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- Caspar's P.O.V

Morning's suck.

You have to wake up at six in the morning from a very peaceful slumber, get ready for school by brushing your teeth and combing your hair, and you had to make stuff to eat, and then drive yourself to school, and ugh. It took so much energy that I always feel drained by the time I get to school.

I usually come late because I just can't deal with all the happy people in the morning, and the teacher's running around brightly saying hello to you...it's just ew.

I mean it's good to be happy, but do they have to do it that loud? Honestly.

And I had the most dreaded subject of the day for first period: Science.

I thought a lot about what Zoe said last night, and honestly, I was kind of frightened.

I didn't want to make anyone feel bad, but Joe threatened me, and I don't like work.

What's the point of doing Science or Math or English? I don't even want to have a career in any of those fields. I want to write movies, and T.V shows and watch my stories come to life! I don't want to sit in some boring office and count numbers for people all day.

That's boring.

So as I shuffled into class, I didn't look at Joe. I didn't think about him. I just walked over to Marcus and Alfie who were already there and sat down, saying a good morning to them.

"Hi," I greeted them.

Marcus said his very iconic; 'Heeeelllooooo!" as a greeting, and Alfie just said hello.

"Ready to face the wrath of Sugg today, mate?" Alfie asked, grinning.

I just shook my head at him. "Zoe isn't that bad-"

Marcus laughed. "We aren't talking about that Sugg, Caspar. We're talking about the male Sugg who is going to be a total pain in your ass for three weeks."

"Yeah," Alfie said. "I have Miranda as a partner, who's pretty cool and fun."

I rolled my eyes at them. "Hahaha, no need to rub it in. Zoe threatened to murder me if I use him to do the work, or not do what he wants."

It was Marcus's turn to roll his eyes. "Zoe needs to chill out. The kid's a genius and you're a dumbass so he should really be helping you-"

I punched him in the arm, causing him to wince. "I am not a dumbass," I said, scoffing.

"Compared to Mr. All A's you are," Alfie said, nodding his head to the side and looking over his shoulder.

I looked to whatever he was looking at and saw Joe hunched in the corner, writing something down on a single piece of paper furiously, tongue sticking out of the right side of his mouth in concentration. He looked more constipated than concentrated, though.

"That kid needs to calm down," Marcus said, letting out a huff of breath. "Who just does homework all the time? Doesn't he have any friends, or anything else to do?"

Zoe's voice rang in my ears. He already has enough people walking all over him.

Walking all over him? What the hell did that even mean? Take advantage of him? He should probably stand up to himself and embrace the fact that high schoolers are all assholes. Maybe if he didn't go around threatening to chop dicks off, he wouldn't be doing his homework all the time, and would have some friends.

I pushed the thought back in my head as I decided to change the subject.

"Speaking of partners, who do you have, Marcus?"

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