How to Tame a Demon [BxB]

By mek_14

983K 48.7K 18K

[Book 1 of the: Roundtable Rebirth Series] All 15-year-old Hunter wanted was a friend, so when his parents an... More

Official Playlist!
Ch. 1 - Hunter
Ch. 2 - Zekaj
BCH. 1 - Zekaj's First Day of School
Ch. 3 - Snowballs and School
Ch. 4 - Bonding
Ch. 5 - Anchor
Ch. 6 - Enraged
Ch. 7 - Possession
Ch. 8 - Pulled Forward
Ch. 9 - AJ
Ch. 10 - Demons
Ch. 11 - Return to the Void
Ch. 12 - Admitting and Awkwardness
Ch. 13 - The Pack Killer
Ch. 14 - Speedos and Sunscreen
Ch. 15 - Rainy Day
Ch. 16 - Cowardly Actions
Ch. 17 - Birthdays Suck
Ch. 18 - Warmth
Ch. 19 - Morning After
Ch. 20 - A Little Lie
Ch. 21 - Pec Pillows
Ch. 22 - Calm
Ch. 23 - 1
Ch. 24 - A Demon and a Tight Space
Ch. 25 - Study Sesh
Ch. 26 - Voidbornes
BCH. 2 - Zekaj, Before the Summon
Ch. 27 - Soul Searching
Ch. 28 - How to Clean your Demon
Ch. 29 - Jealous Wolf
BCH. 3 - Zekaj's and the Holidays
Ch. 30 - Death Traps
Ch. 31 - Oblivious Demon
Ch. 32 - What a Demon Wants
Ch. 33 - Morning After (Reprise)
Ch. 34 - 4 is Enough
BCH. 4 - Zekaj and Zekai
Ch. 35 - Accidents Happen
Ch. 36 - IYKYK
Ch. 37 - Bad Feelings
Ch. 38 - Battle For Your Life
Ch. 39 - Cold
Ch. 40 - Straight to Voicemail
Ch. 41 - Jaxon
Ch. 42 - Snow and Sorries
Ch. 43 - Emrys
Ch. 44 - Live Like a Shadow
Ch. 45 - Study Sesh (Reprise)
Ch. 46 - Photograph
Ch. 47 - Greyrith, Wisconsin
Ch. 48 - Amet
Ch. 49 - Halls now Empty
Ch. 50 - PTSD
Ch. 51 - Page 1
Ch. 52 - The Rest of the Book
Ch. 53 - Spill
Ch. 54 - Fuck the Consequences
Ch. 55 - Frostbite
Ch. 56 - Rebond
Ch. 57 - Lets Talk
Ch. 58 - Brothers
Ch. 59 - Beards are Hot, Y'all are Just Lame
Ch. 60 - Meet the Inlaws
Ch. 61 - Uncomplicating Things
Ch. 62 - Up to Date
Ch. 63 - Aegon
Ch. 64 - Professor Zekai
Ch. 65 - Contracts
Ch. 66 - What a Demon Needs
Ch. 67 - Out in the Open
Ch. 68 - Demons Just Want to Have Fun
Ch. 69 - Volveth
Ch. 70 - Polaroids and Pectorals
Ch. 71 - Return to Earth
Ch. 72 - Previously On
Ch. 73 - Put It On His Tab
Ch. 74 - Tour Guide from Hell
Ch. 75 - Highspeed Hugs
Ch. 76 - Uncomplicating Things (Reprise)
Ch. 77 - Answers in Blood
Inksgiving 2021
Ch. 78 - Rebirth
Ch. 79 - Roundtable
Ch. 80 - The Sword in the Stone
Ch. 81 - Out of the Woods
BCH#5 - End of the Year
Book 2 Reveal

BCH#6 - Zekaj Learns How to Drive

1.5K 66 20
By mek_14

Zekaj was doing one of the things he did best. That being pouting.

"I'm not a good driver dude, you'll survive someone else teaching you!" Hunter laughed from the back seat.

"Yeah but I'm being taught by him." Zekaj said with a snide tone.

"He's just my dad, Zekaj, he's not some evil monster. He taught me, he'll be able to teach you too."

"You said you weren't a good driver so why are we trusting him? Hmm?" Zekai turned back in his seat and glared at Hunter. Or at least tried too, he was very oversized for this car.

Trying to fit three demons into a car was not the brightest idea, but both Volveth and Zekai wanted to come. Hunter was squeezed right in between the two large demons. Which he was sure Zekaj wasn't happy with.

"Don't be mean to Jaxon, he's trying his best." Resident "Jaxon simp" Volveth defended him.

"And why do you say that? Hmm?" Zekaj tried to look back at Volveth but couldn't see past his traps.

"I- uh he uh fuck, uh he's just ya know a cool dude." Volveth stuttered, fidgeting with a hair tie as he put his hair up into a bun.

"We can keep a secret but you should act fast, don't want someone sweeping up your man when he moves to Wisconsin do you?" Zekai winked.


"Can we please move on from this topic?" Hunter groaned, dragging his hands down his face.

"Yeah quick question, can this car hold us? Us three demons aren't exactly light, ya know?" Zekai asked, motioning towards the whole car.

"Yeah you're fat as fuck, might bring the whole thing down," Zekaj snickered.

"Hey! At least when I cuddle my future soulmate I won't be suffocating my mate when I cuddle with them," Zekai wacked Zekaj.

"At least I HAVE a mate," Zekaj barked back.

Both brothers went for a lunge on the other as Hunter backed away as far as he could in the small car.

"Hey Hey!" Jaxon suddenly said as the passenger side car door opened. "You kids need to settle down. No fighting in the car!"

Jaxon had walked away from the car for a bit after taking a phone call right as they got to the empty parking lot. Hunter assumed it was about something Jaxon didn't want him to know about, like his mother or sister.

"Kids? Zekai and I are both older than you," Zekaj said with a pointed tone, glaring at Jaxon.

"Yeah and do I need to bring up the fact that you started dating my son when he turned 18?" Jaxon got in the car, closing the door.

Zekaj didn't say anything, only glared with his arms crossed. If his glare was any sharper, Jaxon might have caught on fire.

"Heyyyy... let's not talk about that." Hunter said. "But to be fair, you guys left a bunch of demon summoning stuff out for anyone to read and didn't realize a demon was living in your house for two years."

"You two were sneaky!"

"How's a 400 pound demon sneaky?" Volveth asked.

"With magic!" Jaxon exclaimed. "Ok let's just focus on driving now."

Jaxon handed Zekaj the keys, the demon quickly snatching them right from his hand and shoving the key right into the ignition. Zekaj had seen Hunter do this enough times that he knew to turn the key to the start but before he could even turn the key Jaxon spoke up.

"Seatbelt and put your foot on the brake before you start the car. It won't start unless you do."

Zekaj mumbled something under his breath before doing as told. The car rumbled to a start.

"When you're ready, keepy your foot on the brake and put the car into drive-" Jaxon began to say.

Zekaj immediately shifted the car into drive and the car slowly started moving.

"I've got this," Zekaj scoffed.

He in fact did not have this. Zekaj slammed his foot down hard on the gas and the car sped forward.

"BRAKE ZEKAJ," Hunter screamed.

The car slammed to a stop as Zekaj hit the brake.

Jaxon was holding onto the handle above the window for dear life. There wasn't anything around them that Zekaj could reasonably hit, though he wouldn't be surprised if the demon would manage to find a way, or worse somehow flip the car.

"Alright, gently this time, put your foot on the gas. You can be gentle right?"

"I mean he hasn't killed Hunter yet and he's a twig so probably." Zekai laughed.

"Double burn," Volveth laughed.

"Passenger etiquette, aka, don't piss off the person driving!" Jaxon said, noticing Zekaj was getting very annoyed, the demon's eyebrows furrowed and a slight glow was in his eyes.

"Zekaj if you squeeze any harder you're going to break the steering wheel," Hunter patted his shoulder. "Ignore the losers."

"Hey!" Zekai whined. "That's mean."

"You called me a twig!" Hunter retorted.

"Am I wrong?" Zekai asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Driving," Jaxon brought back up, trying to save Zekai's life. "Now there's the basics, green means go, red means stop, yellow yield or slow down to a stop you get those right?"

"Yeah, I'm not an idiot. I've watched Hunter drive," Zekaj scoffed.

"Well there's a lot more signs you'll have to learn, as well as right of way, directional signs, etcetera." Jaxon said, turning back to Hunter. "It really would be best if he took a class at a community college. I'm certain I could pull a few strings and get a fake id for Zekaj if we needed."

"I want one!" Volveth pleaded with Jaxon, his eyes filled with innocence.

"Those puppy dog eyes won't work on me," Jaxon turned back around.

"Bull eyes, he's a minotaur after all." Zekai said.

"What's a bull?" Volveth asked.

The car came to a stop and Zekaj put it in park as everyone turned to look at Volveth. Jaxon and Hunter looked at him with concern while Zekai and Zekaj looked at him as if he was the biggest moron on the planet.

"I'm kidding," Volveth frowned in annoyance. They didn't believe he was that stupid, right?

"Have you ever seen a real bull?" Zekai asked.

"Well," Volveth thought, looking down at himself. "Do I count?"


"Well then no," Volveth answered. "I assume they look like me when I'm in my minotaur form. Just not as cool."

Volveth groaned trying to stretch himself out in the tiny car.

"I don't see how you dudes stay in human form for so long. I feel cramped ugh. Don't you get exhausted of it?" Volveth slouched as much as he could.

"Yes," The brothers said simultaneously. Staying in human form for too long can sometimes cause a need, like an itch you can't reach, to shift back to demon form. It didn't always happen, but sometimes, especially while in cramped spaces, it came up.

Zekaj started the car back up, for a while Jaxon gave Zekaj directions , like stop, turn, etc, just to let him get a feel.

Though it was obvious after a while that the demon was getting bored. The rose colored glasses he had on over the idea of driving were off.

"Is driving always this boring?" Zekaj asked.

"Typically yes when you're alone. But having others in the car can be nice to keep you awake," Jaxon typically drove alone now, he was used to having his wife, daughter and son in the car. Now it was just him all alone usually.

"Well I have 3 bitches, and Hunter, in the car and I'm still bored!"

"This is why I said you learning to drive was stupid becuase I knew you don't have the patience for this," Hunter laughed. "To do it legally too you'll have to do classes and drive with a chaperone for like fifty hours or something. Then take a driving test that you can fail and then have to do it again."

Zekaj put the car in park, turning it off and dropping the keys in Jaxon's lap.

"That's it, I'm done," Zekaj opened the car door. "Someone else can try it out. I'm over this boring shit."

"Dibs!" Volveth hopped out of the car excited.

Hunter could tell he just wanted to get close to Jaxon and saw this as an excuse to do so. The man basically teleported into the driver's seat.

Zekaj sat next to Hunter immediately cuddling up into him and resting his head on Hunter's tiny shoulder.

"You can drive us everywhere from now on," Zekaj mumbled.

"You say that like I would trust you to drive on an actual road," Hunter held Zekaj's hand, cuddling up to him too.

I'm not third, I'm like fifth wheeling at this point. Zekai thought as he saw the two love birds in the back seat rest against each other and the two up front laugh at Volveth idiocy.

The car engine roared, yet the car went nowhere.

"Volveth we're still in park, you can't just push the gas down and expect to go anywhere." Jaxon sighed.

"You said to drive!"

"I said to put the car into drive," Jaxon laughed.

"Do we really trust Volveth to drive us?" Zekai whispered to Hunter and Zekaj.

"I mean we trusted Zekaj..." Hunter whispered, giggling to himself.

It might have taken a good 8 months but I finally got this finished. It's been at the back of my mind for so long now and after how terrible the beginning of the year was for me and how things are only just seeming to chill out, I finally got this out and I'm incredibly sorry for taking so long.

Thanks for reading and sticking with me! <3


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