Friend to Foe

By Shae_fluff

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Lily always had a beautiful kind spirit and heart that Camry could never understand why lily always attract s... More

Chap 1 memories
chap 2 Disgusted
chap 3 I'm done
chap 4 shopping!
Chap 5 🍻 Party vibes
Chap 6 Getting caught
Chap 7 Separation
Chap 8 forgiveness
Chap 10 The get away.
Chap 11 Confrontation
Chap 12 Date crasher part 1
Chap 13 Date Crasher part 2
Chap 14 Revenge
Chap 15 Appreciation
Chap 16 A glimpse of the past.
Chap 17 Surprise surprise
Chap 18 Strange...
Chap 19 Date night
Chap 20 The truth
Chap 21 Couples Retreat
Chap 22 Punishment🚫💦
Chap 23 My turn
Chap 24 Trouble in paradise
Chap 25 Ultimatum
Chap 26 Doctor visit
Chap 27 The move
Chap 28 Evidence
Chap 29 The plan
Chap 30 By my rules
Chap 31 The rules
Chap 32 Finding out
Chap 33 Busted
Chap 34 The wrong one
Chap 35 Appointment
Chap 36 Give her time
Chap 37 group thingz
Chapter 38 I didn't mean it
Chapter 39 Ooh baby!
Chapter 40 Birthday girl
Chapter 41 Surprise!
Chapter 42

Chap 9 Emotional damage

3.1K 140 27
By Shae_fluff

Previously on Friend to Foe.....

"Lily I want you..." he whispered out kissing me again.

"By the way Trish is expecting your call I somehow convinced her to give you a chance to explain yourself" he said with his hands in his pocket next to the bedroom door....

🌺 Lily🌺 POV

In between sleep and wake I stretched my left hand carelessly towards the night stand searching for my phone to turn it on. Still twisting and turning trying to wake my limbs up from deep slumber.

''Oh my goodness I need to pee'' I groaned crawling out of bed like a snail holding my crotch. Easing myself on the toilet seat releasing my aching bladder, sighing of the pleasure of my morning urine. Pushing myself off the toilet my legs were still a little shaky so i had to balance myself walking to the sink.

I haven't slept so good in awhile thanks to that rose. It was so intense made me feel like I was having sex with a tasor, that thing satisfy me so good I have to give it a nickname because I will be using it more often.

Washing my face then brushing my teeth before I do anything else for the day. Today is more of a relaxing day for me, to more reflect and soul search on myself and what I want to do with my life a few years from now, just being peaceful, content and happy with myself and who ever I choose to be with.

Miguel immediately invaded my thoughts with what he said last night "Lily I want you..." I remembered very clearly, on a night with lots of alcohol I would've definitely gaggle his balls like Listerine and give him my pussy on a silver platter but I promised myself next relationship has to be done right, if it blossom into a relationship anyway.

Rushing into situations is what causes problems and this scenario is no different i need him to work on himself, be a little more open and ready to receive love without doubt and hesitation.

For some reason this whole situation have me thinking what is my next move for my life. I love my job and business, I want to travel the world and have a family in the near future.

All done for now in the bathroom, walking on the balcony with my phone I wanted to call Trish but I couldn't help but feel indecisive about calling her. What if I call and she cusses me out, or be rude.

I can handle a lot of things but embarrassment and being condescending to me is not one of them.

Looking at the phone screen to call her I was baffled, ''what! It's 1:30 in the afternoon!'' I shouted scaring my own damn self. I had no idea I slept in so late no wonder the place is so hot outside, that's what a good orgasm did to my body, almost put my ass in a coma.

Taking a few deep breaths before pressing the call bottom putting it on speaker.

It rang three times before she picked up, "hey" with her gruff soft voice sounding like she has been screaming or crying non stop.

''Hey Trish how are you'' I asked trying to approach her carefully.

She chuckle before answering "well am getting a divorce because my so call husband cheated on me, my evilbmother is torturing me about it and my only friend lied to me, but life is great!", she said. Sarcastic I know right but I didn't wanted to add fuel to the fire.

I've learn that she is a very emotional person so I have to analyze what and how I speak to her.

''Trish....hear me out before you label me as the worst friend in history, if I told you that Camry and I knew each other growing up but she wasn't much of a friend would you believe me?'', I asked.

"Am.... ahh...emm..." she fumble with her words.

''Of course not trish, all you would have think about is that I am friends with the girl who is sleeping with your husband and two even if I told you I know her, you would have question me on things I didn't know about. I don't want to argue with you trish let us have a civilized conversation and after that we either stay friends or we go our separate ways, would you like to come and see me at the hotel where I'm staying at so we can talk?!'' I asking hoping that she does.

"Lily I don't know let me think about it first" she replied.

The ball was in her court and if that's her decision I didn't want to force it, 'okay girly well... Have a good day, whenever you ready you know how to get me'.

"Okay bye Lily" her soar voice spoke, ''bye trish'' and with that we both hang up.

I was a bit salty about how that went down but it is what it is.

Let me order some room service and chill for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile at Trish house....


In all honesty Trish definitely needed Lily matter of fact she had the hundredth break down since she woke this morning. Sitting by the phone patiently waiting for her friend to call her since Miguel spoke to her but she allowed pride to get in the way when Lily called.

She walk all over the house like a zumbie with a brave face on for her children but in her mind she felt like walking the streets naked letting everything go.

Pacing the corridor of her home at war with her conscience whether to burn all Darnell's shit or keep the peace when he comes by for the sake of their children, those girls love their father dispite the way she feels about him.

How could her life took such a drastic turn in a matter of months, when she got married it was for better or worst but better was short lived when worst was introduced to her home by the actions of the man who is supposed to be her knight and shining armor, that turned out to be a cunt in aluminum foil.

She felt like screaming to the top of her lungs, with her mind, heart and emotions pulling her in different directions. While the girls are sleeping Trish took the opportunity to gather all Darnell things in bags and boxes and carry them to the front door.

Picking up their wedding photo portraying the sweet profound memory on the day she said I do. She could also remember her mother saying before she left Trisha on her wedding day "he don't want your big wasteful ass bitch he will use you, have children then chase you out his life".

After all these years of marriage Trish always had those word engraved to the back of her mind. For years she had low self esteem because her mother degraded her but when Darnell came in her life he made her feel like the most beautiful and precious girl in the world, craving love from someone other than her brother who was always there to love and protect her, especially from there mother.

Trish never understood how she could hate her own daughter and lover her grandchildren like nothing ever happened. As time passed by she tried to forgive and forget although her mother hasn't changed one bit but Miguel on the other hand gives minus zero fucks.

Ding dong! The doorbell ring, she jogged down the stairs with the last box with his boxers and other personal belongings.

Trish swung open the door puffy face, red eyes and hair in a mess, she just wanted him to take his shit and leave without waking up the children.

"Hey" Darnell said smelling pungent of sex and alcohol looking at her from head to toe. Trish role her eyes pointing at the bags and boxes in the corner.

"The kids are sleeping so please get your things quietly, its all there" she said stepping aside.

Darnell wanted to say something but he saw the look of disdain on Trish's face. One by one he carried out the boxes to his hilux truck. The last box he carried out to his truck she heard him having a conversation, but she paid it no mind.

He came in and started carrying the bags but a female voice stopped both of them, "babe will you hurry up I'm getting hungry" Camry called out.

"Babe?!" With the swiftness Trish walk to the entrance of the door with her hand on her hip realizing who it was, Darnell stood next to her like a Dare in headlights.

Trish anger erupted, "are you fucking brought this bitch where my kid and I lay our heads, have you lost your mind!" She shouted in his face. Darrell felt embarrassed and annoyed at the same time that Trish shouted at him with the possibility of neighbors watching.

"You know what Trish that's one of the reasons why I cheated on your ass your ungrateful ass you don't know how to speak to me, I'm a man dammit!." Darnell retort throwing the bag over his shoulder.

Trish was so flabbergasted at his remark she had to ask "what the fuck did you just say to me?!

She always treated him with respect as her husband and the head of the home but his trifling ass had to make himself feel validated even if he had to lie.

Camry sat in the car looking on at the drama unfold that she intentionally instigated "you heard what the fuck I said I brought Camry with me to confess that I love her and apologies for what I did to you but from your attitude that shit is gone out the window!" He said walking with the bag to his truck.

Trish marched inside taking up the rest of his shit throwing it outside at him on the lawn.

Darnell was enraged and ran up to her with the intent of man handling her but the hate in her eyes, he know that she will shoot him. "What are you going to do hit me! You ungrateful son of a bitch, go ahead I will put a bullet through your fucking skull, GET THE FUCK OUT!!" Trish spat out like venom with tears in her eyes.

He had no choice other than to do so because he know that she will. He picked up all his bags that she thrown out at him and left.

Slamming the door shut sliding down against it with her hands on her head, silent screaming for help but nobody's there to rescue her from the pain. The empty feeling she had from her childhood came back, not feeling good enough for anyone.

Trish curled up like a baby fetus at the front door wanting to die to end her misery. From childhood till now the abuse never stopped from the person who suppose to love her unconditionally.

She gathered some strength a few minutes later wiping her face and blowing her nose, walking upstairs to check on her children and make a call.

🌺Lily🌺 POV

On my laptop organizing appointments for next week and sorting through some orders, my phone ring immediately getting my attention.

Oh it's Trish'' I said out loud. I know I should be excited that she called but for some reason I felt uneasy.

''Hey Trish is everything oka...'' "Lily could you please come over... please I need you", she asked before I could finish my sentence, bursting into uncontrollable tears.

She sounds worst than earlier, ''am coming girly sit tight I'm on my way'' I hang up before she could answer putting on a random crop top and leggings with my sneakers bolting out the door.


Next time on Friend to Foe...

"He did what?!!" Miguel shouted stooping down in front of us. "I'll kill that son of a bitch" holding his forehead in frustration.

'Miguel call down please you will solve nothing with anger, trouble comes on a horse and leaves on a snail back it's quick to come but very slow to leave, so let's deal with this on a level head' I pleaded with him.

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