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I was sat infront of a little mirror, humming to myself as I brushed my knotted hair out so that it flowed down my back like a river of blood. Maexes and Aelthea had been put down for bed whilst Edmeynda and Lucinda sat in the entrance room, reading before bed or something like that.

I was wondering how Faune and my husband were at that moment when I was suddenly distracted by the two reflections standing behind me. I quickly turned in my seat. "Forgive me, my Lady." I ignored her though, instead looking on the teary eyed Alicent stood behind her. "But the Queen requests a private audience." I quickly stood and told the older women to leave us, snapping my finger white pointung to the other room. I didn't mean to be rude but Alicent clearly needed me right now. I thanked Lyrra and dismissed her as well.

I took Alicents hands in mine and sat her down beside me, taking in the tears flowing down her cheeks and the way her face bunched up in distress. "What is it, what's happend?"

"I went to him like you told me." I wiped a few stray tears away as they continued to fall down her cheeks. "And I-he-"

"Hey it's okay, your fine, you're fine." I tried to comfort.

"No, I really, really messed up. I shouldn't have married Viserys, I shouldn't have had Aegon, I shouldn't have this babe." She clawed at her stomach and I grasped her hands tightly, afraid that she might do harm to herself or her unborn babe. I said her name sternly, hoping to center her while I myself was internally freaking out.

"Viserys told me of a dream he had, long ago, when Rhaenyra was only a child," Her voice hitched on the girls name." about a son born to him wearing the Conqueror's crown. He had given up on that dream but now-" Sobs wracked her body and I tracked a tear flowed freely down her rosy cheeks, I rubbed circles on the tops of her hands in hopes of providing even more comfort. "I don't want Rhaenyra to hate me anymore."

I pulled the trembling girl to me and wrapped my arms around her, petting her hair and shushing her. "It's going to be alright. Everything is going to be alright." I met Edmeynda's eyes and then she quickly disappeared back behind the curtain. My heart dropped into my stomach.

I stood and remained my hold on Alicent's hands. "Come, your Grace, I would be honored if you would stay with us tonight." And so she did. I led her to my bedroom and layed behind her, holding the young Queen in my arms as if sje were a girl once more. Her sobs ceased and her breathing became slow and steady after some time. Sleep would not come so easy for me as my stomach wouldn't stop rolling and nausea burdened me as I was unable to rid myself of the feeling of some sort of impending doom.


I didn't remember falling asleep but I awoke to the sunlight peaking through the cracks and the sound of voices and laughter poured in from the sitting room. I leaned up on my elbows and looked down at the sleeping Queen, she looked so peaceful as apposed to last night that I didn't have the heart to wake her. So I didn't. Instead I threw on a robe over my nightgown and walked out to join my family.

Edmeynda spoke to me with laughter still in her voice, having just laughed at something my son had said when she saw my approach. "Ah, Jonquil dear, come sit. We were just having a cup of tea before we join the others in breaking our fast." I smiled politely and took the spot between her and Maexes. I kissed the top of his head in greeting and thanking him politely when he handed me a nice warm cup with a grin on his face. That should have been my sign.

"Sweet boy." I almost spit the tea out. "Or a little demon." He and Lucinda broke out into more laughter at the look on my face as I tasted the overly sweetened tea, Edmeynda was the only one who didn't look amused.

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