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The first thing Aelthea did when she heard of her husband's return was barge into their privste bedchamer and slap him as hard as she could across the face. She was thankful that it seemed he'd already dismissed any servants. But she was also furious that her slap did nothing more than force his head to the side. She was angry and she wanted him to be angry to.

"So where is she? You're new wife, huh, is she already in bed?!" She turned with am already sinking heart to looked and see if there was some Baratheon woman but thankfully saw no one there. That did little to calm the fire scorching through her veins and the smoke pouring from her very being.

"What are you-" He went to say, but she didn't want to hear it, she wanted to hurt him, so that he felt just as she did when she'd learned of his intent.

"You have asked for permission to take a second wife, that's why you went to Storms End. Well I have asked the King for an annulment so that-" The woman on fire was suddenly cut off by her husbands fingers wrapping around her throat and cutting off her words. He pulled her close the that their foreheads brushed on another without fully touching and their breaths mingled together. Their heavy breaths were the only sound that filled the room as Aemond gathering his barrings and controlled himself.

"I went to Storms End to offer up Daeron in marriage one of our children to foster. Whether it be one of the girls or our firstborn son, we were to send them to Storms End with their dragons and the intent of Daeron marrying one of his daughters, or our daughters a son should a new wife bear one. Who told-"

"And Lucerys? You killed him, you killed your own family!" He had the audacity to look upset, to look broken. And so she continued to push. "Who will be your next victim? Me?!" His grip tightening even more as he flexed his hands in anger before they loosened around her throat. His eyes softened as he tried to make his wife see, he wasn't angry with her, please don't be angry with me, I need you, hold me, tell me it's going to be okay.

"I would never hurt you." He told her slowly. He wanted her to know that he ment it, to be so close that she could see everything he couldn't say aloud instead in his eye. The only window left to his soul, but he could stop himself from pulling away as tears began to fill his eye. "And I-"

Her eyes flicked across his face taking in the way his already red eye filled with tears once more as if he'd been crying, the way his lips turned downward and his face contorted into genuine guilt. She looked down and zoned out, playing with the sapphire around her neck.

"No. No. No. No. No. No, Vhagar. No." She mumbled under her breath, recounting the words she'd heard screaming in her dream about the storm and the three trails of blood. Daor. Serve me, Vhagar. No. Dohaeras, Vhagar." Realization suddenly dawned on the woman and the fire was turned into ice. She tired to meet his eye once more. "You didn't mean to. You lost control." When he looked back at her she couldn't help the apologetic gasp of guilt and sorrow for her husband that fell from her lips. She pulled him into her arms and ran her fingers through his hair, whispering countless apologies and placing an endless amount of kisses to the side of his face as she just continued to hold him and hold him for she didn't know how long


That night Aelthea dreamed. She laid flat on her back, practically taking up the whole island as the waters tickled hesitantly at the top of her head and the bottoms of her feet. A sword dangled over her right eye, it looked familiar but she just could put her finger on it. To her left the Blood Wyrm plunged towards the earth, to her right the Queen of all Dragons. They both collided into the water at the same time and the created waves finally reached out and buried her in there dark mysterious depths. All she could think was this is the end, and this is the beginning.

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