Incognito (Paused)

By HER_Meekness

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"Nice." He bites on his lower lip and duck, lifting me over his shoulder as I screamed. "Ran... Randall! Sto... More

The beginning.
1| Secret revealed
2| Lamborghini hit and run
3| Mister Mummified
4| Engaged with no memory
5| Friendship
6| Meeting family
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
18| Clarification
19| Baby shower (Heather)
20| Interrupting caller
21| Cater to you

Chapter 13

96 14 0
By HER_Meekness

Not edited....


I woke up with Randall next to me but when I exited the bathroom, he was gone. By gone I meant that he completely vanished or became invisible. The only reminder he left was a note on my phone.

I just left to go home, but I'll be back for our date around 6 PM. Take care... I love you.

I made you Turkish tea, it's in the kitchen.

Smiling, I went ahead to start my day. Since the rain haven't fall for a few days, I decided to do some laundry after drinking the tea he left. After that, I started watering my flowers and that when my phone started ringing. Seeing the familiar name and area code, I groaned.

"Good morning, daddy."

"Lavender, I'm expecting you to be at the family reunion this year..." He started but I cut him off.

"I'm truly sorry father, but since I was practically dragged to that jet five years ago and was told never to return, I won't. I'm not wanted there since I've became the black sheep of your perfect family. Now as the stranger who you no longer treats as your daughter, I'm forced to say you can completely erase me from your life. I'll be sending your credit card with you since I don't need it then tell your wife and everyone at the reunion to loose my number. I will no longer be the puppet you can control and if you try anything as much as to threaten me, I'll ruin your perfect family name. Starting from the very beginning up until your wife ripped my son from my arms. I'm done with your bullshit and for teaching me how disgusting a father can treat his own daughter, your welcome."

I ended the call and quickly called Uncle Mark. He answered on the the third ring and I told him what happened. He laughed and made tears come to my eyes when he called me his daughter.

He has been telling me for the pass four years that I should tell his brother-in-law my mind, but it wasn't the right time since they had Quasey. I couldn't call them, but they sure could call me whenever they're in a bad mood and have new plans to ruin or control my life.

Throwing my phone to the side, I continue watering my plants because I had to do some reading before getting ready for the date.

I locked up my house and went inside, washing my hands before grabbing snacks to bring to the office. I took almost half of the orange cake along with my water bottle. I got comfortable in the couch inside my office and continued on the page that I was on.

My job was to basically read all manuscripts, make corrections, create a summary of the story that Rutherford's publishing house will send out to Seattle to be made in paperback. It was an honour to be the first group of people to read these stories and the I just happens to get a little romance mixed with mystery and thriller. It was a dream to have this job part-time as it payed well, but greater if I was doing full time. I however was greedy for more and took another professors offer in working at a new bakery and restaurants they were opening.

The alarm set on my phone went off when I was almost finished reading the manuscript but since the killer was about to be revealed, I ignored it and continue reading. When I finished, I gasp at not only the killer being someone close to the character but I was going to be late.

I took up my empty plate and exited the office, I just had to put it in the kitchen sink before rushing outside to take the clothes and sheets from the clothing line then ran upstairs. The shower was a quick one as I needed time to properly lotion my legs with my favourite coca butter cream and straighten my hair. After that, I wasted no time to put on my thigh length designer dress and jewelleries. I didn't keep any shoes upstairs so I had to go downstairs in the shoe closet for it. I just have to grab my phone from the office to put in my clutch.

I heard a vehicle pulling up in my driveway so I peeked out through the window to see who it was and to my surprise, it was Randall stepping out of a black rolls Royce.

My mouth hung, surprised than ever and I was getting anxious for the date. I wanted to know more about him since we barely know anything about each other. Enough to make us want to have a sexual relation and I moved from the window and went to the front door just as he was about to ring the doorway.

"Hey." He grinned looking down at me as he passes me two sunflowers in a flower pot and I laughed.

"Hi... Thank you."

"You're welcome, love." He leans forward and kisses my forehead as if he couldn't help himself.

All that time, I was inhaling his cologne as if it was a drug. He is dressed a lot different than how I was use to him, the white button up shirt and black jeans just had the familiar feeling in my stomach. He even had the nerve to leave a few buttons open showing his chest. 

"Are you ready?" He asked, looking at me again and I nod.

"I'll just lock up." I whispered, putting the flower pot inside then locked up behind me.

He leads me to his car and opened the door for me and I couldn't help but blush when I felt at ease and comfort in the seat. He went around the wheels and pulled out of my driveway. We were quiet for some time until he spoke.

"If we weren't going some place alone, you would have to change this dress." His hand came over and rest on my exposed thigh. After a while of the familiar feeling running out of me, I had to move his hand. "What are you doing?"

"I know what you're doing, well congratulations you've succeeded." I grumbled, looking out the window as I was embarrassed for it.

"Now you'll be cautious in the future when we plan on going out."

I was in disbelief has he had the nerve to admit it but he was right, I won't wear it when I'm going out with him but with Heather it would be something else. "Okay."

He hummed and drove a good half an hour into town. It was busy since it was a Monday afternoon so when he pulled up at an hotel, I had to look at him as if he was crazy. He just exited the car and came to my side, opening the door. "Are you coming dear?"

Stepping out, he closed the door and held my hand after giving the key to the valet. I barely looked at him, looking around before we even entered the building. We didn't stop, going straight for the elevator even when people around us were staring. Randall nodded upon seeing people who he knew but they too were staring at me. Everyone looked surprised while I was confused about it all. "Is there something that I need to know?"

"A lot actually, when we get to the roof you'll know." He added and my eyes widened.


"Yes, love. The roof." He smirked, going up the the penthouse sweet.

All this was new to me, despite being a girl from a rich family, I knew about this lifestyle but I didn't know Randall's background so it was strange.

Exiting the elevator, he still had my hand in his as we walked down a small hallway with two doors on opposite sides. He enter the one on the right, which is the penthouse, leading me further in then stopped. "The bedrooms are down the hall, a bathroom is right there..."

We went around the penthouse, giving me a quick tour before he told me he'll be back. I use the time to go to the bathroom, to pee and check my underwear.

When I return to the sitting room, he was already there waiting for me. "Ready love?"

"Yeah." I answered, taking his outstretched hand and follow him outside. We climbed up a couple stairs to the roof where a single table was underneath fairy lights and candle, low soul's music reaches my ears as the cool wind blows.

He helped me sit before he did and out of nowhere, a waiter came walking over, pushing a trolley with covered food and beverages on ice. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I greeted the young man.

"You can turn in for the night Kenny, the tip is on the coffee table." Randall told him.

"Thank you Mister Mayweather." He nods then left.

I couldn't stop smiling as I looked around, enjoy the view around us. The night lights close and so in the distance, the stars and also the half illuminated moon looking down at us under the fairy lights.


"Yes?" I answered, looking over at Randall who just puts a plate before me. "Oh, thanks."

A plate of spaghetti and meatballs. I was loving this date already since it has been years since I've eaten this. For the first five minutes we were quiet and only eating when I heard him speak. "I really don't know how to start."

"I'm sure you've dated before, right?"

"Yes, but not with feeling being involved." He added, sipping his glass of red wine.

"Then what was it?" I asked.

"I use to hook up a lot..." He started and I looked up from my plate. "A new girl every week or whenever I needed to get some release. Usually on dates, they spend so much time talking about themselves and what they need from me, that I've learnt over time to cut it short to get them in bed before running them out in the morning."

My brows furrowed but I stayed silent and listened.

"The day I almost lost my life, the last though was that I never got the chance to make my mom's wishes come true. She was the last person I spoke to that morning. Apparently a girl I fooled around with came by their home and said she was pregnant. Before they called me, they took her to the doctor to get a sample from the baby for a DNA test, it came back negative but that was the last straw. Mom told me that if I didn't change, she would out right disown me... Our family came from a long line of old money, my sister and I are the main heir to the inheritance as to why people were staring at us like that."

"Um... Okay." I was confused but he reached over and held my hand.

"Just have an opened mind, please." I nod, so he continued.

"Because of who I am, they wouldn't have allowed you in the hospital as to why they called my lawyer. News like this would've been broadcasted as soon as my family heard, worst with me being in a coma. Asking you to pose as my wife was the right thing he did but that was after he did a quick background check on you."

"What!" I asked, as I was feeling nothing but anger at this moment.

"I'm sorry, we didn't go deep. Just to know your whereabouts for a month to see if you were a suspect or if we could thrust you, as to why the lieutenant called you. Everything else you know."

"Okay. Is there anything else you've been hiding from me?" I asked, putting away the fork to glare at him.

"Yes." He laughed, but I didn't. "I've been dreaming of you since the first time you've entered my room at the hospital."

Rolling my eyes, I took up the fork and continue eating.

"What about you, love?" He inquired and I stilled, swallow the meatball the reached over my my glass of water to sip.

"I don't know how to tell you. The easy way or the long way." I laughed to myself.

"Either way you prefer."

"Okay. Just like you, I'm from a family of old money but they are also extremely strict, religious, political and cultural. By strict they have been controlling both their blood and strangers. Religious, as to why I'm here and not around them since I got pregnant out of wedlock and I must baptised once again to wash away my sins..."

"You've been baptized before?" He asked and I nod.

"Yep, at five years old." I laughed, reminiscing about the pictures and videos of what happened back then.

"I've had my circumcision ceremony when I was one year old."

The meatball that was in my mouth a second ago fell, landing right into the plate. "What! What for?"

"It's something mom's family celebrations in Turkey." He laughed while a look of dread took over my face. "Don't worry love, our sons won't have to partake in it."

"What?" I laughed as I wiped my lips with the napkin.

"Our sons, that is if you agree to marry me some day." He smirked, but his next comment hit me right in the heart. "An not only you, but Quasey allowing me to be his adopted father."

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