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+ Joe's P.O.V

The dream started off like this: I was sitting in the Gym of my school wearing a tux with my hair put up into a quiff, and the room was decorated for Prom.

There were balloons in the four corners of the Gym, and I was sitting alone at one of the tables, watching everyone dance together.

Alfie and my sister where dancing together, Jim and Tanya, Marcus and a girl I didn't recognize, plus Dan and Phil, who where awkwardly trying to do the robot to a slow song.

There were people talking around the tables which had punch, and sandwiches, and a chocolate fountain which you could dip fruit in, and chicken, and all these other foods that were set up in nice little trays with a stack of plates in front of them.

Everyone seemed so happy, yet I was just sitting there, bored as ever.

"This is the best night of my life!" Hannah shouted as she ran past the table I was sitting at, smiling at Grace, who she was pulling behind her; their fingers linked together.

I tried to call out to them, but it seemed as if I couldn't speak, so I just sat there, wondering what I was even doing.

"I'm so glad we're together, Phil," I heard Dan shout over the music to the smaller yet tall male who was dancing with him. "This is so great!"

I looked over at my sister and Alfie.

"I'm so glad you said yes to go to the Prom with me, Zoe!"

Everyone seemed so happy, and they were all having the time of their lives, while I was practically glued to my seat.

It was odd, considering I was just sitting there, tapping my foot to the music. Everyone was happy, and with their significant other; not including me.

The music went from a slow Sam Smith song to a happy, upbeat song.

"She said shut up and dance with me!" Zoe yelled over the music, apparently knowing the lyrics to the song. She grabbed both of Alfie's hands and dancing wildly, letting her hair whip from one side of her head to the other and moving her hips to the music.

Dan and Phil were still doing awkward dance moves, not really caring who saw, just happy to be with each other, and having fun.

Grace and Hannah were also dancing awkwardly, but it looked like they thought they looked good.

Everyone who was just standing around a moment ago suddenly turned wild; doing all these dance moves.

Two girls were break dancing and I saw Charlie McDonnell doing the running man.

I was laughing, happy just to see everyone else happy. I wanted to get up, and dance with them, but I couldn't.

The song ended, and a new one started; one that was familiar to me.

Everyone was still dancing, but they seemed to blur out when Caspar came out of nowhere, walking towards me.

It all was like some cheesy High School movie, and it seemed like I was the protagonist.

When he was standing in front of me, I let out a big breath I didn't know I had been holding in.

Caspar was wearing a black tux and tie, his hair the same yet he looked so much sharper and handsome.

He held his hand in front of me, and it took me a moment to process it because I was to busy staring at his face.

"JoJo, come dance with me."

I nodded mutely, swallowing deeply.

Bombs away, bombs away, bombs away....

I took his hand slowly, putting my palm in his, and he gave me a big grin. A tingly feeling spread throughout my body, and I stood up, following him to the dance floor.

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