Bittersweet | Jaspar Fanfic

Galing kay wittlewes

288K 10.6K 27.9K

Joe Sugg is a great student. He studies as hard as he can for all his tests, does his homework immediately on... Higit pa

(10): THE LIST
(20): BYE BYE
(27): ALWAYS


9.3K 357 2.1K
Galing kay wittlewes

+ Joe's P.O.V

"Where the hell have you been!?" Was the first thing Zoe said when I knocked on the door of our house.

I had just gave Will my phone number, and told him to text me when he wanted to meet up at the park tomorrow. We spoke a while, just about how shitty life was, until he got a call from his Dad and had to go home.

It took me a while to find my house, and my feet probably had some blisters on them; but it didn't matter. I had a bruised up nose and a skinned knee - how could anything get worse?

"I was at the park," I said to Zoe. "I sort of didn't want to come to home, and can you blame me?"

Zoe let out a strangled yell and hugged me tightly, breaking down into tears. "J-Joe I'm s-so sorry! I-I didn-nt know! I'm s-so sorry," She let out a broken wail and hugged me tighter, sniffing her boogers up into her nose as she nestled into the crook of my neck.

"It's fine," I said, putting a hand on her back.

I hated seeing Zoe cry.

Seeing Zoe cry was like seeing a baby puppy getting run over by a bus.

"N-No, i-it's not!"

She pulled away from me, and she looked younger than she actually was with her big, watery blue eyes that were staring up at me, and her hair pulled back into a sloppy bun.

"Y-you g-got hurt right i-in front of me and I - I didn't -" She cut herself off by taking a huge, gross sniff.

"It's fine, Zoe." I didn't mean to sound annoyed, but it did, and I couldn't take it back and she started to cry more.

"Zoe; I'm serious. I just skinned my knee. You're forgiven, lets just get you to your bedroom so you can calm down, okay?"

She nodded and sniffed, grabbing her shirt and bringing it up to her nose, wiping it.

"I need a tissue," she said, and I laughed.

"I can tell,"

I led her up the stairs and into her bedroom.

Her bedroom was, obviously, larger and more colorful. She had a posters everywhere, of One Direction and other artists she loved. She also had two desks; one that had binders and folders sprawled out on top, and another that had makeup placed neatly onto it; a mirror nailed to stand up right at the edge it.

She walked over to her night-stand, where she pulled it open; grabbing some pocket-tissues.

Zoe blew her nose before sitting on her bed again.

"I'm so sorry, Joe." Her eyes were starting to water again but she wiped them.

"It's fine, Zoe."

All the anger I felt towards her weren't there anymore; replaced by guilt.

I made my sister cry.

I felt like such a terrible person.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly, receiving a nasty look from my older sister.

"Don't say sorry, Joe. You didn't do anything."

I walked over to her work desk and pulled the chair out and around, sitting down on it.

"But I made you cry -"

"Don't," Zoe had a stern strain in her voice and I stayed quiet. "It's my fault. Dad hurt you, and I didn't even see this morning...I didn't even wake you up because I was so mad at what you said last night..."

"Um...why were you mad at me - or still mad, if you are - at me?"

I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly, feeling highly uncomfortable.

I just wanted to say sorry for whatever I did and be done with it.

Zoe rolled her eyes, getting another tissue and blowing her nose.

"I was mad," she said nasally, sniffing hard. "Because of how you were talking about yourself. You kept comparing yourself to me, and that isn't fair to you."

I stayed silent, bringing my knees up to my chest and hugging them.

"I know you have something going on in your head, Joe. I know you may have depression, or Anxiety or something -"

I narrowed my eyes at her, the urge to defend myself boiling up in my stomach. "That's not funny, Zoe -"

"- and I want you to know how special you are," Zoe continued on, ignoring me. "You can never know how great of a person you are if you compare yourself to everyone. I thought that maybe if I ignored you for a while, you would think hard about what you said and figure it out...I feel really dumb for doing that now, especially since Dad yelled at you, and you got hurt and left behind at school, and I thought you were going to run away and got so scared and -"

Tears were watering in her eyes again, but I still stayed silent.

"I don't want to loose my little brother."

Her tears didn't fall from her eyes, but it seemed as she stared at me, silent, wanting to cry, it felt worse than when she actually cried.

"I had a breakdown in Fourth period today," I said softly. "I thought you were so mad at me that you would never talk to me again."

Zoe got another tissue, this time dabbing her eyes with it.

"That will never happen. You're my brother, the closest family I have; we know everything about each other. I love you."

I felt guilt stir in my stomach again.

We know everything about each other.

"I love you too,"

Zoe gave me another tight hug before standing up, going over to her Television Set and opening up the cabinet that sad under neath it, reveling a bunch of DVD sets.

"How about we have a Harry Potter marathon to cheer you up?" She said, pulling the first movie out. "We'll stay up all night watching it."

Excitement joined my guilt, over-powering it. I beamed at my sister and shot up.

"I'll get Hedwig, my Gryffindor blanket, draw a lightning scar on my head and make popcorn. You can set up the DVD!"

I then zoomed out of Zoe's bedroom, hearing her laughs behind me.

Why worry about the past, when you can live in the future?

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

- Caspar's P.O.V

I was so busy doing a bunch of Homework for all of my teachers, nothing went past my mind but Math equations, things to write in my Essays, and Science theory's.

When my mom called me down for dinner, I was in the middle of writing an essay and it completely threw off my train of thought.

According to this article, Cyber-Bullying can be stopped by ha-

"CASPAR, DINNER'S READY!" My mom yelled from downstairs, making my hand jump on my computer, pressing the 'k' key by accident.

I groaned and pressed backspace, blinking.

My whole mind felt foggy and I had forgotten where I was for a moment.

"OKAY, MOM," I yelled back after a long pause. "I'LL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE!"

I saved what I was doing on my computers, looking down at the mess I called organized.

Science papers where behind English papers, and Math worksheets were skewed on the ground, since I was sort of in this zone where I could do everything and anything.

I picked some of the Math worksheets up and put them on the desk, deciding I would organize them later.

After grabbing them all from the ground, and checking twice I didn't forget any, I left my room and went downstairs to where my dad was sitting, reading glasses at the bridge of his nose; the daily newspaper in front of them.

"Hello, Caspar," my mom said, waving steam away from the fire detector. "Nice of you to join us. Can you set the plates for me and get forks and knives, please? We're having pork and I'm just too exhausted to chop it up on my own."

"Yes, mom," I said, walking into the kitchen. "I've also been working on my Homework - that's why I've been cooped up in there for so long."

I heard a clatter as I grabbed so forks and knives, walking back into the kitchen.

My dad's glasses were now on the table, newspaper limp in his hand. My mom, however, kept waving the smoke away, unfazed.

She was on her tippy-toes, so I let all the utensils on the table, walking over to her.

I was twice her size, so it would be better if I did that.

"Mom, why don't you set up the table and I'll do this? You won't get the smoke away since you're short."

My mom handed me the rag she was using to shoo off the smoke and walked over to the table, flushed.

"I don't see how you're so tall," my mom said.

"I don't see how you spent all that time doing your homework!" My dad exclaimed.

My mother rolled her eyes and I started to wave at the smoke, trying my best to clear it out.

"Oh, hush. Caspar is trying his best to get his grades up, aren't you, Caspar?"

I nodded, looking back at my dad.

"I did a bunch of homework today; almost finished."

My dad picked his new paper up, popping it as if that were supposed to intimidate me.

"Good," he said in his 'I'm-the-boss-do-what-I-say-or-you-die' tone.

"Caspar would've done it anyway," my mother fussed, putting the forks and knives around our plates before disappearing into the kitchen. "HE'S A GOOD BOY!"

Dad rolled his eyes. "Yeah, a good boy my arse."

"DON'T YOU CURSE IN FRONT OF MY LITTLE BOY, YOU-" Mom yelled, mockingly angry as she walked into the kitchen, carrying a bowl of pork in her hand.

"- you son of a gun, yeah, I got it." Dad said, smiling as he folded up his newspaper and put it in the spot where my sister, Theo, usually sat.

"Caspar, that's enough, I think the smoke is gone now."

I gave her back the rag and she set it on top of my dad's newspaper.

I sat down on the right side of my mom, eating slowly.

"So, Caspar, how was your day?"

I froze, a pork chop falling from my mouth.

A image of me holding Joe as he sobbed into my chest popped up into my head, and then Emma kissing me.

"Nothing much," I said. I was hoping it sounded normal, and not as if I were hiding something.

I don't think my parents would ever agree with me if they found out I was going on a date with Emma, yet I liked Joe.

"Got any homework?" Mom snorted as she cut up some of her pork. "Oh, wait - I know you do."

Dad laughed with her as he shoveled some mashed potatoes in his mouth.

The rest of the dinner I stayed silent, not talking about School, but asking my parent's questions about what they were speaking about, even if I didn't really care.

Thoughts of Emma and It's date tomorrow swirled around in my brain.

Where should I take her?

What will we talk about? The place we where at?

How was I going to pick her up? Surely I would have to borrow my mom's car...

I'll tell her I'll just be staying over at Alfie's for a bit.

After dinner I walked up to my room dance forced myself to do more homework; even if the thoughts of Emma and Joe were still in my mind.

Eventually I gave up, saving stuff I did on the computer and leaving my desk a mess.

I walked over to my phone, which was sitting on my dresser and beeping green; indicating I got a text.

I opened it, surprised to see a bunch of texts from Zoe.

Zoe: caspar have you seen joe???

Zoe: i thought he was staying behind after school with you and left him there

Zoe: im so scared he isnt answering his phone

Zoe: he called me and yelled at me our dad hurt him im so scared

Zoe: i feel terrible he must be around your neighbourhood can u look for me ?

Zoe: he just got home, never mind

Zoe: sorry if I scared you

Zoe: sorry

My heart was beating fast as I read the text messages, not knowing how to feel.

'our dad hurt him'

Caspar: hes safe right ?

Caspar: y did ur dad hurt him

I felt anger and concern all at once, and I wanted nothing more but to go over to the Sugg household and hurt their dad as revenge for hurting Joe; whatever he did to hurt him.

Why would he ever hurt Joe?

I remembered how he was limping today, and I felt my heart thump harder in my chest.

Was Joe's Father the reason he was limping?

Why would he ever hurt Joe?

Joe was so innocent...he seemed- was - so nice...

I swallowed deeply.

I sat on my bed and turned on the T.V trying to block out all my feelings towards Joe.

Soon, I was trying to ignore the fact that Zoe still hadn't texted me back, and I felt myself drifting off; my T.V screen getting blurry until I drifted off into sleep.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Alfie and I were walking to the Cafeteria, him complaining about homework as usual.

"Seriously, though, we get some much homework!" He cried out, throwing his arms up in the air.

I rolled my eyes. "You always complain about homework," I said.

"Well, duh." Alfie said, looking at me on disbelief. "Homework is the worst thing ever created on this terrible planet. I don't see how you aren't complaining!"

I rolled my eyes again. "I never complain about Homework because I'm actually smart, and can do it quickly."

That was sort of a lie, considering I had a whole stack of homework waiting for me at home.

The complaining part wasn't true though.

I never complain about homework.

(Okay, maybe once in a while...)

"Whatever," Alfie said as we walked into the Cafeteria. "You have money for lunch?"

I turned my pockets inside out, nothing showing. "Well, unless invisible money counts, I got nothing."

He huffed and went into the Lunch line alone, and I walked over to our normal table.

No one had arrived yet so I took my phone out and started playing some random game I downloaded a long time ago.

I only looked up when someone walked up to me.

"Hi, Caspar,"

It was Joe, his purple bruise still on his nose and his leg slightly bent, which was probably because he was trying to relieve the pressure on it, or something.

"Yeah?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Um...can I talk to you...outside for a minute?"

Tyler and Troye were whispering something to each other until they saw us, stopping dead in their tracks.

Tyler gave me a grin as I nodded to Joe.

"Sure," I said.

I got up and followed him outside, where no one was.

"So," Joe said. "I heard that Emma asked you out."

I felt myself recoil without meaning to.

"Oh, um, yeah." I replied. "I said no, though." I added quickly.

Joe blushed and rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand.



"So," he coughed into his hand. "Um, I just wanted to tell you that..."

Joe looked at me shyly before softly saying; "I really really really really really really like you,"

I paused for a moment, not knowing how to respond. "Isn't that a song?"

Joe blushed. "Um, I like you. A lot."

I nodded. "I got that, but is that a song?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yes, it's a idiot."

Then he threw his arms around me and kissed me; causing me to jolt awake.

I wasn't with Joe.

I was in my bedroom, having dozed off while watching T.V.

Did I just have a dream about Joe? I thought to myself. At 3:30 in the morning?

I stared at my bedsheets, the dream replaying over and over again until I was practically obsessed with it.

I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to actually kiss Joe.

He probably would act totally different and not just call me and idiot before kissing me, but it's not a bad thought to think about.

I continued to stare at my bedsheets, trying to push all thoughts of Joe and my dream away.

No matter how hard I tried, my mind was still on Joe, no matter how much I tried, and I felt like I wanted to be with him so much it was crippling me.

What would even cause me to dream of him kissing me?

The last thing I even did with him was talk him out of crying, and the last thing I heard about him was that his dad hurt him.

How would that trigger a dream of his throwing himself at me, and kissing me?

I got up out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen; opening the fridge and taking out a water bottle. My whole mouth felt like an Indian Dessert, and I practically drowned it as I came to rocky conclusion on why I had a dream that Joe kissed me:

I wanted to be with him.

I really did.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

My Mom woke me up at 10:26 AM, telling me that she needed me to go down to the grocery store to get her some things.

She handed me her car keys and a $30 bill, before giving me a paper full of the things she needed.

"Caspar, don't forget that I want 1% milk, not 2%! Also, say hello to Margret for me - I haven't spoken to her since last Friday," my Mom said to me as I walked out of the house.

"I will, Mom." I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek goodbye before walking to the car and getting in it.

The whole drive, the radio seemed to be filled with lovey-dovey songs that sickeningly reminded me of Joe.

I forgot to get my phone and check it to see if Zoe texted me, which made me want to bang my head against the steering wheel throughout the whole ride towards the grocery store.

I decided that if Zoe hadn't texted me back by the time I got home; I would text Joe himself to make sure he's okay.

The grocery store seemed like an empty desert at this time of the morning, so I got all the stuff Mom needed quickly and drove back home as fast as I could; wanting to speak to Joe more than ever.

"Here, Mom." I said as I entered the kitchen, giving her the two plastic bags everything she needed was in.

"Thank you so much, sweetie." Mom cooed, giving me a big hug and pinching my cheek. "You're a good boy!"

I walked back up to my bedroom, wondering if Joe's mom ever did that to him.

Zoe's never spoken of her mom before, always highly of her dad, and I couldn't help but wonder if maybe her parents were the kind to pick favorites.

My phone was flashing, indicating missed messages when I entered my room and I ran to it, almost tripping over a pair of pants I was to lazy to pick up.

I was excited when I unlocked it, hoping it was Zoe telling me some answers, but felt disappointed when I realized it was an unknown number, turning out to be Emma.

I put her name in my phone before reading the rest, since I usually deleted my messages every night.

Emma: hi, casp! lol casp. thought it would b qt. nicknames r adorable. anywayzzzz i thought i would text u so u could get my number an address so u could talk to me about our date and tell me where we r goin. Am rlly exited 2 go on a date with you!!!

I felt second hand embarrassment as I read her text message.

Did she really text like this?

Did I sound like that when I texted?

I shivered, making a mental note to at least try and sound a least a little more intelligent when I texted someone.

Under neath that text was her Address and I groaned, totally forgetting I was going on a date with her.

I'll just take her to pizza and walk around the park with her; saying gross cliche things from movies.

I was sort of hoping to get her off my back, as bad as it sounds.

I felt terrible, but I really wanted Joe.

Like...a lot.

In many different ways.

Caspar: okay.

Caspar: we're going to pizza and taking a walk around the park. bring a jacket, it's cold at 8:30.

Caspar: gotta help my mom w/ something

Caspar: bye.

I exited out of messaging, feeling as if I got hit by a truck.

I wanted to know that Joe was okay. I wanted to know why his Father hurt him, and how. I wanted to hold him again and make him smile.

Groaning, I locked my phone and threw it on my bed, letting out a sigh.

Never before have I wanted it to be a Monday; just to see a boy.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

When 8:00 rolled around, I had already spent tons of hours playing Mario Kart 8, completely aggravated by people online that I was competing against.

Turning off the game, I got up and walked down the steps, going to my mom.

She was sitting in the living room, reading a book which was opened on her lap.

"Hey, Mom?"

She looked up from her book, giving me a smile. "Yes, Caspar?"

I cleared my throat. "So..I have a thing with someone at 8:30 and was wondering if I could borrow your car?"

Mom raised an eyebrow before putting her hand on the page she was on to mark it.

"Why didn't you tell me before? Go get dressed, and then you can get the car keys."

I loved my mom for many reasons; and not questioning what I as doing was about 90 of the reasons why I did.

I didn't bother getting dressed in anything nice. I pulled on jeans that were old and ripped at the calf, and a v-neck that had a ketchup stain on the back of it. I then pulled on a black jacket and my normal shoes, grabbing my phone.

I didn't want to do this date anymore. I didn't want to do anything with anyone anymore unless it was Joe, and it was starting to scare me - especially since I had that dream about kissing him.

Emma had already texted me, telling me she was ready whenever I came over.

I didn't answer, refreshing my messaging to see if Zoe answered or if Joe texted me.

Still nothing.

I sighed and walked downstairs again, sliding my phone into my pocket as I did.

"Where are you going, if you want to tell me?" Mom asked nonchalantly as she handed me the car keys.

I shrugged. "Alfie's house." I replied it quick so she wouldn't think I'm suspicious.

She just nodded and told me to have a good time, returning to her book.

I yell a goodbye to both my parents before I walked to the car and got in.

Before I started up the ignition, I opened my GPS from my phone and programmed Emma's address into it, since I was not familiar with the neighborhood she lived in.

I balanced my phone on the dashboard, hoping that no one would text me so I would press on it and cause a car crash.

If I wrecked my mom's car she'd kille and never trust me again. Then I would have to get my own car with my own money.

On the way to Emma's, bubbly-pop love songs were playing and I had to try and push thoughts of Joe out of my mind.

I felt so unorganized; thoughts and feelings I had about Joe and towards Joe kept overlapping Emma; and I couldn't help but hope this date would go totally wrong.

Having not forgot about the dream I had last night; I couldn't help but feel myself blush whenever I thought of Joe.

The whole dream seemed like an alternate universe - I said no to Emma, Alfie...well, he was the same, there was no change there, but Joe...he just doesn't seem like the person who would quote a pop song then kiss their crush.

Everything was just so wild in that dream.

I once read online that dreams are what you want most in life; so I guess what I wanted most in life at the moment was for Joe to kiss me.

It was like all I could think of was Joe and that dream - making me want to text him, or at least have Zoe text me back, even more.

One thing I haven't had time to think about was why Emma asked me out, out of the blue.

Was she flirting with me, when I was flirting with her?

She said she'd never been called beautiful before, which I found hard to believe.

I mean - I said yes to the date for a reason.

(That sounded really bad, and rude..)

Groaning, I banged my head on the steering wheel at a stop sign, only to jump when it gave a loud beep.

I received an odd look from the guy next to me in the other lane and I just waved him off.

He didn't know me.

He didn't know my life.

He can't judge me.

I didn't think of anything else the rest of the ride to Emma's, trying to empty it.

It didn't work though.

I totally forgot what I was doing for our date when I opened my door, having to take a pause before I remember we were going for a walk in the park and going out for pizza.

I laughed when I remembered, feeling like an idiot until I closed the door and walked up to the door, knocking on it.

Before I got up, I checked the clock and it was 8:35 or something like that.

Emma opened it, and I looked her up and down to see what she was wearing.

It was a floral dress just above her knees with white leggings and white flats. Her hair was pulled back into a braid, letting one side of her hair stick out, and she was wearing light make-up.

"Hi," she said, smiling.

"Hello," I replied awkwardly.

She stood there, wavering for a moment on the doorway.

"So, um.." She coughed slightly, bringing her hand up to her throat, rubbing it slightly "W-where are we going?"

"We're going to...Pizza Palace."

The first Pizza place popped up into my mind and I gave her an awkward smile.

She smiled wider. "I love pizza!"

I nodded. "It's pizza place. Best pizza place in the world, really...well, in my opinion it is. So, shall we drive there..and stuff."

She nodded and followed me out the door, closing it behind her.

I noticed she had a small handbag with a strap that she was carrying across her chest.

"Bag?" I asked, pointing to it as we walked to the car.

"Yeah. I have lady things in it and stuff. Like to strap it across my chest because it's easier," she shrugged as we approached my car.

Emma stood there for a moment, as if waiting for me to open the car door for her.

I didn't, though, I just went over to my side and opened the door.

"You okay?" I asked over the roof.

She looked as if she was going to say something, opening her mouth before just giving me a small smile and shaking her head.

"No," she laughed and grabbed her braid, putting it over her right shoulder before climbing into the car.

I was already sitting in my seat, staring the ignition.

"Oh, okay."

I turned on the radio immediately, not knowing how to speak to her.

I drove my way to Pizza Palace as quick as I could, feeling awkwardness in the air.

"So," I said when we pulled in to Pizza Palace. "Um, what would you like to have?"

Emma shot me an odd look. "Caspar..have you ever been on a date?"

Yes, I thought to myself. And I know to behave around the people I take on dates - if I actually like them.

"No," I said out loud, lying.

"Oh," she said, giving me a warm smile. "Well then how about you let me do the talking?"

Let you do the talking? Don't both of us have to speak for this to be an actual date?

I just nodded, getting out of the car and rolling my eyes; knowing she wouldn't see.

As we walked inside of the Pizza place, Emma kept talking.

"There's no need to be nervous," she said; giving me a big smile. "I normally don't go on dates a lot, because of my brother and all...oh, speaking of my brother, can you like not tell anyone we are on a date? I don't want him to find out..." She trailed off as someone greeted us at the front of the Restaurant.

"Hello," the person said in a monotone voice. He was leaning on one arm, his round glasses sliding down his nose and his hair a mess. "Welcome to Pizza Palace, what type of table would you like to sit in?"

He blinked; staring at nothing as if he were trying to remember something. "No, wait - let me start over."

The guy stood up straight, punching himself in the chest and clearing his throat loudly. "Sup, I'm Will I'll be your waiter - wait, no, that's wrong..." He held up a finger at us, making Emma giggle.

He mumbled stuff to himself for a while before looking at us again, pushing his glasses up and giving us a wide, smile, that made me almost laugh at how stupid he seemed.

I looked over at Emma, and she was smiling back; looking happy.

"Sup," he said, waving a hand at us. "my name is...Will," he put his two hands together and then separated them as he said 'Will'.

"Um...I'm going to be giving you your table, and stuff. How many are with you?"

I was about to reply when he pumped a fist into the air, whooping.

"Dan taught me well - anyways,"

He looked back over to us, giving us a smile.

Emma laughed. "T-two tables, please."

The dude gave her a wink and his smile turned into a smirk. "Sure thing, love-birds."

I rolled my eyes as we followed him, noticing Emma's blush.

I knew I should at least try and act like I wanted to be here but it seemed really hard.

Once he settled us at our table I instantly ordered a large pepperoni Pizza.

"One large pepperoni pizza please,"

Emma looked at me, with a giant smile. "That's my favorite type of pizza!"

The guy - Will - laughed.

"Sorry guys, I'm not your waiter."

Emma pouted. "Aww but you're funny!"

I blinked at her, feeling slightly offended.

Was this our date or her and Pizza dude's date?

Will just shrugged.

"I'll go get your waiter. Sorry guys,"

He walked off, and I looked at Emma, forcing a smile on my face.

"So, how was your day today?" Emma asked, giving me a vibrant smile.

Guess that dude got her in a good mood.

"It was fine. I spent all day playing Mario Kart and getting pissed off at online players because they were obvious cheating...I was also thinking of where to take you, too..."

Of course I wasn't really thinking about where to take her but more about the dream I had about Joe and how we kissed it it; not that she needed to know.

Nobody but me had to know about it.

"That's nice," She said. "I ate breakfast with my family, and hung out with my brother and his friends. One of them pulled down the other's pantsand poured a bucket of water over his head; so I got to enjoy that."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"That's a lovely way to spend a day: checking out some dudes wet, hairy, bum."

She giggled just as our waiter came up to our table.

It was a female this time, and she was chewing on gum, obviously not wanting to be here.

"Hello, my name is Cassie, and I will be your waiter for the evening. What would you like to drink?"

"Coke, please." I said as she handed us the menu.

"Same," Emma said; still smiling.

Cassie looked over at her, giving her a disgusted look as she smacked her gum.

"I hate happy couples like you both. I hope you both crash and burn."

Emma looked taken aback and I was speechless, not knowing what to say.

Emma tried to say something but seemed choked, stuttering on everything she was trying to say.

Cassie glared at us for a while until she burst out laughing, hitting the table loudly and causing other people in the place to look over at us.

Emma and I were both blushing; still not knowing what to do.

After a few moments Cassie took in a deep breath, tears at the side of her eyes from laughing so hard.

"I'm kidding, bro, you should've seen your face!" She pointed at Emma, laughing a little more until she took in a deep breath, a big smile on her face. "Heard you like funny people. Ah, I'm hilarious. I'll go get those drinks."

She walked away and I looked over at Emma; not knowing what to say.

"Well...this should be interesting," She said, giving a small laugh.

I cracked a smile and nodded.

Sure would be an interesting night indeed.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Even though I have admitted to myself what I felt towards Emma was lust; I couldn't help but soften up to her during our date, enjoying her company.

She sort of reminded me of Zoe; how silly and nice she was. I was starting to feel guilty since I made comparisons of her to Joe the whole date, even if it was sort of fun.

We had a full conversation about school and our day; her continuing to bring up the wet, hairy, butt thing, and I couldn't help but crack jokes about it all through dinner, until some kid gave us a creeped out look having over heard us.

She was nice, and silly, and funny, but I was just toying with her emotions.

I knew I was, yet I still didn't do anything because I didn't know what to do.

When we walked back to my car, she got a phone call, and she answered it; mouthing to me that it was her brother.

"I'm out with Jessica," She said, rolling her eyes. "Yes, I'm actually coming home right now....oh, shut up. Mom doesn't care....Brad, shut up...UGH. okay, fine, chill out gosh."

Emma hung up and mouthed 'fuck you' to her phone before turning to me.

"I really wanted to take a stroll in the park with you, but I have to get home. My brother is an asshole, so..."

I just nodded, fully understanding.

We got into the car and it was silent again except for the music playing on the radio.

Once we got to her house, she made me park a little off in case her brother saw us.

"Thanks for the night, Caspar...I really hope we can do this again...maybe we'll have an even longer conversation on wet, hairy, butts."

She gave me a smile and I laughed.

"No problem, Emma. I really enjoyed it."

She blushed and leaned over, kissing my cheek.

"I'm glad...well...bye!"

She opened the car door and started down the block, turning around to wave at me.

I waved back before pulling away from where I was parked, driving my way home. The minute I stopped at a red light, my phone dinged about 7 times.

I took it out and unlocked it.

Zoe: joes fine.

Zoe: no need to worry

Zoe: also thats no of ur beeswax

Zoe: DONT ask joe about it

Zoe: i will murder you !!

I bit my lip and locked it since the light turned green; making my way home.

Why couldn't Zoe tell me?

I knew it was personal and all, but I really wanted to know.

The thought crossed into my head of telling her what happened in fourth period yesterday, but I just shook my head.

Joe probably already told her.

I kept glancing at my phone.

Joe and Emma would hate me if they knew I was playing with their emotions and being a total twat.

The minute I got home, I threw my head back and turned it, staring up at the night sky and thinking.

It's not like I hated Joe. I mean, I did, but now I felt terrible for even saying yes to Marcus's dare.

And Emma...after the date tonight, I didn't want to hurt her either. She was just innocent and I just felt hormonal towards her and...

I slammed my fist into my thighs, ignoring the pain, and letting out a grunt of anger.

Why the hell can't I just tell them?

Because you care about both of them...

That night I went home, not telling my parents anything and just going to bed, my dreams filled with the guilty and frustrating things I was doing.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +





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