Love And Saviour {GiyuShino}

By DemonGiShiReal

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Shinobu is hoping one day she will find the person who saved her when she was a kid. This is my very first fa... More

Chapter 1: We're here
Chapter 2: Nickname
Chapter 3: Park
Chapter 4: I feel like I know you
Chapter 5: Love at first sight
Chapter 6: Bullies and Saviour
Chapter 7: New friend and Old Friend
Chapter 8: Bullies and Victim
Chapter 9: Disliked or Liked?
Chapter 10: Realising and Restaurant
Chapter 11: Uninvited guest
Chapter 12: Get out
Chapter 13: Preparing for tomorrow
Chapter 14: Date
Chapter 15: Jealous
Chapter 16: Fun Night🍋
Chapter 17: Request
Chapter 18: First Class of School
Chapter 19: You will find someone
Chapter 20: P.E Class
Chpater 21: You are Speical
Chapter 22: Dinner with The Butterfly Sisters
Chapter 23: Encounter
Chapter 24: Giving Up
Chapter 25: I love you
Chapter 26: Having Fun 🍋
Chapter 27: Going Insane 🍋
Chapter 28: She couldn't, right?
Chapter 29: Deciding
Chapter 30: The Sun Cream Puff
Chapter 31: Tanjiro's Date
Chapter 32: Nezuko's Double Date
Chapter 33: Date gone wrong
Chapter 34: Tsutako in love?
Chapter 35: Confession
Chapter 36: Kindergarten
Chapter 37: Rejection
Chapter 38: Becoming Friends
Chapter: 39 Becoming Soft?
Chapter 40: What I Desire 🍋
Chapter 41: Be happy with you
Chapter 42: Love is suffering?
Chapter 43: Sleep at my house
Chapter 44: What to wear?
Chapter 45: Prom is here
Chapter 46: Prom Dance
Chapter 47: At long last 🍋
Chapter: 48 Let me have my thing 🍋
Chapter 49: Holiday invite
Chapter 50: Ready for the trip?
Chapter 51: Roadtrip and Beach
Chapter 52: Holiday Gift
Chapter 53: Infinity Hotel 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋
Chapter 54: Aftermath
Chapter 55: Captured
Chapter 56: Rightfully Mine
Chapter 57: Psycho
Chapter 58: What kind of Monster are you?
Chapter 59: Yandere
Chapter 60: Rescue Operation
Chapter 61: Death is near
Chapter 62: Marry me?
Chapter 63: Pregnant
The Final Chapter: I Do
Oneshot Chapter: Weirdest Date

Oneshot Chapter: Kamado Family visit

2.3K 46 80
By DemonGiShiReal

Nobody's POV:

Saturday 8:30am

It's been ten years since Giyu's and Shinobu's wedding and many things has happened through out the years. One of them was Tsutako giving birth to a boy named, Mare. The two of them were just on a couch, reading a book.

"Tsutako Nee-San!!!" Nezuko yelled with excitement, which surprised Tsutako quite a bit and scared Mare.

"Nezuko! My! What's got you so excited?" Tsutako asked.

"MY FATHER AND SIBLINGS ARE VISITING KIMETSU CITY!!!" Nezuko screamed even louder, making Tsutako block her ear a little.

"Mmmmm..." Mare became a bit terrified and hugged his mother.

"Oh jeez! Sorry for yelling, Née-San. I just got too excited." Nezuko apologised.

"That's okay, just remember to keep it down with Mare. He is a very shy boy." Tsutako said and began rubbing Mare's head.

"Hehehe" Nezuko giggled.

"Well that's amazing to hear. Haven't seen them in ages. But, what about your mother?" Tsutako asked.

"Oh yeah. Sadly, Mum chose to stay back since... well... you know, Kamado stuff." Nezuko excitement died down and just sighed. Feeling a little disheartened, Tsutako picked Mare up and walked towards Nezuko.

"I'm sorry, Nezuko." Tsutako said and Nezuko soon hugged her bigger sister.

"It's okay. I'm just glad that any of our family are coming to the city." Nezuko pulled away and smiled, making Tsutako smile as well.

"So. *cough* Does Tanjiro know about this?" Tsutako asked.

"Not yet. So far you are the only one who knows." Nezuko answered, surprising her quite a bit. But at the same time, not really.

"Really? Well, if I'm being honest, I'm not that surprised. I mean he lives with Kanao now." Tsutako said.

"Yeah. But don't worry, I'll tell him soon. By the way, Née-San. I was just wondering if there something you can do for me?" Nezuko was asking a favour.

"Sure, anything." Tsutako replied.

"Can you set up a dinner at-" Nezuko was about to say something. But.

"*Yawn* Is everything okay? I heard someone yelling." Masachika finally woke up and came downstairs.

"Masa-San!!!" Nezuko greeted and hugged her brother-in-law.

"Good morning, dear." Tsutako smiled.

Even after ten years, Tsutako still lived the same old house. But this time Masachika, after getting married, finally moved out of his small apartment and moved in with his wife, son and sister-in-law. Although Nezuko is more than old enough to move out and live with Zenitsu, she chose to live with her bigger sister because of Mare and Tanjiro. Well mostly because of Tanjiro and his priorities to protect her innocence, however little did he know, she lost it when she turned twenty-one. Mare on the other hand, he's a very shy boy, albeit he's just three and a half years old, and whenever he sees anyone that isn't his mother or father, he just hides behind either of them. But Nezuko is the only person Mare is comfortable with due her innocent charm, however he doesn't like it when she gets a little too excited.

"Morning, Tsutako. So, what's going on with you, Nezuko?" Masachika asked and before Nezuko could answer.

"Her Father and siblings are visiting the city." Tsutako said, surprising him abit.

"Really? Well that's great to hear." Masachika smiled.

"Mmmhmm!" Nezuko replied and a second later, Nezuko pulled since she needed to the two what she needs.

"Alright, before I forget! Nee-San, I was wondering if you could set up dinner at Mitsrui-San's restaurant for my parents?" Nezuko asked.

"Dinner at Mitsrui's restaurant? Sure! I can do that. But who's gonna take care of little Mare? Masachika, Sabito, Makomo are gonna be busy and my parents are out of town as always." Tsutako asked, making Nezuko question herself since she didn't really think this through.

"Right. Mare has never been out. Too young and scared. Ummm." Before Nezuko could come with an idea.

"Don't worry. I'll take a day off and be with Mare." Masachika said, surprising the two.

"Masachika. Are you sure about that? You know you gotta help Hakuji and Keizo with the upcoming basketball event." Tsutako said with concerns.

"Don't worry. I'll ask Sanemi to take my place for today. Besides, he barely does anything nowadays." Masachika said.

"EEEEE!!! Thank you, Masa-San!!!" Nezuko yelled and hugged him.

"Thank you, dear. This means a lot for Nezuko." Tsutako smiled.

"No worries, Tsutako. Anything for my family." Masachika smiled.

"Picking of family. I gotta call Tanjiro and tell him." Nezuko said.


At the Butterfly House...

Like Giyu before, Tanjiro also moved out of Tsutako's and lived at the Butterfly house with Kanao. Aside from Kanao and Kanae, the people that lived in the house were Tanjiro, Sanemi and the children of SaneKana. Kaze and Hana. However, Genya told his brother and sister-in-law that he wanted stay at his old place because of "Nostalgia". But really, the real reason on why he didn't want to move was because he didn't wanna hear a bunch of moans.

With Tanjiro and Kanao...

The two couple were still sleeping, naked on the bed due them being the horny couple like always. In fact, the net bin Tanjiro uses to throw the condoms into was completely full. The two were still sleeping, until...

*Ring Ring*

"What now?" Tanjiro muffled and slowly grabbed his phone. After getting up and grabbing his phone, he answered.

T: Hello?
N: Oni-Chan!
T: Oh hey, Nezuko. What's up? You sound excited.
N: You won't believe it. Father and our siblings are coming to visit!!!
T: Really?
N: YEAH!!!
T: Wait, what about Mum?
N: I'll explain details later.
T: Okay, ummm. When are they coming?
N: They said they will be here at 10:45am
T: Ten? Oh okay, that will be enough for preparing.
N: Alright then! I'll see you, Oni-Chan!
T: I'll see you too. Bye Nezuko. (Hangs up)

After the phone call, Kanao started to wake up due to Tanjiro being a little loud on the phone.

"Mmmmm... Tanji... What's going on?" Kanao groaned and got up.

"Nezuko called me, and she said my family are coming to the city." Tanjiro said.

"R-Really? Y-You're parents are coming?" Kanao stuttered, making Tanjiro a little confused.

"Are you okay? You look worried." Tanjiro asked.

"It's- IT's just... *sigh* I have never met your family and I'm worried they might not like me." Kanao sighed. Seeing how Kanao acted, Tanjiro pulled her for a hug

"Oh Kanao, Don't be like that. My Family will love you. Just like me." Tanjiro comforted her and Kanao just looked at his face.

"Really?" Kanao asked.

"Really." Tanjiro smiled and pressed his lips against her's.

Feeling satisfied, Kanao just kissed back passionately and wrapped her arms around his neck. Tanjiro soon pushed her on the bed and began kissing her neck which made Kanao moan.


At the Hinokami Mountain...

Knowing that they are visiting Kimetsu city, the kids couldn't help but be extremely excited. However before they could leave, they gotta help their Mum do some cleaning, carrying and feeding. Takeo being the oldest in the house would do what Tanjiro originally did, carrying supplies to the Kagura village to aid the people. The villagers were either given foods freshly grown from the garden or coals for fire.

"Here you Ms. The carrots you wanted, nice and fresh." Takeo gave the woman a bunch of carrots.

"Thank you so much, Takeo. By the way, I heard you and your family are going to the city?" The woman asked.

"Yeah. Well, my siblings and Father are going. Mum is staying to help the villagers and take care of the house." Takeo answered.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear." The woman replied.

"Yeah... But at least she will be with Urokodaki and the people of Kagura village." Takeo said.

At the Kamado House...

While Rokuta was helping his mother with the dishes, Shigeru and Hanako were chopping a big log since they woke up.

"Oh my god. Why the hell are we chopping something like this big and especially at the time like this? We have to leave quite soon." Shigeru whined while panting.

"Quit complaining. We're almost done, just keep hacking." Hanako said, and Shigeru looked at the log. It was only halfway done.

"We're not even close. We're never gonna finish!" Shigeru said and then looked at a shed where they keep the tools, including one specific tool.

"Unless." Shigeru smirked.

"Nooooooo." Hanako knew exactly what he was planning.

"What? We will be done in a jiff." Shigeru said.

"If Dad sees you using the CHAINSAW, he's gonna be furious!" Hanako warned him.

"What? He's not even here. In fact, he's been in Urokodaki place since yesterday." Shigeru said.

"Still we can't, and besides. The only-" Hanako tried to say something, but Shigeru was already gone.

"Shigeru?" Hanako uttered.

*Chainsaw revving*

"No. No! NO!!!!" Hanako panicked.

"Here I go!!!" Shigeru yelled with excitement and started cutting the big log.

A few second later. The log was finally chopped.

However, the moment the log was chopped. A certain someone had finally arrived home.

"DAD!!!!" Shigeru and Hanako exclaimed.

"Dad! I can explain! I was- Ummm.... THIS IS ALL HANAKO FAULT!!!" Shigeru dropped the chainsaw and pointed at Hanako.

"WHAT!?!? I TRIED TO STOP YOU!!! DAD!! SHIGERU STARTED COMPLAINING AND... he was whining about the... chainsaw?" Hanako tried to explain but stopped when Tanjuro just walked by as if the two of them weren't there in the first place.

Tanjuro carried nothing but a simple piece of paper. After passing the two by, he entered the house closed the door right away.

"Ummm. What's with him?" Shigeru asked, and before Hanako say anything.

"You guys noticed too?" Takeo uttered.

"Takeo!!!" The two greeted.

"Yep. That's me." Takeo laughed.

"Takeo, what's up with Dad? I mean you did, in a way, walk back with him." Hanako asked.

"He didn't say anything. He looked depressed." Takeo replied.

With Kie and Rokuta...

"Thanks for helping me with the dishes, Rokuta." Kie smiled.

"No problem. Just making sure there isn't too much for you to do before we leave." Rokuta replied.

*Door opened*

"Hey Mum!" Hanako uttered.

"Hanako. I see everything is done." Kie asked.

"OH! Uhhhh. Yeah. But, that's besides the point and he looks... sad." Hanako said.

"What. Why?" Rokuta asked.

"Hmm. I'll check on him. If it's alright with you, Hanako. Can you help Rokuta with the kitchen?" Kie asked, and Hanako nodded.

With Tanjuro...

Tanjuro was sitting on his mattress looking at the paper he was holding.

*Door knocked*

"Dad. It's me." It was Takeo.

"Come in, Takeo." Tanjuro sighed, and Takeo opened the door.

"Dad, is everything okay? Shigeru, Hanako and I worried about you." Takeo said with concerns.

"Worried? N-No, I'm fine. Just reading." Tanjuro responded, and Takeo took at the paper he was holding the whole time.

"But. There's literally nothing on it. It's blank." Takeo said.

"I've about it too." Kie walked into the room.

"Mum/Kie?" Takeo and Tanjuro uttered and looked at her.

"You haven't been here since yesterday. And you haven't been yourself lately. What's going on with you?" Kie asked.

"*SIGH* Perhaps it's just... How do I say this? I'm started to feel my age." Tanjuro gave out a massive sigh. This response made the two little confused.

"Your age? But Dad, that's ridiculous! You don't look a day over a hundred!" Takeo laughed a little, and Tanjuro just frowned.

"T-That's not old! And besides, you're the most hard working person I have ever known! Remember the time when Urokodaki and his party were dealing with a giant bear. They could barely fend off the bear, but then you came in with your blazing speed, and with one hack from your hatchet, you managed to scare the bear off. Remember that?" Takeo said with excitement.

"Yeah. I remember that. That was fun. Good times." Tanjuro smiled a little.

"We promised Nezuko that you would come with us to Kimetsu City." Takeo said.

"Visiting modern stuff is for the young. And besides, throughout the years, you and rest of your siblings did very well on your own. Even better than what I could hope. The truth is, you don't need me anymore." Tanjuro replied with sadness and looked down.

"What?! That is just not true! And you know that!" Takeo raised his voice a little.

"It's okay, Takeo. All parents face this moment eventually. The time when their children no longer needs them." Tanjuro placed his right hand on Takeo's left shoulder.

"But. But Dad." Takeo teared up, but it wasn't noticeable.

"It's okay, Takeo. You go and have fun with your siblings when you arrive at Kimetsu City." Tanjuro smiled a little. But Kie stepped in to have a talk.

"Now you listen to me, Tanjuro. I have about enough of this moping around. You are going with Takeo and the others ." Kie said with a serious tone.

"I can't go. I can't just go charging into the unknowns. Adventures like this for the young's. YOU of all people should understand that." Tanjuro whined and Takeo widened his eyes with fear.

"Whhhhhhhhhhy should I understand?" Kie's left eye was twitching faster than the speed of light. Tanjuro soon realised what he just said.

"Uhhhhh... What I mean't to say was-" Before Tanjuro could say anything.

"Takeo. Please wait outside and close the door." Kie interrupted and looked at Takeo and he just nodded and left.

*Door closed*

"NOW!!! You listen to me, James from Team Rocket! You are gonna go on this trip and you are going to like it!!!" Kie angrily said.

"I- But- Urokodaki needs-" Tanjuro was shivering in fear.

"UNDERSTOOOOOOD!?!?!" Kie's face turned demonic.

A few moments later...

"He's in." Kie opened the door and smiled at Takeo.

"YES!!!" Takeo jumped with excitement.

After all the chores were done, the family grabbed their bags since it was almost time to leave. The family being transported to the airport via train. They've arrived at the airport and started bidding their farewells.

"Goodbye, Mum." Rokuta hugged Kie.

"Bye, Rokuta. I'll miss you." Kie smiled.

"Are you sure you can't come?" Rokuta asked.

"I know it's painful. But, the people needs me." Kie replied.

While the kids were bidding their farewell to their mother. Tanjuro was saying goodbye his old friend, Urkodaki.

"See you, Urkodaki. I hope everything goes well in the village while we're gone." Tanjuro said.

"No need to worry, the people and your wife will be fine." Urkodaki shook his hand.

After bidding their farewells, they all left while waving at Kie and Urkodaki. Some of the sibling were even starting to cry a little, but they were comforted by their father.


With Tsutako, Nezuko and TanKana...


The four of them were at the airport sitting down while some drinks Tsutako bought from a cafe. Tanjiro was jsut going through his phone, looking at some old photos with his family.

"Tanjiro, you okay?" Kanao asked.

"Yeah. It's just been so long. I'm just can't wait for them." Tanjiro smiled.

"Nee-San, when they arrive. Where do you think we should take them?" Nezuko asked.

"Good questions. Maybe we should take them to where they are gonna live." Tsutako replied.

"That's right. Where are they gonna live anyway?" Nezuko became curious.

"This time, at Sabito's and Makomo's place." Tsutako answered, surprising her.

"Really? Oh my god, lucky them. Their house is so nice. No offence." Nezuko smiled, but Tsutako just giggled.

45 minutes later...

After a long wait, with Nezuko and TanKana being asleep...

"TANJIRO! NEZUKO!" Hanako yelled their name first, which woke the three people up.

"W-what... you said that?" Tanjiro rubbed his eyes.

"Tanjiro! Nezuko! They're here!" Tsutako smiled.

"REALLY?!?" Tanjiro and Nezuko uttered.

"Really." Tsutako pointed at where their siblings were.

"HANAKO!!!" The two exclaimed and ran towards her.

As soon they got closer, they didn't just see Hanako, they saw everyone that were visiting.

"EVERYONE! YOU'RE ALL HERE!!!" The two of screamed in excitement. And then all the siblings had a group hug.

"Tanjiro. Nezuko. We have missed you so much." Tanjuro smiled.

"DAD!!!" Tanjiro and Nezuko yelled.

"Yeah." Tanjuro laughed a little

"I can't believe it. You guys are actually here." Nezuko said and teared a little.

"Yeah. But, here we are!" Takeo laughed.

"Everyone. It's nice to see you guys again." Tsutako finally greeted.

"Tsutako Nee-San!" The four siblings exclaimed.

"Tsutako, it is so nice to see you again. How are your family?" Tanjuro asked.

"My parents and Giyu are doing fine. Unfortunately we won't be able to see them since they live elsewhere." Tsutako answered, which made some of them confused.

"Wait, Giyu Nii-San doesn't live with you anymore?" Rokuta asked.

"Nezuko? You never told them?" Tsutako looked Nezuko.

"Oh right. Yeah, never did." Nezuko laughed awkwardly.

"*Sigh* Come on, Nezuko. But sadly yes, Giyu moved out with his wife, Shinobu Kocho." Tsutako answered Rokuta's question.

"That's right. Giyu Nii-San is with that woman Nezuko talks about. Speaking of which, there was another girl Nezuko talked about someone that is with Tanjiro?" Takeo tried to remember.

"You mean Kanao? She's right here." Tsutako replied and point at where she was.

Tanjuro and the four siblings looked at Kanao who was just standing next to Tanjiro. Both Takeo and Shigeru had a small pink blush at the mere sight of Kanao.

"Tanjiro? Is that the girl Nezuko always talked about?" Tanjuro asked, which made Tanjiro a little nervous since he never told them he was really with Kanao. Nezuko just said he had a crush.

"Uhhh. Yes, her name is Kanao Tsuyuri. The younger sister of Kanae-San and Shinobu-San." Tanjiro stuttered a little.

"It's nice to meet you, young Kanao." Tanjuro greeted.

"Thank you, Mr Tanjuro. It's really nice to meet Tanjiro's loving father." Kanao said which made Tanjiro blush a little. And before Tanjiro could say anything.

Takeo suddenly appeared right next to her.

"Sooo, you're Kanao? I was wondering if you wanna grab a drink with me? You happen to know a good place aye?" Takeo flirted, making the others cringe a little.

"Uhhh. Thanks but-" Kanao was about to explain, but.


It was Nezuko who smacked at the back of Takeo's head, receiving a big bump.

"Nezuko!! What was that for?!!" Takeo whined.

"How can I forget this? *sigh* Kanao is Tanjiro's girlfriend!" Nezuko sighed. This piece of information shocked some of the siblings. Tanjuro and Hanako were only ones who can instantly tell the two were a couple.

"Oh jeez! Uhh, yeah. Sorry about that. Kanao. Tanjiro." Takeo apologised.

"It's not a problem." Kanao said.

"Anyway! We should get going to the place you're gonna stay." Tsutako chuckled.

"Yes!" They all replied.

With that, they all left and took the bus since there was way too many people for one car. After a long trip, they finally arrived at their stop and began walking to the house they were gonna live. While they were making their way, Hanako and Rokuta were just admiring the big houses they walked by.

"To think Tanjiro and Nezuko lived in a place like this. How do they not get lost?" Hanako uttered, and Rokuta just hums as a response.

"Well! Here we are!" Tsutako showed them the house.

"Waaahhhh!!!" The four siblings exclaimed and Tanjuro just widen his eyes.

"This is amazing!!! Who's house is it?" Shigeru asked.

"Sabito's and Makomo's." Tsutako answered, shocking them.

"What?! Sabito Nii-San and Makomo Nee-San?! In a house like this?!?! How rich are they!?" Takeo exclaimed.

"Well, one of them is a successful model." Tanjiro replied.

"Sabito?" Rokuta asked, which made some of them laugh.

"No Rokuta, it's Makomo. Don't you see her on YouTube ads?" Tanjuro asked.

"I don't know." Rokuta replied.

"Alright, just wait here. I ring the door bell." Tsutako said and walked towards the door and pressed the button.

*Ding dong*

"Coming!!!" Someone came to the door and opened it.

"Hello Makomo." Tsutako greeted.

"Tsutako!!!" Makomo smiled.

"Guess who has arrived." Tsutako moved aside and showed them.

"OH MY GOODNESS!!! THEY"RE HERE!!!" Makomo almost cried and waved at them.

"Hello Makomo Nee-San!!!" The sibling's greeted.

"Oh my, where are my manners!? Come in! Come in!" Makomo asked everyone to come in the house to which they did.

As soon they entered the house, the five guest were absolutely astonished at the interior. Seeing a couch the four siblings decided to sit on it and they all relaxed.

"This is so comfortable..." Takeo took a big breath.

"Alright kids, while Makomo, Tanjuro and I talk on the couch, why don't you follow Tanjiro, Kanao and Nezuko. They will show around the house and what room you're gonna sleep in." Tsutako said.

"OKAY!!!" The four yelled with excitement and got off the couch. They went and followed the three guider.

After they left, Tsutako, Makomo and Tanjuro went to living room and sat down to discuss somethings.

"So, how has your trip been?" Makomo asked Tanjuro.

"It's... nice. Better than I expected, especially the food here, they are good." Tanjuro smiled.

"Well wait till we take you guys to dinner at Misturi's restaurant. It is gonna blow your mind." Tsutako said.

"Really? Well that's great to hear. What about the sweet that made Tanjiro and Nezuko leave in the first place?" Tanjuro asked.

"The Sun Cream Puff? They're still here! Heck, Nezuko is friends with one of the Chef." Makomo answered, surprising him a little.

"Oh! Well, maybe we can go there during the day or noon." Tanjuro wondered.

"I guess, but those time aren't the greatest. That's when it's the most busy, ridiculous line. Maybe Nezuko could call Muichiro. To prepare it and I can pick it up." Tsutako said.

"Okay, that can work. My the way, Makomo how is Sabito?" Tanjuro asked.

"He's doing well, still a gym teacher. But now, he's a sport partner with Hakuji." Makomo answered.


After settling everything, everyone except Makomo, left and went to various places. Like amusement park, theatres, arcade. Basically what Tanjiro and Nezuko did when they first visited. It was night right now, and they all went to Mitsuri's Restaurant where everything was being set up by Tsutako. Nezuko was actually gonna invite her boyfriend, Zenitsu for dinner but Tanjiro declined saying it's a family dinner which didn't make much sense since Kanao was with them.

"You guys have finally arrived. Follow me, I'll take to where we are sitting." Tsutako guided them to their seats.

As soon they all sat down, they were all approached by the owner, Mitsuri.

"Everyone. This is the owner of this Restaurant, Mitsuri Kanroji." Tsutako introduced them to Mitsuri.

"Hello Mitsuri-San!!!" The siblings greeted.

"Kyaaa!! Thank you for coming to my restaurant!!! What can I get for you?" Mitsrui was excited to serve this table.

After everyone ordered what they wanted, Mitsrui thanked them and left. A few minutes later two people came to the restaurant. It was Sabito and Makomo.

"Sabito Nii-San! You're here!" Nezuko exclaimed.

"Yeah. Today was a little exhausting but it was fine." Sabito smiled.

"Everyone that are visiting. This is Sabito, Makomo's husband and Giyu's best friend." Tsutako introduced them to Sabito.

"It's good to see, Sabito." Tanjuro stuck his hand out for a hand shake.

"It's good to see you too, Tanjuro-San." Sabito shook his hand.


Awhile has passed and their dinner had finally arrived and they began eating to which they thoroughly enjoyed. After the the main meal was done, Makomo took a plastic that had the Cream Puff Muichiro specially made. After the five guest ate the Cream Puff, they all were flabbergasted at how delicious this sweet was. After everyone had finished eating, they all bid their farewell to Mitsuri and went back home. Actually they split up, Rokuta, Hanako and Nezuko wanted to go the Butterfly House with Tanjiro and Kanao. Takeo and Shigeru just wanted to back to SabiMako's place and sleep. And finally, Tanjuro wanted to visit the house of his close friends, the Tomioka house.

With Tanjuro...

"This is where your parents use to live?" Tanjuro asked.

"Yeah. Even after ten years, I never moved out. It's a very special place to me." Tsutako smiled.

"Tsutako! Welcome back." Masachika uttered.

"Hello dear." Tsutako quickly gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Uncle. This is my Husband, Masachika Kumeno. Masachika, this is Tanjiro's and Nezuko's father, Tanjuro Kamado." Tsutako said.

"Hello sir. It's a pleasure to meet you." Masachika greeted.

"My pleasure too. That boy who's hiding behind?" Tanjuro asked.

"Oh yeah, this is our son, Mare. And I guess your grandson." Masachika answered, surprising Tanjuro.

"Mare, say hi to your Grandpa. There's no need to be afraid." Tsutako tried to give Mare some confidence.

A few seconds later, Mare slowly moved and looked at his Grandfather.

"H-Hello, Grandpa..." Mare stuttered. The three of them just smiled at Mare.

At the Butterfly House...

After the siblings were greeted by Kanae, they all went where they wanted to go. Hanako and Nezuko were watching TV with Sanemi and Kaze. Rokuta on the other hand was heading upstairs, which is where Tanjiro, Kanao and Kanae were. When Rokuta finally arrived at the next level, he heard some noises.

'What was that?' Rokuta thought and just followed where he heard the noise

As he was getting closer to the door that made the noise, he started to hear nothing but weird noises.

"Ahhh!!! Tanji daddy!!! Don't stop!!!" Kanao gave out a big moan.

'Eh? Why is Kanao calling Oni-Chan, dad?' Rokuta asked himself.

"I wouldn't disturb them if I were you." A certain woman uttered and Rokuta turned around.

"Kanae-San?" Rokuta uttered.

"Come downstairs with me. Those two a little busy." Kanae smiled and Rokuta just nodded.

'Even though those two are old enough. I sometimes wanna just KILL Tanjiro for what he is doing to my formerly innocent Kanao.' Kanae thought.



It was getting a little late, and the three siblings at Kanae's place were picked up by Sabito and they bid their farewell. Although Tanjuro was suppose to sleep in SabiMako's place, he decided to sleep in Tsutako's house.

With everyone in Tsutako's asleep and Tanjuro sleeping in Tanjiro's former room. Tanjuro just looked out the window and smiled.

"Wish you were here, Kie. Thank you for talking some sense into me." Tanjuro smiled.

With that, Tanjuro closed the curtains, went back to his bed and finally fell asleep.

"Goodnight..." Tanjuro whispered.


(Don't worry, im still working on fox and butterfly! Just been busy with this chapter.)
If you enjoyed the special chapter, plz vote :)

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