuck Izzy...." He breathed, "Fuck that's good baby, don't stop..."

Who had the power now?

I smirked to myself, settled in my new position, grinding and flexing my back so that my hips could move back and forward over Harry.

I soon realised I had complete control over him, with the way I was grinding and moving, as being inside of me forced his dick to be pushed around by my grinding.

"That's it baby," Harry encouraged me, "You're coming, I can feel it... Fuck, you're so tight... Keep touching that pretty little clit for me, love... make yourself come around me, Iz."

"Mmm, are you close, Harry?" I asked, my voice shaking as I continued to fondle his balls and play with my clit, my hips still grinding with his dick firmly lodged inside of me.

"I'm tryin' to wait for you, baby... but I'm so close, I'm struggling to hold it Izzy..."

Feeling myself tighten even more as my orgasm pushed itself closer, I felt my toes beginning to curl beside Harry's thighs, my feet tightening and arching along with my back as my body began to reach its climax.

"Let go baby, come for me..." Harry encouraged, as I suddenly let go of his balls and with a scream, I clamp my hands into my legs to support myself as I came hard and fast.

"Keep going baby, fucking milk me... take it all, Izzy..."

"Shit Harry-" I cried, my body completely pulsing all over as a final wave of wetness engulfed around Harry and the couch.

Watching me squirt again was obviously what sent Harry over the edge, as he held me and my pulsing, sensitive pussy down onto him, his hot creamy spunk spurting into me in huge, uncontrolled jets and mingling with my own come.

"Jesus, fuck." Harry panted, as both our orgasms subsided.

I collapsed forwards, pulling myself off Harry as I couldn't feel my legs or any other part of my body for that matter.

"Izzy..." Harry called out, feeling him move behind me as he stroked my back in a final, loving gesture; "You okay, baby?"

"Izzy can't quite talk right now... she's done in after her boyfriend completely fucked her senseless." I muttered, hearing him chuckle behind me.

"That wasn't boyfriend and girlfriend fucking babe," Harry laughed, kissing my back before muttering; "That was we just got engaged celebratory fucking."

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