Love's Choice (UPGRADED)

By MarryMeProd

168K 1.7K 612

Use to be 'True Love Don't Come Easy' (UPDATED AND POLISHED OVER!) This is a love story between you and the b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 (cont.)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 - (cont.)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22
Help Me?

Chapter 6

4.5K 61 13
By MarryMeProd

The veins in his hands stood up. His nostrils expand. Every muscle in his face was at work. He unbuckled his belt in 0.1 seconds, and folded it into a big loop.

"TURN OVER." He ordered in a rough crusty tone. I did as I was told. I held unto the sheets for dear life.

He beat me violently. My butt sore and in this burning sensation. My face flooded with my salty tears as it went in my mouth..

"Daddyyyyyy please! I'm-" I yelp in pain as another hit stung. "I'm sorry!"

Finally. He gave the last blow and stopped. He didn't make a sound. He just stormed through the door, and left me there on the bed. Hurt. In excruciating pain.

I cried and cried, without a sound. I tried to get up, my butt made it impossible. And stayed in that same position, laying on my belly. I looked at the clock, it was 6:33PM. I haven't eaten since I was exposed yesterday afternoon. I have no appetite.

I wanted to call my mother or any other friend I had, but Dad took my phone away. I have no one to talk to. So I spoke to God. I dozed off and fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up. My butt still hurting, but I can move. I went to the bathroom, eye boogers everywhere.

So I showered, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and fixed myself nicely. I wanted to get some air from all this foolishness.

Me performing oral sex on Roc Royal of Mindless Behavior uploaded on WORLDSTAR.COM, my twin sister becoming my foe. My father abusing me because of it. My bestest friend Ray won't talk to me. And all my other 'friends' disowned me. I'm all alone.

As I stepped out the house, and began walking, I sighed taking in the chilly wind hitting my skin. I dug my hands into my black sweater, after pulling the hood over my head. I saw a figure coming my way, I squinted my eyes as the person came closer. It was my boo Prodigy.

He was so focused, and in his own world, listening his iPod he didn't notice me. He walked passed me, then I turned around behind him. And hugged around his waist.

"Hey boo!" I greeted loudly. I'm in a very depressed state in my life right now but I can never seem to remain unhappy when I'm around Prod.

I hear Prod let out an annoyed sigh. "I knew the earphones wouldn't work."

I ignore his mean words as usual. "Where's your guard? Aren't you scared fans will see you and drag you in the bushes and rape you? Like I would?" I ask, which is a pretty dumb question because fans aren't around this neighborhood, and neither are vegetation aka bushes. I grin at Prod as he rolls his perfect eyes.

"Well aren't you the girl who ruined me and the boy's reputation? Huh YN? Aren't you the girl who carelessly let yourself be exposed like that sucking dick?"

That was it. From Prod started I knew where this was going, I felt my eyes sting with tears building up. I try to hold them in but at his last two words I lost it.

They fell down shamelessly, and I wipe them each every time. I couldn't look at Prod at all. I weakly nodded at him. "I get it. I'm sorry" I had to dismiss myself from all this. Everyone is looking down on me and I can't take it anymore.

Prod's P.O.V

Watching her walk away, I felt a pang of guilt hit my chest.

But I can't help but find another reason to dislike her. Her being bisexual lead my mom to force me and warn me to stay away from her and those gay friends she usually hangs out with. She absolutely loathes gays and bi's and transsexuals and being a Momma's boy, I'm going to follow what my mom says. Even though I don't want to.

But now, I re call the hurt and sadness in that poor girl's eyes when I called her out. Me and my big mouth.

"I'm....sorry YN. I really am, I didn't mean to-" she yanks her arms from my grip as I caught up to her before she could get away.

"It's okay." Her voice cracks and it pains my heart. She must be going through so much. She looks everywhere but at me. I'm thankful the street is empty. "It's true though, so no reason to be mad at you." She laughs bitterly, and wipes another tear from her slightly red cheeks.

I don't even know what to say.

"Prod," she coughs a lil. "You're literally like the only one I can talk to. I have no one by my side....and *sniff* my father and sister turned against me. And you just threw it in my face. I deserve it." She nods, convincing herself to the lie she just told.

My mind, my heart, and my body react immediately. I grab her into my arms. I hug her tightly around the waist, and rub her back comfortingly. She rest her head against the crook of my neck and wrap her arms around my shoulders without hesitation. That's how I knew she needed support, and like she just said, no one was there for her. I have to change that. "It's okay, I'm here for you" I whisper in her hair.

"You have to sleep at my house for a while. You have to." I say several seconds after pure silence between us. "You can't stay in that house's slowly destroying you, I can see it." I admit, I gently pull her off me, to look straight in her watery bloodshot eyes.

It's about time I put my pride and ego aside to help someone out, even though this particular someone is extremely flirtatious and annoying sometimes.

I look deep in her eyes. I trace the outline of her face briefly for a second. I took her hands in mines. "I'll come with you. No one is gonna hurt you."

She smiled weaklyat me. It's not the light hearten smile I'm used to whenever she lays her eyes on me. They didn't sparkle like usual.

I escort her back to her house. None of us even knocked. We both just went inside.

I heard her father eating. The fork hitting against the plate. She quickly grabbed a hold of my hand. I give it a gentle squeeze, assuring her it's okay.

We head upstairs, passing what seems to be Megan's room, because she opened the door to get out. I quickly shift YN over to my side, and put himself on her side, basically switching sides. So YN wouldn't have any close contact with Megan.

I help pack her clothes. I can't help but take a good look at her thongs, panties and bras. I'm a gentleman but still. I have my moments.

"You're a lil perv you know that?" YN's voice brings me from my train of thoughts.

I decide to tease her back. "I wouldn't say a 'lil' one. I maybe a big one."

She only continued folding her clothes, she didn't chuckle or anything like I was hoping. She's so fragile right now.

But I do prefer that YN isn't taking this whole situation too extra, spazzing anything that I, of all people, who pretends to despise her a lot, is the one helping out. She's pretty chill about it and I appreciate that. Considering she's sort of obsessed with me.


We went to my house, when I reached my security, Andrew, he doesn't hide the fact that he never thought he would see the day I willingly take YN to my place.

Anyways, we spent the whole day together. Then at 2:00PM. The PIXnews came on.

"Mike Tyson's daughter, one of his twins who migrated from Puerto Rico approximately a year ago, was caught on video performing oral sex to 1/4 of Mindless Behavior. Roc Royal. More after this"

End of P.O.V

You took a big loud sigh, Prod looked at you. He holds your hand, showing you that it is okay. How sweet is he? For the rest of the day, you and Prod watch TV, chat, make jokes, eat eat eat. Because you both love food the same. God answered you prayer. You now have a special friend in your heart. Prodigy.

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