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"Look like an innocent flower, but be the serpent under it

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"Look like an innocent flower, but be the serpent under it."

Said to be born from and kin to dragons, a mutation of the beasts, Pendragon's originated from a place called Albion, even farther east than Yi Ti and more mysterious than old Valeria and Asshai. Nothing is known about it accept that it is where House Pendragon originated from until they migrated to Old Valeria, drawn their by its magic and dragons.

In Old Valeria they thrived as rich, and noble dragonriders and were said to be Wargs and Greenseers, practicers of blood magic. They were doing so well that it came as a surprise when they decided to travel with House Targaryen after Daeny's the Dreamers vision of the fall of old Valeria, giving up their high status and submitting to the lesser house as their overlords.

When landing in Westeros they made a home for themselves in the cold and unforgiving North in an old castle abandoned by its previous residents who are unknown to us. They chose this place for its isolation, and closeness to the sea should they need to call on their Valyrian allies from their islands. When the Stark King came to confront them and drive them away they instead made friends and Arthor Pendragon took Stark's young daughter, Lyra, to wife, joining their Houses.

They were strong allies to the Targaryen's still, so when Aegon began his conquest they where quick to take up arms for their cause flying their dragons Draigg the Red, Eira the White, Kilgharrah, and Aithusa.

They were favored at court and a Pendragon was almost always the Master of Laws, they frequently bred with the Celtigar's and Stark's, on occasion the Valaryon's and even a Targaryen here and there (for example, Maegor the Cruel took to wife Maella Pendragon), and sometimes other house for alliances or an expanse of the genepool (although it was rumored that, even though it was against the law, with the  Targaryen's being the exception, they would fake their deaths and marry their siblings under a false name. Though this has never been proven, many believe it to hold some truth).

Their kept their dragon to themselves in the secret rooms under the mountain the castle resided on and one could easily tell the difference between a Targaryen and a Pendragon's dragon due to the fact that the Albionen dragons had four legs, whilst the Valerian dragons only had two. They were very protective of them and so it came as a surprise when Lord Aurelius Pendragon I allowed their dragons to be placed in the dragonpit (it could not be masked that the Targaryen had a fear of the house one day rising up to challenge them, dragon to dragon). Terms where made and the Pendragon's where allowed to claim their dragon's whenever they so chose with promises and oaths needing to be taken to not rise up against the House of the Dragon and to always return them to the dragon pit, eventually.

They are know for their Platinum Blonde Hair, Golden Eyes, and Slitted Pupils. They carry an ancient Valerian Steel sword called, Excalibur, that they keep in a stone in one of their courtyards (it is said that only worthy Pendragon's can remove the Sword from the stone)

They remain at court to the day, Aurelius Pendragon VII being the master of Laws, his Lady wife Jonquil Celtigar a friend to the Princess Rhaenyra, and their son Maexes being a boy of almost four.

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