My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 17

174 5 1

Najimi: okay, what if we tell them that Tadano got hit by a bus?

Mike: that will make it worse.

Najimi: okay then, what if Tadano had a family emergency?

Mike: that might work.

Najimi: man Komi-san is gonna be sad that Tadano won't make it to her party

Mike: yeah he's gonna be sad to miss it too.

Najimi: shame, but I bet he won't have any problems at all.

Boomhead: you're in big trouble Guardian.

Guardian: what makes you think that?

Boomhead: I have gotten stronger since our last encounter.

Guardian: well lucky for you I didn't slack around either.

Boomhead: good, I am hoping for a challenge.

Guardian: I'm not playing any of your games.

Guardian charged at Boomhead smashing him into a building. The rest of the goons began to shoot at him but soon realized it was useless.

Guardian: I would advise to surrender, I will end all this meaningless violence-

Boomhead grabbed the back of the head of Guardian and slammed him to the ground.

Boomhead: you have to worry about me first.

Boomhead throwed a piece of rubble at Guardian, but he broke it with one hand, Boomhead took advantage of the distraction and sneak up on Guardian to attack him.

Guardian: not today.

He used his freeze breath to immobilize him. It only lasted a few seconds before Boomhead could break free again.

Boomhead: you disappoint Guardian, all this power you have and you're afraid to use it.

Guardian: what do you mean?

Boomhead: the only difference between you and me, is that I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty...... you on the other hand are afraid to kill.

Guardian: ....

Boomhead: you hold back on your strength and that's your biggest mistake. I never hesitated to take a life.

Guardian charged at Boomhead again, but Boomhead used his explosive hand on his face.

Guardian: agh! Not again!

Boomhead: what are you so afraid of? Why do you hesitate to take a life.

Boomhead continued with a kick on the chin.

Boomhead: holding against your enemy is a sign of weakness.

Boomhead now kicked Guardian in the ribs.

Boomhead: you call yourself the protector of these people, but are you really strong enough to do that?

Boomhead charged his right fist at Guardian but he stopped it.

Guardian: you're wrong.

He rose up from the ground and floated in front of Guardian.

Guardian: showing compassion is not the same as being weak, but if you want to see the real me... you'll see him.

Boomhead: good.

Boomhead got what he wished for, Guardian walked slowly towards him.

Boomhead throwed a few punches at his face, but Guardian wasn't face by it.

Guardian grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the floor, dragging him at a high speed.

After a few seconds Boomhead was exhausted by the combat. Guardian broke his arm to avoid more resistance.

Guardian: be careful what you wish for Boomhead.

Guardian grabbed his neck and began to slightly choke it.

Boomhead: hehe go ahead.... do it.

Guardian: it would be so easy, just a simple snap on your neck and it's over.

Boomhead: then what are you waiting for? Kill me!

Guardian: ...... no.

He let go of Boomhead.

Guardian: I will not cross that line no matter how easy it is. I do not get to decide who lives and who dies. I am a defender of the innocent, and nothing more.

Boomhead: shame..... well at least I'll get to see the fireworks.

Guardian: fire works?

In that moment the missile alarm triggered around the city's street, Guardian looked up in the sky and saw three missiles up in the air.

Guardian: what have you done?

Boomhead: my mission.

Guardian knocked out Boomhead so he wouldn't escape and contacted Wayne through his comms.

Guardian: Wayne come in this Guardian.

Wayne: Tadano where the hell are you?

Guardian: I'm in Venice, the Red Legion made an attempt to the prime minister while he was here.

Wayne: did you see the missiles?

Guardian: that's what I wanted to ask you about, who sent those missiles?

Wayne: the Red Legion that's who did it.

Guardian: what?!

Wayne: we're trying to override the launch but it's too late for that.

Guardian: not if I can intervene.

Guardian went flying for the first missiles that headed east, to be precise it was heading to North America.

Guardian was quick enough to grab it before it could reach the east coast. The only place he could launch, the sun. After that he went to the second missile, this one was heading to Africa.

With Mike and the group.

Mike: so that's what happened to Tadano.

Najimi: exactly, it's nothing too serious but he'll just be late to the party.

Onemine: man it's a shame, but I guess that's out of our hands.

Yamai: well then in any case we should head to Komi-sama's place, she must be waiting for us we can't let her down.

Mike: (she only says that because she wants Komi for herself.)

Najimi: yeah let's go, can't keep the birthday girl waiting.

While the group of Shouko's friends were heading to her home Guardian had already caught the second missile. Now he made his way into the third missile.

The bad news is that the missiles was getting closer to its target, even more bad news it was heading towards Asia.

Guardian: come Hitohito you have to catch it.

He reached out his hand to grab the tail of the missile but it was going to fast, even if he managed to catch it he wasn't sure if he was able to stop it.

Wayne: Tadano how are you doing?

Guardian: not good I am close to missile but I can't stop it.

Wayne: well you have to figure something out.

Guardian: I'm thinking, but it seems that the missile has already locked in the target, unless something on the path stop-

Wayne: what?

Guardian: Wayne I have an idea, a really bad idea.

Wayne: what is it?

Guardian cut the comms, he knew what to do, but he wasn't sure if it would work, but he had to try.

He picked up his speed to overrun the missile, he continued to fly until the missile behind him could barely be seen in the distance.

He then stopped mid air, he saw as the missile was coming towards him hoping his body was tough enough to withstand the explosion.

He took a deep breath, trying to not think too much about it. He had to do this. He began to think about the moments of his life. How his parents raised him, how he started learning to control his powers, how he made friends with Najimi, then Shouko. All the fun memories he had.

He also remembered that he missed Shouko's party. The promise he made her to reach 100 friends. If he didn't survived that Shouko would lose one friend.

Guardian: Komi-san..... I'm sorry.

He closed his eyes as the missile made  the impact to Guardian's body. All that could be seen in the sky was a blinding light from the explosion.

The Komi residence.

Shouko was making the last of preparations for the party. This was the first time she would have friends over for a party.

She heard the ring on the doorbell and came downstairs to open the door and greet her guests.

Najimi: Komi-san merry christmas and...

The group: ..... happy birthday!!

Shouko was happy that all her friends came, but she noticed that in the group her friend with the flower on his head was missing.

Mike: sorry Komi-san, Tadano had a family emergency so he had to step out. Don't worry I'm sure he'll make it later.

Shouko was a bit saddened by hearing that, but there's nothing she could do, if it really was a family emergency then obviously Hitohito had to take care of it.

Najimi: I know how you feel Komi-san, but I'm sure Tadano whishes he was here.

Shouko nodded and let the guest in, they gave her the big cat plushie and told her it was Hitohito's idead to pitch in to buy it.

She hug it tightly, she was happy by the gift and proceeded to enter back home for the party, although she still hopes Hitohito could make it to the party.

Hours have passed, and still no sign of Hitohito, Shouko was taking quick glances at the door every once in a while hoping for the bell to ring.

Sadly time passed and it was now getting late, Shouko's friends now had to go back home. On the entrance Mike tried to cheer up Shouko saying that Hitohito was looking forward to the party.

Mike: Komi-san I'm really sorry that Tadano didn't make it, he wanted to be here believe me.

Shouko took out a piece of paper.

Shouko: [it's okay, it must've been a serious emergency.]

Mike: I'm sure he'll make it up to you, Tadano doesn't like letting his friends down.

Shouko got her cat ears out and nodded continously.

Mike: haha well I gotta go home, merry christmas and happy birthday Komi-san.

He waived as he went back home. Nakanaka did the same, she took a shortcut to get there faster.

Upon arriving home she began to take her stuff off her bag when she noticed a little box wrapped.

Nakanaka: what is this?

She began to unwrap it, much to her shock it was a limited edition keychain of her favorite character, she began to wonder who was behind this.

Nakanaka: who's this from? There's no note.

She asked herself that question repeatedly, she came to her senses after a while, she finally realized who's the gift from. Giving a smile while blushing she held the keychain carefully.

Nakanaka: thank you Mike.

Mike who was going back home felt something heartwarming and began to blush as well.

Mike: what's going on with me?.... oh crap I need to contact Tadano.

He took his phone out hoping he would answer.... no response he began to worry when he got a call from Keith.

Mike: Keith! Have you seen Tadano? Where is he?

Keith: Mike calm down, I know we are all worried for Tadano but I need you to relax.

Mike: relax?! Keith what the hell is going on?!

Keith: Tadano....... has gone missing.

Mike: .... what?

Nakamura labs 11:00 pm.

Dr Keiji couldn't believe it.... he couldn't believe that he was face to face with the one and only Guardian.

Laying in a table there was an unconscious Guardian chained up.

Naoki: so Dr Keiji what do you think about or guest?

Keiji: impressive Mr. Nakamura I thought it was never possible to capture Guardian.

Naoki: it's just a matter of waiting for the right time, when Guardian came unconscious by getting that missile strike I knew that this was our chance.

Keiji: well without further delay I will began the research. I'll contact you once I have the access to the ship.

Naoki: sounds great doctor.

Before he left the facilities he turned to see Dr Keiji.

Naoki: one more thing doctor.

Keiji: hm?

Naoki: I'd appreciate it if I could count on your discretion.

Keiji: well of course Mr. Nakamura.

Naoki: thank you.

Naoki got out of the facility and entered his limo making his way back to NaokiCorp. During the ride he made a very important phone call.

???: I hope you're calling to tell me that you have my money.

Naoki: I do, I'm sending you one of my men with a briefcase and I'll send you the location for you to pick it up.

???: good, now remember no tricks Naoki.

Naoki: oh even I wouldn't dare to anger you.

???: you're damn right. I expect the full amount on that brief case.

Naoki: no worries, should I require your services again I know how to contact you.

???: until next time then.

Naoki: until next time....... Red Legion.

Naoki hung up as he had a sinister smile on his face. His plan worked perfectly, Guardian is on his lab right now, and everyone thinks the Red Legion's leader was behind the whole thing.

Naoki Nakamura is a man who gets what he wants, he doesn't care what it takes to achieve, one way or the other he'll have it his way.

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