𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍 | riven | fa...

By stilinskislvr

224K 4.1K 440

「 riven x f!oc 」 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇, faye silva starts her first year at alfea college training to be a specia... More

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𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆


4K 90 19
By stilinskislvr

the water around bloom disappeared and she landed on the floor.

"she has fucking wings!" faye tried to contain her excitement due to being in a pretty dangerous situation.

burned ones surrounded bloom, snarling loudly at the girl. they began to run at her but bloom shot fire at the monsters, she struck one in its 'heart' and the burned one began to screech in pain, then it dropped to the ground.

bloom continued this at the rest of the burned ones, faye was quietly cheering from the sidelines like it was a football match.

the fire fairy took down all the burned ones with ease. she stood in silence looking down at the now humans. then ms dowling came up to bloom.

faye, aisha and stella began to walk over to the girl, bloom stumbled over to farah and then collapsed in the woman's arms.

"bloom!" faye ran over to the girl.

"she's ok, just weak." ms dowling said, holding bloom up.

"maybe you girls want to help take her back to her room?" she asked.

stella put bloom's arm over her shoulder, and faye did the same on the other side of bloom.

as the girls began to walk back to bloom's dorm, the redhead spoke. "we did it."

"yeah, we did." aisha said.


the girls made it back to the school, and faye passed bloom to aisha. "i need to find riven, i need to know if he's okay."

faye looked at bloom. "it's alright faye, go find him." bloom smiled weakly.

faye nodded and ran to the greenhouse literally the only place she hadn't been to look for him, she burst through the doors of the greenhouse and saw riven, beatrix, dane and rosalind, all their heads turned to the girl.

"what the fuck." faye spoke.

riven quickly walked over to the girl. "faye, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"what am i do- what am i doing here!?" she slightly shouted. "i was trying to fucking find you because you weren't answering my texts or calls, and this whole fucking time you've been with beatrix and dane?"

"faye, i-" riven stuttered.

faye shook her head. "i was worried about you for hours." she told him. "i ran into a fucking burned one."

"wait what? are you okay?" riven asked, slightly panicked.

"yeah, i'm fine." faye spat.

"look, could you two take this somewhere else?" dane laughed from across the room.

faye's head snapped towards him and she shot electricity at the boy, making him fall to the group with a groan.

"faye!" riven shouted.

"it's me or them." she told him.


"no." the girl interrupted. "it's me or them, riven."

riven sighed, looking back at dane and beatrix, then back at faye. he closed his eyes and walked back to dane and beatrix.

faye's heart dropped, tears forming in her eyes. "fine." was all she said before she left the greenhouse.

the girl was once again, heartbroken. she was in absolute shock as to what just happened. faye felt like her world was falling apart. she was in denial at the fact that riven chose dane and beatrix over her, she knew something wasn't right, and the fact that rosalind was there also? it was very odd.

tears filled faye's eyes as she made her way to a patch of grass behind the school. she sat down with a slight thump, it was around five in the morning so it was still pretty dark. all the girl did was sit and cry, she didn't move from her spot.

after a few hours, the sun was finally up. she was getting messages from bloom and the other girls saying they were gonna go to the first world and meet bloom's parents, faye declined the request, saying she was gonna stay at the school.


after another while of crying, faye dried her tears and went and met up with sky and her dad, they were just walking to the front of the school, and sky and silva were having their own conversation faye was just zoned out the entire time, she had no interest in speaking to anyone right now.

"where's riven?" silva asked, making faye's head snap towards him.

"probably getting stoned somewhere with dane." sky replied, noticing the way faye's face. "you alright, faye?" he asked.

faye just nodded her face blank, making sky send her a questioning look.

"i can't believe he knew this place was fucked way before i did." sky said, trying to see if faye's face changed the more he spoke about riven and it did. "didn't even take a dead dad."

silva dropped his head. "one day, i hope you will see everything i did was for your benefit, sky."

as they arrived at the front of the school about five or more cars began pulling up into the entrance.

"why are the solarians here?" faye asked, looking up at her dad.

"i don't know, i told them the attack was over." silva answered, pulling faye closer towards him.

cars had surrounded the three, making faye look between sky and her dad slightly panicked.

solarian soldiers began to get out of the cars and started running towards faye, silva and sky, making sky and faye reach for their swords.

"what the hell is going on?" sky asked.

"easy you two." silva told them.

faye looked at all the soldiers. "are you fuckers deaf? what's going on." she slightly yelled.

"faye, stop it." her dad scolded, pulling her behind him and sky.

then queen luna appeared out of one of the cars.

"queen luna." sky greeted.

silva did the same. "your majesty."

"saul silva." the queen walked over to the man, pausing for a moment." it's with a heavy heart i must place you under arrest." she told him.

faye pushed between sky and silva. "excuse me?"

"for what?" silva asked, absolutely oblivious.

"the attempted murder... of andreas of eraklyon." queen luna replied.

"attempted?" sky said loudly.

"what the fuck?" faye muttered.

a car door opened to the right of them, andreas stepped out of it.

faye looked up at sky, he was in shock but he also looked hurt.

"hello, sky." andreas said.

"dad..." sky whispered.


after a while, students and teachers began to come out of the school and watched silva get arrested.

faye was yelling and screaming telling the solarian soldiers to get off him.

"stop it!" she screamed, trying to get to her dad, but sky was holding her back from doing something stupid.

"faye, stop." he whispered to her. "there's nothing you can do, you can't stop them."

"sky, he's my fucking dad!" she yelled at him, trying to get the boy off her.

faye watched as guards handcuffed her dad and took him away to one of the cars. silva looked back at his sobbing daughter, giving her a small smile, telling her she would be okay.

she looked to her right and saw beatrix smirking as silva got into the car, beatrix then looked at faye, who was glaring harshly at the girl.

"sky." faye warned. "get off me now."

"faye, i cant." he told her softly. "i'm not losing you, if you do anything they'll take you too."

faye cried harder, falling to the ground. sky went down with her too, she sobbed into sky's chest.

"i'm so sorry, faye." he held the girl close to him, stroking her hair.

a few meters away, riven watched sky hold faye, she was shaking. he felt guilty, all riven wanted to do was comfort the girl, his girl.

sky glanced over at riven who was just staring at the two, he was confused as to why riven wasn't doing anything to help faye. the glance turned into a glare.

the cars began to drive away, making faye raise her head and watch. she noticed riven was there and she felt her heart shatter, he looked over at her and noticed her staring.

faye looked back at sky, who was watching riven and faye just look at each other. "i wanna go, sky." she told him.

"okay." sky whispered softly, helping faye stand up.

she took one more glance at riven and went back inside the school.

a/n: i'm sorry for this but it had to be done, season 2 is on its way, thank you all so much for the support on this book, it means the world.

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