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+ Joe's P.O.V

I sighed as I looked out of the window of my car, the sound of Sam Smith's music filling my ears. I don't really understand why, but this one song by him, I'm Not The Only One, makes me feel really calm and peaceful, and I listen to it every morning on my way to school. Or, dare I say, the hell-hole most of us spend our life in about 40% of our lives.

Zoe, my older sister, was currently in the front seat of our dad's car, chatting about her friends, or whatever song is playing on the radio that dad thinks is Nicki Minaj but is actually Igloo Australia, or whatever her name is.

I've never liked car rides. Especially to school(hell). They're either long, or short, and they're always boring. I always say I'm going to read the current book I'm reading, or play a video game on my phone while we are heading to school, but I never end up doing either. I always end up listening to music and stare out the window, pretending my life is a movie.

It's kind of funny, because if my life were a movie it'd be sad, yet funny, but very boring and you would fall asleep in the Movie theater or wherever you decided to watch it. For the past 7 years or so, I've been doing one thing, and one thing only: School. Unlike some other people, I actually try hard to get an 'A' average which is very difficult since I have a melt-down whenever I decide to be stubborn and not ask for help, and I got side-tracked by Drama Club for a little bit. Just a little bit, though. Now my life is: do your homework and then you can do everything else.

I had to calm down since Freshman year. Freshman year I was an absolute wreck. I was doing my homework for hours, completely unorganized, staying up until two in the morning doing Maths, and then I would sleep through class and get worried over that. I cringe physically just thinking about it, but I'm sure everyone cringes at their old habits.

As we roll into school, I take my headphones out of my ear, and say goodbye to my dad. "Bye, Joe and Zoe!" Dad yelled as we got out of the car. I waved one last time at him once we were out of the car before turning to Zoe, who was texting on her phone.

"Joe, do you have Roberts?" Zoe asked, looking away from her phone and at me.

I laughed. "Zoe, you're a grade higher than me. I don't even know who that is."

My sister rolled her eyes and continued typing away at her phone, frowning at it. "Well, you're smart so I was just wondering. I needed to copy someone's homework."

I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at her. "Copy someone's homework? Zoe, you could get in serious trouble for doing that!"

She rolled her eyes again as she locked her phone and looked at me, hands falling down to her sides. "Joe, I always do my homework. I just was doing something else last night and didn't have enough time, so I need to copy someone. It's not like it'll hurt."

I crinkled my nose and gave her a funny look. "You were at home last night, what could you have been doing?"

She blushed and huffed as her phone dinged, saying she had a text message. "I was talking to someone."

I nodded. Right. Sometimes I forgot my sister had a social life and friends, unlike me, where I have neither of those. "Okay, then."

Zoe groaned as she looked at her phone, still typing. "Listen, I'm going to go hang out with Louise today, so, don't like...break yourself. I'll see you at lunch, okay?"

I smiled at my sister as she walked off, and turned to the left, my feet instantly heading towards the library. I knew Zoe wasn't going to say hi in Lunch. She, unlike I, had many friends, so I will be eating in the far back of the Cafeteria, making no noise and pretending I do not exist. Kind of like Harry Potter, but less abused and way less magical. Ah, Harry. That poor boy.

Bittersweet | Jaspar FanficWhere stories live. Discover now