Beginning of the End | House...

By JennMWinchester

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Fire is always dangerous And ice is perhaps even more so Her flames were one of winter, cold and icy Their... More

Act 1 -
Act 2 -


305 10 4
By JennMWinchester


House Pendragon stood on the second platform watching the funeral from above, all stony faced with small hints of sadness and boredom. Blotchy and teary eyed in the case of Aelthea, but we'll get into why later on, for now we'll focus on the fact that a significant chunk of the family was missing. It was deemed improper and insensitive to bring the bastards and Aurelius's paramour, much to Aurelius's annoyance, and so only The Lord, Lady, and their four children were present.

Aurelius wore all grey with a long jacket that stopped just above his knees and had fur sown on in onside to fight against the cold sea breeze. Grey was as close he could get to the grieving colors of black since he didn't know or feel grief over Laena, though he felt sympathy for her family and her girls. Jonquil wore a velvet red dress so dark it almost appeared black, it was lined with gold embroidered designs with small rubies decorating it, the sleeves were off the shoulder and billowed down to the bottom of her dress. A tightly braided bun kept her hair from her face with only a few loose strands blowing freely in the wind as she currently holding her eldest daughter infront of her, rubbing small circles on her shoulders and looking down at her with a mix of concern and sorrow.

Maex had told her what had happend. He wore a grey outfit similar to his father minus the coat and stood stoicly beside his mother with his eyes trained only on his first born sister, his only concern was her. Alysanne wore a pale gold with a similar design to her mothers with the billowing sleeves and gold lining, except hers wasn't off the shoulder and was decorated with pearls not rubies, hair left in a simple loose braid. Lastly, Aelthea was in a thin sheer off the shoulders red dress with puffy shoulders that stopped and held tightly onto her wrists, a sleevless red silk kirtle the only thing keeping her nakedness safe on truth, a gold belt matching the necklace adorning her neck, and her hair was left in a half ponytail and the curls ran down her back, minus what was pulled over her shoulder.

She tried to look as stoic as her brother and was succeeding for the most part, the only thing to give away her internal turmoil was her tear stained face thst reflected in the sunlight to show all the different trails they'd raced. She was strong though, and ignored the urge to cry again as she thought about what her father had done, instead she swallowed the knot on her throat and translated as much as she could of Vaemond Velaryon's speech.

While none of the family really knew where she'd learned High Valyrian, they were grateful since now they wouldn't just be standing there like idiots waiting for this to all be over. Aurleius was the only one to roll his eyes, assuming that she's been taught by Aegon and never thinking that it was the second born Prince.

Jonquil glared daggers as Vaemond Velaryon stared at Rhaenyra and her children so blatantly as she listened to her daughters words, "Salt courses through Velaryon blood. Ours runs thick. Ours runs true. And ours must never...thin, I think?"

It didn't matter if Aelthea got it wrong or not, it was obvious in his stare that he was questioning the legitimacy of Rhaenyra and Laenor's children making Jonquil see red and force her to dig her nails into the palms of her hands to avoid a scene. Aurelius beside her, scoffed and glared at the back of Daemon's head when he laughed, thinking about grabbing a rock and throwing it at his head. Althea thought about doing the same as her own best friend began to blow bubbles with his mouth in a clear sign of boredom, not even trying to be respectful for the people around him. If she had known of her and her fathers shared thoughts Aelthea probably would have cried in anger.


Aurelius and Jonquil walked side by side as they watched there children go off on their own. Jonquil felt her husband's hand on the low of her back. "We weren't separated for long." She only hummed and he, not satisfied with such little acknowledgment he turned her lightly to face him and away from the kids which she stared at so intensely. "I'm glad." His smile was soft and his eyes were loving but Jonquil's were hard and judgemental when she met that golden gaze.

"Maex told me about what happened with Aelthea." His face dropped and he turned away again, deciding he didn't want her looking at him after all and walked over to the ledge to look out over the sea, knowing that she'd follow. She did.

While he stared at the sea she leaned her hip against the stone and watched his face to see how he truly felt about the situation, looking for any contort of his fave or flicker in his eyes to betray anything she didn't like.

"I did what I thought was right, I admit it-it escalated more than it was supposed to but she..."

"Is a child. She doesn't know about your sister and what happend to her when she started to dream. I mean for all the Gods sake, how long did it take for you to tell me your wife; and you were drunk, weren't even aware that you were telling me in the first place."

His hand raised as if he was going to hit someone and she found her eyes widening as she took a step back. Thankfully he closed his hand and pressed it hard into the stone, leaving small imprints into his own knuckles. He genuinely felt that what he did was right, when Aelthea had told him that she dreamed, that she knew what was going to happen...well he lost it. Yes, Pendragon's could get certain feelings about things, an intuition, but to actually dream the future was a rarity just as it was for the Targaryen's.

His sister Aelthea, his daughters namesake had dreamed, and she had killed herself because of it. Now it seemed that a name wasn't the only thing they shared. He could hear his daughter broken and choked voice as she screamed at him that her dreams weren't real, something he'd forced her to repeat after beating her. It echoed in his mind and he tried to close his eyes to tune it out. He told himself what he did was right even as he felt bile rising up in his throat. He'd never been such a violent person before, less so to the people he loved, but lately...he felt as if something was wrong with him. He'd be fine one moment and then all of a sudden he'd snap and be an entirely different person, and he felt sorrow that Faune and the children were being forced to learn which version of him he was and prepare accordingly.

He ignored these thought and instead turned back to the conversation.  "Don't-don't talk about her, Thea is not her, and what happend to my sister is not-I will not allow it to happen to my daughter." He turned on her and a new fire burned in his eyes, almost haunted looking eyes. "Do you understand me?" It wasn't a question. He'd snapped and was the other him.

She just blinked at him. She was terrified and she could feel her throat closing up. They had only just barely been separated and she could already see a darkness starting to surround him in a cloak as black as a starlets night. She had seen his darkness before but this was something else. He scratched at his wrist.

"Alright. But I'm not the one who has to  live with her." She wanted to say more but sje also knew when to pick her battles and this...well she wasn't entirely sure who this was.


Elsewhere, Aegon and Aemond watched Aelthea and Helaena crouched down on the ground.

"Hand turns loom. Spool of black, spool of green. Dragons of flesh, weaving dragons of thread." Aelthea watched with complete fascination, barely unsettled at the presence of the spider. Did Helaena dream to? Could she help her to understand her own dreams without judgement, unlike her father whom was adamant that her dreams held no meaning? Maybe he was right. She had been so nervous to come and yet nothing had happened yet. No. Yet. That was the key word. She shifted uncomfortably as the bruised and cut flesh on her back brushed against the fabric of her dress and was thanful that the kirtle hid the damage.

"We have nothing in common." Aegon complained, looking contemptuously at the two girls. He was annoyed. Annoyed at the fact that he even had to get married, annoyed that it was Helaena, annoyed that his betrothed was currently stealing away the attention of the only person he had a desire to talk about it to, annoyed thst if he had to get married he would rather it be her and had been told no. Aemond's voice suddenly cut across his thoughts. "She's our sister."

"You marry her then!" He shot back quickly, he didn't want to marry her specifically for that fact. He raised his glass to take a drink but stopped when he saw golden eyes glance back at him.

"I would preform my duty, if only mother had betrothed us."

Aegon let out a scoff and finally took a long gulp from his cup as those gold jewels looked away. "If only." He thought about when he'd come to the realization that if he was forced to be married, why not marry him to Aelthea again. And truly why not, they'd always been close, and a marriage to her would be a great alliance to the crown. A marriage to her bought them power, jewels, the strongest army in the Seven Kingdoms. Why not? He'd explained this to his mother and she'd vaguely stated that it wouldn't be a problem, she refused to meet his eyes as she said that and for the first time he could remember he was sure he saw a guilt lurking in them for him.

"Alas, I am destined to burn for someone else." Aegon scrunched up his face into one of confusion. Since when had Aemond been betrothed? To who? What he didn't realize was that Aemond was staring longingly at his future betrothed right at that very moment and if Aegon had been more sober he would have flown into a blind rage at the realization.

"It would strengthen the family. Keep our Valyrian blood pure." And add a little something special to it as well. He had to stop himself from rolling his eyes when Aegon called Helaena an idiot. "She's your future Queen." He cared for his sister alot, and it warmed his heart to see Aelthea attempting to bond with the girl since she didn't have many friends, and secretly he hoped it would separate her some more from Aegon.

Speaking of which, Aegon suddenly startled a serving girl as he abruptly stopped her in her tracks to replace his empty cup. "We actually do have one thing in common." The woman appeared nervous and uncomfortable. "We both fancy creatures with very long legs."

"Hand, like the hand of the King? Spools of green, spools of black. Hightower green, Targaryen Black, the Queens party and the Princesses Party. Dragons weaving dragons could be banners I suppose." She contemplated what she was sure was a dragon dream, not even really seeing Helaena as she closed her hand over the spider. "A war? Helaena is there going to be a war?"

Helaena looked at the girl, but she did not answer.

Alethea jumped and let out a screech as she felt something heavy land on her back. She immediately calmed when she saw the whisps of pale silver hair and heard a child's laughter. When she turned she shoved the youngest Targaryen boy before pulling him onto a hug. "Dammit Daeron, you scared the hell out of me." He only laughed. I was happy to see the King and Queen's youngest son, he'd left for Oldtown to be a cupbearer to Lord Ormund Hightower not long ago. He had come with Otto Hightower, now restored to his position as hand something else that had sent her father into a rage and had Faune yelling at them to take cover.

Sadly, Daeron was to be sent back to oldtown after the funeral. He looked similar to Aemond, with his long Targaryen locks tied back in a half ponytail and dressed in all green, but he was smaller and had a kinder more innocent look to his face something that was true to his personality as well. He was the kindest and gentlest of the Queens sons.

"How has Oldtown been treating you?" He toed at the ground and shrugged his shoulders.

"It's okay I guess. A little lonely and I miss everyone. Where is Mads?"

"Oh, he's not feeling well. Green-sick." He frowned at that. "But I'm sure he'd love to see you and it would make him feel a whole lot better. Alysanne just went off to see him." I pointed down the hall and told him to ask for someone to take him. I smiled as he bounded off happily.

"Your very good with him." She turned to see Aemond slowly walking up to her, almost sheepishly, which confused her endlessly since they'd know eachother since he'd been born.

"Yes, well I have an abundance of younger siblings so I've had lots of practice." I chuckled, standing up from my crouching position and brushing off my skirt.

She tilted her head and smiled at him when she saw him twist his lip and watch as his foot toed at the ground in a similar manner to his younger brothers. In truth he was truly trying to find something to talk about, it was rare that she was separated from Aegon, and even more rare for him to get to be around Aelthea away from the castle.

"Are you alright?" He saw her tense up and almost wanted to quickly change the subject but instead, not wanting to seem anymore doubtful of himself, he explained himself. "It's just I saw your face earlier, you looked like you'd been crying, and I see how uncomfortable you seem when your dress brushes against your back. Your eyes are glassy as well, not glowing like they usually do, they're just sad even though you seem happy enough." 

He expected a lot of things after that word vomit he'd thrown at her but not the soft smile that she offered, not the look in her eyes directed at him that she usually only shared with Aegon. "I think you are the only person to have the courage to ask me that. Everyone else has just ignored it, but not you." She looped her arm with his and began walking a random path. "I'm well enough, I just said somethings to my father that he didn't like to much is all. I'm not mad truly, I think he's just scared for me. But don't tell him I said that,I think I want him to suffer a bit longer and scour for something to make it up to me."

"Well...what did you say?" His confusion only grew when she looked away hesitantly and stopped him in his tracks.

"Promise you won't laugh." He nodded immediately at her demand. "Do you remember when I 'told you your future'? Well-" She took a breath to gain some courage and force the words she knew would sound ubsurd out of her mouth. "Sometimes I have these dreams. They're foggy, but I swear sometimes I think they come true. Never like how I expected and it always feels like a sense of deja vu. Do you think I'm crazy?" She whispered that last part and he saw the fear hidden deep in the depths of her eyes. He thought about the words she'd told him in that alcove in the library, how serious she'd sounded, how unlike herself. As if she wasn't the one choosing the words. He also thought about how he wanted her words to be true simple because she'd said he'd have a dragon.

He suddenly remembered that she was looking at him and quickly shook his head no. "I don't think your crazy. I believe you." Releif flooded through her and she launched herself into his arms, not caring for propriety as she was overwhelmed with joy at the fact that the only person she had felt comfortable enough to tell outside of her family hadn't run away screaming.

"Thank you." She whispered. She kissed his cheek before she pulled away and bit her lip to stop a chuckle escaping her when she saw a blush run up his neck and make its way to his cheeks in a flush of red.

"Will you make a prediction for me again though?" She rolled her eyes and turned away.

"It doesn't work like that I can't just...ask away." She raised her hands and let them fall back to her sides.

"Do you truly think I'll ever claim a dragon?" A frown tugged at her lips at his question. She put her hands around his arms and walked closer, ignoring the strand of hair flying wildly infront of her face.

"I don't need to make a prediction to tell you that there are plenty of dragons in the dragonpit, on dragonstone today for that matter." She bit at her lip and looked back and forth between his light lavender eyes that were so close to a shade of lilac instead. "You will have a dragon soon enough; a queen." There, that look in her eyes, he saw it. She spoke the words but something else made her say them. A Queen, he pondered, here. The Queen of all Dragons.

Aelthea sighed, her eyes had trailed off to someone behind him. Her eyes then averted to her feet, shaking her head when she caught a glimpse of Aegon harassing a serving girl. Drinking cup after cup from her tray, refusing to let her leave. "I'd better go, before your brother gets himself into more trouble than he already is. Best to save that poor serving girl too." She chuckled lightly, before kissing the younger prince's cheek again and walked off to the older boy.


Aegon downed a couple drinks before grabbing a cup and shoving it in Aelthea's face, practically forcing it down her throat and making her drink. She almost chocked. After she finished her coughing fit she smack his chest, he looked at her confused, as if he hadn't almost drowned her in wine. He raised his arms to point at her as if to say "see, you like it" when she brought it back up to her lips to finish it off.

Then suddenly she was on her third drink, trying to tune out Aegon's insesent questioning about what her and Aemond had been talking about whilst throwing in complaints about how she somehow wasn't paying enough attention to him anymore. She trailed her eyes around the hills at the sound of a dragon, she could only assume it was Vaghar, crying out for her lost rider. She'd heard talk that Laena had made Vaghar kill her and she couldn't imagine the pain the she-dragon probably now felt. She finally tore her gaze away only to see Aegon grabbing yet another cup.

"Alright, okay let's go." She put her foot down. "Lets go, Egg-on. Come on. Please. Please. Please." She tried to make every 'please' sweeter than the last, he'd always said he'd do anything for her when she begged so sweetly. He said he liked the way the word sounded tumbling from her lips, and it was her lips he was staring at now as he allowed her to pull him away.

She led them over to the edge of the balcony so that she might use the wall to keep herself steady, yet still she took one of the two drink in Aegon's hands and began pondering aloud."I wonder if Vhagar is lonely now, without a rider?"

"Who cares?" Aegon rolled his eyes, but Aelthea found her gaze trailing over to Aemond.


Jonquil opened her mouth to say something as she saw Aelthea leading Aegon by both hands down the stairs and out of everyone's sight, but when she glanced at her husband she changed her mind. She kept her mouth shut and only pursed her lips, frowning at where the two teens had disappeared to.

Aurelius followed her gaze and squinted his eyes to try and see whatever she was looking at and when he saw nothing he blatantly asked her what it was she was staring at so pensively.

"Nothing." She replied, quickly turning her gaze back out at the sea.

Not bothering to question it, he pushed off the stone railing and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Well then, I'm off to bed. Will you be joining me."

She sighed frustratedly through her nostrils. She despretly wanted to but she knew she needed to wait and make sure her daughter didn't get into any trouble. "In a moment." She told him. "I wish to enjoy the peace of the sea, it reminds me of my girlhood on Claw Isle." A half-truth that she offered to hide the lie. Thankfully he only hummed in response before walking off to their rooms for the night.


"Well I don't want to marry Helaena." He paused and lightly grabbed my hand, as if afraid I might pull away. "I wish to marry you."

I shoved his shoulder, affectivly letting go of his hand. "Are you even listening to me, it's the same with Haleana, I swear. Gods." I sighed out in frustration.

He shrugged dramatically and looked out down the stairs as he took another drink. "She's weird and strange."

"Those are the same things." He glared and I just finished off my, I'd lost count of how many I'd had, drink.

"Have you heard the way she speaks?"

"That is your problem Egg-On." I caressed his cheek affectionately and I saw his eyes follow my hand. "You are hearing her but you're not listening to her. You need her, more than you know." He was silent and so I went to continue when he kissed the palm of my hand.

"What are you doing?" I questioned when he began to trail them up my arm and the skin tingled as he moves on to new flesh. My stomach fluttered as his lips brushed my neck, hesitant for a moment, and when I didn't push them away his grip became stronger and his kisses firmer. I gripped his shoulder lightly, my head spinning and my stomach fluttering with butterflys as I stared at the sky above us while he continued his assault of my neck. I'd completely forgotten what I'd been talking about. My eyes closed and a breathy moan escaped past my lips as he found a particulary good spot that sent tingles throughout my entire body, particulary in my most private place. He continued kissing and sucking on that spot, leaning over me and pushing me against the brick while my breath continued to hitch and moans escaped me.

One of my legs hooked around his waist, the skirt sliding up slightly, he pulled it up the rest of the way, running his hand over the soft flesh until it was almost bunched up at my hips, which accidentally buckled against his thigh as the tip of one of his fingers brushed against my pearl. My face was probably red and I felt like I was getting over heated. I knew this was wrong but I wanted more, my head screaming at me, but it just felt so right.

He brought his thumb up to my lips, pulling it down before sliding it past my lips. I sucked on it like he taught me. It didn't take him long before he slipped it out my mouth he replaced it with his tongue and pressed his clothed harness against my maidenhood. I moaned at the feeling and tried to use my leg to pull him even closer, I wanted more, the wetness between my legs was becoming to much and in that moment I wanted him to ruin me. I didn't care anymore, I just wanted to feel him, wanted to feel what I was forced to wait till marriage for but men could claim as they pleased. So I kissed back just as feircly, fighting with him for dominance and tasting all the wine on his tongue, I imaged mine didn't taste much different, but I pulled away when once more I felt his fingers close to me. Even though I wanted it, I was still nervous, all of this was new to me and I still had that nagging thought in the back of my mind telling me of what would happen to me after I did this.

"Trust me." He whispered into my mouth, all I could do was nod softly, I did trust him. He started to draw figure eights with his finger and I threw my head back at the pleasure it brought me. He caught my moan with his kiss, just as fierce as before and my hips started to move in time with his fingers, I wanted, no I needed more. I told his as much, whining it into his mouth, begging him. I sounded like one of the whores I'd seen that time that he'd taken me to a brothel I had realized, the night I'd met Billy.

Then his finger was at my entrance and I lost all thought of that memory. He was hesitant, staring into my eyes for a long moment before sinking one of his fingers into my dripping heat. It was foreign and new but it felt good, my head rolled back once more and he buried his face in my neck, sucking and marking the flesh even more, not wanting to miss a single inch. He pulled his finger almost all the way out before sliding it back in again, he moaned in my ear and I appreciated the sound and took the opportunity to tangle my hair in his locks but that was it. A second figure brushed against me to join the first but then it was over.

Aegon groaned out but not in pleasure this time before being yanked to his feet.
"Brother?" For who else could it be? The hand, and his grandfather, that's who. I stared up with terror at Otto Hightower who told me to cover myself. When I did he grabbed my arm as well and pulled the two of us up the stairs, yelling at Aegon to go to bed before shoving me in the direction of my mother.

"What happened?" She questioned, steadying me with her arms. Her nose scrunched up. "Have you been drinking?"

I turned away from Aegon and unconvincingly told her no. "Alright that's it, off to bed with you. And we will discuss this upon our return home young lady, or have you forgotten that that's what you are?"

"Ugh." I dramatically let myself be dragged to our temporary rooms.

I guess in that moment we'd both forgotten that she wouldn't be coming home with us.


Finally, Jonquil made it into the bedroom after walking Aelthea to her room to make sure she actually made it to bed. When she finally reached her own rooms she pressed herself against the door and sighed out in frustration, rubbing at her temples. What are we going to do with that girl? She found herself questioning.

"Everything alright?" She opened her eyes and was almost shocked to see a naked Aurelius lounging quite comfortably on the bed. Almost.

She felt a smirked rise on her face and thought that this was exactly what she needed to wind down after what she had just found out. It had been to long since she'd had a man inside her already and just the thought of it made a wetness pool between her thighs.

"No. But I can think of a few ways that you can make it better." She slid onto the bed and ontop of him, craning her neck to reach his lips.

He chuckled against them at her forwardness. "Oh, can you now? How about you tell me, and we'll see if I can do anything to help you out."

She shook her head and pulled herself further ontop of him, forcing him to lay flat on his back as she straddled him. His hands made their way into her red locks and forced the hair to flow down her back. He'd always loved the way it framed her body and it always made him hard when she moaned at the feeling of his hands tugging at it. She did that now and his cock stirred making it her turn to chuckle. "I don't want to tell you, but I can show you." She whispered before biting playfully at his ear.

Then came the fun part, one of his favorite things to do. She moved up his body until her cunt rested over his face and he wasted no time in pulling her down and diving right in. He ate her out like a man starved, like this was his last meal and he wanted to savor every last bit. 

She was a moaning mess above him, one hand gripping the headboard, the other tugging on his dark locks, her hair thrown back in ecstasy as he licked, sucked, and fucked her on his tongue. She was left grinding on his face and fighting to keep her thighs from closing around him as she felt a familiar knot starting to coil up in her lower belly.

Aurelius knew it, he felt the way her cunt began clenching around his tongue and he dug his nails in, waiting eagerly to swallow every last drop she offered and perhaps take a little more. He could die right here between her thighs and he would have been a happy man, except he wasn't happy because instead she pulled away. He made a sound of protest but was quickly silenced when she placed a sloppy but passionate kiss to his face.

"When I cum, I want it to be around your cock inside of me."

Those words leaving her pretty little lips was all it took for him to grab her around the waist and flip her so that her hovered over her. He kissed her with all that he could, wanting her to feel his kiss still tingling on her lips when they were separated once more. When he slipped his tongue inside her mouth to claim every inch of her he pulled the back of her dress open before running his hand up her thigh to chase the skirt up higher. When he pulled back he moaned at the sight of her dipping cunt and almost lost himself between her thighs once more when his darling wife below let out an impatient whimper and attempted to pull him closer.

He chuckled and claimed her lips once more. "Patience is a virtue, my darling, didn't anyone ever tell you in was rude to rush people." The whole time he was asking her this he was teasing her by running his cock up and down her folds, making her whimper and moan. He took pleasure in the way her face contorted with pleasure.

"I was also taught that if you really want something, you have to take it." He smirked and she bit her lip. He let her wrap a leg around his waist and he made sure to line himself up so that when she pulled him forward-

They both let out loud moans of pleasure as he filled her up completely. He told himself he was going to take it slow, savor every moment, but at the feeling of her warm cunt wrapped around him he lost all control and started fucking into her at a brutal pace.

All she could could do was moan his name and repeat yes, over and over again, as she clung to his back and tried to pull him as close as possible. They had barely been separated for a month and this was what they were like. Gods, they couldn't imagine how it'd be if they were separated for years.

He knew he wasn't going to last long but he didn't care, they had all night. But, he was quite fond of the way she clenched around him when she came so, so he brought his thumb down to her clit and began to roughly rub circles on it.

She moaned and gripped his hair at the back of his head as tight as that tightening returned once more to her belly. She attempted to move her hips in time with his, attempting to chase that high.

Suddenly, she clenched around him and that was it for him. His hips sputtered and they both let out loud moans as his warm seed shot up inside of her.

He pulled out and landed beside her, both of them covered in sweat and panting for breath. Suddenly Jonquil began to laugh and he soon joined her in it, neither knew what they were laughing at exactly but they continued their laughter as she turned and curled into his chest.


"I think you parent are fucking." Her eyes shot open and she jumped up to scream, but a hand quickly covered her mouth and pushed her back down again.

"Sh, now we don't want to alert the whole castle do we? Think of what would happen in they caught you in a position like this." Lips suddenly met that spot on her neck that had her fighting to stay silent.

"Egg-on." She said his nickname breathily, and her recognition made him deem it okay to uncover her mouth.

"Hello, my Thea." He whispered into her ear. Finally he pulled back, still hovering over her, and looked her in the eyes; after taking a much to long look at the rest of her body. She suddenly regretting the red silk, strap slip she'd chosen for bed when she felt something poke against her stomach.

"What are you doing here?" She tried to keep her voice from shaking but it barely worked, and she saw him smirking above her when he heard the slight crack.

He leaned forward to nudge his nose against hers. "I missed you."

"You just saw me."

"And then I was taken away from you." His eyes trailed over her body once more and she let out a gasp as this time his hand followed. Her back arched when he slid his hand back back up, pulling some of her dress up with it, and rubbed a finger over one of her hardened nipples. "So responsive." He mumbled to himself before leaning down to kiss the top of her breast that was exposed to. She let out out gasps and a small moan as he bit at it, hands immediately going to his hair to instinctually pull him closer.

Suddenly, the sound of a log cracking woke her up, as if from a trance, and she managed to slid out from under him and make her way over to the fire. Though that didn't help much since she already felt like she was starting to burn before she'd gotten over here.

Her leaving didn't stop him though and suddenly he was behind her, arms wrapped around and pulling her to him, his clothed harness rubbing against her ass, his lips leaving trails up her neck. She closed her eyes and tilted her head to give him more access. "Just let me hold you, just like this, the way it was meant to be."

She had to admit she almost gave in but her will was strong, for the moment, and so she pulled away and walked over to one of the chairs. That way he couldn't get behind her. "I can't, it's not right. I'm not yours." She should have known that nowhere was safe from his appetite. Imfact he quite enjoyed the cat and mouse game, to him it added more pleasure. He walked over slowly as if a predator stalking his prey, and lifted her legs from the cushioned stool she'd propped them on.

"But you are mine, you've said so yourself countless times before. So why is it so wrong for me to want to hold you, all the time, everyday?" She didn't have an answer and very much felt like a doe instead of a dragon at that moment as he began kissing up her leg, pulling her dress up again as he went. He started at her ankle and was halfway up her thigh when when he asked her another question. The question had her faltering and her eyes softening, completely forgetting about her current situation. "Do you love me?"

He seemed so vulnerable, so innocent somehow in that moment. That was all he'd wanted in life, to feel loved, something his parents had never shown him and she'd always given so freely. She nodded slowly and then just like that he switched back to his seductive self and hide the vulnerability that was reserved only for her. "Than let me show you why I liked the way your lips felt wrapped around my cock so much." She blushed at the crude words but didn't stop him. She knew giving him this would ruin her forever should anyone ever find oit, but in that moment all she wanted to do was help him and so allowed him to continue.

His locks of pale silver hair covered the indecency of her lower half and she felt knots twisting in her stomach as he got closer to his destination. He gently pulled her thighs apart and she gripped the arm of the chair tightly, waiting for what came next. She jumped when his tongue reached out and kitten licked her little nub. He chuckled against her before placing a kiss in the spot he'd just licked. He told her to relax and so she tried to, and did.

His licks and kissed became longer, bolder, harder and she started to moan at how good it felt between her legs. He licked a strip up her folds and sucked on her nub, making her hips roll of their own accord and her hands hesitantly reached out, wanting to run through his locks. It felt right and so she did, tugging on the soft waves to pull him closer. He moaned against her cunt, and it sent vibrations through her entire body, something that had her throwing her head back and bitting my lip to stop the moan that she knew would be to loud.

This only seemed to spur him on more because next thing she knew his tongue had pushed its way in, invading her virgin hole. "Aegon." It was the only thing on her mind right now. She could think of nothing else. His tongue plunged in and out of her and his hands had her hips in a bruising grip, pulling her onto him even more as if he couldn't get enough of the taste. "Gods, so good, your so good, Aegon."

She felt him freeze against her, his tongue disappearing, causing the girl to whine in protest at the loss of contact. His cock had twitched at her praise and made it so hard for him not to bend her over and shove his cock inside of her to show her how good he could be for her, and make her feel. He needed to here her say those words again. But he controlled himself and suddenly one of his hand moved down to join him between her legs and look the place of his tongue whilst he continued to suck and lick at her clit.

It felt good, his finger thrusting in and out of her while his tongue worked its magic with it and so she praise him again since that seemed to spur him on more. He added a second finger and began finger fucking her mercilessly, curling his fingers and hitting a spot that had her curling my toes and seeing stars as she arched further into his face.

She felt something unfamiliar building up in her stomach and it sort of scared her. "Aegon," She had to pause as a moan escaped, something's wrong, I think, I feel-" she didn't even get to finished her sentence becuase instead of stopping he just moved his fingers faster and sucked harder. The pressure kept building and building until it snapped and she brought up my hand to cover her mouth as the loudest moan she'd ever let out came tumbling from her swollen lips.

Her thighs were shaking and her body jumped as Aegon again began kitten licking at her cunt. She whimpered and weakly tried to push his head away but he refused. When he was done he grasped the back of her neck and pulled her lips to his, forcing his tongue into her mouth. Aelthea almost blushed at the taste of herself mixed with the taste in wine on his tongue. She forced myself to pull back abruptly though when feeling him pushing the straps of her slip down.

"What are you doing now?" He smirked and took one of her nipples into his mouth and began swirling his tongue about it, nipping, and sucking. "Tell me how good I am."

"Oh, so good, your so-fuck, your so good Aegon." She let tumble out at the unfamiliar stimulation. She and Aegon had both learned much about themselves that night.


He knew it was wrong, but Meaxes could keep his eyes off of his sister writhing in pleasure, moving her body against the pale haired prince. He should've barge in, put a stop to it, but she just looked so pretty like that and he would never have the courage to do it to her himself. So instead he, peaked through the cracks as the Prince ruined his sister in all ways but one and he felt his cock twitch in his trousers, begging to be touched. And so he did just that, jerking himself off with his eyes focused solely on his half naked little sister, enjoying the sounds she made and imagined that she was making them for him

Omg so Aurelius is a abusive, Maex is perving on his sister, we go to see little Daeron, and Aegon and Aelthea getting freaky😭 (but come on, this is asoiaf universe) um yea idk what else to say but um enjoy and I'm back to double updates every week 👍

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