𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐥, Bucky Barnes ➸ Sam...

Oleh raekensluvrr

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༆᯾𑁍 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐥, "Yeah, You Bleed Just To Know You're Alive." In which The Winter Soldier a... Lebih Banyak

𝐈𝐳𝐞𝐭𝐚 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞, Age Of Ultron
i. Don't Do That Ever, Again.
ii. Triplets, Actually.
iii. I Have Always Succeeded.
iv. Who The Hell Is Bucky?
v. Going To Help Him?
vi. I Can Feel It.
vii. This Is Your Fault.
viii. Fall Inlove With Trouble.
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝐨, Civil War
i. Your Bucky.
ii. This Is Going To Be Fun.
iii. She's Gone.
iv. Charming.
v. How Could I Ever Forget Someone Like You?
vi. Soldat!
vii. Worse.
viii. Wicked Witch Of The West.
ix. Spasibo, Mama.
x. A Little Seduction.
xi. You Will, Doll.
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞, Black Widow
i. The Verena Chick.
ii. My Adult Kid.
iii. Slightly.
iv. Izeta Maximoff.
v. Doesn't Look Like It.
vi. Sherlock.
vii. Thaddeus Ross.
viii. There's An Us?
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫, Infinity War
i. Vision.
ii. Wakanda.
iii. The Blip.
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞, Endgame
ii. Mobius Strip.
iii. Infinity Stones.
iv. Asgard.
v. Natasha.
vi. Everybody Comes Home.
vii. The Amethyst Witch.
viii. Old Man.
ix. Mimicking.
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐱, WandaVision
i. Director Hayward.
ii. Mind Control.
iii. Halloween.
iv. Glitch.
v. The Scarlet Witch.
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧, Delicate
i. Paper Rings.
ii. Book Store.
iii. Birthday Party.
iv. The Beach.
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, Multiverse Of Madness
i. America Chavez.
ii. The Sinister Strange Universe.
iii. Wundagore.
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
i. New World Order.
ii. Reunion.

i. Sylvina Maximoff.

1.5K 55 54
Oleh raekensluvrr




         Not back to HYDRA, just to an organization that killed bad people. Izeta killed abusers, rapists, assaulters, murderers ( who weren't innocent ), child molesters, sex traffickers . . and the list went on.

    It was the only way Izeta could let out her anger, and she knew, now that with her most precious girl sitting at home with a babysitter, she couldn't afford actually murdering random people, she murdered people with purpose, she murdered people who had done plenty wrong. She did what the police couldn't or wouldn't do.

              Besides, she had to make money somehow. She tried applying for jobs, but they all turned her down. Saying they didn't want a witch to work with them. That was their mistake.

              Izeta grabbed her badge and checked out. She walked towards her Black Tesla, the Model S, before opening the door and turning on her car.

She roamed through the streets of Mykonos, Greece. Izeta had moved from Italy to Greece 4 years ago, she supposed she got tired of Venice.

              Izeta drove into her parking lot, parking her car before stepping out. Izeta walked towards the door that lead her from her parking lot into her mansion.

     "I'm home!" She yelled out, her voice echoing around the mansion as she took off her shoes and coat.

Izeta turned around once she heard footsteps running down the stairs, and suddenly she was pulled into a big hug.

    "Mommy!" The four-year-old called, Izeta smiled as she pressed multiple kisses on her head and face.

Izeta picked the girl up, before putting her on her hip. She turned to the babysitter named Daphne, a beautiful teenage girl who wanted to make some money.

    "Thanks for taking care of her again, Daph." Izeta spoke in Greek, as she look at her daughter.

"It's my pleasure, Miss. She's an angel." Daphne replied as the little girl smiled at her.

      "She gets that from her mother." Izeta cheekily replied, winking at her. She took a 100 euro bill out of her pocket before handing it to the blonde.

             "Keep the change, darling." Izeta told her, making Daphne let out a laugh before thanking her, saying bye to both of them, and leaving the mansion.

     "How was it? What'd you do today, Sylvina?" Izeta asked her daughter, as she set her down, guiding her up the stairs to the living room.

          Sylvina Rebeka Maximoff-Barnes, daughter of Izeta Anastasya Maximoff and James Buchanan Barnes.

    Rebeka, how come you chose the name, Rebeka? Many people had asked, not like it was any of their business but James had a sister who died at a young age, named Rebeka.

              Izeta let out a breath once she thought about the fact that James wasn't there to name their daughter, he wasn't there to raise their daughter. Because he was dead.

    Yes, Izeta had kept her baby. Thanks to Natasha, actually. After a few weeks, Izeta had broken down and called Natasha, saying she couldn't do this.

          Natasha had reminded her how much of a blessing having a child was, besides it meant she'd have a piece of James with her everywhere she went.

    It took her a while to make up her mind about it, but eventually, Izeta accepted her child and loved it with her whole heart. She thought she had loved hard before, yet nothing could beat the love she had for her daughter.

              Izeta supposed the only reason she was still alive was because of Sylvina. And, she'd be forever grateful for that. Because if she weren't, she'd never have gotten to raise her precious little girl.

     Izeta supposed she was doing better, but every time Sylvina asked for her father, aunt, or uncles, she'd break down the moment Sylvina went back to sleep.

          Sylvina was a smart child, she knew her mother cried a lot. She knew her father, James Barnes was a dead man. She knew Wanda and Pietro Maximoff were dead, too. One shot and the other turned into dust. While her Uncle Sam suffered the same fate as her aunt.

    Izeta had tried to tell her everything, trying to keep the gruesome parts out, trying to tell her in other ways they were dead.

                 "I drew us, you're purple and I'm green. And then, I got Daphne to watch Star Wars with me." Sylvina answered her mother, looking up at her with her blue mixed-with-green eyes.

    "Can you show me the drawing you made, Doll?" Izeta asked her, stroking her long hair. Sylvina nodded, before running away.

          "Sylvina, don't run. You'll slip!" The mother called out, chuckling when she heard a soft ow. She knew if Sylvina was actually hurt, she'd let her mother know by screaming through the entire house.

    Sylvina quickly came back, handing her the white sheet of paper as Izeta took a seat on their couch. Her daughter took a seat beside her before snuggling into her mother's side.

           Izeta's eyes trailed over the drawing to see herself with purple hands and a purple crown on her head, while Sylvina had done the same to herself with a light green.

     Sylvina had shown signs of being a witch, green mist wrapping itself around her hands when she wanted something but couldn't reach it herself, the object would carry itself into her hands.

                Izeta hadn't thought that she would pass through her magic since she wasn't born with it, it wasn't suddenly given to her either. It was forced on her and it was an experiment.

     Izeta couldn't say she was mad about it though, she had always thought of her magic in the best way possible so she was glad it was passed onto her child.

              Izeta's magic was on autopilot, automatically protecting her. She had noticed that Sylvina's magic did the same for her and it calmed Izeta's nerves down a lot, knowing if anything ever happened and she wasn't there, Sylvina's magic could protect her.

     "Do you like it?" The four-year-old asked her, twirling a strand of her mother's hair around her finger.

                  "It looks beautiful." Izeta replied, looking down at the girl, looking into her eyes that had such a mix of her own and James'.

     "Can we watch the rest of the Star Wars movie now, please?" Sylvina begged, breaking the silence before getting on her knees and locking her fingers together. Yesterday night they started rewatching Attack Of The Clones Episode II. It was Sylvina's favorite movie out of all the Star Wars movies purely because she got the see Anakin and Carina's development.

                 Izeta was convinced no one could beat Sylvina's obsession with Carina Algora. Sylvina was mesmerized by the woman, her room was full of posters, and her bed sheets are quite literally Carina. She has multiple Carina toys and plush toys.

        Izeta has come to terms with the fact that Sylvina's obsession would never end. She didn't mind it, of course, it wasn't like Carina was bad to look at. Izeta would a hundred percent make her Sylvina's stepmother if she could.

        Izeta laughed before taking a hold of the remote and letting Sylvina put on the movie.

             "Mom, when can I see Morgan again?" Sylvina asked, still holding the remote in her hand.

      "We'll see her soon, I promise. I'll talk about it with Tony and Pepper, yeah?" Izeta replied, and her daughter only nodded. Sylvina and Morgan, a weird duo of best friends. Izeta was still in Italy when her water broke, Pepper, Tony, and baby Morgan had miraculously shown up since they were on a vacation in Venice. They had offered to bring her to the hospital and Pepper went inside with her. Tony and Izeta had put their past behind them and got along pretty well.

                  Therefore, since Morgan was only half a year older, the girls would play with each other. Yet, they sadly now only saw each other when Izeta or Sylvian went back to America or when Pepper, Tony, and Morgan came to Greece.

She wrapped her arms around her daughter as the movie started. This is what she wanted the rest of her life to be, watching a movie with her child as she relaxed in her arms.

A peaceful life.


         She walked through the house and she opened the door to her basement, she opened the door as she made her eyes glow purple.

Multiple runes appeared over the room as she sighed in delight, magic. The best yet worst thing for a person. Izeta always thought her magic was the best thing for her, and it was.

Izeta loved her magic, and when she used it, it felt like home to her. Her magic understood her as no one else could, and she hoped that would turn out to be Sylvina's case too.

    She stepped forward before twirling her hands around each other, moving one hand forward and a book appeared with purple mist surrounding it.

         The Dark Hold. A book that was given to her by her mentor, Agatha Harkness. A woman who had come to her in a time of need, when she was losing control of her own body and magic.

    The book, The Dark Hold, was made for her. Chton had made it for her, dedicating the book to her, Izeta Anastasya Maximoff, The Amethyst Witch. The front page had her name quite literally written all over it. Half of the book was about her and what she was capable of. A page about Wanda, about a lot of other kinds of magic, and an important page. The last page. It was an explanation from Chthon himself, saying who he was and who he could've been, saying she was the one, saying she was the reason he made the spells in the Dark Hold.

Izeta had yet to read the last page about herself, Agatha, her mentor told her that it wasn't the right time yet. And, Izeta trusted her.

Speaking of the devil. Izeta's phone rang, making her roll her eyes. She pressed the green button before putting the phone to her ear, "Agatha, hey, what's up?"

"I was wondering if I could ask for a favor," Agatha asked her, Izeta only hummed in reply. "Would you mind if I borrowed The Dark Hold for a bit?"

"Yeah, of course. Come by whenever, Vina misses you." Izeta replied as she scanned the spells in her book.

"I bet she does. Anyways, thank you. I'll text you when I'll stop by." Agathe told her, making her nod, though the woman wouldn't be able to see.

"M'kay, bye A." Izeta told her, receiving a goodbye from Agatha herself before hanging up. She supposed they had quite the bond, almost as if they were best friends, they had clicked immediately and Izeta appreciated her more than Agatha thought.

Izeta continued practicing her magic for 30 minutes until her phone started ringing, she picked up the phone, not bothering to look at the name.

"What?" She almost growled, only to hear a familiar laugh through the phone, "Well, don't kill me through the phone."

"Nat, hey." Izeta chuckled, immediately cheering up once she heard her mother figure's voice.

"Question, are you in Greece, right now?" Natasha asked her, knowing how Izeta and Sylvina liked to travel quite a lot.

"Yeah we are, why?" Izeta questioned her, as she left her basement.

"Don't worry about it." Nat replied, before hanging up, making Izeta pull a face.

"Right." Izeta muttered, before walking up to her bedroom and getting ready for bed.

She placed her head on her pillow, only to fall asleep within 10 minutes, absolutely exhausted.


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