By Loaenia

154K 7.1K 534

" Hyung is the only one i'll love" The young Jungkook used to say to himself and his friends. everyone knew... More

Chapter one ( How i met him )
Chapter two ( Meeting)
Chapter three ( It's you)
Chapter four ( job)
Chapter five ( I missed you)
Chapter six ( you were not there)
Chapter seven ( alone )
Chapter eight ( I hate you hyung)
Chapter nine ( i'm sorry)
Chapter ten ( I used to love him)
Chapter Eleven ( what is that feeling?)
Chapter twelve ( what was that??)
Chapter thirteen ( stay away from him)
Chapter fourteen ( I used to love you)
Chapter fifteen ( good bye love )
Chapter sixteen ( love?)
Chapter seventeen ( kiss )
chapter eighteen ( the next morning)
Chapter nineteen ( mistake )
Chaptet twenty ( help me.)
Chapter twenty one ( Explanation)
Chapter twenty two ( Loveydovey)
Chapter twenty three (newly father)
Chapter twenty four ( Jeonlous)
Chapter twenty five ( Hobi )
Chapter twenty six ( Confrontation )
Chapter twenty seven ( Bestfriends)
chapter twenty eight ( memories)
Chapter twenty nine ( Date)
Chapter thirty ( nightmare)
Chapter thirty-one ( She is fine..)
Chapter thirty-two ( smile )
Chapter thirty-three ( A great new)
Chapter thirty four ( Murder )
Chapter thirty five ( what do we do?)
Chapter thirty six ( Out of sight,out of mind )
Chapter thirty seven ( could be us)
Chapter thirty eight ( Back? )
Chapter thirty nine ( elevator )
Chapter forty-one ( Replaced me..)
Chaptet fourty-two ( Let's make love )
Chapter fourty-three ( Talk )
Chapter fourty-four ( I'm not giving up )
chapter fourty-five ( uneasy )
Chapter fourty-six ( fight)
Chapter fourty-seven ( Baby is coming )
Chapter fourty-eight ( proposal )
Chapter fourty-nine ( Wedding )
Chapter fifty ( Happy ending )

Chapter forty ( Triangle )

1.9K 87 4
By Loaenia

Taehyung still smelled Jungkook's perfume on his clothes. They were so glued tight in the elevator. The boy was still in a state of shock.

Tae: Was that on purpose or was it really because of the people coming in?? he continued to wonder for hours that followed.

He put their ideas in place and tried to concentrate on his work but nothing to do.

Jungkook upset him deeply.

Tae: AISH! WHY?!!! He suddenly screamed causing everyone around him to jump.


Tae: sorry sorry. I'm just.. Hah. Anyway.

He paced in his office and looked out to Jungkook's  few meters away. When the later lifted his eyes and met his own, he turned sharply and bumped into the door.

Tae: Shit...he swore, stroking his forehead.

JK: Omo.

Tae: ouch..

Jungkook got up and walked towards him when Jimin arrived.

JM: Are you okay??

Tae: Yeah.. he said moaning in pain. I just banged my head against the fucking door.

JM: What were you doing??

Tae: Oh? I was spyi.. I mean.. nothing. I didn't do anything.. I just..Forget.

Jimin held his arm and examined his forehead where a bruise was forming.

JM: You're really stupid sometimes Taehyung. Look.. Aish. I'll bring you an ice cube. You don't move from here huh.

Tae: I'll be fine.. ahh!

JM: What a silly boy. Go inside and wait for me.

Taehyung nodded and got in gently.

Jungkook sighed and got back to his seat. He left a little chuckle at Taehyung 's cuteness and began to type on his keyboard.

Jimin came back after some minutes with the ice and put it on Taehyung 's forehead as he sat in front of him.

JM: you look flustered.

Tae: OF COURSE I AM!  He cried out.

Jimin flinched and crossed his arms.

JM: Why?? 

Tae: It's Jungkook. He makes me feel embarassed and whenever I meet him I loose my mind the minute after. My heart beats so fast and I can't breath,

Jimin listened to him complaining like a little child during ten long mimutes and giggled.

Tae: what now?

JM: You are just In love. That's all.

Tae: No I am not. It ended years ago.

JM: Don't lie. You are not good at it.

Tae: I am not.. Hah.. I have works to do.

JM: why?  Because you are finally working now?  Hahaha.

Tae: Chim.

JM: what?  Listen Tae. If he doesn't mean anything to you anymore. Why are you so.. Frustrated about his presence?

Tae: Because he is my ex and that's normal!

JM: That's normal if you guys broke up a week ago. You broke up four years ago!

Tae: ....

JM: 4 years!

Taehyung lowered his head and pouted sadly.

JM: don't act like a teenager okay?  You two are grown up men as I far as I know. So if you love him,  at least accept it!  Damn !

That was true.

Jimin stood up and walked out of the room leaving his friend alone thoughtful.

After an hour, Taehyung decided to rest his mind for a bit and went to get something to eat. He walked towards the Break Room and heard the elevator close. He just turned around and saw Jungkook inside with a woman.

A woman who was unknown to him.

His eyebrows furrowed as he turned back and walked towards it.

- Taehyung? someone called out to him from behind.

He turned and faced Wung.

WG: Where are you going like that?

Tae: Did you see this woman getting inside with Jungkook?

WG: Yeah. OH!  That was a woman??

Tae: I know!  Wae?  Wae??  Who is it??

WG: This.. Wait.  I'm gonna ask the others if they recognize her.

Taehyung didn't wait for Wung and out of curiosity, immediately ran to see. He almost fell in the stairs but kept running until he reached the first floor.

He ran the few more meters and arrived outside. His breathing was jerky. He hasn't raced like this for years.

He turned and saw the couple hugging each other. He stood there without saying a word. The Beautiful Woman got into her car and drove off. Jungkook waved at her a last time and turned.

Taehyung couldn't even move even though he knew jungkook was going to see him. He didn't move an inch and stared at him.

JK: Tae?

Then he bit his lip and walked away. He entered the building.

Jungkook followed him a bit confused.

JK: Hyung!

The older man didn't stop, however, and took the elevator.

Arriving on his floor, he felt weird. His eyes moisten slowly.

He went to the break room and locked himself there for a moment to calm down. Jungkook arrived a few seconds later.

He looked for Tae in his office and since he was not there, he looked for him everywhere until he saw the him in the break room drinking peacefully his tea.

He got in and sighed.

JK: you are walking so fast. Gosh.

Tae: ah?  Ah.

JK: What were you doing outside just now?

Tae:  Ohh. Well, I went for a walk and I just stopped when I saw you. Why? He sais as he put a spoon of sugar in his tea knowing that it was already too  sweet. He had to stay cool about it after all.

Jungkook burried his hands in his pockets and walked over.

JK: So, do you have questions?

Tae: No. Why would I ? Should I?

Jungkook looked at him in the eyes and smiled.

JK: No right? We are not dating.

Tae took that sentence as a Stab on the heart. He felt his eyes watering up but he still managed to smile and licked his lips.

Tae: Yes. We are not. He said a last time and walked out of the room with his hot drink in the hand.

He put it down on his table and sat slowly. He looked ahead him and felt a tear scrolling along his cheek.

Tae: Right.. We are not dating. He has nothing to do with me... He said in a low voice...

Then, he covered his face and just let it out..

He began to sob.

Tae: h-hhh..

It lasted some long minutes. He didn't care if they heard him or anything. He had to empty his heart.

Jimin heard it  and got inside immediately.

JM: Taehyung ? Ya.. What's wrong?? He said worriedly as he patted Taehyung 's back gently.

Tae: you are right l.. I love him just like the first day.. I never stopped loving him actually.. And.. Hah.. Now it's too late because he has a girlfriend..

JM: ye??  How do you know that??

Tae: I just saw her. They hugged and.. They looked so...in love.

Jimin 's face saddened. He took his besfriend in his arms and comforted him.

Tae: H-hah..

JM: I am sorry.. I wish I could do something for you but.. I can't.. Just.. Move on now.

Tae: I don't really have choices.. He said head burried in Jimin's shoulder.

Tae: I have to.

JM: Hah. Taehyung. Why do you keep getting hurt like that?  Anyway. We are going to go through that together. Okay?

Tae: mmm.

JM: Shhh.


The rest of the day was complicated for everyone.
When the time to leave came, Taehyung headed out first. And who greeted him in the parking lot?


With a large bouquet of flowers.

CH: Taehyung!

Taehyung stared at him in amazement and bursted in laughter.

Tae: you're weird. What is that? he asked, pointing with his finger at the bouquet he had in his hands.

Changho chuckled and showed his face. He raised his eyebrows and smiled lighting up his face. Man was very handsome.

Tae: Hi. hahaha.
CH: Delivery for sir.

Tae: Hahaha. You are unbelievable. He told him accepting the flowers.

CH: They are as beautiful as you.

Tae: stop! Hahahaha!

At that precise moment, the others came out. Jungkook looked at the couple and walked off to the other side. Jimin watched him go and sighed.

JM: Those two will be the cause of my death. Hah.

CH: Do you want to go somewhere? for a drink or...

Tae: I don't really know..

CH: Are you picking up Yeri from school?

Tae: No. She sleeps at a friend's house today... I am alone in the apartment.

CH: Do you want me to keep you company?
Tae: Hmm..

CH: Come on. Just between friends?

Tae: Friends don't get THAT kind of bouquet. Hahaha.

CH: Come on Tae.

Tai: ....

Taehyung thought for a moment and smiled.

Tae: good. Let's go then.

Taehyung turned and saw Jimin. He smiled and left.

JM: I hope he makes the right choice...

The two went to Tae's building with their own car. Changho carried the bouquet to the apartment.

Tae: wow. I don't even know where to put the flowers.

CH: I'll just put them on the table for now. hahaha.

Tae: Sit down. What do you want to drink?

CH: Do you have wine?

Tae: Mm. you're  lucky. Yes I have. Haha. Settle down. I return with cups and wine.

Changho smiled and sat down on the sofa. He looked around and turned towards the kitchen.

CH: Do you need help?

Tae: No no. I am fine. Here we gooo. He said as he put down the drink and the glasses on the table.

Changho opened it and poured some in each glasses.

CH: there..

Tae: Thank you.

They clinked glasses and began to drink.

Tae: I'm glad you're here. I was too lazy to find myself alone here.

CH: Whenever you need someone. Let me know. I am always available... for you.

Tae: I thought we were friends. Haha.

CH: We are.
Tae: so why are you flirting?

CH: I don't know. maybe the wine. Or just that I really like you. He said softly.

Both men stared at each other.

Taehyung smiled.

Tae: You're handsome, charming and you seem to have it all. You seem perfect on every level and no mentally stable person would refuse your advances.

Changho smiled and lowered his head..

CH: But?

Tae: I still have feelings for my ex.

CH: who?  That one who just came back?

Taehyung giggled and nodded.

Tae: yeah.

Chagho got closer to Taehyung and held his hand.

Tae: ....

CH: I know you know each other for many years. And maybe we just met recently but.. I stay in my position. I will not abandon Taehyung. I'll wait as long as it takes but I won't give up until you change your mind.

Tae: Hyung..

CH: At least  let me care about you. You can't take me that right...

Tae: ......

CH: I won't give up on you.

To be continued...

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