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"Things have been quite quiet since the King and Rhaenyra's departure." Aurelius commented. He was bored, he'd been full of boredom since his return half a month ago now that his friend was gone.

"Except for the Princess Helaena's constant crying."

"Yes, why is she always crying?" His brow furrowed and all I could do was shrug, as if I'd know all the answers. Well I did have a theory that it was due to Alicent's complete lack of comfort when it came to the fact that she had children, she wasn't ready; yes she loved them but I think a part of her saw them as something that sealed her fate, Aegon in particular. I shook the thought from my mind and turned the page of the book, twisting a lock of Faune's red hair as her head rested comfortably in my lap. I was reading aloud and making Faune follow along with me because she had made a comment about wanting to read and write. I honestly think she was falling asleep though instead of learning anything.

Aurelius stood abruptly. "Alright where's Maexes, I want to take him down to the Dragonpit. Maybe he'll finally find a dragon, get over his fears."

"Um," I looked up and tried to remember where he'd told me he was going, not trying very hard though,  we'd been over this a thousand times about how Maex just wasn't interested but Aurelius didn't care. "I think he said he was going to the library? Maybe the Sept, I'm not sure. Besides, you know he hates it in there." I chided, reminding for the two thousandth time. Like always he didn't care.

"Gods he spends most of his time there, you'd think him a Maester. Maybe it's time I start taking his training to be Lord of Camelot more seriously." He contemplated outloud to himself.

"Well, he does want to be a maester." I said none chalantly.

"What?" It wasn't a question it was a seriousness, a sound of disapproval. I thought I'd told him already, maybe he'd been drunk or to tired to remember, both where highly possible.

"What's the problem with that?" Faune questioned as she paused her attempts at sounding out the words on the page.

"The problem is that he is my heir, my only son. I will go find him and bring the boy to his senses." He stalked towards the door with a purpose.

"Aurelius!" Faune sat up and both she and I turned around to see him stop at the doorway. He turned back to face us with an angry look.

"He is my only heir! I have one son, and three daughter, two of those daughters are bastards might I remind you." He spoke frustratedly. Faune and I looked over to Lyrra and she took the cue and led Lilibet and Visenyra from the room, Aelthea was with Aegon having a playdate.

"For now. I have missed my course this month and have been meaning to see the Maester about it, I'm sure I am with child."

"Another girl I'm sure, I do have a knack for producing those."

Faune scoffed behind me. "Do you not love your daughters."

He rubbed his hands over his face and huffed out in frustration. "Of course I do, that's not what I meant."

"Then explain it to me." I could hear the hurt in her voice at the thought of his lack of love for any of his children sue to their sex. I was constantly having to remind myself that she was still new to this world.

"As a Lord and a man I need heirs! Without them our family would be ruined, would be extinct, and while I hate the standard that a woman is meant to produce heirs it does hold some truth to it." I could tell she was still frustrated and I felt a pang of my own hurt at the thought of failing him in not producing enough sons. Felt a guilt at not having done so already so that my Maex might be able to pursue his passions.

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