My Destiny (Jealousy Book 2)

By PaintMeImperfect

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This is the Sequel to JEALOUSY. read Jealousy first before reading this book. Brandon, after Destiny's unexpe... More

Chapter 1 :Why?
Chapter 2 : 1 Step back
Vex-Authors Note
Chapter 3 :Strong minds get over Anything...hopefully.
Chapter 4 : Well needed offdays
Chapter 5 : Testing of Faith.
Chapter 6 : Lego house
Chapter 7: lego house continued
Chapter 8 : Silence...
Chapter 9: Choices
Chapter 10 : Steps
Chapter 11: Reciprocated.
Chapter 12 : Nice to meet you
Chapter 14- Through Jealous eyes
Chapter 15: Similar plights..different attitudes.
Chapter 16 :She Rhymes With Beige
Chapter 17 : Happy efforts
Chapter 18:Therapeutic Family time
Chapter 19 : Disturbed Family efforts
Authors Note
Chapter 20 :Faith
Chapter 21 :Momentary Solitude
Chapter 22 :Because Nyjah says
Chapter 23 : The view from where I stand.
Chapter 24-The titanic effect
Chapter 25 - The Titanic effect part 2
Chapter 26 -Explosive by nature
Chapter 27 : What am I without U?
Chapter 28 : My DESTINY
Epilogue Announcement
Chapter 29 : Lifeline (Epilogue)
book 3
PIERCE YOUR HEART (jealousy book 3)

Chapter 13 : Separate lives

880 40 12
By PaintMeImperfect


Today makes one sealed week that I have been on my own, most of my shit are still in boxes and so are my thoughts.I have been doing great at keeping my self busy, so as not to think of Bran, or my babies...

Also am going back to work.Its pageant season again and I have
a girl to train as well ass tots to groom for mini miss pageants, and I feel at home again, sorta. I still have that job offer for 'Pretty Hurts', but I told  them I dont wanna start til September, that buys me a good two months.

Today I'm at the dance studio, where I always go to teach the tots how to strut, smile and wave, expound on their talent pieces individually and the works.

I'm half way through my session with them and I feel more tired than ever.

"No, Peter, Peter!" I exclaim running towards Peter as he pulls Emily's hair.His mom was running towards them too and so was Emily's mom. " Sweetheart you dont resort to anger or hitting girls, ever! -Now what happened?" I say pulling his hands from Em's hair.He was a blond hair, blue eyes, smile that would break your heart lil boy that could sing beyond his 5 years, and Emily was 5 as well, brunette, with a passion for dancing contemporary.

"She cwolled me stupid" Peter sighs.

"Emily why would you say such a hurtful thing to Peter?" I ask.

"He said my head was big" She grumbles.

I shook my head at the both.

"I need you two to apologize to each other, right now and Petter, never pull her hair again" I say sternly.

"Sorry Emily" He says first.

"Sorry Peter" She says.

Just then, both were hauled off by their individual parents and I got back to my class. Rest assured that little fights like those take place every 3 mins so I have to maximize on time and patience.

After class, I got in my car-my old BMW, that has been through hell and back with me.I gave back all the cars Brandon had bought me . Didn't want them in the first place, and I just felt inclined to give them back.

I must say I'm tired as fuck.

This week has been hectic, being back in my old place got a lot of memories hitting me like bricks.Majority of me and Brandon's relationship took place in my house, and I still find it hard to even order pizza without expecting the other half to be eaten by him, while we lay together in the couch watching Netflix movies.
But what's harder is actually going into the kitchen.

Everytime I pass it I see Nyjah, I remember the pain in my stomach after he shot me.How Blessing kicked and tossed a turned in my stomach as I rapidly lost blood and oxygen.How my head hit the floor like a puck on he looked me in my eyes and cried as I lost consciousness.

It gets easier everyday, but it's still hard to even get food without losing my appetite. So I order food mostly.

Sarah hooked up with the guy she met at the club and I guess she's just having fun, nothing serious I hope, cause we aint ready for no new men in our lives.His name was Frodo, atleast that was what I heard her call him, his real name is still loading, I guess.

Suddenly my mind ran on X, the guy I met that night.We had such a good night talking and laughing, but I assured him that's just what the night would offer, nothing else, and he had no problem with it.
We talked a few times since this week on the phone, I told him about my kids mostly, and here and there about the two other 'X's ' in my life, and he in turn told me about the barrage of women he's been through and how the last one cheated on him with his Dad.

That's some fucked up shit, and look how I was worked up my 'sister'.
I almost forgot about that THOT too.

My mind ran on Papa and I could feel my face falling...
I haven't spoken to him in months.....
That isn't like us at all...
But I was focused on getting my shit straight, I never once included forgiving him.

I don't even think I intended to...but if I could put that shit aside and tried to work shit out with Bran, then I know I prolly should reach out to Papa.

I eyes my phone for a second and decided to call him.

Shortly after dialing I hear a cough over the phone.

"Excuse me,Hello" He answers.

I take a breath and smile in hopes that it would make my voice more cheerful.

"Hey Papa"

"Sa-Salena?" He says in disbelief.

"Si papa, its me" I say tears welling in my eyes, a tremble in my voice.

"I'm surprised you called, I thought you were upset with me" He says sounding down.

"Never Papa, don't ever think that" I cried and I could hear him blowing his nose on his end, in tears as well. "..I was just disappointed Papa, I never expected that to ever be possible-you hurting mama, Miggy or me, but it wasnt your fault, you didnt know about Sage..So I was stupid to shut you out"

"NO MAMITA, I deserved it.Your mother wont let me know when she's upset, but I can count on you to make me look within myself and see my follies. My princess."

At his words I try not tro cry any harder, or I'd have a knot at my throat and can't speak.

"I'm sorry for shutting you out, for blaming you for bringing another problem in my relationship with Brandon, for not considering your feelings at all, I was selfish, and I'm sorry."

"It's okay Salena.I would have reacted the same as you and Miguel if I had heard that my father had an outside child who tried to kill me, my kids and my family and moreso is the mother of my adopted child.I understand"

"I'm glad you do Papa, but I'm over that now, I'm okay with how my life penned out, although I do wish some parts would have stayed in tacked,"I wipe my eyes.

"Ah.The break up.I see, I met the Kiera thing, and I'll have you know, if I know my son in law any, I know he doesnt love her, Salena"

"It doesn't matter dad, he's still with her isn't he? -love or not, he has her where I should be, and said no when I asked to be his wife" I sigh.

Papa gasps.

"You asked him to marry you? "

"Well, not exactly...I sorta asked him to ask me again, and he said no, and then I saw Kiera naked wrapped in a sheet behind him in out we're done, and it's okay, I love him, but I wont force him to choose me."

"That's good Sal...I understand, but you love him A LOT and so does he, this, with this girl is just a fling to try and hurt you or forget about you, trust me im a man,  I know,"Papa sighs. "BUT, Wish him the best, and move on, and if you find you can't move on, then you know the love for him is too much to ignore, and I guess he'll come to his senses soon enough."

I shake my head and play with the steings on my sweat pants.

"Yea, I guess"

"No stressing now Sal, I just want you to focus on my grans and yourself, Brandon probably just needs some time, just like how your needed time and took it."

Yea, but I didn't sleep around with no body.

"Okay papa, I love you, talk to you later"

"Okay mi amor, thanks for calling"

Hanging up I felt good that me and my dad were back on terms with just one phone call and a sorry, how easily we fell back . I'm happy I have an understanding man like that in my life.I wonder if Miguel ever forgave him for hurting mama?

Last I heard from Miguel he told me him and Gretty were having his her baby shower this weekend at her grandmother's condo on 48th street.

I wasn't up for this shit, worst because I know Brandons gonna be there cause he said Gretty invited him.Him and Bran are on bad terms again, but you know boys will be boys.I give them another week.

I think I outta catch a nap, been a long ass day, and I got work again tomorrow,and the day after, and the day after, and the day after that day...

Just then I get a text from Xavier (pronounced X-zavi-er), and I beam, I loved talking to him, it was good having him around to get my mind off things.

X - *Hello there beautiful :), been a boring ass day without a text session with you *

Well let the texting begin then X, cause im bored as hell too.

I smile and wrote him back.


"Baby where is my flat iron?" Kiera calls out from the bathroom.

Why is this girl asking me for her flat iron.

"Last I checked I don't have hair on my head Kiera, quit asking me for stuff you neglect to keep where they should be" I grumble.

I am couped up in bed with Rizz and Kyle, after a full morning of playing.We watching cartoons.

I was suppose to go in for work today, but Kiera all of a sudden couldn't watch the kids cause she was in a 'hurry for work', that was from this morning and she's still here.....damn did the meaning of "hurry" changed?

Now she want us to go shopping, but I'm ot in the mood.

I wonder if she doesn't think I see that she's only in this for the money?
Next thing you know, shorty gonna quit her job.

"Oh, and babe?" She says through the bathroom door.


"I quit my job today," She says.

I palm my face, for the love of God! -could I stop jinxing myself?

Ultimately, I don't care though-I mean that she's just here for the money, a little "Sage-ish" of her, but I just need her to be my Anne, for right now.At this point I dont care, I'm rich, so her shopping sprees aint even denting my wallet.
I think it's also safe to say she isnt the same girl I met outside of the theatre weeks ago, she aint even the one with the money and it changed her...

I fucked her raw once, and I aint ever doing that shit again, cause I dont need no money hungry female trying to trap my ass with no baby.

"Yea, why?" I ask, pretending to care.

"The manager and I had a disagreement about shifts today, no biggy, and thats okay...I aint even liked working there any way"

"Okay so you thinking about a new job?"

"Nahh, not for now anyways.I was thinking you could help me with the bills for a while" She says coming out of the bathroom with her make up done and a tight blue dress, up to her ass.

I dont answer her....she already on thin ass ice.

"Nice dress, a bit too revealing though dont you think? -my folks are gonna be here today, they dont need to know that your ass cheeks are fat"I shake my head.

"Brandon, oh come on this is cute, and I can pull the dress down, look" She pulls down the dress and spins.

It goes down an inch more.Waw....big difference.

"Sure"I say, turning my eye back to the cartoon. She can do whatever she wants at this point.

"Great, and uhh baby I found a pair of earrings in the drawer, they look mad expensive and I'm guessing belong to your ex." She says tossing them at me.I catch them.

"Yeah" I say, my eyes glued to the earrings I bought for Des.She said they were her good luck charm.Wore them everywhere, the last time was at her movie premiere . Why would she leave them?

Oh, what a shit question, she left them cause she hates me now, and pretty much wants nothing to remind her off me.

I'm pretty sure she's doing good without me, the last time she was here she seemed unbothered by Kiera and happy.

Was I the source of her pain? -was it that with me she was unhappy, so finally now she has the chance?
-no, it CAN'T BE, we were,ARE, too much in love.We have too many ties to each other to get over each so easily.
But neither am I gonna let her back in, I can't take the pain no more.

I put the earrings in my drawer and kiss both my kids as I got up off the bed.
Giving Kiera a thousand dollars I told her to go ahead and shop, I had business to take care of and a baby shower gift to buy Gretchen for her baby shower in two days.

I haven't seen or heard from Rivers in awhile, but I'm guessing he's okay. After the Nyjah shit came out on the news, he's been on and off sight.
But he's my best guard, so I know he's just laying low.

Kinda needed him to give me input of where he dumped Nyjah just for closure reasons. So when he gets back to work in the house official I'll ask about the details.

For now I gotta be out.


"So you think im stupid huh, think I wasnt gonna know it was you who sold me out! -try ta get me capped and bagged huh?" I yell, my voice echoing in his house.

Rich was tied to a chair in nothing but his underpants, his wife, very much pregnant tied up, up stairs.I made sure she ain't see my face. Meanwhile I try not to see this sucka as my brother but as my enemy.

I gun butt him again, and watch as his head dangles on his neck and blood seeps from his mouth like a pipe not turned off properly.

He chokes and coughs up blood.
Seeing him this way made a nigguh wanna cry and fists him up for deceiving me the way he did!

"You was my brotha maan! -now look what you made me have to do!" I yell, both hands behind my head.I growl as I know I have to kill him and leave soon.

"I...I don't care if you kill me...cause I know I did the right thing by giving you up.Now ammo need you to do the right thing and leave my woman and child out of this, kill me....Just not them...Please" He says breathing hard.

I look at him and anger boils in me because for a second he looked like back when we were eleven, playing marbles on the streets and he lossed a game and was bitter.Memories like that ion need right now.

"NIGGUH, SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU DONT MAKE THE ORDERS AROUND HERE! -Shit after I kill you ammo water that child of yours head, ammo make sure I cum deep up in her pussy"I laugh.

He growls and pulls against his bindings to the chair like a mad man.This only made me laugh more.

"You been in the trap game with me for years Rich, you know ion fuck around. Death before dishonour and thats real shit"

"DEATH BEFORE MOTHAFUCKERS Bitch!" He spat a mouth full of blood at me and I cringe as it slid down my shirt.

"Mothafucka-"Raising my gun I shoot him in his chest, emptying my rounds in one spot. "This is Versace bich!" I growl looking down on my stained shirt.

"Come on maan you know better than to fuck with my clothes bruh" I say nudging his dead body.

I prop a spliff in my mouth and lit up.

"Oh bruh lets puff, puff, pass like the old days" I say,pulling rag from my pocket and wiping his mouth, ridding it of the blood.I place the spliff in his mouth and tilded his head back.

"Good weed right homez?" I ask Rich.I laugh as it kinda does look like he's smoking it. "Crazy how shit had to turn out bro, remember when you, me, Demo and Des was killing these streets, we had it maan, we had it....But in every great tragedy ever written the hero dies,with the exception of Richard the third, and the villain I ain't dying yet . Trust that. "

ONE DOWN, a few to go.


-this chapter is just to give insight on how everyone is living apart, it needed to be there.Hope u enjoyed.

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