Forgotten Broken Heart (MHA x...

By Techno_blood_god

68.9K 1.5K 356

Y/n starts her adventure at the age of 6. After being abused and abandoned Y/n doesn't Talk and is shown to b... More

Y/n Quirk
Doing What They Couldn't
The Years Pass
Day 1 Let Class Start
My Suit
Fight To Learn
The Press & President
U.S.J Attack
After Math Break
You Shouldn't Be Here
Nice To Meet You
Sports Festival Obstacle Course
Meeting And Protecting
Cavalry Battle Sports Festival
Past Coming Back
Battle Vs Mina
Before Next Fight
Battle VS Tokoyami
Final Battle Vs Todoroki
Welcome Working Pals
There Learning
Problem's Grow
It's Not Getting Better
Not Another Not Now
Time To Start A Search
Panic Attack... Again
Exam Time
Fight VS Aizawa
Wake Up
It's All Different
Beginning Camp

Battle VS Bakugou

1.6K 43 1
By Techno_blood_god

I'm slowly taken out of my tech place as I am unplugged and woken up. Opening my eyes and I hit bye a bright light, closing my eyes again before slowly opening I am meet with the sight of Will and James looking at me. 

"It's Time for you next fight." James stated as he helped me stand.

"You will be fighting Bakugou, you sure you have enough energy for this?" Will asked looking me over.

I nod my head and started to make my way to where the tunnel is. I downloaded a map of the place so I have no issue finding my way around. Will and James followed till we got to a main hall and then they turned going toward one of the stairwells.

'they are probably going to the stands so they can watch.' I thought. 

Making it into the tunnel I waited to be announced to come out. While I waited I thought for a moment. 

'I don't have enough energy to do anything crazy and I don't want to draw anymore attention then I already have, I will need to go basic.' I thought. I needed a plan I can't just go out and do whatever. 

'After my last act he will probably push me to go all out on him, but I don't have the energy to do that...' I thought. 

'He will be impulsive and go all out and not think just attack I could use that to my advantage, the question is how?..' I thought and racked my brain for an idea of what I could possibly do to win. Then it came to me like a train. 

'A smoke screen!! He can't see and I can use that and trick him, using his quirk I can cause him to make his own smoke screen, then I use sound and silhouette and random attacks to my advantage. He won't think just attack and become more impulsive.' I thought finally having a plan. 

Just on time to because I hear my name being called. 

Making my way out I hear cheers and screams of excitement. I keep on a blank and emotionless face. Not far from me I see Bakugou's serious yet smug face and he looks at me with a glint in his eyes of determination. 

"Your going F**king down you B**ch." He barked. 

'What so now I'm a dog?' I thought sarcastically.

I got in position getting low to the ground ready to pounce and move at any moment. 


it Started!!

Bakugou came at me full speed an explosion in his hand. As he went to punch me with it I ducked and grabbed his ancles going under him and pulling causing him to fall face first to the ground with his explosion. When the explosion made contact with the ground it went off and he got knocked back it pushing me forward a bit probably burning a bit of my hair. 

While in air Bakugou used is explosions to come flying at me.

"Come on Try you B**ch!!" He yelled. 

As he got closer I jumped and as I went over him I pushed my leg getting him more off coarse and giving me an extra boost. Flipping myself in the air I made one of my walls on top of him and used it to push him to the ground. I knew it wouldn't do anything it was just to get him angry so he becomes more impulsive. I made a wall behind me and slid off of it landing on my feet on the ground. 

He got more angry him getting up and blasting left and right. 

He came at me running with his explosions giving him a boost. This time I waited for him to be inches from my face before I grabbed his wrist and swung him round for a second before letting him go. Be fore he went flying far he blasted him self at me and blasted at the ground not far from me. quickly acting I dodged the flying debris but getting cut by a few one hitting mu cheek cutting it causing it to bleed. I heard a sound behind me and acted flipping backward , as if in slow-motion I flipped right over Bakugou who's eyes widen and watched me and his hand with an explosion went to hit the ground. As I went over him I gave a small wink before I twisted my body and kicked him in the head knocking him to the side. When his explosion hit the ground it caused a giant smoke screen due to the size of it. 

Getting into action I got myself away from Bakugou and prepared. Taking out goggles from my storage I used them so the smoke wouldn't affect my eyes. 

I saw Bakugou get up off the ground and look around. 

"Come out and fight you F**king B**ch!!" He shouted. 

'does he know any other curse words?' I thought. 

Getting into action I ran past him so he could see my silhouette. Just like I planed he attacked that area while I was actually to the side of him. Going to my inventory again I got out a gun that shoots out lasers that will push someone back, it was a weapon I worked on years ago. quickly shooting it, it hit him pushing him a few feet back. 

Running past again he attacked and then I made a sound behind him and he attacked. 

'He is like a Bull.' I noted. 

Continuing this for a while he got more and more annoyed and angry becoming more impulsive. Until he got annoyed and exploded the ground getting rid  the smoke screen. When it cleared I could hear gasps  of shock seeing me with a laser gun. Bakugou looked up and his eyes widened at what he saw. 

There I stood, dirt and dust in my hair the ends burnt a little, dried blood coming from my cheek and a few other cuts that littered my body. My cloths dirtied and torn in some areas, My eyes narrowed and focused like a tiger hunting it's prey with goggles covering them. My knuckles almost white and some bruises that littered my body, but the biggest thing was the Gun I had in my hands. It glowed a bright blue it charged and ready for the trigger to be released. Winking I let go of the trigger and it hit him knocking him out of bounds and into a wall. 

Lowering the gun I let out a sigh As I opened my inventory and put the gun and goggles away. It was silent for a while until the stadium roared with cheers and screams. I simply walked over to Bakugou him slowly getting himself out of the wall as he slowly looked up at me. As I stood in front of him looking down at his hunched form his hands on his knees I slowly raised my hand before resting it on his head patting it. Then I turned and walked off back into the tunnel still feeling his eyes linger on my form until I was out of his view. 

When I got into the halls I was greeted by Shinsou standing there with a smile on his face, but I could see a glint of worry in his eyes. 

"Let's get you fixed up for your next fight. Good job by the way." He spoke. 

I nodded my head in response as we then both walked off toward the nurse. 

'I wonder who I will fight next.' 

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