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Warning: I'm talking about sensitive subjects such as rape, racism, transphobia and other things so if it is a trigger please do not read.


Rape is not a joke.

On one of my last chapters, someone posted a rape joke and it made me pissed off. I'm legit so angry right now, and I will talk to them about it when I calm down because I don't want to say anything I will regret; I don't respond with violence, I respond with intelligence.

All of you, but that one person, do not joke like that but I will tell you; I do not support racist comments or racist slurs, homophobic slurs(f****t), sexist comments, transphobic comments, or any other ignorant comments in general. They offend others, and they are honestly not funny. AT ALL.

Even a comment such as simple as "lol he touched him he got molested"  makes me so mad. Molestation isn't funny, Rape isn't funny either. It's disgusting. You all aren't 5 year olds not knowing what rape is, you know what it is. You all, from reading my story, know that people everyday get killed for just simply being a Woman, or being a lesbian. As someone front the LGBTQ+ community, who fears being rejected from society, I always try to put in problems of the world into my story.

Remember Leelah Alcorn? She killed herself because her parents didn't accept who she was and her parents wouldn't let her have a sex change surgery. There are also black men and women getting killed just for walking down the street - and no one is getting in trouble for it. I could go on for ages but I'll just talk to you about rape jokes, which are not funny, ESPECIALLY on my story because I do not support rape and neither should anyone else.

Rape is possibly one of the most disgusting things EVER. Forcing someone to have sex with you? That isn't funny. It's disgusting. The poor kid who got raped probably feels so dirty, they still feel their attackers hands on their skin, and they'll never be able to trust again. They'll sit in the showers for hours, scrubbing away at their skin with a lofa soaked in soap, trying to get the dirty feeling off of them; only for it not to work. Rape scars people.

Do you think that's funny?

I knew a man who got raped while he was intoxicated. He went for help, told his friends, and family only to be told things like; "how could a man be raped?" And "you're just looking for some attention". The comments drove him to a point where he felt so dirty and ashamed that he started to believe it was his fault he got raped so he went to bars, started to drink a lot, did drugs, and let men have his way with him, even if he didn't want it. Therapy did not work, and he ended up killing himself.

This isn't me exaggerating, no, this is the truth. People get murdered after they get forced into sex, people kill themselves after it. Women get raped for simply wearing their favorite outfit that shows a little skin.

I don't give a FUCK who you are, and in what relation you are to me - if you joke about rape thinking it's funny, it isn't, and you're ignorant.

I used to be ignorant and thought that those jokes were funny but now I'm educated and here to say; rape is serious and it's revolting. It's not a joke, and rape culture is 100% real.

It isn't a matter of opinion if you think rape is funny, it's just fucked up.

So if you think rape is funny then you can piss off. Because it isn't.

"but I have freedom of speech" screw you. Just because you have the freedom of speech does not mean you should make any jokes at all about Rape. It's scary, it's gross, and you have no idea what people go through when they are raped.

I'm sorry if any of you know someone with any of these situations, or you were in a situation like this. Nobody deserves anything like that to happen to them, and if any of you reading this ever want help from anyone, send me a PM and I'll gladly speak about it with you.

I should be updating in a day or so because it's a very long chapter, and cover your eyes if your a child a little bit to the end because things get smutty.

Thank you so much for reading.

- Jenna x

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