Cat & Mouse

By SearaSky

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Two best friends: one a science/history geek, and the other a daredevil who is always down for any challenge... More

A/N: Fun, Not so fun Facts
Mission Recieved, Mission Accepted
Meet the Crew
Journey to the Past
The Expedition Begins
Let the Games Begin
Cats & Mice
Now What?
Bittersweet Reunion
Not Alone
The Nest
Not According to Plan
Into the Woods
Making Camp
To Hit on a Yautja
To Understand Feelings
The Cavern
Journey's End
The Last Stand
First Time
Mission Seară
Troubled Times
Clash of Titans
Training Begins: Seară's Truth
Something's Off
I Love You
Happy Ending Nightmare
Wedding Crashers
Burn It Down
Prelude to Hell
All Hell Breaks Loose
Second Chance
The Queen

Wedding Preparations

563 19 0
By SearaSky

Claire had never slept as good as she had last night. She woke up quite content in Blade's arms. He surprisingly was still asleep. She rested her chin on her hands as she stared at him. She leaned up and kissed his cheek then his neck. Next she kissed his chest and his abs. Blade woke up and looked at her chuffing. Claire smiled and continued to stare at him. She snuggled against him as he hugged and held her. "What if we just stayed here all day?" She asked and Blade trilled. She smiled, that was definitely a yes. She kissed his neck again and sucked on it leaving him another hickey. She made sure to do it in the gray so it was noticeable. She put one among his spots too, but it didn't show as much as she'd like. Blade just let her do it of course, cooing quietly. She began sliding down then, leaving hickeys on his chest and even his abdomen. Blade was still letting her, and enjoying it, but he was very much confused. "I'm just making sure everyone knows your mine now. Especially the past flings." Blade tilted his head. Typing into his gauntlet he looked up flings. Claire giggled. "There are no past 'flings' you are the only female I've ever had." he signed and Claire's jaw dropped as she quickly sat up, instantly regretting it. Blade trilled at her sadly. "I'm okay, sweet Seară. I just find it hard to believe. Nadia and Roxy said Blaze and Archer were a little unsure their first time. You didn't seem unsure at all." He tilted his head. "They are my comrades, but our personalities aren't the same." Blade signed. Claire nodded thoughtfully. His door slid open suddenly and Roxy burst in more spritely than usual. "WAKE UP BITCH!" she exclaimed and then paused as she took in the scene. "Roxy!" Claire shrieked and quickly covered Blade. Roxy snorted. "Girl more of you is out than him. At the same time though, very nice." She said with a wink, definitely attempting to check Blade out. Claire glared at her. "You've seen me naked more than once. And you have Archer so stop looking at my sweet Seară!" She hissed and Roxy burst into laughter. "I'm just fucking with you. Although he's got nice things happening too. But listen, congratulations girl. Your afterglow is a little blinding." Roxy said with a wink. Claire blushed. Blade sat up and covered Claire with the blanket. Claire pushed him back down clinging to him and covered them both. "What is so important, Rox?" Claire asked. "Well, Claire-Bear. Eli and Alec's wedding is black tie because of some complicated reasons they'll tell us about later. And we do not have the gowns for that. So my big bastard, and Nadia's Big Guy have agreed to take us to Earth to drop us off and go shopping. I assume Blade will let you go because he can't say no to you." Roxy stated. Claire looked down at Blade. He just trilled at her. She frowned. "He'd let me, but I wanted to stay here and cuddle. I'm stiff as a board." She replied. "Well get a massage and move your ass. You can cuddle him all day tomorrow and all evening today once we are back. The sooner you get ready and come the sooner you can get back to cuddle him." Roxy tempted. Claire groaned and nodded. "Fine, now get out." Claire said. Roxy snickered and left.

Claire groaned again as she buried her face in Blade's chest. He cooed and pet her hair. After a while he lifted her up and carried her into the bathroom. Just as he had done yesterday he filled it with warm water and medicinal herbs and powders. Once she was in it he began to give her a full body massage. After that he of course took her out and dried her off. Although he did spread her legs just to see how she looked. He stood up and walked out. When he came back he was carrying a knife. "I know what you're thinking and you don't have to. I'll be fine, Blade." She tried to tell him. He however, just sliced open his palm with absolutely zero hesitation. He didn't even flinch either. "Oh my god, Blade. Roxy and Nadia told me about that, but I was hoping they were joking." She mumbled. Blade shrugged. After that he began applying his blood to her thighs, and even her sex as if it was some kind of cream or salve. Claire blinked at the instant relief. "What the hell..." She said stunned. Blade looked at her and he trilled. Claire stroked his tendrils and kissed his forehead. Blade nuzzled her. She was learning that was his version of a kiss since they couldn't really, and she smiled. "Thank you, my sweet Seară." Blade nodded once. After that she was able to walk around like nothing happened last night. She began getting herself ready while Blade just watched, fascinated. Claire couldn't help but giggle. Seriously he was too easy to entertain. When she was ready he stood up and walked out with her. Now that they weren't alone his netting and belt were back on. He walked with her all the way to where Roxy, Nadia, Archer and Blaze were waiting. All six boarded the small space ship. This time Blade was the pilot. Claire had discovered that this ship was actually his. Given to him as a sort of reward for his impressive wall of trophies. Naturally the entire time the ship was cloaked. Especially when they entered Earth's atmosphere.

They got the girls as close to the shopping center as possible to avoid detection. Fortunately the shopping center was surrounded by fields or empty plots so it wasn't hard. Blade pushed the button and the door opened. Roxy looked at the Yautja. "Are you guys going to wait here?" She asked. "Most likely." Archer replied simply. "You can go back you know it could take a while." Roxy offered. Archer shrugged. "We will figure it out. Just go." he said. Roxy nodded. The girls all kissed their Yautja boyfriend and then unboarded. "Do you want something?" Nadia asked Blaze. He shook his head no. She hugged him again and then got off with the other two. Roxy poked her head back in. "You guys aren't going to follow us are you?" She asked with an arched brow. Archer just flicked her forehead. "We would never get that close to large crowds now go." He said. Roxy rubbed her forehead with a pout. Then the three girls walked to the center together. Blade closed the door behind them. "...But I kind of want to follow." Archer said. Blaze scoffed and Blade shook his head. After that the three decided they'd kill time by fighting with each other. They went to the training room, took their positions, and then proceeded to have a battle royale among themselves. Meanwhile the three girls walked together inside of the store, heading towards the gowns. "Do you guys feel like everyone is staring at us?" Nadia mumbled. "We can't look that foreign? It's only been 6 months." She added. Roxy tilted her head. "Maybe we Just look hot and fulfilled? So they want to know our secrets." She suggested. Claire shrugged. "Who cares? Let's just hurry up and go. The less time I have to spend on this planet the better." Claire said. "I wish they were with us." She said quietly. Roxy elbowed her. "Oh come on, Claire-Bear. We can handle ourselves now." She said. "It's not about that, it's that I like how I feel when they are close. You've always been tough so I don't expect you to understand." Claire grumbled. "Well when we get back you can tell them that and just maybe they have a way to be with us without risking themselves." Roxy replied. Nadia nodded. "Keep in mind they are a wanted race, Claire. Scientists of all types want to strap one of them down and start poking and prodding. You know they hate it, and it'd piss them off, they'd inevitably escape, and then a lot of people would die." Nadia added.

"Who are these hot ass women I see?" They heard a female voice say. They all looked over and grinned as Marissa came into view. They instantly ran to her and hugged her tightly. "What are you doing here?" Claire asked with a smile. "Well I realize I will see you guys at the wedding, but I didn't want to wait so long so here I am. Even held off on getting a gown because I knew all of you were going to come eventually." Marissa admitted. The trio nodded and then giggled as they went to the gowns together. The plan was to find the gowns, accessories, shoes and make-up while they were here. "So what is the reason for this being black-tie?" Nadia asked. Marissa grinned. "Well as it turns out, us being the sole survivors also made us heroes." She said. The trio glanced at each other. "We are heroes because despite everything we survived and warned people about that planet. Spared a lot of lives." Marissa explained. "But the Yautja..." Nadia mumbled. Marissa waved her hand dismissively. "We didn't mention your alien boyfriends. We just said there were hostile native races, and we were lucky enough to find an old ship. Repaired the radio, sent a distress signal which a passing human craft recieved and responded to. Alec and Eli have a lot of big name connections turns out. They called in a favor. You'll get the chance to meet their favor. The story we told was that you three chose to stay on that ship with them. Your boyfriends are still as mysterious as they've ever been." Marissa explained more. Nadia sighed in relief and Marissa nodded. "Speaking of boyfriends how goes that part of your life?" Claire asked with a nudge. Marissa huffed. "I'm as single now as I was before we nearly got eaten by crazy aliens. You all look fantastic like you're living a lovers paradise though. Is life really that good with the giant homicidal lizards?" She asked. The trio giggled and nodded. "You know, Rissy. There are more than a few eligible bachelors. We can set you up." Roxy offered. Marissa scoffed. "I'm not joining your horny-for-giant-lizardmen fan club." Marissa said as she rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, Marissa. They're the best we've ever had. Not just in bed but by way of boyfriends too." Nadia said. "No, and I cannot stress this enough, nooo. And even if I was interested, which I'm not, why would they be attracted to me." She grumbled. "Well from what I see you are beautiful with a hot body. They look fierce, but they are still just men. They'd never be able to resist." Roxy urged. "Look they'll be at the wedding. We'll bring a few to you. Just talk to one of them, and also sleep with him. Either you want more or you don't. We doubt you'll be disappointed. You like leopard geckos yeah? There's an entire clan that looks like them! Just know that Seară is off limits. The others are fair game though." Roxy continued to press. Marissa covered her mouth. "Yes I like leopard geckos, but I wouldn't want to fuck one of them." Marissa said, becoming slightly irritable. The trio groaned. "They really are just men." They all said and Marissa groaned then. "Fine! If you guys will stop talking about it I will do it." She snapped and the trio grinned hugging her again.

Meanwhile the three males were taking a break. Using this time to spy into the building. "There are rafters and they're high. We can definitely follow." Archer said. Blade rolled his eyes. After pressing a few buttons the image zoomed out. Perched in the rafters was a hidden Yautja. "Is that şoc?" Archer inquired and Blade nodded. "You're sly..." He said admirably. Blade signed: "You said we wouldn't follow. And we aren't." Archer got an amused gleam in his eye and he nodded. Blaze chuckled. şoc peered down at the four females below. The fourth he has never before met. He was strongly debating if she was friend or foe. Although the other three were hugging her, so theoretically she should be a friend. He really didn't understand why Seară had chosen him to follow the hens. This assignment was easily the most uneventful, and most wasteful use of his time. However, Seară was the son of their late clan leader, and had proven himself far beyond his time. şoc would be a fool to go against his wishes. He shook his head as he continued watching the females and the area surrounding them. Some males were giving them unsavory glances. It took every ounce of restraint şoc had to not drop down and leave bloodied pools where humans once stood. If they were regular human females he wouldn't care, but they were technically princesses of the clan now. Being mated to their princes alone was enough, but these females had also proven themselves as Yautja without the mate title. şoc made the low clicking growl. The faces of these unworthy human males would live in his memory, until such a time as either he, or the princes took their skulls. There was the sound of yelling and gun shots followed by screams and many humans running for their lives. şoc snapped his head in the direction of the commotion. He made his bio-mask scan, and picked up many heat signatures packing heavy weaponry. He growled. Once again unsure if he should remain near or slaughter the threats immediately. He didn't care about the other humans, only the three females mattered, or four if he chose to count their friend. He sent a transmission to the trio of males on their vessel. Archer and Blaze were already starting to pace angrily. Blade remained calm externally, however, internally he had as much turmoil as the other two. The threats had already killed multiple individuals, and injured others. To the dismay of the Yautja males, they were fanning out and getting uncomfortably close to their mates. Blade responded to şoc. "I will cause a power outage. Take advantage of this chaos. Slaughter them." He replied simply and şoc made a clicking growl of approval. Back at that controls of the ship, Blade typed orders into the dashboard. Pulling up the power grid of the area, he decided to make a complete black out. He pushed his button to execute, and just like that it was lights out across miles of land.

As predicted the black out caused the innocent ones but also the attackers to panic. şoc swiftly made his way across the rafters. The four girls had pressed together, and had ducked down to take cover as well. Emergency flood lights lit up. They didn't illuminate the area fully, but they took enough of the edge off to cause some comfort. Nadia pointed out changing rooms near them, so the girls moved for the changing room. In the meantime, şoc was heading for the terrorists closest to the females through the rafters. şoc pulled out a strand of the wiring they all carried. Making a sort of noose he lowered it down in front of an unsuspecting attacker. The human walked right into it. şoc immediately yanked it tight and lifted the human into the rafters effortlessly. The force behind his pull ended up snapping the male's neck. It was too easy, he was almost disappointed. He'd skin him later maybe, but for now eliminating the remaining threats took precedence. şoc could hear one of the other terrorists speaking to the deceased through an ear piece. They sounded a little frantic or annoyed, as if there was a strategy and it was ruined now. şoc just crushed the ear piece between his clawed fingers. He then made his way farther through the rafters. He hoped the rest provided a challenge. However, the lights were off, and he was cloaked in the high ground. The element of surprise was on his side until further notice. To give himself a challenge he was tempted to reveal himself. He tapped a claw on one of the rafters thoughtfully. A scream ripped through the air. His head snapped in the direction of it. His vision revealed that one of the terrorists had a drill and were using it on a child. One that evidently was attempting to get help or run for it. The scream was the child's mother, and it all had caused a scene so more than a few of the terrorists had gathered. şoc growled. The princesses were his first priority, but currently they were safe. He leaped through the rafters. Once he was close enough he dropped from the rafters. With the subtlest of flicks, his wrist blades extended. However, unlike other Yautja he had one blade on each wrist, similar to a praying mantis. Using one, he made a powerful swipe, severing the arm of the attacker that held the drill. The spectators nearby shrieked in horror at the stump currently gushing blood. With a second powerful swipe, blunt claws tore out the throat of the human. The attackers were officially panicked and yelling every profanity in the book. They began to open fire. şoc roared in frustration as he sprinted towards the rest. Wrist blades out, şoc began to slice down one threat after another. He decapitated one, tore out another trachea, and their favorite method of ripping out a spine with the skull attached as well.

The quartet of females all looked at each other. That roar and the unseen gore was unmistakable. "They followed us?" Claire said perking up. Nadia shook her head. "Sounds like just one... I wonder which one... I hope it's Blaze." She said dreamily. Marissa scoffed, "You are so whipped." Nadia sighed in a bliss. Marissa and Roxy both shook their heads. Roxy elbowed her. "Focus. There's a lot of people in danger out there, and it's too late for some already. While whoever that is distracts them we should try to get everyone out. Hiding like this is shitty. Especially when we've been trained now." She said. Nadia snapped out of it and nodded. "Why can't we just have one normal day? I didn't want to leave the bed and now look." Claire complained. Roxy rolled her eyes. "Stop whining. Blade will be his usual sweet self and want to cuddle you until you turn purple even after this is over. Let's move." Roxy said. Claire nodded. The girls then began to maneuver through the store. They weren't really worried about being seen, they could hear the attackers all yelling as they fired rounds at the Yautja. Claire's wrist device dinged. Claire looked at it and saw a message was recieved. After she opened it, she discovered Blade had sent it. It was blueprints of the store, and showed a lot of different ways they could move everyone out. Although at their current rate, this Yautja would have all threats neutralized before then. A dozen men with weapons all firing, and the Yautja didn't seem to be breaking his stride. After slaughtering a dozen weak humans şoc was back to being bored. He was scanning the area, but saw no active threats. The princesses however were still evacuating people. When they were sure the customers were all safely out of the building they began to leave as well. Roxy made Claire and Nadia leave first. Next Marissa was supposed to go, but she didn't budge. "Marissa what are you waiting for? Get out." She said as she turned her head. Marissa, however, was currently being held at gun point by a hidden assailant. Her hands were raised and she looked as terrified as everyone felt. "So here's how this is going to go. I'm getting out of this fucking place and you are going to make that happen or I will shoot your friend here in the head." He spat. When Roxy took a step forward, he took a step back and pressed the gun to Marissa's head. "Take one more fucking step and I will kill her now. Don't fuck with me, bitch!" He hissed. Roxy stopped and backstepped holding her hands up too. "Alright calm down!" Roxy said quickly. şoc heard the commotion and was already back in the rafters. Leaping across them to get to the females swiftly. He looked down on the situation. Truth be told he didn't care about this fourth female. However, the mate of Gheaţă seemed to care. "Look, I can take her place. You can take me and I will still get you out. Just let her go first." The female tried to bargain. The attacker narrowed his eyes at her. "I don't see where you are in a position to bargain with me, bitch. Let me remind you who's in charge here." He hissed. He kicked Marissa down. When Roxy tried to jump in he pulled a small handgun. Aiming one weapon at Marissa, he aimed the second at Roxy. "You're going to watch me kill your friend. And then you will be at gun point getting me the fuck out of here. But first things first..." He said smugly as he pulled the hammer back on his pistol. Marissa and Roxy both screamed as the pistol fired.

Marissa and Roxy both opened their eyes. The man was wide eyed staring up at a now uncloaked şoc. şoc had his hand covering the barrel of the weapon. Flourescent green blood dripping down from the hole in his hand. He roared, clearly pissed off, as he clenched his fist. The barrel crushed under the strength of his grip. With his other hand he swiftly and precisely punched the male in the nose. The man screamed as he held his nose, blood gushing from the broken appendage between his fingers. The man turned his other weapon from Roxy to aim it at
şoc. Roxy ran to Marissa, grabbing her and pulling her up. şoc grabbed the male's arm. With a sharp twist there was a sickening crack, and bone protruded through his flesh. şoc then gripped the man's throat, lifting him off his feet as he roared inches from his face. Now the sounds of his trachea and esophagus crushing and collapsing echoed through the vicinity. With a powerful toss, şoc sent the man flying through multiple pillars in the store. The man landed in a bloody and broken heap. Part of the last pillar fell on top of him. He then became just a bloody pile. Roxy looked at şoc as he approached and sighed in relief. Marissa was tense and still beyond horrified. No matter how much time she spent with this race, they'd never not terrify her. She reached in her purse, pulling out a handkerchief. She cautiously walked to şoc and held it to him. şoc just stared down at her with those damn blank eyeshields. Marissa pulled his hand towards her. şoc growled at her and Marissa jumped back with a yelp as she let him go. Roxy punched his arm. şoc looked at her. "Be nice you colossal asshole." Roxy said. "Give her your hand." She added sternly. şoc looked at Marissa. Marissa glanced at his hand. şoc held it out to her. Through a mask, and even without one, the expressions of these giant aliens were unreadable. Marissa however could guess he was not too thrilled. She loved how obediently he had listened to Roxy though. Yet he still had some obvious defiance and sass he didn't act on. Her inner dominatrix was screaming. She nearly slapped herself. She said she wouldn't join the fanclub and here she was starting. She approached him boldly, and tied her handkerchief around the bullet wound in his hand. She made sure to tie it tighter than necessary, but he didn't even flinch. Not that she'd have seen it even if he did thanks to their damn mask. Marissa was so lost in thought she didn't even let him go until Roxy cleared her throat. Snapping from her thoughts she quickly dropped the clawed hand she didn't know she had been holding. Roxy raised a brow. "He's one of the bachelors we mentioned." Roxy whispered with a wink. Marissa elbowed her, earning a clicking growl from the Yautja. Marissa quickly moved away. Roxy punched şoc again. "She's just playing around. Be nice." She lectured. şoc just leaped back into the rafters, and not a moment too soon as the lights went back on. Marissa screamed at the sight. Blood was everywhere, as were a few body parts. The Yautja had at least one of the assailants strung upside down and completely skinned. "When the hell did he have time to do that!?" Marissa squeaked out. Roxy shrugged and quickly guided her out of the building.

"Let's go somewhere else... Also your boyfriends are terrifying. I can't believe you are all dating one of those things." Marissa said shakily. Roxy pat her back. "Honestly they are gentle. If you had gotten to know him under different circumstances you might understand." Claired assured her. Marissa just shook her head. Roxy sent a message to Archer explaining that they'd be shopping elsewhere, with less caution tape and body outlines on the floor. The quartet ordered a taxi, and they went to a different store. They wanted gone before any emergency responders showed up. The last thing they wanted was to answer questions, and draw more attention than they already had. When the taxi showed up, all four squeezed in together. The driver took them all to the nearest dress store. The four all got out after paying the driver, and went into the store. Nadia chose a dark red, mermaid dress, with lace and cap sleeves. Roxy chose a sleeveless, royal blue cocktail gown, with a long slit up the side. Claire chose a forest green, sleeveless evening gown, with a sweetheart neckline and some glitter. Marissa chose a purple, silk evening dress, with one shoulder strap. When they had their dresses the next order of business was shoes and accessories. Nadia and Claire went with gold, but Marissa and Roxy chose to stick with silver accessories. Meanwhile, if şoc wasn't bored before he certainly was now. Yes the princesses were in danger before and it was unfortunate, but he had taken care of it and was temporarily entertained by doing so. However, now they were safe and he was very bored. He had to refrain from groaning or roaring in frustration. He saw hope when they purchased their clothing, shoes and other such nonsense. To his horror, they went to a cosmetics section after that. Once again he had to refrain from making a sound of frustration, but also from hitting his head against something.

Blade, Blaze and Archer were all still on their cloaked ship. şoc had informed them that everything ended as smoothly as it could and their mates were unharmed. Feeling relieved now the trio went back to training and sparring amongst themselves. It was a few more hours before the girls came back. They had decided to go out and have a nice brunch as well. They also said their goodbyes to Marissa before they got a cab back to around their ship. şoc had followed them back to the vessel through rooftops. şoc met them at the ship and opened it for them. He also took all of their items and carried them into the ship for them. The trio of girls all went in with him. They all looked around when they didn't see their Yautja. The sound of solid strikes, and also thuds gave away their location. The girls followed the sounds to the training area. As usual, they were doing quite a decent amount of hand to hand combat and body slamming. At the moment Blaze was picking himself up off the floor. They seemed to be especially passionate, considering there was blood coming from their mouths. Claire walked over to Blade. Blade looked at her, as always his eyes lit up and he trilled. Claire grinned and hugged him tightly. Blade hugged and nuzzled her. Nadia went over to Blaze before he fully stood, pulling out a handkerchief of her own, and wiping the blood from his mouth. Then she hugged his head against her chest. Blaze of course let it happen. Meanwhile Roxy smacked Archer's arm. "Do you guys really have to go that hard? You're friends." She said. Archer tilted his head. "The best way to increase tolerance is by going 'that hard.' It is difficult to not be phased by torture, or pain if you don't introduce yourself or train yourself to get used to it." He replied simply. Blaze, Blade, and even şoc nodded. Roxy just shook her head. "Well as fascinating as your blood looks, will you please stop losing it." She muttered. Archer tilted his head the other way, then shrugged. Blade signed: "We depart?" The girls all nodded. Blade walked out of the training area then, going to his usual position as the pilot. When everyone was prepared, he made the craft lift, and they launched. The entire time Claire was watching Blade and basically drooling. Roxy and Nadia giggled nudging each other. At this rate, Claire may end up worshipping Blade more than he worshipped her, and potentially more than Nadia even cherished Blaze. The love in her eyes was as obvious as the red curls on top of her head. Once they were back on the mothership, Claire and Blade went to their room. They held each other for the rest of the day.

Nadia looked at Blaze when they reached their room. "So, why did you guys actually hurt each other this time?" She questioned. Blaze tilted his head. "You were in trouble. If şoc had not been there it could've ended badly. We'd have come of course. But instead we just paced because we knew he could handle it. Still, we got angry, and we had to exert the energy somehow. If we do not meditate, the best therapy is to hunt or to fight." Blaze said plainly. Nadia nodded thoughtfully. She then proceeded to yank him onto the bed. Laying beside him she once again cradled his head against her chest. Blaze snuggled her. While the other pairs decided on cuddling, Roxy and Archer chose to play games. Naturally challenging and betting with each other. "Claire would like to know if you guys can come to the wedding. But actually be near not just cloaked in the shadows in the background and whatever else." Roxy stated. Archer looked at her. "Not really. As innovative as our cloaking mechanisms are, certain angles may still reveal our silhouette at the very least. If hit a certain way, or something spills on it, then the system can glitch and reveal us entirely." Archer replied. Roxy tapped her arm, she wasn't very pleased with that answer. She wanted to have Archer as a date that she could show off. If even she felt that way, she knew Nadia and Claire for sure did. They were even prouder of their Yautja boyfriends than she was. Which said a lot, because she actually had to go through some hoops to make her and Archer happen. He definitely played hard-to-get. It only served to attract her more, and make her want him more, but damn if she didn't almost give up more than once. Archer huffed noticing she was clearly disappointed. "I will look into options. But do not get hopeful." He said plainly. Roxy grinned and tackle-hugged him as she forced her tongue into his mouth to twist it with his.

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