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Aemond and Aelthea had been married for five months now and were extremely happy, both still stuck in that early marital bliss.

Except for today.

Today the young woman was sad, and nervous, and a little bit frustrated in all honestly. Aemond was leaving her today to attend a council meeting (even though it wasn't required), study either histories or languages she couldn't remember, and then train with Ser Criston, leaving her to find something to take up her time until he returned to their shared chambers for dinner.

She could have tea with some of the noble ladies, or spend some time with Helaena in the gardens, perhaps do some embroidery with her ladies.

No, in the end she decided to go outside, needing some fresh air, especially after what Lyrra had told her. So here she was, walking around with her head tilted back up towards the sky, oblivious to everything around her except for the clouds. So entranced was she that she didn't notice when she was about to bump into someone.

They collided harshly and she gripped at her chest, letting out a groan of pain as the person she ran into grunted at the impact. "Pardon me." She voiced apologetically. Then she looked up into those eyes. "Aegon." They hadn't truly spoken since her wedding day.

"You keep looking up as if you'd rather live up there than down here." He chuckled as if nothing had happened, and it infuriated her like nothing before.

"Well I like it up there, it's comfortable, less hostile, more free." Her tone was bitter and her eyes were hard.

"You always did enjoy the taste of freedom on your tongue." She didn't know if he was making some crude and inappropriate jest, his smirk always made it difficult to tell. "Perhaps we can go for a ride later." Just then a serving girl exited where Aegon had just come, fixing up her skirts. She paused to look at the pair in awkward shame before skurying off. While Aelthea was distracted by the woman Aegon took that opportunity to take in her appearance, looking up and down at the green dress she wore. He like her better in red.

"I see you haven't changed since last we spoke." Meaning both the serving girl and the fact she'd caught him staring.

"What can I say, I have a strong appetite." The slight hint of wine wafted into her face making her have to fight the urge to scrunch her nose up.

No, he was hyper aware of his loveless life, and in a form of self destruction he chose to drown himself in wines and girls in a weak attempt for any sort of attention, even if it was bad. She felt sad for him, his need as bottomless as the cups of wine he constantly drowned himself in. The cup she had once made her duty to fill up with all the love that she could possibly give, she wanted to keep doing that.

Now that she was finally separated from her husband she realized how lonely she was without Aegon, she couldn't truly be as she was with him as he and Aemond were such different people. And I mean sure she had her ladies and Helaena but they weren't the same, she had a mask for each and everyone of them, one she could only let slip with him. She didn't say any of this out loud and instead only hmmed, a trait she'd picked up from her husband.

Aegon took notice of this. His eyes snapped to attention, his joking demeanor dropping. He attempt to recall it back with a gulp from the flask of wine he recently took to carrying with him, but just before it met his lips and the cool liquid poured relief down his throat her small hand grasped it and brought it up to her own lips instead.

"I was thirsty, hope you don't mind." Her lips smirked around the top of it. He wanted to reach out and touch her, longing for her to hold him once more while she ran her fingers through his hair and told him it was going to be okay, told him that he was loved. But he made no move.

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