My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 16

171 7 1

Flashback to middle school Hitohito.

The day went by as usual, Hitohito walking down the hallways of the building with his friend Najimi who was wearing a boy's uniform.

Hitohito: I have made up my mind Najimi.

Najimi: hm?

Hitohito: I'm going to confess to Kawai-san.

Hitohito didn't think himself as a big deal, even with his powers he still felt like an average student.

Najimi: and what's your game plan? Do you want to write the word "LOVE" on the field tracks?

Hitohito: no that's a bit too much, I'll just ask her for a moment of her time and I'll confess.

Najimi: boring! Come on man put some effort into it.

Hitohito: let me handle this, okay?

Najimi: fine!

1 hour later.

Hitohito somehow convinced Kawai to follow him outside the school building. He was trying to come up with the words while Kawaii just looked at him in confusion.

Hitohito: um, Kawai-san.

Kawai: yes?

He took a deep breath and said the next words.

Hitohito: Kawai-san I like you please go out with me!

Kawai: .... sorry Tadano you're a nice guy but you're not my type.

Hitohito: ...... (of course she would say that.) I-I see sorry to waste your time haha.

That would've been the end of it, they but would go on their way and pretend none of this could've happened. Instead some of Kawai's friends and other people from the same class saw the whole thing from the windows and began laughing for the rejection.

Kawai's friend: OMG that was so pathetic, did this four eyed freak really thought he had a chance with Kawai?

After hearing that Hitohito's heart broke in pieces, he obviously knew there's no way Kawaii would go out with someone like him, but hearing that from someone else hurt him.

Kawai: girls please don't-

They didn't listen to Kawai-san instead they kept laughing and insulting Hitohito.

While Kawai tried to stop them it was too late, soon the whole class began to laugh at Hitohito. He did his best to hold his tears, he is already being bullied enough.

Class roommate: hey why don't you go back to the hole you came from you loser?!

He said while throwing down a juice box at Hitohito.

Kawai: okay guys that's enough!

They still didn't listen, it got up to a point where Hitohito was losing his patience, but he had to hold it in, he just had to.

Najimi who was hiding behind a bush was indecisive whether to intervene or not.

Kawai's friend: oh look at him, little baby wants to cry.

Hitohito in his confusion wanted to grab the juice box to throw it back but instead he grabbed a small pebble.

Hitohito: SHUT UP!

Upon throwing it back he realized he grabbed the wrong thing, luckily he missed and didn't hit any body but it did broke a few windows and made a hole in the wall.

The students were petrified by this, how can someone have this massive strength.

Class roommate: what the hell?! You almost killed us you freak!

Hitohito didn't say anything he just run, he run away from the school as he wiped his tears, he got far enough to fly away up to a far location, a hill in the woods.

Hitohito: I didn't mean to do that.

A few hours later at night time a vehicle arrived, Hitohito new that it was his father's vehicle, he could hear it from kilometers away.

Satoshi got out of his car and approached his son who was sitting on the ground.

Satoshi: I figured you'd be here Hito.

Hitohito: I suppose you already know what happened at school.

Satoshi: your mother got a call and she told me, I came as soon as I heard...... wanna talk about it?

Hitohito: what's there to talk? I lost my temper and for a love confession no less.

Satoshi: oh sorry to hear that.

Hitohito: I couldn't help it, they all just laughed at me and then I lost it.

Satoshi: Hito it is important to hold your emotions to prevent things like this. Remember you are not like the rest-

Hitohito: I know that!...... I know that, it's just that...... it's hard..... I never wanted this. Why?! Why couldn't I just be born a normal person, why must I have these stupid abilities if people are going to be afraid of me?

Satoshi: I really wish I could have the answer to that question Hito.

Hitohito: -crying.- I hate this, I don't want to be different...... I want to be a normal person...... I want to be your son!

Those last words made Satoshin tear up a bit, he got closer to Hitohito and proceeded to give him a big hug, one that he hadn't given him in a long time.

Satoshi: you are my son.

Present time.

Satoshi: I remember that day, you gave us quite a scare, specially your mother then grounded you for two weeks.

Hitohito: -sighs- I really didn't want to bring that up, but we ended up talking about it.

Satoshi: listen son I know it hasn't been easy for you, but know that your mother and I will always be able to help in anyway we can, you're not alone in this.

Hitohito: thanks dad, it really helps that you and mom are here with me.

Satoshi: of course after all we are family.

It has been a while since the last father-son moment between Hitohito and Satoshi, he was happy that his son could still trust him with most of his problems.

Satoshi: so were you planning on telling me about that girl?

Hitohito: -blushing- dad I told you it's just a friend. She...... has communication problems so I just want to help her reach her dream.

Satoshi: oh and what's that dream of hers?

Hitohito: to have 100 friends.

Satoshi: haha that is some dream, that was very kind of you Hito

Hitohito: y-yeah but I'm just helping her.

Satoshi: well did I ever tell you how I met your mom?

Hitohito: plenty of times.

Satoshi: it happened in high-school-

Before Satoshi could continue his story the doctor walked into the room.

Doctor: sorry Hitohito but visiting hours are over, your dad needs to rest.

Satoshi: could you give us a few more minutes?

Hitohito: haha you heard the doctor, we'll stop by tomorrow.

Satoshi: alright, tell your mom and sister that I love them.

Hitohito: I will, see you tomorrow dad.

Satoshi: see you tomorrow son.

Hitohito went to visit his father at the hospital everyday after school. A few weeks had passed and Satoshi was released from the hospital, while his leg was still wounded he was able to go back to work.

Since then Hitohito has always checked on his father to ensure he's safe, he also held himself in front of the criminals, he knew that if he crossed that line there would be no going back. Hitohito's goal is to make people have hope, not to fear him.

Skipping time to a few months, it is now December 24th, Christmas is around the corner and everyone is making last minute shopping.

Hitohito was invited by Najimi along with the rest of Shouko's friends to each get a gift for said person. They all gathered at the mall where Najimi gave the instructions.

Najimi: alright so everyone has 30 minutes to pick a gift for Komi-san and see which one she likes best. Do not go over the 5,000 yen budget!

Mike: -whispering to Hitohito- is Najimi always like this?

Hitohito: -whispering back- only when is not school related.

Najimi: Tadano! Mike! Are you listening?

Mike: yeah yeah keep going.

Najimi: well now all of you and get something nice for Shouko. Good luck!

The komi cult: yeah!!

Hitohito and Mike walked together to look for a gift, a few minutes passed and nothing seem out of the ordinary until Hitohito passed by the toy store where there was a long line of parents trying to get the new toy.

Hitohito: that's sure one long line.

Mike: it maybe because of the new toy that arrived a few days ago.

Hitohito: which toy?

Mike: hmm I have to check up on that.

Mike took out his phone to look for the most popular toy this season and when the first result popped up he opened wide his eyes and nearly dropped the phone.

Hitohito: what's wrong Mike?

Mike: uuhhhh.....

Hitohito: what did you find?

Mike: I think it's better if I show it to you.

Hitohito: hm?

Mike showed his phone to Hitohito, his jaw dropped, he couldn't believe it. The most popular toy for this season was....HIM! To be precise an action figure of Guardian had been announced a weeks back and kids immediately put that on their list.

Hitohito went to ask one of the parents at the line.

Hitohito: excuse me sir, what's the line for?

Parent: it's to get the new Guardian toy of course. Many of us are here for that.

Hitohito: oh I see thank you.

Parent: you're welcome.

Mike: you okay Tadano?

Hitohito: I think I need to sit for a bit.

Mike and Hitohito sat at a a food court both drink a hot chocolate, trying to process what just happened.

Mike: I'm guessing by your reaction you didn't know either.

Hitohito: yeah selling toys of me wasn't exactly on my plans, I mean who come up with that idea anyway?

Mike: I guess since you're a famous public figure someone wanted to capitalize on that.

Hitohito: it still feels weird, someone made a toy of me.

Mike: it was bound to happen, I mean just last month there were t-shirts and hats with your emblem.

Hitohito: what? How come I'm hearing this just now?

Mike: really you don't you remember that hat Keith was wearing last week?

Hitohito: I thought he made that for himself.

Mike: you really think he could make a cap for himself?

Hitohito: ..... fair point.

Mike: regardless, this is actually a good thing?

Hitohito: it is?

Mike: yeah if people make long lines for a toy of you, then that means people love you.

Hitohito: I.... I guess that's a good point.

Mike: and you can sue the company so you can get part of the profits for every toy that sells.

Hitohito: I will definitely not do that.

Mike: come on why not?

Hitohito: I'm not in it for the money Mike, I do this because there's people in need of help.

Mike: Tadano.... you're a total chad.

Hitohito: ?

Mike: you are Chadano!

Hitohito: please don't call me that.

Hitohito looked at his watch and immediately remembered why he came to the mall.

Hitohito: oh crap we only got 10 minutes left before we regroup with the others and we still haven't found a gift for Komi-san.

Mike: oh snap I want to get a gift for Nakanaka too, let's hurry.

Hitohito and Mike wandered around the mall for a few minutes, he stopped when he caught a glimpse of a cat pillow.

Hitohito: I found it.

Mike looked at the 8,000 yen price tag.

Mike: it's a bit expensive.

Hitohito: don't worry I got a plan.

After the time was up everyone showed various gifts that they could bring to Shouko, some gifts were a bit odd or plain weird, while other couldn't come up with anything.

Najimi: so Tadano what did you bring?

Hitohito: well I thought this is something that Komi might like.

Hitohito took out the giant cat and showed it to Najimi.

Najimi: oh it's so cute and fluffy! Nice choice Tadano.

Najimi looked at the tag.

Najimi: but it's expensive.

Hitohito: yeah about that I had an idea, each of us getting a gift for Komi might be too much for her, so I what if instead we get something for her together, that way she wouldn't have to feel so much pressure into accepting the gifts.

Najimi: hmmm that sounds like a boring idea.

The rest of the group agreed.

Najimi: but it can work.

Hitohito: really?

Najimi: yeah, I think she'll like it.

The group agreed with Hitohito's idead, after paying for the gift they prepared their way to Shouko's house to celebrate her birthday early.

Hitohito and Mike were walking down the the mall ready to go to Shouko's place.

Hitohito: so did you find something for Nakanaka-san?

Mike: yeah I got her a limited edition keychain of her favorite anime.

Hitohito: I'm sure she'll like it.

Mike: I hope so.

Mike and Hitohito were walking towards the mall's exit when the T.V. by the electronics store reported news of a terrorist attack in Italy.

News reporter: this just in, the group known as the Red Legion have caused an attack on Venice, Italy. The authorities are doing everything they can to contain the situation.

Mike: so I guess you'll be late to Komi-san's party- and you're gone

Hitohito vanished in an instant, Najimi went to chek up on Hitohito and Mike.

Najimi: heyo Mike, what Tadano-kun?

Mike: he uh....  (wait do they know about Tadano's secret identity?) He didn't feel so good so he went home.

Najimi: so he's going to save Italy.

Mike: what how did you-

Najimi: I knew since middle school, I am Tadano's childhood friend after all. What about you, since when did you know?

Mike: since... (can't tell them I work with him.) The pool incident, I saw him changing into his Guardian suit.

Najimi: well now we have to come up with an excuse as to why he's missing.

Mike: I don't think he'll take that long.

Boy was Mike wrong by that statement, not only was the Red Legion goons attacking, but also their strong soldiers were involved. Boomhead was leading the attack.

Boomhead: The prime minister is around this area, find him and bring him to me.

The goons agreed to his orders, but Boomhead had another obstacle on his path.

Guardian: Boomhead!

Boomhead: ah yes, I had a feeling you were coming.

Guardian: I'm here to stop you.

Boomhead: haha you're welcome to try.

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