Dead Mate || K.TH


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"Come on, say it again. I am a perfect devil. Tell me how bad i am. It makes me feel so good." His dear dark... Еще

Dead Mate
Black Magic
Dead Rose
Heaven And Hell
Lonely Swan
A Sadist's Torture
Truth Revealed
The Last Heir Of The Throne
My Queen
Bite Of A Vampire
Twisted Pleasures
Sensual Dream
Loosing My Mind
The Gathering
Scattered Scars
Divine Red
The Last Human
The Price Of A Human
Cry For Help
The Loving Arms Of Death
Fated For Life
The Temptress
The Dark House
The Quiet Death
Bloodied Roses
Till Death Did Them Apart
The Night Of Love
The Supposed Death
A Proposal
The Protector
Hiatus Announcement

The Corruptive Sinister

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The tension didn't leave her body, even after Jin pulls away and walk back towards the lit stove. It is almost a part of her instincts now. She can't help but tremble like a leaf at the sight of any of them.

Even as minutes pass by, it doesn't leave her alone. Though it does subside, enough for her to eat the food Jin placed before her. She most admit, for a vampire who can't taste anything but blood on his tongue, he is quite good at cooking.

Or maybe she is just so hungry that anything looks mouth watering to her. In any case, she is grateful towards him. At least he understood without asking more from her.

Getting up is also a lot easier than before when she is not shaking, deciding it would be better for her to help him cook rather than sitting still.

He did tell her to join him in the kitchen two weeks ago. But judging by what happened after that with the biting and fainting, he hadn't pushed her once to join him.

Helping him is not as nerve wrecking since no one is around. And if she is told to starve her whole life, she would gladly with how grateful she is.

Time goes by and through little work she is given, Y/n is allowed to go to her room when the man starts to make the table for dinner. Releasing a breath she was holding, she turns around to walk away.

"Wait." But Jin's voice diffuse the large kitchen.

She stops, tensing up as she slowly turn around to face the man.

Placing the seventh plate on the dinning table, he turns to walk towards the refrigerator. She fidgets in her place, watching him open the door and pull something from inside.

He turns again, placing a bottle in the counter in front of her. "Keep yourself hydrated. You'll need it for the upcoming gathering."

She stares at him, and then down to the bottle of water. The man moves away to continue his work but Y/n stands there for a few seconds.

She slowly approach the counter and picks up the bottle.

The glass feels coldness, so she presses it towards her quivering heart that has been burning for months. That might calm it down.

It's almost soothing, the feeling of it sending a chill down her spine.

She walks away to her room, taking a turn from the living room towards the maze like hallways after existing the kitchen. She completely miss the burning stares following her from where she came out of the kitchen all the way towards the halls.

Jimin smirks, leg folded over the other as he leans the living room couch, gaze following the woman while his nose follow her scent.

She doesn't learn, he thinks. This is the exact way she was clueless the day he caught her. And that caused her to be bitten. Such a bumbling little human.

Y/n is quiet as she walks, stomach happy after a long time with how it finally has food thrown in it. Looking up from the floor, she turns the last corner.

And instantly flinch.

She halts, shoulders tensing up as another bulking body almost comes clashing towards her. She looks up, eye's widening when she sees him.

Taehyung stare down at her, having stopped moments before walking into her. He watch her take two steps back in panic, putting space between them.

In a normal day, he would feel her presence. But he was too distracted by his empty thoughts to pick up her scent, or the pitter patter of those small feet he often hears shuffling around her room. Though in the same hall, his room is located on the far end from hers.

Y/n can feel her leg shaking, something about him that is so unsettling and intimidating that she just want to make a run for it whenever her eyes land on even the slightest part of him.

All the brothers are a piece of a twisted puzzle. The are terrifying, sinister, uncomfortable to be around and definitely deadly. Some of them have their intentions towards her sitting on the tip of their tongue. And they have told her those.

But she definitely doesn't like the blankness that carries his eyes.

He is too quiet, too stoned face.

His beauty makes him too dead.

Tan skin hiding behind dark clothes and midnight black puffs of hair exposing his forehead, he stands tall on his booted feet. Pride and ego fall down his lidded red gaze, buff body towering anyone easily.

He reminds her of her beloved.

Her Jihyun.. Tall and unbothered to everyone. The darkness within him eating away at his life. But to her, he was like an overgrown pup, his fragile soul stuck in a wrong body.

The body of an Alpha King.

Her mate.

But this man is nothing like him. He looks cruel and he is cruel. There is no softness in that soul.

She moves away from him even further, feet moving till she can get to the other empty side. She hesitantly and consciously starts to walk away before her legs fully give up on her. She had too much of the world today.

The man with his head tilted to the side, watch her practically run away from him. He turns around, nose twitching at the scent she just openly leans behind without having a clue about it.

Placing his index finger near his nose, he starts ambling towards the living room.

"Look who decided to grace us today?" Jimin smirks, head titling at him from where he still sits on the couch.

Taehyung takes a seat on the opposite of his brother, as silent as ever. He trail his gaze over Jimin, and then to Yoongi, who also lays on the same spot he's always on, eyes closed but ears always alert.

"What was it about?" Taehyung mumbles, trying to remember something as he leans back on the couch.

Jimin hums, meeting his eyes.

"Fears." Taehyung recalls, dead eyes sparkling with something for the first day.

Jimin chuckles at the sparkle in his brother's gaze. Taehyung is as dead as ever, but when he does shows emotions, that's when others die. "Fears?" Jimin imitates, smile as sinister as the one he's gazing at right now. "I can promise these fangs to you that fear is barely an inch of what I saw on her."

"She's a fearful one. Flesh, pleasure, intimacy." Pointing out a few of them, he breaths out at the end. "Men.."

The corruption grew and Taehyung's smiles a little bit. "Amusing." He glance towards the hallways.

Very delightful.

Leaning in on his elbows, Jimin winks at his brother. "Whatever you're going to do, don't forget to tell me."



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