The Belladonna

By BekLittleSparrow24

133K 5.6K 725

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... More

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Belladonna
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Across the Plank
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - Sitting Room
Chapter 69

Chapter 20

2K 96 62
By BekLittleSparrow24

Ahoy there maties! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Tell me what you think and any ideas you want to happen (maybe?) Also, I found this picture and she is kind of how I imagine Sky. (Any thoughts?)

Anyway! Hope you like this chapter and thanks for reading, LittleSparrow

Sky's heart stopped beating completely. Her mind when bank and her eyes glazed over. Dustin lifted his head. He smiled as the other captain fell dead after taking his own life in shame. Sky blinked twice before crying out in nonsense at her unbearable relief.  She felt tears on her checks and a wave of dizziness hit her. Dustin' s gaze shifted to her and he walked over to and gently placed his hand on her head. Sky flinched at the warm pressure against her hair still not believing that the man before her wasn't shot dead.

"It's alright Sweetheart," His voice was so tender that Sky wanted to sob at the sound of it. "Besides, were not out of this yet. Don't go breaking down on me now."

As if by some sick twist of fate cannon fire rang out over the water. It was low and seemed to throb through the thick air. All eyes turned to the man-o-war. Dustin's hand left Sky's head and he held his breath. Sky didn't know if they were in range. She didn't know exactly how far of a range her father's gun gave the warship and she prayed that they had done enough. She shut her eyes waiting for the pain of death.

The cannon balls never hit. Every single pirate stared in utter amazement as they disappeared under the water less than ten feet from The Belladonna.

"Holy shit." Dustin whispered. Sky actually collapsed from relief and landed in a heap on the ground. Dustin turned and smiled down at her his gold eyes shining. "Yep. I forgive you now."

Sky sighed and let her head flop down against the wood. We did it. We actually did it.

"Get us out of here Lads! Put as much did stance between us as possible." Sky couldn't see him but she could hear the laughter in his voice. The ship jerked forward as wind fill its sails. Sky hadn't slept last night and the exhaustion practically consumed her. "Thomas." Sky felt his heavy footsteps through the floor. "Take her to get some rest."

"Aye Cap'n." Sky felt strong hands on her arms and she let Thomas lift her off the ground. "You know, that could have gone a lot worse."

Dustin's laugh washed over Sky. She looked up to see him; his eyes were bright with life and his smile was beautiful. He looked at her with an emotion Sky couldn't read and placed his hand on her shoulder causing blood to flood to her cheeks.

"Good job, Sweetheart." His praise filled her with joy and something else that she was too tired to think about.

Thomas helped her down the ladder and even offered her his hand so that she could get into her hammock without falling on her face. "Get some well needed rest Lass. We'll be at Karniva before ya know it." Thomas told her with a smile.

She didn't respond as her vision was already going fogging. She couldn't be sure when but sometime later Fane's voice drifted down to her though the grate that let air into the space.

"Land ho!"

Sky smiled just as sleep claimed her.

"You know, I always thought all women looked like resting angels when they slept." Thomas's voice stirred Sky from her pleasant slumber. "On this day I am proven wrong. I thank you Lass for helping me see the error of my ways." Sky opened her eyes and saw his dark ones were full of laughter. She frowned going over what he'd said again in her mind.

"Shut up." She pushed him in an attempt to get him to go away. But when it was her who was sent back she realised her mistake. Sky fell out the other side of the hammock with a strangled cry. Laughter filled the air all around her as the other pirates sorted out their things.

"And you continue to prove my point." Thomas offered her his hand which Sky swatted away. "Someone's grumpy." Sky groaned and stood up her back and legs sore.

"Are there no normal beds on this bloody ship? Hammocks do not agree with me." Thomas grinned.

"There is one." He told her as she put on her outer shirt. "But you'd have to share it." Sky stopped, confused by his meaning. "Though, I'm sure the captain wouldn't mind inviting you under his sheets."

Sky felt her eyes go wide and her face flame. "I- um...." She stuttered causing the pirates around her to laugh again.

"Come on Lass," Thomas moved away from her, "We're about to weigh anchor." That stopped Sky.

"We're here?" Thomas nodded. "How long was I asleep?" Sky cried in shock.

"Less than a day. When you're done getting ready get ya butt up on the main deck." With that he disappeared.

Sky looked around her and saw that the pirates were grinning at her with friendly smiles.

When did that happen? Sky gave small weak smiles back and finished dressing pulling her clothing on aggressively.

Feeling grumpy and more annoyed than she should have Sky did some mental calculations and realised that her body had decided that this was the time. Pissed off at the inconvenient reality, she clutched her stomach and looked at the men around her. Sky rummaged through her hammock until she found one of her rags that, until then, she hadn't needed and stuffed it into her shirt.

Instead of going up to the main deck, Sky took the other ladder down onto the cannon deck and kept going down till she reached the cells. She found it difficult to imagine that she had spent so much time down here after she'd been captured. It wasn't that long ago, yet it felt as if she had been living in a world separate from the normal ticking of time. She was thankful when she saw there was no one down there and once again cursed her body clock.

When Sky finally emerged onto the main deck Thomas was standing there with his arms crossed and an angry look on his face.

"What the bloody hell took you so long?" He snapped and Sky almost laughed at the irony of his words. She didn't bother with an answer and turned her had to port side.

The sight of the mainland took her breath away. It was huge seeming to stretch on for miles. It wasn't flat like she'd expected and there were some hills around the city that offered good natural protection. The city of Karniva was the most incredible thing she'd seen. Buildings made of stone and wood lined the shore and became more elaborate as they when back. Squinting Sky saw the Kings palace like a beautiful proud flower surrounded by weeds.

There. That's where I will find my answers. Where I'll find James. Surly the King had records to who was in his navy. All Sky had to do was get to them. After everything else, getting my hands on some papers seems almost too easy.

"Beautiful is it?" Sky jumped as what should have been Thomas' voice belonged to someone else. Dustin was looking at her. "I take it you never sailed all the way over here?"

"I take it you have been here many times?" She retorted. Dustin tilted his head.

"I guess." He said at last and leaned against the railing of the ship. "I grew up here."

Sky's eyes snapped to him in surprise; not due to his statement, but simply because he told her something personal. She watched him carefully. His gaze was dark.

"Not fond memories?" She asked her voice gentle. Dustin looked back at her and his eyes searched her face, lingering on her lips a little too long.

"Not really." He pushed himself up and looked at Thomas who was steering the ship so that she could weigh anchor. Sky followed his gaze and wondered if he was thinking about the gap in Thomas' story before he met up with him again.

"What will you do?" Sky had been longing to know since she'd read his journal what he planned on doing once they reached Karniva.

"I need to meet up with some people who owe me." He said elusively.

"You mean the 'Cormorants'?" Sky pushed. Dustin grinned at her.

"Nosy little thing aren't you Sweetheart?" Sky didn't humour him with a response. Dustin sighed. "Yes. I mean them."

"What are they?" She knew he could walk away at any second but she was desperate for some answers. He had to know before she walked out of his life forever and never saw him again. The thought made her chest clench.

"Technically they're a type of bird." She blinked at him and he sighed. "I guess they are like..." He trailed off frowning, "land pirates?"

"Land pirates." Sky repeated her voice flat and unimpressed. Dustin laughed at her.

"They're a group of people who do what we do, but on land." He explained.

"They owe me and I have come to collect." A plan slowly crept its way into Sky's mind.

"Do they have information?" She asked him. Dustin narrowed his eyes at her and opened his mouth to respond.

"Cap'n!" Thomas called. "We are ready to dock." Dustin looked over to a small port that had a boardwalk expanding out into the water. It was nothing compared to the main port but it was obvious why they could dock there. Thomas positioned The Belladonna so that her port flank was lined up with the dock.

Dustin moved away from her and disappeared into his cabin. Sky frowned at her lack of answer and walked over to Thomas. She met him as he walked down the last step from the poop deck in front of the main mast.

"Here," He held out a pistol to her. It was white and had delicate swirls calved into the barrel. "Dust didn't want to send you off defenceless." Thomas placed the cold gun in her hands. It was heavy felt extremely expensive.

"I can't take this." She told Thomas who shrugged.

"Then give it back to him. I doubt he will let you leave without it though." Sky felt odd to receive such a gift. She clutched it against her unsure of the captain's generosity.

Dustin emerged form under the poop deck attaching his cutlass to his hip. His usual attire replaced by dark pants and a blood red coat. He had leather boots on and his hat was the only thing that remained the same. As he got closer to them Sky saw that his shirt was undone a little at the top. Unwillingly her eyes drifted to that spot. The first two buttons were left open and the material was pulled down slightly exposing his sun tanned skin beneath. Sky's eyes trailed across his collar bone to the hollow at the base of his neck.

"Careful Dust, you don't want to make the poor lass faint." Thomas' jest caused Sky to blink and brought her out of the frightening state she had been slipping into.

Dustin looked down at her and smirked. Sky wanted to fall right through the deck of the ship and into the cold water. Perhaps it could cool down her heated flesh.

"Do you like it?" Dustin's voice forced her to look at him. For some foolish reason Sky though he was talking about his exposed chest and she chocked unable to answer him. He nodded down to the pistol in her hands. Sky gripped it tightly and looked into his gold eyes.

"I can't take it." She held it out to him and one of his eye brows lifted.

"Too bad. I'm not taking it back." His face was serious.

"I could always throw it over the side of the ship." Sky threatened hoping he would fall for her bluff. Instead he just tilted his head to the side and smiled.

"If you're ever kidnapped by callous pirates it might be quite useful." He smirked and Sky puffed out air in exasperation. "Just take it and shut up." He looked out at the dock where his men had already started leaving.

"I guess that's it then?" He looked back to her and something in Sky hoped he would disagree.

"I guess so." He replied his tone flat.

Dustin bent at the waist in front of her causing her eyebrows to rise in surprises. He took off his hat and swept her a low elegant bow flourishing his hand out to the side and crossing one leg behind him.  Sky stood fixed to the spot as he rose and looked her in the eyes.

"Farewell then, Sweetheart." He turned away from her leaving her standing on the deck of his ship. Thomas patted her on the shoulder and followed his captain.

That's it? He is just going to walk away as if nothing ever happened? Sky's chest felt like it had been ripped open. She tried to console herself.

Remember why you're here Skyler. This is for James. You never intended on getting involved with pirates in the first place. Let him walk away. Let him- Fuck it!

"Dustin!" He froze as his name left her lips; his back rigid and tense. For one terrifying second Sky though he might keep walking. She watched as he spun, her chest rising and falling with fear and anticipation. Dustin's eyes were so dark they barely looked gold anymore. He strode over to her, crossing the distance in less than no time.

Before she could register what he was doing, Sky was pushed back against the main mast with such force that she gasped. The sound never made it past her lips though because at that moment Dustin captured her mouth with his.

Sky's eyes flew open wide and her heart jumped into her throat. Dustin had his hands on either side of her head and his body, flush against hers, pinned her to the mast so firmly that she wouldn't be able to move if she wanted to. His eyes were closed and slowly, skilfully, Sky was pulled into the kiss. Never had she imagined that lips could be so soft, but as Dustin moved his against her, Sky's eyes fluttered shut at the blissful feeling.

Dustin deepened the kiss; dipping his head so that he was level with her and used his lips to open her mouth. Sky offered little resistance and let him take over her body. Let the taste of salt dominate her senses. Her skin had erupted in tingles and an intense fiery heat that she had never felt before overcame her. Sky's heart was beating so fast she could hear it. A small sound escaped her and disappeared into his mouth as he moved one hand to hold the side of her face and gripping the hair behind her neck violently.

Having no control over her own body, and no idea what she was doing, Sky arched her back into him and he stroked her check lightly with his thumb pushing her gently back against the wooden pillar behind her. Hundreds of emotions filled Sky as he kissed her; pleasure, longing, passion, lust. And all of them were ripped away too suddenly.

Dustin pulled back and foolishly Sky followed his retreat not wanting him to stop. His thumb travelled down her face and brushed over her bottom lip tenderly. Sky opened her eyes and gazed at him, her heart smashing against her ribs. He pressed his forehead against hers, the feather on his hat brushing the top of her head and grinned. Both his hands moved to her hips and held her there.

"Dustin-"Sky was cut off as he kissed her again. Nothing more than a gentle touch of their lips but it had an entirely different effect on her than the last one as she felt like she could melt into his chest. Dustin pulled away too soon and took a step back from her creating a gap of space between them.

"I had to kiss you. Just once." His voice was breathy and almost wistful. His golden eyes radiant.

"But you kissed me twice." Sky replied her brain turned to mush by just his touch. Dustin smirked.

"If we ever met up again, remind me to make it three times." He tilted his hat down and his smirk tuned into a charming smile. "Good luck Sweetheart."

Sky watched him leave this time. The rest of his crew followed with cheerfulness and joy. Thomas even punched his friend in the arm, which resulted in him getting shoved aggressively to the side by his captain.

Had the mast not been behind her Sky would have fallen, her legs unable to take her weight. Her lips still tingled and her face felt like it was on fire.

He kissed me... He kissed me. She blinked twice. My first kiss taken by a pirate. Her father would have turned in his grave and James... She didn't even want to think about what her brother would do.


Sky shot up straight. She had done it; she gotten to the mainland. Now all she had to do was break into the Kings heavily guarded palace, locate the ship's records amongst what might be thousands of papers and figure out what ship James was assigned to. No problem. 

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