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Daemon had stolen a dragons egg. Shit.
I listened as the King and the Dragonkeeper spoke to eachother in High Valyrian, a language I did not understand and so i tried my best to read their body language instead.

The Dragonkeeper was frustrated and distressed, Viserys was angry and confused.

I recognized Daemon's name in the foreign language and it was only confirmed when the King spoke his brothers name out loud in the common tongue.

"The Prince left a missive which I believe might explain."

Grand Maester Mellos unrolled the parchment and began to read. Daemon styled himself as the Prince of Dragonstone and the rightful heir, which had me rolling my eyes, he also announced his intent on making his pregnant paramour his second wife and bestowing on her all the titles of the Lady of Dragonstone. The dragons egg was for the babe's cradle. "The Prince has invited you to his wedding your Grace, it is in two days time." He finished.

"Gods be good." Lord Beesbury murmured into his cup.

"Here, here." I raised my own glass before downing it in one gulp.

"Who is Lady Mysaria." Corlys questioned, but not before rolling his eyes at me. He was always sour that he couldn't whip me into shape as a boy.

Mellos went to answer but I interjected. "Daemon's whore." I gripped the edge of the table tightly and watched my knuckles grow white. It made me even angrier when Otto nodded his approval at my choice of words, I hated that man.

"This is nothing less than sedition." Otto said and Strong was quick to agree.

"My brother wishes to provoke me, to answer is to give him what he wants." Viserys tried to reason.

"The Realm is watching, your Grace." Lord Corlys reminded.

"Im sorry Viserys, but he's right. How will it look to the Lords and the people if Daemon is allowed to undermine you like this and get away with it." I hated to say it because Daemon was my best friend and I loved him, but he was doing this to himself.

"What would you have me do, send him to the wall." Viserys glared between the Sea Snake and myself. "Perhaps I could put his head on a spike." He spoke accusingly.

"Daemon has seized Dragonstone, has surrounded himself with an army of Gold Cloaks, and has now stolen a dangerous weapon." Otto reminded the King in defense of us.

Suddenly Rhaenyra spoke up in that strange Valyrian language. I saw as her face transform into one of hurt and betrayal. I found myself wondering what had been said, but it didn't matter because whatever it was it convinced Viserys to act.

"Assemble a detachment Otto. I will go to Dragonstone and drag Daemon back to face justice myself." He began to storm off but was stopped by Otto speaking up.

"My apologies your Grace but I cannot allow it, it's to dangerous. Daemon is without limit." I closed my eyes in an attempt to block out that truth from my ears. I shook my head, not believing that he would go so far as to kill his brother. He did love him, no matter what happened between the two. And Kinslaying was the worst thing anyone could do.

"Let me go to Dragonstone."

"Llanstormydd and I shall go as well, that way if Daemon decides to use Caraxes we shall be well matched." I looking in Viserys' eyes, silently begging him to let me do this. If it should be anyone than it should be me, there's a small chance he might actually listen.

Viserys nodded. "Very well then."


I stomped into the room and was greeted with Jonquil and Faune pocking their heads out the hallway that led to Max's room.

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