habits, supernatural [ 1 ]


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[ supernatural -- seasons 2-8 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the sh... Еще

001. meet the winchesters
002. america's first serial killer
003. possessed sam
004. gates to hell
006. "what kind of psycho are you?"
007. sam's older date
008. dream root
009. ghostfacers
010. dean's year is up
011. bittersweet reunions
012. ghost witnesses
013. oktoberfest and pantophobia
014. wishes come true
015. angel radio girl
016. godzilla and mothra
017. girl in the walls
018. demon blood detox
019. start of the end of the world
020. war
021. two grumpy old men
022. convention antics
023. last day on earth
024. teen warlock boy
025. hunger
026. rising of the dead
027. dead winchesters
028. the whore
029. future sister-in-law
030. hotel full of gods
031. losing first loves
032. "did you kiss him?"
033. see you later
034. shapeshifting baby
035. kidnapping
036. vampire cure
037. soulless sam
038. his soul and apologies
039. spider-man
040. kidney ghost
041. tv world
042. khan worm
043. wild west
044. killing the mother
045. superman gone dark side
046. broken wall
047. leviathans
048. worried girlfriend and broken boyfriend
049. sam's me time
050. on trial
051. doppelgangers
052. town full of psychics
053. married the wrong woman
054. high dean
055. hanging by a thread
056. mother hen
057. fedora guy
058. amazons
059. clowns are bitches
060. insomnia
061. emmanuel
062. drunk spirit
063. lot of foxholes
064. tech genius
065. a kevin tran
066. vamptonite
067. killing dick roman
068. blissful year
069. awkward reunion
070. badass mom
071. foot rubs
072. bobby 2.0
073. "my stomach's a watermelon!"
074. cartoon deaths
075. dirty trick
076. moondoor camp
077. time traveling grandfather
078. new home
079. first trial
080. "that was incredibly hot"
081. second trial
082. baby's first crime scene
083. dean rode a farty donkey
084. curing a demon
085. third trial
Book Two

005. hunters and the seven dwarfs

4.8K 123 45

Larissa and Bobby are waiting outside a house in the country and are leaning against his car, waiting for Sam and Dean. Larissa has staying with Bobby for the past week since the gates to Hell opened while Ellen went off on her own.

Larissa looks up when she hears a car and sees the Impala pull up and come to a stop, the brothers getting out.

"Hear those cicadas?" Sam asks Dean.

"That can't be a good sign." Dean says.

"No. No, it can't." Sam says.

The brothers walk closer, Bobby and Larissa meeting them halfway. Larissa gives Sam a small wave and he softly smiles at her.

"So, we're eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast, are we?" Bobby asks, seeing Dean's breakfast of choice.

"Well, I sold my soul. Got a year to live. I ain't sweating the cholesterol." Dean says.

"So, Bobby, what do you think?" Sam asks. "We got a Biblical plague here or what?"

"Well, let's find out. Looks like the swarm's ground zero." Bobby says. They go up to the house, Dean knocking the door.

"Candygram!" He shouts. They don't get an answer so Dean picks the lock, everybody recoiling at the smell they're greeted with.

"That's awful." Sam says.

"That so can't be a good sign." Dean says. He walks in, followed by Sam, then Larissa and Bobby is last. They quietly go through the house, Bobby and Larissa separating from the brothers.

The two soon walk into the living room where Sam and Dean already are and there's three rotting corpses on the couch, the smell worsening.

"Oh." Larissa gags in disgust, covering her mouth. "Oh, God."

"Bobby, what the hell happened here?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Bobby answers.

"Check for sulfur." Dean says.

"Yeah." Bobby mumbles, the four looking around.

Dean whistles, signaling to the other three and they all walk off, looking out for whatever could've made the noise that Dean heard.


It's nighttime and they're at Tamara and Isaac's place, Bobby being friends with them and introducing them to Larissa and the brothers. Sam and Larissa are leaning against a table and Bobby stands by it. Dean is on the phone with somebody to ask about the bodies that they found which they reported.

Tamara and Isaac are packing a bag at a different table from where Sam and Larissa are.

"Honey? Where's the Palo Santo?" Isaac asks.

"Well, where'd you leave it?" Tamara asks.

"I don't know, dear. That's why I'm asking." Isaac retorts.

"Palo Santo?" Sam asks.

"It's holy wood from Peru. It's toxic to demons like holy water. Keeps the bastards nailed down while you're exorcising them." Tamara says. She holds up a stake to Isaac who takes it with a smile.

"Thank you, dear." Isaac tells her.

"You'd lose your head if it wasn't for me." Tamara says making both Sam and Larissa quietly laugh.

"So, how long have you two been married?" Sam asks.

"Eight years this past June." Tamara answers, smiling.

"The family that slays together." Isaac says.

"Right. I'm with you there." Sam chuckles.

"How long have you two been together?" Tamara asks the two hunters.

"I--" Larissa awkwardly glances at Sam.

"Oh, we're not--" Sam starts.

"No." Larissa shakes her head.

"We-- we're friends." Sam says.

"Right. Yes. Friends." Larissa says, stepping away from Sam.

"It's-- it's platonic." Sam says.

"Exactly. Yes. Platonic... with a capital P." Larissa agrees, awkwardly nodding.

"My apologies." Tamara says, smiling slightly at their awkwardness.

"So, um..." Sam awkwardly clears his throat. "How'd you get started?" He asks. An awkward silence fills the room as the married couple share sad looks. "I, uh, you know... I'm sorry. It's not-- that's none of my business."

"No, no. It's-- it's all right." Tamara says.

"Well, Jenny, if you look as pretty as you sound, I'd love to have an... appletini." Dean says, shrugging cluelessly to the others at the drink. "Yeah. Call you." He hangs up. "That was the coroner's tech."

"And?" Sam asks.

"Get this -- that whole family, cause of death? Dehydration and starvation. There's no signs of restraint, no violence, no struggle. They just sat down and never got up." Dean says.

"But there was a fully stocked kitchen just yards away." Bobby says.

"Right. What is this, a demon attack?" Sam asks.

"If it is, it's not like anything I ever saw, and I've seen plenty." Bobby says.

"Well, what now? What should we do?" Dean asks.

"Uh, "we're" not gonna do anything." Isaac says.

"What do you mean?" Sam asks.

"You guys seem nice enough, but this ain't Scooby-Doo, and we don't play well with others." Isaac says.

"Well, I think we'd cover a lot more ground if we all worked together." Sam says.

"No offense, but we're not teaming with the damn fools who let the Devil's Gate get opened in the first place." Isaac snaps.

"No offense?" Dean asks.

"Isaac. Like you've never made a mistake." Tamara says.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Locked my keys in the car, turned my laundry pink. Never brought on the end of the world, though." Isaac says.

"Dude, you need to chill." Larissa says.

"Okay, that's enough." Dean says.

"Guys, this isn't helping." Sam says. "Dean--"

"Look, there are couple hundred more demons out there now. We don't know where they are, when they'll strike. There ain't enough hunters in the world to handle something like this. You brought war down on us -- on all of us." Isaac says.

"Okay, that's quite enough testosterone for now." Tamara says, dragging her husband out of the room.


Larissa walks up to where Sam and Dean are standing in the store and she opens the pack of peanut butter crackers she got out of her pocket.

"Dead body, possible demon attack, that kind of stuff." Sam tells his brother.

"Sam, I'm sorry. It's just, I don't have much time left and, uh..." Dean dramatically coughs. "Got to make every second count."

"Yeah, right. Sorry." Sam quietly says.

"Apology accepted." Dean grins.

While passing him, Larissa flicks Dean on the head.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" Dean asks.

"Guilt tripping your little brother cause he gives a crap about you and you can't think with your upstairs brain for five seconds? Dick move." Larissa says, biting into one of the crackers.

"I can think with my upstairs brain for five seconds." Dean argues.

"Were you, though?" Larissa asks. Dean struggles to answer. "Exactly."

"Well, what about you? Were you using your upstairs brain? Or were you just out eating?" Dean asks.

"I had this in my pocket. And I did my part. Also, I'm not making an innocent man feel bad for a decision I made and have to live with." Larissa snarks.

"Ever think you're a little too feisty?" Dean questions.

"Ever think you're a little too egotistical?" Larissa fires back.

"Okay, guys, it-- enough. Please." Sam intervenes.

"Whoa." Dean says, Sam and Larissa following his gaze to see Bobby walk over and he's wearing a suit with his hair slicked back. "Looking spiffy, Bobby. What were you, a G-man?"

"Attorney for the D.A.'s office. I just spoke to the suspect." Bobby says.

"Yeah? So, what do you think? Is she possessed or what?" Sam asks.

"Don't think so. There's none of the usual signs. No blackouts, no loss of control. Totally lucid. Just that she really wanted those shoes. Spilled a glass of holy water on her just to be sure -- nothing." Bobby says.

"Maybe she's just some random whack job." Dean says.

"If it had been an isolated incident, maybe, but first the family, now this? I believe in a lot of things. Coincidence ain't one of them. Did you boys find anything around here?" Bobby asks.

"No sulfur, nothing." Sam says.

"Well, maybe something." Dean says. He nods to a security camera. "See? I'm working."


Sam and Larissa get to Bobby's car where it sits while Bobby and Dean stake out a bar. Sam gets a small grin on his face, pushing Larissa back slightly and sneaking up to Dean's window.

Sam pounds on the window causing both men in the car to jump. Larissa quietly giggles at his actions and the reactions of the other two. Sam opens the door, laughing.

"That's not funny." Dean tells him.

"Yeah." Sam says, not meaning it as he pushes Dean's chair forward. Sam motions for Larissa to get in.

"Thank you." She quietly tells him as she climbs into the backseat.

"Mm-hmm." Sam hums. "Uh, all right, so, John Doe's name is Walter Rosen." Sam informs as he gets in the backseat next to Larissa and Dean shuts the door. "He's from Oak Park, just west of Chicago. Went missing about a week ago."

"The night the devil's gate opened?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"So you think he's possessed?" Dean asks.

"Well, it's a good bet. So, what, he just walks up to someone, touches them, and they go stark raving psycho?" Sam asks.

"Those demons that got out at the gate, they're gonna do all kinds of things we haven't seen." Bobby says.

"You mean the demons we let out." Sam says.

"Okay, don't-- don't take Isaac to heart, please. It was an accident. We were all under mind control for a hot minute." Larissa says.

"Guys." Dean gets their attention. They follow his gaze to the guy that they saw on the security footage earlier. "All right. Showtime."

"Wait a minute." Bobby stops him.

"What?" Dean asks.

"What'd I just say? We don't know what to expect out of this guy. We should tail him till we know for sure." Bobby says.

"Oh, so he kills someone and we just sit here with our junk in our hands?" Dean asks.

"I don't, I have no junk." Larissa quips.

"Very funny." Dean rolls his eyes.

"I'm hilarious." Larissa smiles, Dean rolling his eyes.

"Look, we're no good dead!" Bobby cuts in. "And we're not gonna make a move until we know what the score is."

"Hey, Bobby? I don't think that's an option." Sam says.

"Why not?" Bobby asks.

Sam nods, the others looking to see Isaac and Tamara walk into the bar.

"Damn it!" Bobby exclaims.


After failing to break the door to the bar down, they drove through it. They were too late to save Isaac, but they got Tamara out and got the demon from the store in the trunk, trapping him with a devil's trap.

They're currently at Isaac and Tamara's and have the demon tied to a chair in a devil's trap in the other room.

"--And I say we're going back! Now!" Tamara yells.

"Just hold on a second!" Sam tells her.

"I left my husband bloody on the floor!" Tamara screams.

"Okay, I understand that, but we can't go back." Sam says.

"Fine. Then you stay. But I'm heading back to that bar." Tamara says.

"I'll go with her." Dean says.

"It's suicide, Dean!" Sam yells.

"So what? I'm dead already!" Dean retorts.

"How you gonna kill 'em? Can't shoot 'em. You can't stab them. They're not just gonna wait in line to get exorcised!" Sam exclaims.

"I don't care!" Tamara yells.

"We don't even know how many of them there are!" Sam yells back.

"Yeah, we do." Bobby walks over. "There's seven. Do you have any idea who we're up against?"

"Seven?" Larissa asks and Bobby nods. She shrugs. "Happy, Dopey, Sneezy, Sleepy, Doc, Grumpy, um..." She counts them on their fingers.

"The seven deadly sins!" Bobby yells, cutting her off, and glaring at Larissa for her non-serious manner. "Live and in the flesh!"

""What's in the box?!"" Dean grins. The other four give him looks. "Brad Pitt, Se7en? No?" Bobby tosses him the book in his hands. "What's this?"

""Binsfeld's Classification of Demons." In 1589, Binsfeld ID'd the seven sins -- not just as human vices but as actual devils." Bobby says.

"The family, they were touched by Sloth. And the shopper." Sam says.

"That's Envy's doing. The customer we got in the next room. I couldn't suss it out as first, until Isaac. He was touched with an awful Gluttony." Bobby says.

"I don't give a rat's ass if they're the three stooges on the four tops! I'm gonna slaughter every last one of them!" Tamara shouts.

"We already did it your way. You burst in there half-cocked and look what happened! These demons haven't been topside in half a millennium! We're talking medieval, Dark Ages! We've never faced anything close to this!"

"So we are gonna take a breath..." Bobby starts quietly. "And figure out what our next move is!" He shouts. "I am sorry for your loss." He quietly tells Tamara who walks out.

"Bashful!" Larissa remembers. The three guys look at her. "Sorry." She mumbles, looking down.

"So you know who I am, huh?" Envy asks.

"We do. We're not impressed." Bobby says.

"Why are you here? What are you after?" Sam asks, but Envy doesn't say anything.

"He asked you a question. What do you want?" Dean asks.

Envy only chuckles and Dean splashes him with holy water making him yell in pain.

"We already have what we want." Envy says, panting.

"What's that?" Dean asks.

"We're out. We're free. Thanks to you, my kind are everywhere. I am legion, for we are many. So me, I'm just celebrating. Having a little fun." Envy chuckles.

"Fun?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Fun. See, some people crochet. Others golf. Me? I like to see people's insides... on their outside." Envy says.

"I'm gonna put you down like a dog." Tamara sneers.

"Please." Envy laughs. "You really think you're better than me." He continues to laugh. "Which one of you can cast the first stone, huh? What about you, Dean? You're practically a walking billboard of gluttony and lust." Dean nods, not able to disagree. "And Tamara. All that wrath. Ooh." Envy clicks his tongue and tsks.

"It's the reason you and Isaac became hunters in the first place, isn't it? It's so much easier to... drink in the rage than to face what really happened all those years ago."

Tamara smacks him and continues to do so until Dean and Bobby pull her back.

"Whew!" Envy laughs. "My point exactly. And you call us sins. We're not sins, man. We are natural human instinct. And you can repress and deny us all you want, but the truth is, you are just animals. Horny... greedy... hungry... violent animals. And you know what? You'll be slaughtered like animals too. The others -- they're coming for me."

"Maybe. But they're not gonna find you... cause you'll be in Hell." Dean says. "Someone send this clown packing."

"My pleasure." Tamara says before starting to exorcise the demon. Envy screams in agony while the other four leave.

"I don't think we're gonna have to worry about hunting them." Bobby says.

"What does that mean?" Sam asks.

"I think maybe the joker's right. They're gonna be hunting us. And they're not gonna quit easy." Bobby says.

"You guys, why don't you take Tamara and head for the hills? I'll stay back, slow them down, buy you a little time." Dean offers.

"When did you lose so many brain cells?" Larissa asks.

"You're insane, Dean. Just forget about it, okay?" Sam tells him.

"Sam's right." Bobby says.

"There's six of them, guys. We're outmanned, we're outgunned. We'll be dead by dawn." Dean says.

"Maybe, but... there's no place to run that they won't find us." Bobby says.

"Look, if we're going down, we're going down together, all right?" Sam says.

"Well, let's not make it easy for them." Dean says.

The house shakes and all the candles blow out as Envy lets out a final scream. After everything goes still and silent, Tamara walks into the room.

"Demon's out of the guy." Tamara informs.

"And the guy?" Sam asks.

"He didn't make it." Tamara coldly states.


They got ready for when the other demons get there and are now just waiting. The lights flicker and an old radio turns on by itself.

"Here we go." Dean cocks his shotgun.

"Tamara! Tamara!" Larissa, Bobby, and Tamara look outside to see Isaac's body staggering closer to the house. "Tamara! Help me! Please!" He begs. "Tamara! I got away, but I'm hurt bad! I need help!"

"It's not him." Bobby tells Tamara. "It's one of those demons. It's possessing his corpse." Isaac pounds on the door.

"Baby! Why won't you let me in? You left me behind back there. How could you do that? We swore! At that lake in Michigan. Remember? We swore we would never leave each other!"

"How did he know that?" Tamara asks, sobbing.

"Demons say all kind of shit. True and untrue. It's not him." Larissa says.

"Steady, Tamara. Steady, Tamara, steady, steady." Bobby says.

"You just gonna leave me out here? You just gonna let me die?!" Isaac yells through the door. "I guess that's what you do, dear! Like that night those things came to our house! Came... for our daughter! You just let her die too."

"You son of a bitch!" Tamara screams.

"Tamara, no!" Bobby yells.

"Don't!" Larissa shouts, but it's too late. Tamara opens the door, breaking the salt line. She tackles Isaac down the steps and is on top of him.

"You're not Isaac!" She yells before stabbing him with the Palo Santo stake and he screams.

"Fuck." Larissa whispers.

The other six demons cross the broken salt line and go in the house. One walks towards Bobby and Larissa, the man keeping her behind him as they shuffle backward.

They're cornered against the wall as the demon still makes his way to them. He's suddenly stopped and looks up, finding the devil's trap on the ceiling. He looks back to Bobby with a pleading look and Bobby smiles as Larissa relaxes.

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son." Bobby says. He starts the exorcism, the demon screaming. Eventually, black smoke pours out of the man's mouth, both Bobby and Larissa relaxing since it worked.


The brothers are piling the dead bodies into a shallow pit while Larissa stands by and watches them.

"Thanks for the help." Dean sarcastically tells Larissa.

"You're welcome." She says, smiling at him, and Dean gives her a bitch face.

"Think she's gonna be all right?" Sam asks. Dean and Larissa follow his gaze to where Tamara is standing at a pyre that's only for Isaac.

"No. Definitely not." Dean answers. They notice Bobby walk over. "Well, you look like hell warmed over."

"You try exorcising all night and see how you feel." Bobby remarks.

"Well, you could ask little miss doesn't do anything." Dean motions to Larissa.

"Dude, she dug the fucking hole." Sam says, motioning to the pit that the bodies are in.

"Exactly." Larissa says.

"Yeah, whatever." Dean rolls his eyes, having forgotten about that.

"Any survivors, Bobby?" Sam asks.

"Well, the pretty girl and the heavy guy, they'll make it. Lifetime of therapy bills ahead, but, still..." Bobby says.

"Probably mental hospital bills." Larissa adds.

"That's more than you can say for these poor bastards." Dean says, looking at the bodies.

"Bobby, that knife... what kind of blade can kill a demon?" Sam asks.

"Yesterday, I would have said there was no such thing." Bobby says.

"I'm just gonna ask it again. Who was that masked chick? Actually, the more troubling question would be, how come a girl can fight better than you?" Dean asks.

"Cause we're the stronger gender." Larissa states.

"Three demons, Dean. At once." Sam says.

"Hey, whatever it takes to get you through the night, pal." Dean says, slapping Sam on the shoulder.

"Yeah, well, if you want a troubling question, I got one for you." Sam says.

"What's that?" Dean asks.

"If we let out the seven deadly sins, what else did we let out?" Sam asks.

"You're right. That is troubling." Dean says after a moment.

"Pennywise." Larissa says with a teasing smirk, looking at Sam who gives her a bitch face. She gets a small grin, enjoying his annoyance.

Dean lights a matchbook and tosses it onto the bodies.

~ ~ ~

"See you gents and lady around." Tamara says.

"Tamara?" Bobby calls and she turns to him. "The world just got a lot scarier. Be careful."

"You too." Tamara gets in her car and leaves.

"Keep your eyes peeled for omens. I'll do the same." Bobby tells the boys.

"You got it." Dean says.

"Wait, Bobby." Sam says. "We can win this war, right?"

"Catch you on the next one." Bobby says after a few silent moments of tense silence. He walks to his car.

"See you guys later." Larissa says. "Call me if you need anything." She tells Sam who nods. She gives him a small smile before following after Bobby.

"Aww." Dean mocks.

"Shut up." Sam punches his brother's shoulder.

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