Family? Found!

By noname-XD

2.1K 119 168

Can you truly find your own happily ever after? Does that really exist or is it merely a concept made to ente... More

Everything Will Be Alright... Right?
First Mission
The Boy in the Alley
The Boy and Wolf Pack
Another kid?
Weapons descriptions
The Hunt of the Four
The New Town
New Friend!
You are...
Inside the Palace Walls
Two Murderous Pals
The Sleepover
Intruders Alert~
Book Buddy
Back Home
A Dance Under the Moon
'Torture' (Not really-)


48 3 0
By noname-XD

"This way! This way!" leading the way with their arms waving high in the sky, Tyron grins happily as they guide Kioshi up the mountain pass with the unbeatable enthusiasm that just comes at random times.

"Are you sure I can come along, Tyron-san?" asking lightly despite not being anxious at all, Kioshi prays another branch out of the way and follows along, swinging his weapon much like a fidget toy.

"Of course! Your brother is always not home, and you don't want to go back there, right? We have a lot of kids your age in our house! I'm sure you'll fit in just fine!" grinning and lightly patting him on the back, Tyron proceeds to walk along the grass path up the hill. "Come along now!"

"Yes, sir!"

Staring at the wooden house with his eyes wide, Kioshi had really doubt that someone could be living this far off from the towns and their people. But no. They do. A lot of them as well, if the sound that can be heard from the outside is anything to go about.

"I'm home! And I brought a guest!" Walking in and kicking their shoes off at the front door, Tyron walks in before giving their little brother a hug as he comes to greet them at the door. "Hello, Mikey! How are you!"

"I'm good, Ty!" Smiling back before tilting his head curiously at Kioshi, Michael walks over and lightly holds a hand out. "Greetings! I'm Michael. Tyron's little brother!"

"Greetings. The name's Kioshi." Merely bowing lightly, Kioshi answers with a smile. Getting the attention of everyone else in the house... which there were a lot. Kioshi sweat drops lightly, and just lightly shakes his hand as many eyes lock onto him. "Hi?"

"Hey, I'm Frederick, and this is Simon!" with an arm draped around the small boy, Frederick greets him with a grin as they make their way over. Avoiding Frederick's gaze at all cost, Simon merely nods lightly in acknowledgement. "Hey, mate."

Shaking his head and walking over, somehow still not going insane with this happening every single day, Mark bows lightly in return with his hands on his chest. "Greetings. The name is Mark."

"Mommy Mark! Can you help me with- Oh, hey there! Greetings to you too, Boss Ty!" walking over, looking up from a small mitten, sharing a nod with Tyron before smiling over at Kioshi, Lavender bows politely. "Greetings. My name is Lavender. You?"

"Kioshi. Nice to meet you."

"Ah, nihonji desu ne. Sore nara, onamae wa Sumire desu." (Oh, so you are from Riben *the book's version of Japan* as well! In that case, my name is Sumire.)

"Hai. Hajimemashite." (Yes, nice to meet you.)

"Kochira koso desu." (The honor is mine.)

"Eh? What are you two saying???" With question marks appearing on top of Michael's head, alongside the confused stare of the others, the young brunet boy asks as his sibling gives him a light head tilt.

"That will be the language of our homeland, Mikey." Answering with a gentle smile, Lavender excuses herself for the confusion before a pair of arms wrap around her waist, smiling back at the brunette girl. "Tried, Lady Thea?"

"No, I'm fine." looking up before sharing a nod with Kioshi, Althea lightly murmurs before resting her chin on Lavender's shoulder. "The name is Althea. Kioshi, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Not feeling any more energy for communication, Althea just quiets down before Lavender excuses themselves to go rest, knowing the girl had had a rather tiring day today. "Then, have a nice night, everyone."

"Rest well, dears." Smiling over gently, Mark lightly nods before Tyron waves to get his attention. "Yes, Tyron?"

"Where did you guys meet Lavender and Althea, and why are they here?" Asking with a light head tilt, Tyron raises a curious brow. "I thought Terry said to leave them in the village with Lav's family?"

"I met them during a playdate with a friend in the village!" answering with a bright smile, Michael looks up at his sibling. "And due to Lavender's family suddenly having a trip back to Riben and she doesn't want to tag along, they are staying here for the moment."

"I see then." Wondering how in the world this house is keeping up with currently nine people inside, Tyron just shrugs it off without another thought, walking in and setting their weapon away in the box per usual. "Say, where's Papa?"


Walking into sight and making Kioshi flinch lightly from the silent and sudden appearance, Vincent crosses his arms with a light sigh and a shake of his head. "And here I thought that Terry is the only one with the habit of bringing home kids... is this some genetic thing, or is it just the influence?"

"I'm not sure myself, sir." Answering with a nonchalant yet light shrug, Tyron looks over at Kioshi, who really isn't sure what to do but stare at the appearance of the new man.

"Kioshi, right? Nice to meet you. I'm Vincent." Introducing himself with a smile coming back onto his face, Vincent decides that just one more wouldn't hurt... that is, if Terry doesn't bring back another one from his trip out... hopefully.

"G- greetings, Vincent san...."

"I like your weapon. Killer as well?" Eyeing the spike ball chain with amusement, Vincent asks the slightly frightened boy, who only nods lightly.

'This person is not to be underestimated... they are dangerous....'

"Now, now! Don't be so tense, little buddy!" laughing at the weariness and lightly patting the boy on the back, Vincent amuses. "You are a cautious one, huh? I like it. Seems to be a chaotic one as well. Though that is just guts feeling."

"... you as well, I'm imagining?" asking lightly before receiving an amused laugh, Kioshi tilts his head innocently.

"How can you tell?"

"Gut instinct."

"Hmm... Know what? I like you now, buddy." Grinning and crossing his arms, Vincent just nods lightly before turning to the food on the table with a light huff. "Go get some food and go to bed. It's late."

"Yes, Papa Vincent!" answering with a happy grin before pulling Kioshi behind them to the table to eat, Tyron quickly picks up the fish and digs in, smiling over at the boy that just sat there awkwardly. "Come on, Kio-chan! Eat!"

"Y- yes, sir...." Picking up the fish and taking a bite, Kioshi tries to remember when the last time is that someone else had cooked him a meal, even if it was not specifically for him. Quickly finishing off the food and cleaning his mouth, Kioshi signs in light satisfaction. "Thanks for the food."

"No problem, little buddy." Taking the plate off to clean, Vincent gives him a light pat on the head before walking off with Tyron's as well. "Hey, Ty? Help little Kio with where he is going to sleep tonight, alright? Cause I'm guessing he is also staying?"

"Mhm! Now come on! Let's go make you a bed!" Pulling Kioshi off with an arm, Tyron quickly walks into the room with Lavender, Althea and Simon. "Hey, you three! You think I can fit another one in here?"

"Of course! We have a lot of space left!"

"Do as you like."

"I'll help!"

With Simon rushing over to help the two make the new bed for him in this house, finishing it off without that much of a struggle from how much they've done it in the past, Kioshi's eyes shine lightly as he jumps onto the bed, he can call his own. "Arigatou gozaimasu! (Thank you very much!) Thank you!"

"No problem, Kio-chan!" Grinning lightly before getting attacked onto the ground by Michael and Frederick, Tyron laughs lightly before shaking their head in amusement. "What now, you two?"

"Story time!" saying towards the teenager in unison, Michael and Frederick laughed lightly before Michael answered the question with a bright smile. "We want to hear what happened in during the commission this time!"

Watching from the side as Tyron explains their story in a creative, seemingly strongly exaggerating yet surprisingly true way, Kioshi lets a fond smile onto his face as he raises a hand to his chest.

So, this... is family.

This is nice....

Can he really stay here?

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