Act 2 -

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On the fifth day of the tenth moon of 119 AC Edmeynda Baratheon Pendragon passed away in her sleep from natural causes. She was discovered in the morning by her eldest great grandchild, Maexes Pendragon when he went to tell her about the newest book he had been reading our sources tell us. The silent sisters were immediately called to tend to her body and a funeral was quickly put together on the outskirts of Kings Landing. She was given a traditional Pendragon funeral. Her body was brought there by a wagon that was paraded through the streets. Her body dressed in the finest silk gold; her wrist, neck, and fingers littered with the beautiful metal as well. A wailing and haunting hymn was sung throughout the ceremony that could be compared to a goat being slaughtered, according to mushroom who was apparently also present. She was placed ontop of the stone slab that would serve as her tombe, where her body was then burned by her granddaughter Aelthea's dragon, Silvermist. Her chared corpse was then placed into the tomb that was buried in the ground, her head facing the west; some strange pendragon superstition that I will not go into detail about here. Her favorite possesions, what they were is lost to us, and plenty of gold and jewels were then placed with her before she was completely intombed in her grave. A sprig or rosemary was then thrown on top and the "corpse candles" were then lit by every attendee to burn all night long. Her family members of course lit a candle each, her daughter-in-law, her grandson, his wife and mistress, and all of their children, but the King, Queen, Princess, Ser Laenor Velaryon, the Sea Snake and the Queen Who Never Was, Daemon Targaryen and his new wife Laena Velaryon, and all of the children from these couples marriages were also in attendance and lit a candle each. After which a great feast was held in honor of her life for the Pendragon's did not believe in letting the unfortunate circumstances of death being a thing of focus, but instead choose to remember how they live. Nevertheless, a month of morning passed where the women of the house wore a veil to conceal their faces from the world.

- Archmaester Gyldayn; Fire and Blood Volume I

Beginning of the End | House Of The DragonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora