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- Caspar's P.O.V

She was stunning.

With straight blonde hair that fell to her hips, plump pink lips, gorgeous eyes and absolutely adorable and funny; Emma Laven was probably the greatest girl I have ever talked to, or even seen in my whole entire life.

When I saw her at Lunch, I felt as if I were hit with a brick. I didn't know if it was love at first sight, or lust at first sight, but all I knew is that it made me feel as if I were floating on a cloud in the sky.

If it were up to me, I would be chatting her up with every single pick-up line I knew, dying to just get a laugh from her to me, but sadly, I could not.

And it was all Joe's fault.

Or, Marcus's fault.

I'll blame them both.


Thank God I didn't see Joe in first period today.

I had to go to our guidance counselor and talk about my grades since my mom has been nagging me to forever. Apparently the only class I was truely passing were Gym and Art, which is "bad" or something.

"You're failing all your main courses!" My mother yelled to me this morning. "You're failing with a 'D' in Science, you have an 'F' in Maths, and don't even get me started with English! If you do not go and try to get work made up today, I swear to god Caspar; I don't care how tall you are, I will bend you over my lap and beat you like a little boy! AM I CLEAR?"

Scared for my life, and my ass, I sent all of first period collecting work I could make up in Science, Maths, and English.

It was probably 2 bucket loads of homework, and I felt like crying by just looking at it.

In Maths I have 34 pages of it I have to do, WITH SHOWN WORK LIKE WHAT THE HELL, in Science I have like 5 things I need to label on Dicks and vags plus 12 worksheets, and in English I have 4 essays and a painting of some character of a book I'm supposed to read with all their character traits.

They said they'll give me as much time as I need, thank god, but I know my mom is going to over-whelm me with all this work.

Maybe if I had a tutor, or something, it'd be easier. Someone smart, yanno? But who the hell is my friend that can help me, and is smart? No one. I mean there's Zoe but she's so busy she can't help. Then Alfie is smart but is following Zoe around most the time so he's ruled out. And Marcus is just an asshole, fuck him.

So, with the weight on my shoulders, I tried my best in my two classes before Lunch, finishing the homework due tomorrow in both periods. It may be wrong, but hey, I did it.

But once I saw her, it was like everything disappeared. She was sitting next to Louise, looking like an angel who fell out of Heaven, and I felt like just going over to her and simply hugging her; treating her as best as I could.

She was so gorgeous, and amazing, and ugh. I'm in love.

"Dude, stop it." Marcus said, elbowing me harshly in the ribs.

I tore my eyes away from her, wincing in pain and grabbing my side.

"What the hell, Marcus?" I said angrily, glaring at him.

He just rolled his eyes, and I scoffed. "You were staring at the new girl, Emma. You should really be thinking of Joe, and how you're going to get him to date you."

I went back to staring at Emma, not responded. I only did when he snapped his fingers in my face.

"Who's Joe?" I asked dreamily, once again gazing over at Emma. It was as if my eyes were magnets attracted to her.

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