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The table was full of laughter and conversations all around as everyone talked about there days, plans for the morrow, or just anything that popped into their minds. I felt a small smile take over my face as I let my gaze linger on every single member of my family; the only exclusion being my mother, whom was still in Camelot, left to rule it in my name.

I felt a hand grab mine own and looking over to my left, and saw Faune with a worried expression on her face, though she still wore a smile. "Are you alright?"

"I am just thinking of how thankful I am for my family." I raised my voice and taped my glass with a fork. All conversation stopped and I saw a mixture of blue and gold eyes staring back at me. I never thought I would have this.

"I'm thankful for my son, Maex, whom is the smartest and best man I have ever come to know; a little surprised you came from me because of that." Everyone let out a chuckle at that. "My beautiful Thea, who is the best of her mother and the worst of me, my little headache, my little dragon. My Lili, the image of myself and sure to always come out on top with a tongue as sharp as Excalibur and a temper as hot as dragon flames. Vis, the very image of beauty and grace. Alyssa, smarter than anyone I know whilst still being the very kindest and perfect young girl this family has ever produced. Mads, although he drives me crazy, I enjoy watching him do the same to others. Uthor and Constantine, I love for there innocents and fascination and eagerness for everything new."

I looked at the two women who were my two rocks in life, the reason that all of this was possible. "And of course to my two beautiful and very tolerant loves. I know I have not made it easy. At all. But I would not be here without you. You are the hope, the light at the end of the tunnel, the rock that keeps me centered, and the pain in the back of my head when you whack me for doing something stupid." I saw both of their faces light up with smiles and more laughter rang. "Thank you all for-for being my family."

Everyone broke out in applause but I could see a few of them were worried. They had no need to be, there wasn't anything wrong. I just had this feeling, like this would be one of the last times we got to do something this. I needed to say goodbye.

I took my seat and kissed both Faune and Jonny's hands before adding one more thing to the toast. "And may new members of this family feel the same love that we feel tonight."

Everyone stopped at that. I saw Maex stop chewing and glance at Thea who was gripping her fork tightly. He gulped loudly and took a drink of his wine before speaking up. "I, uh," he let out a nervous chuckle. "I don't think I get your meaning father. Are one of our mothers pregnant again."

He knew, he just didn't want to say it. "You are both of age." Maex and Thea. 18 and 14.

"Maexes wants to be a measter." Jonny hesitantly reminded, not looking at me. There was still some tension over the fact that I hadn't let him go yet.

"I'm aware. But that doesn't mean that he hasn't taken an interest in someone. Or Thea for that matter, darling, have you found anyone that you like."

Her shoulders stiffened and she tried to shrug nonchalantly but it only looked awkward and twitchy.

"Jon is right, Aurelius, perhaps we should drop it and turn to happier topics of conversation."

"Well what's wrong with this conversation, is a wedding not a happy topic?"

"I do not wish to be married and sold off like some prized whore." I heard Aelthea mumble under her breath. I also saw her brother grab her wrist and start rubbing circles to calm her. I felt my jaw tick. It was tradition for sibling to secretly marry sibling in this family, if one was available of course, and our house had been lacking that lately. The two of them had always been close, and they were close enough in age. That was why I hadn't sent him away yet, in hopes that he'd change his mind and do his duty.

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