Here We Stand [H.S]

By SJ_Storiesxo

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* Book 3 in The Harry and Izzy Series - originally written in 2015 * Following the events of Lay It All On Me... More

Author's Note


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By SJ_Storiesxo

We laid in bed in silence, neither of us making an obvious move, until I coughed and looked at the clock.

"It's getting late."

Harry murmured back in response, as I fiddled with the pattern on my vest top.

Our night together so far had passed in a mixture of elation, awkwardness, happiness... and sadness.

I couldn't get rid of the pain in my chest, the image of his face was burned behind my eyelids every time I closed my eyes.

Not to mention hearing his voice ringing out the heartbroken words that had tortured me repeatedly these last couple of hours.

I felt hollow, like I had nothing inside me anymore, and the realisation was, I had no idea that he had been feeling like this either... I had no idea he was feeling this broken about our sex life.

And I had never felt so drained in all my life.

But, we had managed to turn a corner once before, we had done a complete 360 thanks to his idea of taking me out to dinner; and I knew we could do it again.

It was just going to take time, and I knew I could do nothing but be patient with Harry with regards to our intimacy.

We were never going to have sex tonight, that much was evident, but we had started something... something that he clearly still wasn't ready for yet- not even after our short spurt make out session.

Maybe we did need more time, or perhaps we weren't just ready yet.

However, Harry took this as another knock to his confidence and seemed to be living in a war inside his own head as we laid here together in silence.

"Izzy..." he whispered softly, but I didn't answer him; "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for letting you down."

Instead, I sat still, overthinking everything as this life force, Harry's life force, had the ability to lift me up off the floor bringing me to life, being the centre of everything around me... and now, all that energy dissipated.

It was almost like he resembled a balloon, a tiny leak in his skin slowly draining him of everything he held inside.

I could have tried to patch up the hole to repair the leak and keep him going, but he wasn't ever going to be the same again... there would still be that patch, the reminder of the impact of losing our baby boy in our lives.

And that's when I realised that he was hurting just as much as I was, it was just I was better at handling it.

"It's okay, baby." I reassured him, "You didn't let me down, Harry."

But I don't think he believed me.

I had never met anyone in my life who had such an impact on my life as Harry had.

He came in like a force, and without him I felt empty.

He was always on my mind, and without him I felt incomplete... and I couldn't stop thinking about his words.

All the things he said to me regarding losing Oscar, it was as if his words fell right out of a fucking Nicholas Sparks novel that had me falling apart on the inside with each word.

"All the money, the cars, the lifestyle, my career... I'd give it all up just to have our baby back, Iz."

I felt my face crumble and the tears return as his words ran through my head like subtitles to our sadness.

I began to cry again, my body shaking as I couldn't catch my breath.

"Izzy, I'm sorry." He croaked, "I fucked up again and I hate myself for this... I hate myself for hurting you, and I hate myself for fucking up once again."

All at once, mixed in with beautiful declarations and promises that made my heart swell, I couldn't ignore the pain in my chest any longer, so lifting my head from the safety of my pillow, I leaned back to look at him.

I frowned a little, finally truly taking a moment to look at his face.

His eyes were red, bloodshot and tired.

He looked as if he hadn't slept in days, yet he looked more and more handsome every time I gazed at him.

I, when upset, sleep even more than usual as a way to hide from the pain.

I knew of others who couldn't sleep, ones who are trapped in the tortures of their thoughts- and that was Harry.

I reached up, gently skimming my fingers over his cheek.

His eyes stayed locked on mine, then closing as I slid my finger along his lips, avoiding the cut he gave himself in the corner through biting it in his temper.

His lips were slightly parted, and I could feel his breath on my fingers.

When I pulled my hand away, he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, "I'm sorry for all of it, Izzy."

I sighed deeply, knowing that he meant it.

"I'm sorry too." I whispered, "But you didn't do anything wrong, Harry."

"I don't blame you if you wanted to leave me." He said quietly, "I understand if you wanted too."

My heart broke into a million pieces.

"Harry, you need to know, if you run, I run after you. You jump, I jump? Remember?"

"Always." he murmured slightly, releasing his lip from between his teeth to lean forward and kiss me; "I'm just so sorry about tonight... I really wanted-"

"Don't be." I whispered between our lips, "Don't be, baby."

The kiss was gentle, less frantic, and it was like he was showing me he loved me in the gesture, as opposed to a sexual desire.

"I really do love you, Izzy." he whispered.

I pulled back and rested my hands on his shoulders, the both of us watching each other.

"Do you think we can we try this again?"

There wasn't much left to say about it that hadn't already been repeated over and over, and all I wanted was for us to move on, move forward.

"I'm just scared, Harry... you have this barrier, and until it's broken down, we're not going to get passed it. Do you want to get past it?"

He nodded, "I'm just scared... I'm scared of everything. I don't want to go through that again.... you understand that, right? I don't think I can ever watch you go through something like that ever again."

"Harry, of course I do," I murmured, his arm around me tightening as I lay tucked in to his side; "But you really can't be afraid of making love to me either, Harry. Or just touching me, for that matter."

"I know... and that's why I want to try again. One last time."

It was such a casual, simple thing to be doing together, and yet it was one of the hardest times we had had together in our lives.

"I just feel so damn useless... I want to love you, I want to touch you, I want too, I really do Izzy-"

"You're not useless, Harry." I whispered back, cupping his face as I forced him to look at me; "You're not."

I wanted to be with him again, and I knew he obviously felt the same, but we wasn't really sure how to go about it and how to break down this blockage.

Here I was, hair deflated, make-up everywhere because of the constant crying through our frustration and in my underwear and vest top that screamed sexy, obviously.

Harry tilted his head down to look at me; "You sleepy yet?"

I nodded, although it wasn't really strictly true.

I was still lost in thought, most of which were dirty thanks to our kissing, heavy petting and make out session.

I had been laying here for the last ten minutes thinking of how to seduce him, then immediately feeling stupid and shutting myself down before I had even gotten the nerve to make a move.

"You want to go to sleep then?" He asked, and I found myself nodding.

"We can try again another night." I murmured, watching as he nodded and leaned over, grasping the remote to turn off the television, the room becoming completely dark.

He had pulled the black out curtains before getting into bed, saying the lights from the city night always made it harder for him to sleep.

Once the room fell into darkness, he slid down the bed further before kissing my hair and wrapping his arms around me, tangling his legs with mine.

"I love you," he murmured, as I muttered a soft 'love you too' in response.

I laid still for a long while, warring with myself over whether or not to try and initiate something with him again.

Despite his admittance of feelings for me, and how terrified he was to have sex again, he was still afraid of hurting me, his fear of getting me pregnant and watching me miscarry again taking over.

He was still so afraid of everything.

I'm sure everyone dealt with a miscarriage differently, but his fear was holding him back from what we both wanted, and right now what I wanted was Harry.

His breathing slowly started to even out, becoming deeper, signalling that he was starting to fall asleep.

I knew if I was going to do something, I had to get some balls and just do it.

My stomach was twisting with nerves as I took my hand that was placed on his chest, and slowly began to run it up and down his stomach.

I'm sure it was shaking a little, showing my lack of confidence and nervousness in my actions, but I had to ignore it.

I reached around to pull him closer to me, before looking up and nuzzling into his neck.

The smell of him made me slightly calmer, as did the fact that the room was so dark.

It helped to know that he wouldn't be able to watch me as I made a feeble attempt at seducing him.

Placing a soft kiss on his jaw, then his neck, then just below his ear, I felt him begin to stir.

He took a deep breath, before running a hand up and down my arm.

"What are you doing baby?" he asked, his voice slightly raspy.

"Nothing," I lied as I continued to kiss his neck wherever I could reach from my place beside him.

My hand on his stomach flattened out to run along him, feeling his muscles contract under my touch.

He seemed to be figuring out what I was doing.

"Doesn't feel like nothing," he said, and I could hear the smirk on his lips even though I couldn't see him; "I thought you were sleepy?" Harry asked, yet I didn't respond.

Instead, I let my hand dip down to run my finger tips over his crotch in a feather light touch.

I could feel him under the thin fabric, and I slowly slid my index finger along him from base to tip and back again.

I felt him twitch under my fingers, and I could hear his breathing increase slightly- his reaction was giving me some confidence, and so I took advantage of that.

Sliding my body up to be able to reach him better, I found his lips in the dark, kissing him.

He returned the kiss, somewhat cautiously, as if he was waiting to see what I would do next.

"Izzy..." he breathed, as his bedroom lamp popped on suddenly beside him.

I kept up my momentum, not wanting to lose it or my nerve.

I slipped my hand under the band of his boxers, and began trailing my fingers along him without the intrusion of the material.

"Izzy..." He breathed again, "Fuck..."

He was starting to harden, reacting to my touch, so I reached down and took him in my hand, gently stroking him.

"Is this okay?" I asked nervously, as Harry nodded, "Tell me to stop if its too much."

Harry sucked in a breath as he kissed me, his hands now reaching up to my face.

I continued to move my hand against him rhythmically, forcing out soft groans from the back of his throat.

He pulled back from my lips, and I could tell his eyes were searching for me in the dark.

"One more try..." I promised him, "Let me try one more time and then we'll call it a night."

Harry seemed hesitant, yet he nodded and slowly agreed before reconnecting our lips more frantically, with less inhibition than before.

I tightened my grip on him, using my thumb to spread the slick bit of dampness from his tip.

He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth, his teeth biting down gently.

"Harry.... please concentrate." I breathed, "Just concentrate and keep your mind on me, don't think of anything else-"

"I am... trying." He groaned, "Fuck, Izzy..."

I was so aroused just by feeling and listening to him, I really hoped that he could hold it a little longer... long enough so I can help build him up and help him blow afterwards.

I just needed him to hold it.

"Can I touch you... properly?"

"You don't have to ask." He said shakily, "Christ, baby-"

I rose up from the bed slowly, the palm of my hand still greedily fumbling him through his boxers.

"I love you, Harry." I whispered, my lips literally inches away from his neck; "How are you feeling?"

"Good..." He rasped, "So good, baby..."

Pleased with my work, I continued to palm him, my hand grasping him underneath the material of his boxers.

Slowly, I edged closer to the waistband and pulled them down gently, my eyes firmly locked on his as he watched me.

I wasn't going to do anything else, he wasn't ready for that yet, but I figured if I could at least remove the boxers and push them down his thighs, I'd be happy if he came in my hand.

If he could, that is.

"I love you, so much Izzy." He groaned, and I paused, my hand still gripping him as he stared at me intently, his breathing shallow and raspy; "I think... oh babe, shit."

He frowned, and I could tell it was in pleasure and not in pain.

I kissed him softly, raising to my knees as I continued to get him off slowly.

"It's okay, Harry. It's okay." I murmured between our kiss; "Ride it with me..."

"You're gonna make me come..."

I swear I could have done a victory dance there and then.

It was pretty soon, but I didn't care... he needed this, just as much as I did.

"That's good, baby... come for me Harry. Let it go. It feels good doesn't it?" I encouraged.

"It's too soon," he rasped, "I can't... don't want to come so early, but I can't think straight with you touching me..."

"Then don't think at all.... Just focus on me touching you, loving you, kissing you... you're so good to me baby."

"Izzy..." He breathed.

The sound of my name coming from his lips so breathlessly left me wanting more.

Just the sight of him like this in front of me, vulnerable and completely wide open, had me so aroused I could think of nothing more than pushing myself on top of him and riding him until infinity.

But I couldn't do that.

I couldn't push him that far, we had to take this slowly... as slowly as we possibly could.



"Do you trust me?"

"You currently have my cock in your hand, so of course I'm going to say yes."

I grinned, licking my lips as a giggle followed.

"Lay down beside me?"

"Okay." He said, shifting his body beside me, just as I asked.

My hands were shaking as I contemplated how I was going to do this without scaring him off.

I mean, I wanted us to share this moment together, but I also didn't want to completely frighten him off.

So I decided to take it slower than normal, and carefully gauge his reaction as I did what I was planning to do- which was to touch myself in front of him, sort of like a mutual masturbation if you will.

Me touching him, me touching myself... which would hopefully give him the signal and confidence to touch me, and if he didn't, then that was okay too- as long as he was in it, and he was happy, I didn't care.

I was still wearing my vest top, and I chose to still wear it because I didn't want to push it too far.

I didn't have to be naked for him to enjoy me sexually, just me being here was enough I hoped.

Taking his hand, Harry followed my lead as I slowly brought his palm to my breast, slowly nodding and encouraging him to touch me through my vest top.

I immediately noticed that my nipples were firmly erect, as Harry intimately touched me.

With the direction of my own hand guiding him, I slowly began a gentle circular movement as we both massaged it, my nipple every once in a while getting caught in the crossfire of our palms, causing me to moan in between our kiss.

Hearing that, Harry broke our kiss and looked me right in the eye, a smile breaking nervously across his face as I encouraged him more with a deep rock of my hips.

"Just like that, Harry..."

"Feel good?" He asked nervously.

"So good, baby..." I whispered, our fingers linking as his palm continued to work and caress my breast longer, before squeezing it gently; "You're doing so good, baby."

My words spurring him on, I watched in amazement as Harry unlinked our fingers and slowly began to squeeze and pull at my nipple through my vest top off his own accord.

I softly bit my lip, feeling my arousal seep between my legs, clenching them together in order to calm myself down.

"Am I hurting you?"

"No, not at all... you're doing so good, Harry. Please keep touching me..." I murmured, my eyes still closed as I scooted closer towards him, my other hand still gently tugging and working on his dick.

I noticed that my other hand had grasped the sheet and closed tightly, and my breathing had become heavier, noticeably raising my chest with each breath I took.

I didn't want to startle him, but I couldn't help but groan softly as he touched me.

I turned my cheek against the pillow as I willingly submitted myself to him, just like he always enjoyed.

Letting go of the sheet, I moved back to Harry and slipped my hand over onto his exposed chest, tilting my head sideways as his mouth suddenly came at my neck, his lips carefully peppering caresses against my needy pulse.

I could feel his heart pounding steadily, but fast.

"Relax, baby. We have all night." I whispered softly, "I'm with you all the way, okay?" I reassured him, hoping that would steady his nerves and beating heart.

"I just... want to do this, for you, so badly."

"I know... but you've done so well so far. Don't push it if you don't want too..."

"I want to, Iz." he murmured, "I really want too." he added, as he increased the pressure on my nipple, pinching and tugging a little harder on it.

The feeling was exquisite, and I could literally feel my face flush with heat as I raised and bent my knees a little, increasingly slipping into a sexual state of mind that I was going to find hard to recover from if we stopped right now.

"Oh, my God, Harry..." I moaned softly, moving my head back into the pillow as I elevated my back off from the bed with a slightly opened mouth.

I wanted very much for him to suck on me like he normally would, bathing each breast and nipple with his warm, wet tongue to heighten my arousal and pleasure, but I knew I couldn't.

Not yet.

My passion was duelling with my common sense.

"Izzy... you're so beautiful, look at you." he rasped, his eyes staring into mine and hoping I was understanding the sincerity of his words; "Are you wet for me, baby?"

Fuck me, we moved from gear one to gear five in the space of a few minutes.

I could tell he was struggling to keep himself from taking control like he usually had a habit of doing, and I was letting him go at his own pace, but part of me wanted him to take over.

I had made the initial move, showed him I was ready... and it seemed he was now finally ready too.

Now I just wanted him to love me, to make me feel alive and on the brink of losing the will to live as we became intimate through our foreplay.

After several minutes, he pulled away, his breathing tight in his chest and throat.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" he whispered, as I nodded against him; "I don't-"

"Shhh," I whispered back, "Just... go slow."

"How do you want me?"

I paused in my actions, my hand freezing on him as I considered his question.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, what would you like me to do, babe?" he repeated.

The sexy confidence I had equated with him was evident in his voice.

I could tell he felt back in his element slightly, and was ready to do whatever I wanted of him.

I could see him grin in the low lighting of the lamp, before he reached down and gently removed my hand from him, laying me back onto the bed.

He returned his lips to mine, kissing me frantically as all the pent up frustration from the day came to the surface.

Harry hovered over me, leaving space for his hand to start wandering over my body, grasping my breast, before slipping down and into my underwear just as I had done with him.

The shock of it made me gasp, although not in fright, and I grasped at his wrist, holding him as he slowly ran his middle finger along me, up and down, stroking me several times before focusing on my clit, making circles with a light pressure.

I couldn't stop the moan that left my mouth and fell into his, my hips shifting against his hand.


"Does that feel better, Izzy?" he asked as he dipped his lips to my jaw; "Have you missed me touching you like this?"

I panted in response, unable to form words in my mind just as Harry slipped a long, thick finger inside me, immediately curling it forward.

I gasped, my hips bucking involuntarily.

"Holy, Jesus..."

Oh I had missed this.

"That's not an answer, baby," he teased, "Although I do love your enthusiasm. Have you missed me, Izzy?"

He circled my clit with his thumb, deepening the pressure just as he curled his finger again, causing me to call out.

"I need an answer please, Izzy," he whispered in my ear, his breath tickling my sensitive skin.

Fuck, it felt so good to have him between my legs again.

"Yes!" I moaned, "Yes, I've missed you Harry..."

I felt the bastard smile against my ear.

"That's my girl."

Harry pulled his hand from me, and I slumped down deeper into the bed at the loss of contact.

Please God no, he was doing so well.

Before I could say or do anything, Harry reached down, pulling me up and whipping my vest top off over my head.

Pulling off my underwear, the duvet followed with him swiftly, leaving me laying there completely naked.

I heard him fumbling around the room a bit, before an even softer glow came from the area of his nightstand.

Harry had turned on his lamp earlier, but the room was now cast in a gentle yellow glow, illuminating us and everything else inside the room.

He had clearly lowered the lighting.

"I want to see you." He said, crawling back onto the bed with me, "No more holding back. All or nothing, right?"

I paused, watching him as he slowly but carefully began pulling his boxers down.

I watched with eyes as wide as saucers, seeing the material slide down his legs, exposing himself to me for the first time since I could remember.

"Jesus, Harry... you're so beautiful to look at."

He smiled, shyly, adorably so.

"Not as beautiful as you."

I watched him as he moved to position himself low in the bed, pulling my legs over his shoulders gently.

"I want to be able to watch you when I make you come."

He quickly dipped his head down, running his tongue along me in a similar pattern to what his hand had started as.

I don't know where the hell this Harry came from, but I liked him and wanted him to stay.


So much progress.

I threw my head down against the pillow, my hips jutting forward against him as Harry slowly wrapped his lips around my clit and sucked hard.

I couldn't stop myself from moaning his name.

My hands fisted his hair, pulling harder than I intended as Harry worked me over with his mouth, before sliding in his fingers again simultaneously.

I felt myself tensing, my stomach tightening, and I knew he would have me over the edge any minute.

I think Harry could tell as well, because he lifted his head slightly to watch me.

"You want to come like this, baby? Is this okay?"

I couldn't form a sentence other than sighs and moans as his long fingers continued to torture me.

"Or, how about both? Mouth and fingers, just like Italy..."

It was like this man could read my mind.

He dipped his head back down, taking me in his mouth again and sucking hard, just as he curled his fingers.

The sensation on my clit combined with the pressure on my g spot sent me in a withering mess as I screamed, clutching at his hair, my nails digging into his scalp.

Harry had to physically hold my hips down with his free arm to keep me from lifting right off the bed.

Lifting his face from me, he gave me little time to recover before pulling me closer towards him.

"Just lay there, Iz," he said, as I noticed him finally semi-hard and straining; "I want you relaxed as you can possibly be..."

I felt my thighs clench together as Harry slipped his fingers along me, his eyes firmly locked on me, a smirk slapped across his face.

He sucked in a breath, his smirk deepening to make the dimple in his cheek pop.

"Baby, you're so wet for me..." he said, leaning down to place one kiss on the inside of my left thigh.

I am going to explode.

Sitting up again, he returned his eyes to mine.

"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, Isabelle."

Suddenly, he quickly slipped a finger inside me again, curling it forward just once, before adding a second and repeating the motion.

My hips bucked up, and he reached forward to place his other palm flat against my pelvis, holding me down.

He moved his fingers in and out of me slowly, keeping them straight while moving in, then curling them and dragging them out.

The feeling was incredible, and I couldn't help the sounds that were spilling from my mouth.

"I'm going to add a third, okay?" he said, pausing his fingers.

I nodded frantically, not caring what he did as long as he didn't stop.

I felt him slip in a third finger, and the stretch was slightly stinging, but became immediately welcomed as he continued the previous actions deep inside me.

God, he was so good at this.

My hands clenched at my sides, feeling useless since I was used to gripping his hair.

I kept moving them, not sure where to place them, when Harry grabbed one, placing it on my breast.

"Feel yourself, Iz," he said, adding his thumb to my clit; "Feel how gorgeous you are to me..."

I squeezed my breast, following his command.

I felt his eyes on me as I writhed, the feeling completely exquisite, when suddenly he stopped, removing his hand from me.

I looked down, expecting him to replace his hand with his mouth, but instead, he reached up to my other hand, pulling it down to my middle.

"Harry, what..." I said breathless and confused.

"I want to watch you," he whispered quietly; "I want you to lose your inhibition and I want to watch you touch yourself."

I froze, stunned and immediately embarrassed; "Harry, I..."

He shushed me, taking my hand and placing it directly on myself.

"Just follow my hand."

He moved my hand across me, and I wasn't surprised by how slick I was, seeing as we hadn't stopped with the kissing or heavy petting all night.

Plus, I wasn't that hard to turn on either... not sure if that was a bad thing or not.

He moved my hand up, before bending my index and middle fingers with the curve of his, positioning them at my entrance.

"Is this okay?" he asked, and I knew he was talking about our chat earlier.

I nodded, unsure, but curious.

I wanted to lose my anxiety and my inhibitions with him, and I trusted him, so I watched as he slid my hand down slightly, simultaneously inserting our fingers into me.

It was slightly painful, and slightly awkward.

I hissed, closing my eyes tightly as my hand followed the rhythm of Harry's, moving in and out of me steadily.

Harry didn't curl his fingers like he usually did, just guided me along, before tilting his hand to add pressure to my clit with his thumb.

I moaned loudly, my head tilting back.

"Good baby?" he asked, and I nodded quickly.

"So good, Harry." I breathed.

After a moment, I felt Harry's hand slip from me, pulling away from my own.

I moved to remove mine, but he stopped me.

"No, babe, keep going," he said, and I opened my eyes to see him; "I want to watch you touch yourself."

I did as I was told, continuing in the motion Harry had started.

It didn't feel nearly as good as when he did it, but what made it enticing, was watching Harry's reaction to me.

His eyes were locked on where my hand was working myself over, his mouth parted, so I reached my free hand up, cupping my breast again for his enjoyment.

"Fucking hell, baby..." he groaned, stepping forward and placing a hand on my leg; laying down beside me; "You've really got me goin'..."

The thought of him finally getting hard because he was watching me pleasure myself made me even more turned on, if that was even possible.

Feeling cheeky, I smirked as a thought popped into my head.

"I don't recall doing this in Italy..."

"No, but watching you play with yourself is really nice... and hot as hell."

I bit my lip, sliding my hand down and smearing the wetness all around me, making sure to be gentle and slow with myself.

I was thinking about everything, when he first kissed me at the art gallery, how he fucked me in Italy at the hotel, the first time he made love to me... when he came back to my flat, cut my hair and told me he loved me... when he arrived at the hospital, our trip to Thailand, paying for my college course, asking me to move in with him; all pivotal moments that held so much significance in our life and relationship that lead us both into this moment right now.

I was getting really wet and hot thinking about everything, working my fingers back and forth between my legs under the watchful gaze of Harry.

I was starting to get close to coming, but I slowed down, pulling him closer towards me.

"Help me..." I whispered, "Make me come..."

I was so hot and still buzzed from the drinks earlier, complied with the surprise attention Harry had blessed me with, I didn't want this feeling to end.

Harry moved closer towards me, just as my hand clutched around his dick slowly.

"I'm really sensitive..." He admitted shyly, "It's why I asked you to take over... Didn't want to come so soon when we were doing so well."

God, I could not love him anymore.

"It's fine." I breathed, "Come here..." I whispered, "Lay next to me... I want to be with you when we let go."

"Izzy, I can't hold it much longer- I'm sorry."

"It's fine, baby." I murmured, as I slowly stroked him; "It's fine..." I added, just as I guided his hand back between my legs; "I'm really close too."

I bit my lip, watching him lay naked beside me, his cock in my hand while his hand stroked and played with my pussy.

"Baby..." I breathed, "I'm gonna come... mmm."

"I love you, Iz." He rasped.

"I love you, Harry..." I managed to croak out, my entire body shaking with pleasure as I finally came on his fingers.

Harry followed literally a second after me, coming so beautifully in my hand, his whole body tensing as he panted horrifically hard in the low lighting.


I said nothing, I didn't even care that I was dirty and so was he, I was revelling in the fact that we had just managed to share and do something so special together and that we had broken new boundaries.

"How'd you feel?" I finally asked, cuddling into him, caressing his chest with light kisses.

I smiled to myself, ecstatic that we had finally broken down his barrier.

It was something so small, but for us, what Harry had just accomplished was nothing short of amazing... and I was so, so, proud of him.

"Amazing." He admitted.

"You did it." I smiled tentatively, my heart racing after my own orgasm.

God, it felt like I was high or something.

"We, did it." He corrected me, "I couldn't have done it without you though, Izzy. Thank you for loving me... for sticking by me, for not giving up on me."

"Always." I whispered softly, "I love you."

"I love you too, are you okay? Was it everything you wanted and needed?"

"It was everything and more, Harry."

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