It all started off with a kis...

By prettyboy_lix

7.7K 328 272

[ Being worked on ] Shu was a new student at the high school. Shu had been home-schooled all his life up unti... More

Demon Prince
Keep Calm, Luca


696 34 25
By prettyboy_lix

The first day of school has arrived, unfortunately. Shu looked inside the mirror, looking at his own uniform, looking at his face, looking at his hair, looking at his jewelry. Shu had his uniform on. He didn't mind the colors of it. If anything, Shu couldn't care less. The colors consisted of dark blues and purples. Shu looked nice in the uniform. It matched his own color palette of his hair and complimented it almost as well.

Shu sighed to himself. He wasn't sure if today was going to go well at all. He wants it to go well. No one knows what Shu looks like in person online, only what his avatars look like. Shu did have a main avatar, but he doesn't always use that one. Using different avatars made his fans happy, and it made Shu happy as well. That's all that matters to him. Seeing his fans happy was an inspiration for Shu to continue streaming.

Their reactions. Their comments. Their ideas. The fan art. Shu loved it all. It made him... Finally feel happy. But.. One thing he hated, was those types of fans.

He opened up his Twitter, saying that he is going to have to cancel the stream today. He didn't state why, but he knew that today was going to be tiring. His last Tweet said that he was going to come back today, but oh Shu was mistaken. He knew a lot of fans were probably mad at him right now, but he prayed to some sort of God out there that he won't end up in deep shit.

Most likely, he knew everything in the end once he looks at the comments, people are going to yell at him. Why are fans like this anyways? Shouldn't they appreciate that Shu is finally taking a break? A break that is. He has NEVER EVER taken a break in the past few months. It's almost been a year on top of that.

Shu didn't want to go outside, he didn't want to look at other people. Their faces almost scare Shu to death. Maybe he had a phobia of the outside world. Maybe he was afraid of the germs in the outside world. Maybe his eyes were highly sensitive to light, which indeed is true. He wanted to stay in bed, play games, and feel okay.

"Shu, it's time for you to start heading off." His mother called out for him to come downstairs.

Shu walked down, tossing his bag that was on the hallway's desk over his shoulder, and sitting down to put his shoes on. "Have a good first day now Shu!" Shu's mom said with excitement while Shu just started walking to the high school after closing the door behind him.

He had his phone in his pocket, listening to some music in his headphones. Shu had a faint smile as he walked. Music had made Shu happy. He didn't have a certain type of music that he only listened to. He listened to almost anything. Having a playlist for each mood.

As Shu continued walking, there was someone who seemed lost in the distance. The person was tall, had dirty blonde hair, and wore a uniform just like Shu. Shu looked over at the person, trying to figure out what to say. This was his first-person interaction that wasn't his mom, and chat didn't count.

"Are you uh... Lost?" Shu asked while the tall man turned around and looked at Shu.

"Maybe.." The person said and felt guilty. "I'm trying to find my school... I think I might be just a little lost."

Shu listened before looking this person up and down, trying to fully confirm if they went to the same school. "We go to the same school. I can walk you there." Shu offered the tall man.

The person smiled widely, nodding their head. "My name is Luca! Yours?" Luca asked Shu.

Shu looked at Luca. "Shu. That's my name." He spoke with a faint smile. Luca only smiled back with a bigger smile.

Shu laughed just a little bit before he began to show Luca where the school was. Luca kept on looking around the neighborhood. Most likely, it was also Luca's first day. That made more sense to Shu now. Shu thought this must have been Luca's second year, so he must have known where the school is. Shu shook his head lightly, continuing to show Luca the way.

They finally made it to the school after around a good ten minutes. Luca waved goodbye after saying "Thank you." to Shu. Shu waved back before heading to his first class. He already had a schedule he picked up in the gym. Shu didn't bother walking around the school. That never interested him. Just walking around a building. He would much rather walk around town, trying new stuff out that could catch his eye. Shu picked an empty desk to sit in, as he rested his head down. A familiar voice approached him, scaring him just a little bit.

"Shu! I didn't know you had the same first class as me!" Luca said with joy, glad to see the person he had just met minutes ago this day.

To Luca, Shu had already claimed Shu as a friend of his. Luca didn't know much about Shu, but there was something in him that just wanted to know more about Shu. But Luca didn't want to force anything upon Shu, so he decided to just take this friendship slowly.

"Oh... You're the blonde-haired boy from earlier." Shu had spoken, looking up at Luca.

"The name is Luca! Did you forget already?" Luca said with a pout.

"Maybe," Shu said with a sigh. Luca laughed at that, shaking his head. He found that... Cute. Luca sat next to Shu. They continued talking, patiently waiting for the teacher. The conversations weren't boring, just small talk. Shu still had high trust issues. Not sure if he wanted to tell Luca more about him, so he kept the conversations simple. From topics about their favorite food, to what shows they liked watching.

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