Black Plague

Por Charlie-Ortiz

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In the quiet town of Sherwood, Jessie Cruz is about to find out his family's secrets have severe consequences... Más

Behind the smoke
Journal Entry: Jessie Cruz
Chapter 1: Baby's on fire
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Journal Entry:Rose Dononvan
Chapter 5
Chapter 6:Venom
Chapter 7
Chapter 8:Voltage
Journal Entry:Travis Johnson
Chapter 9: My own worst enemy
Journal Entry: Lily Han
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Journal Entry:Travis Johnson
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14:Master of Puppets
Chapter 15
Chapter 16:Overdrive
Chapter 17
Chapter 18:Ballroom Blitz
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Journal entry:Jessie Cruz
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26: Go to the Light
Chapter 27: A Thousand Eyes
Chapter 29:Freak
Chapter 30: Dreaming of You
Journal entry: Rose Donovan
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Animal
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37: See You Again
Chapter 38: Starkiller
Chapter 39: My Mom
Chapter 40
Chapter 41: Electric Love
Chapter 42
Chapter 43: Do I Wanna Know
Chapter 44
Chapter 45: Limbo
Chapter 46: My name is
Chapter 47: La Puerta Negra
Chapter 48
Epilogue: Moonlight

Chapter 28: Daybreak

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Por Charlie-Ortiz

"I fucking knew we shouldn't have let him go on his own." Travis said as he studied the hole in the floor. The floorboards had snapped in half giving full view to the basement below. He stared down at the photos from above and shivered. As a chill ran down his spine he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Rose with a concerned look.

"We didn't know this would happen, right now it's better for us to find Jessie then to worry about what we should have done." Rose said reaching out her hand.

Travis sighed and took her hand, the warmth in her hand reassured him.

"Where could he have gone in the first place, and what made this hole in the floor?" Travis asked scratching his head. A familiar head poked into his view and he turned to see Lily's neck stretching from the stairway.

"We didn't find anything upstairs, just someone's nasty room." She said as her body appeared from the stairway. "It would be impossible to find anything useful in that room, it smelled like a dump." She pinched her nose as her head snapped back into place on her shoulders.

"Probably his mom's room, Jessie always talked about how gross she kept her room." Rose said in a dejected tone.

"Are you sure? The rest of the house looks spotless compared to that room. Well except for the hole in the living room." Lily asked peering over the edge of the hole.

"She is way into appearances, the outside will always look better than the inside when it comes to her. It really ticked off Jessie." Travis said.

"Is she really as bad as your making her out to be?" Lily asked concerned.

"She isn't our mom so it's not really fair for us to say one way or another." Rose said anxiously.

Lily turned to Travis and he nodded.

"Jessie practically lived at Rose's house, we both kinda did." Travis said. "His home life wasn't the best."

"We just gonna stand around and chat or are we gonna find Jessie." Sarah asked annoyed as she emerged from the kitchen.

"Sorry we couldn't find anything that would lead us to Jessie and I got curious." Lily said sheepishly.

Sarah sighed and motioned for the group to come closer.

"Well can't blame ya, with that basement below us I guess we all have questions. For now let's leave the guys to explore that room while we head out back, the back door was wide open and I have a feeling I'm on to something." She said confidently.

Travis peeked around the corner to see the kitchen door hanging on its hinges loosely.

Whatever did that to the door is definitely the same person who ripped a hole in the floor. We better stay on our toes.

"Oh yeah this is the way." Lily said as she crossed the threshold into the outside world. Travis followed behind her and shivered as the cold night air wrapped itself around him. He felt something small land on his shoulder and held out his hand just in time for a snowflake to land in his palm.

"Great we better hurry and find him before this snow destroys any clues left behind." Travis said as he wiped his hands clean.

"I don't think that's gonna be a problem." Rose said drawing Travis' attention. He turned to face her to see her pointing out towards the forest in front of them. His jaw dropped as he stared at the clawed remains of tree branches and broken wood.

He stepped forward and ran his hand alongside the edge of a particularly nasty cut. His fingers sunk into the grooves and fear slowly crept up his spine.

"We need to find him now."

"Well we have a path to follow at the very least, but whatever made the cuts definitely packs a mean punch. We need to be prepared to fight." Sarah said checking the magazine for her pistol. She sneered as she placed it into her pistol and holstered it.

Travis felt a lump in his throat and followed the others as they followed the ruined trees. A tense silence fell on the group as they traveled and stared at the claw marks around them, Travis could see Rose's face lose all color as they pressed on. He couldn't tell if it was from the cold or the fear.

He brushed aside the feeling and followed the others slowly. The snow around them slowed them down as they pushed through the forest in silence. He cupped his hands to his mouth and exhaled in a desperate attempt to warm himself.

"It's cold as shit out here!" Sarah said as she shook violently from the cold.

"Here this might help." Rose said as she conjured a small but powerful ball of fire in the palm of her hand. The others huddled closer and Travis felt a small amount of relief.

"Can't you turn up the heat Rose? I'm dying here." Sarah asked as she continued to shiver.

"I'm sorry I would if I felt it was safe but I'm still very new to this whole being on fire stuff. I don't want to burn you guys by mistake." Rose replied.

"Thank you Rose, we appreciate it." Lily said as she held her hands out to the flame. "Your doing a good job controlling it so far, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it."

"Thanks Lily, I'm sure glad we added you to the group. It's nice to have another girl to talk to."

Travis could see lily's smile widen as another, warmer silence fell over the group.

Looks like Rose has taken a liking to this new girl, I guess I should make an effort to make her feel welcome too. When we find Jessie we'll do it together.

Lost in thought Travis bumped into the person in front of him bashing his nose into their shoulder. Wincing he pulled back to see Sarah pale as a ghost, her eyes blank as she stared out in front of her.

"Oh God." Rose said quietly as her knees buckled placing her hand against a tree next to her. She fell to her knees as she stared out into the clearing in front of them.

Travis saw Lily gasp and cover her mouth as she took a step back.

"What's going on?" Travis asked as he moved from behind Sarah to see a tree snapped at the base. His heart dropped as he stared at the bloody scene in front of him. The two bodies lying beside one another were covered in small wounds. There was a woman lying in the snow but it was the one laying beside the tree that seemed so familiar it sent a wave a shock through Travis.

His features were distorted but Travis still recognized his best friend. His chest hurt and stomach tied up in knots, he bent over as he puked all over his shoes.

"Please tell me that isn't him." Travis pleaded as he heaved having just emptied his guts.

A stunned silence washed over the group as Travis straitened himself out. He heard quiet sobbing to his right and turned to see Rose with her face buried in the tree trunk beside her. He laid his hand on her shoulder in a fruitless attempt to comfort her.

"I'm sure it's not as bad as we think it is, t-that black smoke he has heals him right! We just need to wait for it to start!" Travis said trying to convince himself just as much as the others.

"Travis the poor kids head is split wide open, I don't think there's any shot he's coming back from that." Sarah said bluntly.

Rose groaned hearing Sarah speak and her sobbing grew louder. Travis shot Sarah a look and her face grew red.

He turned to face his friends body and approached slowly. Each step he took felt heavier the closer he got, the weight was almost enough to make him stop in his tracks. Almost.

Just a few feet away from the two bodies he turned to see the woman's face. He stopped as he he stared at her, her features were angry and he could see a large exit wound on the top of her head. Right next to her second mouth.

"Guys, I think I know what got him." Travis said as he inched closer to the bodies. He placed his on the woman's face and brushed aside her hair.

"This is his mom."

"W-what?" Rose asked confused.

"The lady next to him is his mom, she's got an extra mouth and a new thinking hole but it's definitely her." Travis said as he pulled his hand away.

"Are you sure?" Lily asked.

"Yeah pretty sure it's her, I mean her face is fucked up but I'd recognize that hateful gaze anywhere."

Travis turned to Jessie and felt his blood thicken, he gagged as he stared at what remained of his friends skull.

Oh, Jessie why'd it have to be you? You never really could catch a break.

Travis slowly reached out to touch his friend's hand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice said.

Travis looked back to see the others just as confused as him.

"Who said that?" He asked as he looked at the others.

"I don't think it was any of us." Sarah said as she pulled her pistol from her pants.

Travis looked to the tree tops confused, unable to see anyone. As he turned he noticed a small black bird looking down on him from above. It held his attention and he felt almost as if the bird was waiting for him to react. He strained his eyes to get a better look.

"I don't see anyone." Lily said confused.

"Neither do I." Sarah said raising her gun.

"Hey guys shot in the dark here but has that bird always been here?" Travis asked.

"What bird?" Lily asked.

"The one on the branch over there." Travis said pointing to the bird.

"Why are you talking about birds Travis? We have to find this guy and see if he knows anything about what happened." Sarah said as she inched closer to him.

Travis continued to stare at the blackbird, its gaze fixed on him as well.

I can't look away...for some odd reason, I don't think I should.

"Look we should grab Jessie and get out of here before any more people show up." Sarah said as she nudged Travis' shoulder.

He felt his hand graze Jessie's and winced as he pulled back his hand. He clutched his hands and reared back bumping into Sarah.

"What the hell man?" Sarah said as she tried to regain her balance.

"I touched his skin and it was like touching dry ice. How long has he been sitting in the snow?" Travis said as he rubbed his hand.

He looked down at his hand to see a small black spot at the bottom, it scared him as he tried to rub it off. As he rubbed his thumb over the mark a thin plume of smoke billowed from his hand.

"Did you see that?!" Travis asked Sarah waving his hand in her face.

"Duck!" Sarah screamed as she pulled Travis down by his collar forcing him to the ground.

He felt a rush of air pass over his head and heard a horrible cracking sound behind him. Pieces of wood landed on his head as he covered his head with his hands.

"Get away from Jessie!" Lily screamed as she stretched her arms and wrapped them around their waists. She pulled back and sent Travis and Sarah flying towards her. In the air Travis through his blurred vision was stunned to see Jessie standing, his head covered in tendrils.

Landing in Lilly's arms Travis phased through her body and ran behind a tree. He peered around the tree to see the others had done the same. As he peeked from around the tree a tendril shot past him cutting his face as it stuck itself into the ground beside him.

"What the hell is happening?! Wasn't he dead? Why's he trying to kill us!" Sarah screamed as a tendril shot through the tree she was hiding behind. It pierced the tree above her head sending pieces of wood onto her head.

"His head is covered in those black tentacles! I don't think he can see us!" Lily screamed as she stretched to the top of Travis' tree.

Travis braved another look to see the entirety of Jessie's head consumed by the tendrils. He noticed two holding up his body, which limply moved as the other tendrils chased them.

"His body is defending itself." The voice from behind Travis said, scaring him. He turned to see the bird from before staring up at him, his eyes a deep white.

"You just talked." Travis said stunned.

"Yes I did, and you phase through solid objects. Is the possibility that I could talk that far-fetched." The bird said bluntly.

"I guess not." Travis said embarrassed.

"Travis what are you doing?! Help us out here man!" Sarah screamed as she ducked underneath another tendril.

"The bird from earlier talks guys!" Travis said as he pointed to the bird at his feet.

"That's great Travis, really happy for you." Lily said as she stretched her arm around Rose's waist pulling her from a speeding tendril.

"But right now we're trying not to die, so do you mind lending a hand?" Lily asked angrily.

"It's your fault for touching him in the first place, his body wouldn't be trying to protect itself if you hadn't." The bird said smugly. "I warned you beforehand."

"You didn't tell me shit! Some context would have been nice!" Travis screamed. He looked around waiting for an opportunity to jump in.

What am I even going to do once I gun it? Do I hit Jessie? No those tentacles of his will shred me once I get too close. Wait why aren't they attacking me now?

"It's smarter for you to just not get involved, there's no harm in self-preservation." The bird said.

Travis turned to face him and an idea popped into his head. He smiled and readied himself.

"You're right Mr. Bird, it would be smarter for me to save myself." Travis said as he stared greedily at it. "But chicks don't dig cowards." He jumped and grabbed the bird as it screeched and swirled in his hands.

"Unhand me this instant! You're going to get us both killed you idiot!" It screeched.

"I've got an idea and you're the man of the hour featherhead so just bear with it for now." Travis said as he held the bird high above his head. "Everyone group up! I've got a plan!"

"Are you insane!? We group up and those tentacles things are gonna kill us all!" Sarah screamed panting.

"Just trust me! On the count of three."


"Wait I'm not ready!" Lily screamed.


"This better work Travis!" Rose yelled.


"I'm gonna fucking die!" Sarah screamed as all four of them jumped into the middle of the clearing. Travis held onto the bird as it clawed and pecked his hands, wincing he slammed into the others. They fell into a pile in front of Jessie's corpse and Travis could hear the tendrils around them pierce through the night air towards them.

He quickly raised the bird into the air and prayed as a tendril aimed itself directly at his head. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

Silence filled the forest and the only sound that could be heard was the flapping of the bird's wings.

"You idiot! Let me go now!" The bird screamed as Travis opened his eyes. His heart sank as he opened them only to see a tendril's sharp end an inch from his right eye. He breathed heavily as it slowly pulled away from his body and he looked around to see tendrils surrounding his friends.

There's gotta be at least a hundred around us! He was out to kill us all! 

The other tendrils pulled away and slowly worked their way back into Jessie's body. The tendrils holding him up set his feet down gently and his corpse stood on its own. They formed into one plume of smoke around his head and slowly seeped back into his body.

Travis could hear Rose gasp as the smoke revealed a completely healed Jessie. His hair reached to the top of his ears and he blinked slowly.  He raised his hand to his head and groaned, rubbing the back of his head he turned to face Travis. A small shiver ran down his spine as Travis stared into his eyes, they almost glowed in the night.

A light blinded Travis as he stared at Jessie, he raised his hand to block the light to see the sun rising behind Jessie. It illuminated him so brightly it blinded Travis, through the cracks of his fingers he watched as Rose leaped from the pile and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Tears streamed down her face and Travis smiled.

"Good morning Jess."

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