Her Holiness. Days after.

By xxfantasymixerxx

381K 17K 10.5K

Yandere cult genshin impact x reader. This is part two and continuation of Her Holiness. The Creator. You fo... More

Chapter 1 Guests
Chapter 2 Rules.
Chapter 3 Waiting
Chapter 4 Change
Chapter 5 Returning
Chapter 6 Home Sweet Teapot?
Chapter 7 Thier Decision
Chapter 8 Lust.
Chapter 9 Confession.
Chapter 10 Sudden visit.
Chapter 11 Argument
Chapter 12 First time.
Chapter 13 Jealousy.
Chapter 15 Enjoyable Company.
Chapter 16 Breath of Fresh Air.
Chapter 17 Getting a Big Toy.
Chapter 18 Message.
Chapter 19 Fears.
Chapter 20 Sleep.
Chapter 21 While you sleep.
Chapter 22 Visit
Chapter 23 Snow Trip
Chapter 24 New name
Chapter 25 Returning to where it began.
Chapter 26 Reunion
Chapter 27 Ex Harbingers
Chapter 28 Exposed
Chapter 29 Boundaries.
Chapter 30 Brother in law
Chapter 31 Time to meet the in laws.
Chapter 32 New Family Meeting the Old
Chapter 33 While you are away
Chapter 34 Aunt Julia
Chapter 35 Night talk
Chapter 36 Xiao's Assignment
Chapter 37 Sudden events.
Chapter 38 Back to Teyvat
Chapter 39 A small plan
Chapter 40 Khoi is a good boi.
Chapter 41 The Hideout
Chapter 42 Things from the past.
Chapter 43 Long awaited trip.
Chapter 44 Sumeru
Chapter 45 A small rest.
Chapter 46 The calm before the storm
Chapter 47 Meeting the Sages
Chapter 48 Youngest Archon
Chapter 49 Stormy weather
Chapter 50 New Interest
Chapter 51 What could of been.
Chapter 52 Cairan and Theo.
Chapter 53 Getting Ready to Explore
Chapter 54 'What if'
Chapter 55 Adventure time!
Chapter 56 Plans
Chapter 57 The Agreement.
Chapter 58 Act of Loyalty
Chapter 59 Victory
Chapter 60 Snitch
Chapter 61 Minor change in appearance.
Chapter 62 Running.
Chapter 63 Human once again
Chapter 64 Creating
Chapter 65 Connection
Chapter 66 The Adorable Arsonist
Chapter 67 An Aunties work is never done.
Chapter 68 Under Control
Chapter 69 Practice makes perfect.
Chapter 70 Freedom comes with a bit of Explosion!
Chapter 71 Lights! Camera! Panick!

Chapter 14 Removing a Threat.

8.3K 301 474
By xxfantasymixerxx

Once the rest of your group arrived they quickly went to find you. Only to find your room empty. Spotting a gaurd near by they asked what happened.

"Her grace was assaulted!" The gaurd said angered on your behalf. "She is resting at her husband Zhongli's room"

"Assaulted?!" Paimon said worried.

"Who was the bastard" Diluc said angered.

"It was the one who called herself the bestie" the gaurd said.

"She dares.." Kaeya said angry. "Thank you for informing us. We shall go see our grace." The gaurd nodded as watched as your group rushed over to where you were.

Zhongli was with in bed sitting against the wall as he gently stroked your hair as your head was on his lap on top of pillow. He heard the door open as he kept his eyes on your sleeping form.

"How is she?" Venti said as they went to see you.

"She's resting now" Zhongli said.

"Her cheek.. it's all red" Albedo said as he gently placed his hand on your cheek. "How dare she lay a hand on her."

"She brings her over and treats her well and how does she show her gratitude? A slap on the cheek." Aether said angry. While the rest of the group agreed and talked among themselves they didn't notice a certain member leave the room.

Bf/N was sitting in her jail. Tucked away in the corner trying her best to hide herself. She knew she screwed up and hoped you would visit her so she could talk to you. Hearing the footsteps she quickly perked up getting up hoping to see your face. Instead her face went pale upon seeing the angry eyes of the Balladeer.

"Did you expect to see her grace?" He said as he watched your friend walk back pressing herself against the wall in fear. "What the matter? Are you scared?" Scaramouche said as he opened the cell stepping inside. "Odd? You didn't show any when you struck her grace."

"It was an accident" she said shaking as he felt herself being slapped hard, the force making her fall down.

"Whoops. It was an accident." He said. "You make me sick." He said as he grabbed her by her hair holding her up. "You don't deserve to be near my grace." He told her as he reached from behind him bringing out his knife. "I should get rid of you now." Seeing the knife your friend screamed for help terrified. "Shut it!" Scaramouche said annoyed using a swift motion cutting her mouth as she held her mouth feeling the blood flow down. "How annoying."

"Don't over do it. Her grace said to not kill her" a voice was heard as Scaramouche and your friend looked to see Albedo walk into view.

"Honestly, my Grace seems to be too generous with the likes of her" Kazuha walked right next to Albedo. "It's clear she been harboring these ill intentions for all this time."

"All the more reason to kill her" Scaramouche said glaring at her. "That said. Why are you here?"

"We noticed you were gone and figured you would be here." Albedo replied. "Infact it is something we all thought of so it wasn't hard."

"Tch. I can't believe she said to spare her." Scaramouche said letting go of her hair as she dropped down to the floor crying.

"Her grace said for us to not kill her." A new voice chimed in as they turned to see Zhongli walk into view. His eyes giving off the angry glow as he stood infront of the cell. "And I told her I will make sure we don't kill her." He glared at her as she flinched at him "but I never said I would keep her safe."

"Ah I see what your implying" Scaramouche said smiling at the idea. "Then shall we get started?" Your friend shook her head no quickly. "Well to bad you don't get a choice."

"Stop! By the order of the Raiden Shogun!" Sara walked into view with a few gaurds. "She is to be brought for her sentencing at once!"

"Tch she's such a kill joy" the puppet said as they followed Sara as they escorted bf/n to her sentencing.

Arriving in the room they sat her in the middle of the room. Bf/n felt her blood run cold.


When you opened your eyes you saw some of your group with you. Sitting up you saw the others rush over to you.

"My Grace are you ok?" Venti said worried.

"Do you need anything?" Xiao said as Aether quickly brought you some water. You shook your head.

"Wheres bf/n?" You asked looking at them as they quickly avoided your eyes. "... Wheres Bf/n?" You asked again.

"She's currently being held in a cell awaiting her sentencing for the crime she committed to you. She should be sentenced soon." Diluc spoke up.

".... It was a just an argument" you said getting up "I need to go talk to her" you felt arms wrap around you and pull you down on the bed you looked to see Aether keeping you laying down.

"No my grace. Stay here don't see her. Forget her she is a traitor. She hurt you" he said.

"Papas right! What if that girl hurts you again??" Paimon said worried.

"Wait a minute.. did you just call Aether .. Papa?" Venti said looking at the floating child.

"That's right!" Paimon said floating happy looking rather proud. "Starting today I was adopted by both Aether and her grace!" The rest quickly looked at you and Aether. You gave off a nervous smile as Aether smiled happy cuddling you close to him. As Paimon dived in between you two smiling happy as Aether hugged you three close.

The look of the rest of your teams face all showed thier jealousy having understood what Aether has done. Paimon being the child she was hugged you two happy before speaking again. "So don't see her again. She's not nice"

"Ah Paimon.." you said as you got out of Aether hug and sit up. "I can't just leave her there. She may have slapped me but it was only an argument "

"No an argument is when two use words to reason with one another." Kaeya spoke "A fight is when two equally attack each other." His eye narrowed a bit. "Now an assault is when one attacks the other who refused to cause harm."

"That's right my grace! She must pay the price!" Venti said.

"However you said to not kill her so we are debating what it should be." Xiao said as you stayed in thought.

Bf/n in a sense did betray you. Infact this wouldn't be considered the first if you thought about it. You could send her off back to earth but you know she is very petty and would definitely return for trouble. You can't banish her she is capable of joining the enemies and give all she knows of you to them. "It seems death is indeed the only right answer" you quickly shook your head. "No I'm going to see her and that's final." You said as you got up much to your groups displeasure. You quickly made your way to where the whole event would be held.


"Bf/N you are guilty of commiting the sin of harming our grace." The archon spoke. "The sentence is death, but her grace expressed wishes to not kill you." She said as your friend took a sigh she felt hope. "However there is other methods to punish you."

Your friend blood ran cold at that. The door suddenly burst open as you walked in. "Stop this trail!" You said as you walked in.

"My Grace." The archon greeted you. "You should be resting."

"It's only a slap I am alright." You said as your friend quickly spoke.

"Y/n! Please! Help me!" She begged as you noticed the injuries on her.

"What happened to you -" you were cut off by Zhongli.

"Don't you dare speak to my grace!" He said angry as the others agreed. You sighed you know no matter what you knew what had to be done.

"Zhongli. Enough." You said as you looked at the electric Archon "I decided on her fate." She nodded listening. "Exile. She shall be taken back and never allowed back here again."

"Wait! No! Don't kick me out please Bestie-" bf/n was silenced as Scaramouche glared at her down.

"Albedo. I leave the whole process to you. Zhongli accompany him and make sure everything goes smoothly." You said as you turned and started to walk out. Hearing your now ex friend call out to you. You stopped and looked at her "goodbye, Bf/n. Maybe I'll see you again soon " then you left the room as Scaramouche wants and grabbed her.

"I'm coming with you two." He said as Albedo nodded saying he didn't mind as Aether used his teapot. Taking your friend back.

You sat down on your bed as your group quickly settled around you trying to comfort you. "..I can't believe she's gone." You said sadden.

"Don't think about her my Grace!" Venti said hugging you. "You have us! We will never betray you!"

"That's right we will always stay by your side." Diluc added.

"Don't forget Paimon here too!" The girl cheered happy as you giggled a bit and hugged her.

"Thank you everyone" you said with a small smile.


"Keep walking" Scaramouche said pushing your ex friend forward towards the hot spring.

"No I want to talk to my bestie!" She said angry.

"You lost all right to that privilege" Zhongli said as they arrived. After Albedo activated the gateway the four of them crossed over. Arriving back into your world your ex friend was furious.

"Fine! Kick me out! Just wait! You won't get rid of me that easy!" She said as she looked at them angry. "You have no idea who your messing with! My parents have money they will-" a sharp pain cut her off as she held her mouth again as this time both of her checks were sliced.

"You dare to threaten our grace.." Scaramouche said with his knife in his hand. "I should cut out that tongue seeing all you using it is for talking shit."

"You say we're not going to get rid of you easy? Well. Bold of you to assume we were simply going to let you go." Aether said as he gripped his sword.

"No- but she said to.." you friend said taking steps back. "She said not to kill"

"You see. She won't know this. All she will know is that her ex friend sometime after sent back faced an unfortunate fatal accident" Albedo said as he took his weapon out as well. Seeing the clear intent in their eyes she turned to run only to feel two swords stab her in the back making her stay in place. Crying in pain she saw Zhongli go infront of her while summoning his weapon.

"Let's get this over with. My Grace is waiting for me." Zhongli said before delivering the final and fatal blow to your ex friend. Seeing her lifeless corpse go limp Aether and Albedo withdrew thier swords from her.

"I don't know about you. But I feel much better" Scaramouche said pleased while heading back.

"We removed a threat to our grace. Of course you feel better" Albedo said.

"Let's getting going before our grace suspects why were talking long." Aether said as they agreed. Leaving your world they quickly crossed back heading back to you.

Cleaning up quickly they made sure their clothes and weapons were clean before entering your room. They found you pacing worried. Upon seeing them you quickly ran and hugged them.

"I'm so glad to see your all back safely! After taking so long I was worried!" You told them as they hugged you back smiling.

"Sorry my grace. Your ... Friend.. proved to be quite a handful." Zhongli said picking you up and carrying you to your bed.

"What happened?" You asked worried as Zhongli say you on your bed. They told you how she acted while from going to the teapot up to how she threatened you. Of course leaving out how they put an end to her life. You sighed. "Yeah that sounds like her. Since little she would always use money to have her way." You said as Zhongli held you close soothing. Truth be told bf/n came from a pretty wealthy family as such she always used money to buy her way in life. While you worked hard for your income and made the best of your situation.

"To think all this time not once has she even said sorry you" Aether said annoyed.

"She never was one to apologize." You nodded agreeing with Aether. "Anyways, Thank you for taking her back" you said as they nodded. "Maybe one day I'll go back and see her. Perhaps then we can have a proper talk"

"Enough of this talk my grace" Zhongli said as he hugged you close. "Let's rest. It's been a long day"

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