Cat & Mouse

By SearaSky

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Two best friends: one a science/history geek, and the other a daredevil who is always down for any challenge... More

A/N: Fun, Not so fun Facts
Mission Recieved, Mission Accepted
Meet the Crew
Journey to the Past
The Expedition Begins
Let the Games Begin
Cats & Mice
Now What?
Bittersweet Reunion
Not Alone
The Nest
Not According to Plan
Into the Woods
Making Camp
To Hit on a Yautja
To Understand Feelings
The Cavern
Journey's End
The Last Stand
First Time
Mission Seară
Troubled Times
Clash of Titans
Training Begins: Seară's Truth
Something's Off
I Love You
Wedding Preparations
Wedding Crashers
Burn It Down
Prelude to Hell
All Hell Breaks Loose
Second Chance
The Queen

Happy Ending Nightmare

629 29 2
By SearaSky

I am so sorry. That's embarrassing 😂 I'm hot now. I definitely did not mean to push the publish button while this was only at 1500 words with "dhdjk" as a title! But thank you for voting all the same 😂 I was just in my kitchen ya know, making dinner and then I come back to find I published a chapter! Please love my story still 😂😂😂😂😂 Also 18+ and trigger warning.

On their way to the training arena they passed many Yautja. A lot of the Yautja did a double take. Seeing fully armored versions of themselves, clinging to the normal version, was quite a sight to behold evidently. "By the way... Since you all have passed the training. You're permitted to go to the wedding of your friends." Archer randomly said and the girls grinned. "Glad we see eye to eye. But I'm not going to go easy on you. I'm looking forward to pegging." She said smugly. Archer arched a brow, but he nodded. When they arrived at the training arena, Roxy didn't waste a second and attacked Archer. Archer quickly dodged. He gave her an expression that screamed "really?" Roxy snickered. Archer pulled out his combi-stick. He made it extend and then sank into a defensive stance with a growl. The other four observed from benches. Claire and Nadia glanced at Blade and Blaze. Blaze seemed to just be enjoying the show, as he leaned slightly forward with his elbows resting on his knees. Blade seemed to be analyzing though. Nadia lightly tugged on Blaze's netting. He looked at her. "I sit here?" She asked quietly, pointing to his lap. Blaze straightened, moving his arms. Nadia grinned and slid onto his lap. She leaned back against him. Blaze wrapped his arms around her. "How to deactivate this?" She questioned. "For now, push this." He said as he pointed to a button on the gauntlet. Nadia did as he said and the armor retracted once again just becoming the oversized wrist gauntlet. Claire did the same to retract her armor. "What do you mean for now?" She asked. "The engineers are in the process of creating and coding a chip. It will have a built-in translator that will allow you to understand our language. It will also translate what you say so that we understand you. Additionally you won't get nauseous when we jump. Also the suit will respond to your wishes based on brain waves. For example when you want it to deactivate or want the plasma castors to fire, it will do those things for you. Without you having to push or say anything." Blaze explained and Claire and Nadia's mouths both made the O shape. Now that was the most he had ever spoken since they met him over six months ago. Normally Archer explained those sorts of things to them. Just another way that strengthened the point that he and Roxy were soulmates.. Also that Archer was the male alien Roxy, and Roxy was the female human Archer. Although she was sure her and Blaze, as well as Claire and Blade were soulmates too. They just completed each other, and seemed to be exactly what the other needed.

Nadia leaned back slightly and kissed under Blaze's jaw before watching Archer and Roxy again. Claire glanced at Blade and tugged on his netting. Blade looked at her. "Can we spar too? I want to be as good or better than you so that I can protect you sometimes for once." She asked softly and Blade nodded. The pair stood up and also went to an area of the arena. Claire made the suit reactivate and she grabbed a combi-stick. Blade pulled both of his katana from his back. Instead of wielding each one separately, he put the grips together. He pressed a button and the handles attached to each other forming his special version of a combi-stick. It was a double edged spear, and the blades on each end were the Katana. Claire slightly jaw dropped. "You've got to be kidding me." She said. Blade held the weapon in a defensive stance. If he had been wearing his mask as well, he'd be incredibly intimidating. However, she could see his eyes so she knew he was still her sweet Blade. She just had to be careful she didn't trigger Beznă's muscle memory as the Shaman had said. When she was ready she attacked. Somehow she was faster, stronger, and she felt more coordination. This had to be the effects of the suit. Her combi-stick clashed with his weapon. The force would've knocked her back any other time. But this time she didn't flinch. Although neither did Blade. Now she was worried they had only seen a fraction of their capabilities because they were going easy on them. Meanwhile Nadia didn't understand why Claire and Roxy wanted to fight with their Yautja boyfriends so bad. The span of their life had potential to be very long. However, there were reasons gray haired Yautja were few and far between. As tough as they were, they still lived life dangerously. The older Yautja had a lot of respect for reasons. She wondered why fight them so much when they mostly died young. Enjoy the time you had through more than sparring. She hoped these three, especially Blaze would live long enough to get gray, but she knew just as well it was a pipe dream. Nadia snuggled tighter against Blaze. He of course let her and adjusted his hold on her. Nadia smiled and closed her eyes enjoying his firm body and warmth. She even fell asleep on him.

Roxy and Archer were currently in a battle royale of a wrestling match. They decided on hand to hand instead of weapons. Claire and Blade continued clashing with weapons. At the moment Roxy was sprinting at Archer. She tackled him like a line backer. Grinning ear to ear under the mask, proud that she had actually taken him down in a frontal assault. Her celebration was cut short though when Archer recovered and kicked her off. Roxy went flying off from the force. She had felt the pressure, and it didn't feel good. But it didn't hurt, and best yet no broken ribs. She grinned as she twisted her body landing on her feet and immediately took off towards Archer again. Archer flipped from his back and onto his feet. He side stepped putting his arm out and Roxy clothes-lined herself. She fell onto her back. She was delayed for a few seconds as she processed what just happened. When she snapped back into reality she swiped one of her legs, kicking Archer in the back of his knee. She was grateful when he dropped to a knee. She swiftly climbed onto his back, and gripped him in a headlock. Archer swiftly stood, using her momentum against her as he bent forward and launched her over his head. Once again she landed hard on her back. If it weren't for the armor she'd have had the air knocked from her lungs a few times now. Clearly they still had a lot of combat to learn, or perfect. She also realized at this rate she wouldn't be pegging. Time to play dirty. She thought to herself. While she was collecting her thoughts, she noticed Archer was doing the final move. She saw he was pulling a blade, and so she made the shoulder canon aim at the center of his chest. Archer looked down, then raised a brow at her. "Looks like I win. Sorry, but you'd have a hole in your chest before you'd be stabbing me you big bastard." She said smugly. Archer just stayed quiet having no response for that. "You know we are going to have to fix those human tendencies to fight dirty." He responded after a while. "Or maybe you guys should learn to fight dirty because it wins. Besides, I'm still a beginner I'm allowed to cheat." She replied and Archer just shook his head. "Either way, I won so now it's time for my reward." She grinned as she quickly stood. Grabbing his arm she practically dragged him to their room. In the armored suits dragging them was easy.

Claire was still fighting with Blade in the meantime, and was losing horribly. Even with the help of the suit, keeping up with his speed and grace was hard. It was like she no sooner blocked one strike then he hit her with another. How effortlessly he was able to spin and swing his weapon didn't help. It was in fact like watching Flow Art. Except that it had potential to be lethal, and wasn't just some fancy tricks and footwork that you could be captivated by on a stage. Claire knew Blade would never kill her, but she pitied anyone who got on the receiving end when he was truly being aggressive. Tragically she was captivated by it. Before she knew it, he had her disarmed, and at some point she even ended up on her back. She didn't even remember getting hit, all she knew was that her ears were ringing. Based on Blade's reaction it was harder than he meant to, or he had expected her to block. He was kneeling by her and helping her sit up at the moment. He took her mask off quickly, making her look at him. He was trilling, but it sounded panicked. Claire just smiled at him and she cupped his face. "I'm fine my sweet Seară." She said and he visibly relaxed. "You know, you're just too beautiful so I got distracted." She admitted. Blade tilted his head. Her wrist device beeped and she glanced at it. It was a message from Blade that read: "Shouldn't I be the one telling you that though?" Claire couldn't help but laugh. "You have already. Women can find their partners beautiful too you know." She said and Blade nodded once. When the fight was over, and to give Claire and Blade some privacy, Blaze stood up lifting Nadia with him. She stirred a little, but he cooed at her. Rather than waking up she snuggled closer. Blaze then carried her to their room.

Meanwhile when they reached their room, Roxy shoved Archer onto the bed. He sat up and looked at her with an arched brow. "You are a lot bigger and tougher than me, so don't expect gentility." She said as she pushed the button to retract the armor and she winked at him. Archer growled and Roxy smirked. "That's hot." She said as she went over to her backpack from their first adventure that started this whole chain of events. She pulled out a dildo and Archer raised a brow again. "You have one in your backpack? Who just has one in their backpack?" He asked sounding as confused as he looked. Roxy chuckled. "Girls get lonely and have needs too, although you may not realize it because there's never been research on the subject." She replied, then added, "Besides. The alternative were those marine bastards, and they didn't deserve this pussy. Also you are much bigger, and know how to treat a lady." She said with a giggle. "You know you're kind of scary." He said flatly and Roxy snorted. "Baby, I haven't even started yet. Besides you're the scary one you can rip out spines and stuff." She replied Archer nodded with a shrug as if saying "okay you have a point." She smiled as she chuckled and shook her head. "Start stripping. You're not getting out of this just because you're cute." She said firmly. Archer stood up and walked to the wall they hung their armor on. He began removing his armor like she asked and placing it on the designated positions. Roxy stripped off all of her clothing as well. When she came up behind him he was only in the leather loin cloth. She slid her arms around his waist, tracing his 8 pack and his chest, while pressing her bare breasts against him. She kissed his back and then pulled him to the bed, pushing him onto it before she pounced on top of him.

Blade had taken Claire to his room. He was looking her up and down. Even lifted and twisted her arms to examine them. "Blade, I'm fine, really." She said. However he didn't listen and just kept searching. Claire just giggled as she shook her head. When he was satisfied that she was fine he stopped and he let her go. Claire looked at him. "See? No need to worry. The armor took most of that shock. To be honest I was so distracted I don't even know what you did." She said with a shrug. Blade started sign language. Evidently he found that easier and faster than messaging her. Thanks to her studying her ass off all these months, she understood what he said. In short, he was lecturing her about being distracted, and that if that were a real situation she'd be dead. "Blade, I wouldn't get that distracted in a real scenario. You're just very distracting." She grumbled. Blade tilted his head. "How many times do I have to say it? I'm a biologist. Studying life is my passion. Not only does my nerd brain say I need to dissect one of you to see what's happening inside, but I think you are the most beautiful specimen I've ever met on the outside! And that's saying a lot because I've seen a lot." She responded. "Do you know how many photos I've taken of you on the sly? A lot, okay? This is full of you." She said pointing to her wrist device. Blade nodded once again. He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. Then typed into his wrist gauntlet. Hearing a chime Claire looked at her own. "Movie?" was what the message read and Claire smiled as she nodded. Blade trilled. The pair took baths, separately of course because Claire still felt a little shy. Once they were done Claire began scrolling through her movies. Blade wasn't picky as long as there was red hair or music Claire noticed. Tonight a movie known as The Fifth Element was the choice. It was mostly action, but there was some music and the female protagonist was a red head. Of course Blade held onto Claire the whole time and she snuggled against him. Every once in a while he'd growl lowly at certain scenes that he didn't agree with and Claire couldn't help but smile. It was mostly scenes where the female protagonist was threatened or in trouble. Although when she kicked ass he'd trill and Claire just smiled more.

Claire woke up to an all too familiar smell. Cigars, sweat, body odor poorly hidden in clouds of perfume or cologne from designer to cheap, and all types of bodily fluids. She glanced around the scene before her and it too was familiar. Cages full of barely dressed humans, aliens and otherwise. Mostly female, but there were males as well. All had very dull and broken eyes. Their bodies cut and bruised from rough use. Some made to do sexual favors, others were thrown into a ring and made to fight animals, beasts, humans, aliens, just whatever the spectators wanted. Others beyond that, would lose a piece here and there whether it was to be sold in a black market, or made to be an entrée or appetizer. Glancing to the side the female Yautja was next to her. She was the only one in the entire place that still had a fire in her eyes, and a low growl in her throat. Anyone walking by would earn a roar and a lunge from her. It only ever resulted in her getting shocked, beaten, tortured or worse. But she never stopped. It was lucky for Claire, even with her red hair most eyes would land on the Yautja first. Or they'd be scared away by her. Claire didn't know if the other female realized it, but at times, especially at night she'd snuggle closer to her to feel the protection and warmth such a badass provided. However it was entirely too short lived. One day, she was shot with multiple tranquilizers. It took a while as she fought it, but ultimately the female passed out. They retrieved her from the cage, and it took more than a few of them to actually lift and move her. Claire didn't know what happened to her after that exactly, but she could guess it was horrific based on all the flourescent green blood and wounds. When the female woke up, Claire wanted to communicate with her. But thus far she had only made clicks and growls so Claire didn't attempt. One of the men approached the cage. "Big bitch, you're up." was all he said. To Claire's dismay, the female stood up, actually being obedient. Any hope that Claire had was lost in that moment. She looked just as dull as the rest now. Once she was out of the cage, however, the same fire returned. The female roared, and with her claws she sliced the throat of the man open. Blood gushed everywhere. Other guards were alerted and all came running over. Faster than Claire could comprehend the female ran at the guards. Where there were once standing men, only corpses remained. The female didn't get very far after that. Everyone had been fitted with a collar. Not only did it electrocute, but it could tighten, or in extreme cases inject with a lethal poison. The Yautja was no exception, if anything hers was stronger and deadlier, and for good reason as Claire just witnessed. They activated the electric current of the female's collar. She made a pained roar as she went to her knees. However, even with the shock, she was still fighting through it and somehow able to get to her feet again and move. Claire watched in awe. Meanwhile more guards had shown up. They all began firing at her. Even with bullets hitting her she was still fighting to get to them. The guards who should've had the upper hand began backing away in fear as they continued to fire. Bullet wound after bullet wound opening up more of her flesh. It wasn't until they shot her knees that she finally collapsed again. One of the guards then ordered them to inject her. She growled when the felt the needles stab her, but then tensed as the poison pulsed through her. She collapsed the whole way in just a few minutes. The entire time it looked like she was suffocating until she finally died. After she lost her oversized companion, Claire didn't go unnoticed anymore. She was being dragged to the man that bought her. The entire time she was kicking, screaming, and struggling. She was taken to his chambers and they tore off what remained of her clothing before throwing her onto the floor. One guard held down down each limb, spreading her wide as the man settled between her thighs. Claire screamed the loudest she ever had as he prepared to enter.

Claire screamed her eyes snapping open. Blade was sitting up beside her and had been shaking her. Claire was panting heavily as she stared wide-eyed at nothing. Blade pat her cheek, shaking her again and she finally looked at him. He looked as panicked as she felt. Claire looked at him and tears streamed down from her eyes. Blade hugged her, stroking her hair as he cooed to her. Claire hugged him tightly as she buried her face in his chest and sobbed. Blade continued to coo and comfort her. He let her stay that way until she was done. When she was he tilted her face up to him by cupping her cheeks. Using his thumbs, he affectionately and tenderly wiped the tears from her eyes and off of her cheeks. Claire sniffled as she looked into the eyes of her sweet Seară. It was just a nightmare. A horrible memory that her brain decided she should relive. She didn't have to worry anymore. She was in a ship full of the badasses that had saved and helped her back then. She was in a relationship with one and he wouldn't let anyone touch her. Lastly, said badasses were training her and had given her a suit too. She could take care of herself now, and if she were to ever get overwhelmed, she'd have the badasses, Roxy and Nadia too to help. Blade cooed at her and Claire kissed his mandibles. "I'm okay. I'm sorry I scared you." She said. Blade trilled as he put his forehead to hers, his dreadlocks falling over his shoulders and around her like a curtain.

Claire pressed her lips to where his should be. Blade had learned a little, and so he parted his jaws for her. His tongue met hers, and they laced together in an intimate dance. Claire slid her hand down his arm to one of his wrist cuffs. Pushing the button on that cuff, the netting retracted. Claire made him lay back down, never parting from the kiss, and not allowing him to either. She took this time to allow her hands to explore his bare torso. She traced each ab, before she caressed his chest. From his chest, she outlined his arms as well, before she grabbed his hands and interlaced their fingers. She guided his hands to her chest, then slid his hand down her stomach to the hem of her shirt. Hearing some stories from Blaze and Archer, Blade gripped the shirt and broke their kiss just long enough to lift the fabric over her head. Although he wasn't expecting that she had no upper garment on. So when her bare breasts were revealed he temporarily froze just to look at them. Claire looked at Blade because he froze, then down to where he was looking and she couldn't help but giggle. She reached up, he legitimately froze, so he was still holding her shirt up. She took her shirt from his hands letting it drop and then took his hands placing them over her breasts. Blade snapped out of it then. He let go of her breasts, one hand held the back of her head while the other he laid on her waist. Then he flipped the position. The hand that he was holding her head with he used to gently lower her head down. Claire smiled up at him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and using her legs she pulled him forward. Blade fell forward, catching himself on his hands that were now on either side of Claire's head. Claire leaned up to make their tongues meet once again and of course Blade obliged. Blade tugged her bottoms and panties off. Claire of course brought her knees up to help him slip it off. She was fully exposed to him now, however he couldn't see anything yet because she had him preoccupied with the kiss. She reached down then, grabbing his loincloth she began pushing it off of him. Blade of course helped her. Roxy and Nadia made it sound like they were shy and reluctant, but Blade didn't seem so shy or reluctant. He had matched her in each movement so far. They also said Blaze and Archer were virgins. Maybe Blade wasn't shy because he wasn't a virgin. He had a higher kill count, and was a supposed prodigy after all. So it was very likely he had the experience.

Blade transferred his weight to his legs, slightly leaning back. His hands then began to glide up and down Claire's figure before landing on her breasts. He cupped and caressed her breast while his thumb and index finger began to pinch, press and circle around her nipple. The Shaman was definitely right, don't hesitate and admit feelings and she'd get exactly what she wanted. This definitely wouldn't have happened if she didn't start it, but since she did, Blade was giving her everything he had now. His other hand slid down her stomach and to her hips. He slipped the hand between her thighs then. Massaging upwards towards her core, and at the same time making her legs spread more. Claire could already feel her sex becoming wet and he hadn't done much of anything. Nadia and Roxy were absolutely correct about their sex appeal. He had done the bare minimum and she was already reacting. Claire felt his thick, clawed finger gliding between her folds, teasing her entrance and even her hooded nerve, and she moaned softly. Their rather extensive kiss this time revealed their tongues were actually ribbed. Nadia and Roxy failed to mention that detail too. Blade broke the kiss leaving her breathless. He slid his tongue down her neck, and then flicked it over her other breast. His mandibles opened, and he opened his mouth as he took the erect bud into his mouth. He began to suck on her nipple, circling the tongue around it and flicking over it, before sucking again. Meanwhile he was still slipping his finger between her folds, over her entrance and clit. Claire was already starting to breathe hard, and she was seeping. She began twitching under him, moving her pelvis to feel him more. Blade bit down on her nipple and she gasped looking down at him. He licked her nipple and sucked on it again. He pulled away his finger and she whimpered. To her pleasant surprise, he sunk between her thighs, moving her legs over his broad shoulders. He paused as he stared at her mound of red curls. He trilled, and now Claire blushed. The longer he stared the more embarrassed she became. She knew he liked red heads, but what was so fascinating? Although, they didn't have any actual pubic hair. Other than quills and their locks, they were as bald and as smooth as babies. So perhaps he wasn't expecting that tuft, much less for it to match her hair. Finally he used two fingers to spread her folds. Claire's blush deepened. Blade licked her clit then down to her entrance, circling it and then back up to her clit.

He repeated the process a few times before inserting his tongue into her. Claire moaned instantly as his ribbed tongue pushed and circled inside of her. While his tongue focused on her inner walls, he had both of his hands squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples. He let go of one of her breasts as he removed his tongue from her. She almost whined at the absence, but then his tongue began to press, flick and circle her hidden lobe. With his now free hand, he thrust his finger inside of her and she moaned slightly arching. Claire couldn't help it as she squeezed her thighs pulling him closer, the action forcing his finger deeper as it also put a bit more force behind his attack on her clit. Her hands were resting on the back of his head, but now she had them gripping some of his tendrils. Her moans began getting higher pitched, but softer as her clit began to swell from the attention. The room was filled with sloshing sounds as he continued thrusting his thick finger deeply inside of her. Within a few minutes, she cried out as she reached her climax. Blade sat up and pulled his finger out. Claire whimpered softly and she looked at him breathing heavily. This was the first time since they started this extra-curricular activity that she had taken the time to see him. When her eyes landed on his massive and also very erect penis she very much jaw dropped. It was ribbed like his tongue, and as she thought there was no hair anywhere on them. He began to move off of her, but Claire grabbed him. "Wait. Put it in." She said breathlessly. She couldn't believe it, she did nothing to him, he did everything to her and it was enough to turn him on to that extent. Blade shook his head and signed that he couldn't. "Yes you can, and I want you too." She replied. "You are too small. It is unsafe." he signed. Claire huffed. "Roxy is smaller than me, her and Archer have done it a lot and she's okay." She responded. "I don't want to scare you or hurt you again." He signed. "Either you give it to me now, or I will take it while you're sleeping. I feel bad being the only one." Claire said with a shrug. He stared at her unblinking, and unmoving. Claire using her legs gripped his waist and rolled so she was sitting on top of him.

She made sure that she was sitting right on his dick too. Leaning over him, she began to move her hips. His length gliding between her folds. Her juices making the entire shaft slick. Blade got tense, and he actually groaned. Claire smiled, he couldn't talk but he could at least do that so she knew she was doing a good job. At the same time, hearing that made her want to hear his voice too. Some things just had nice moans that sounded good in bed and Blade was clearly one. She continued stroking his cock with her lips. When even she began to twitch in excitement she lifted his massive, erect member. Blade looked at her and he shook his head no. He even moved to get her off. Claire wasn't having that and she shoved him back down, grabbing his hands and interlocking their fingers again. She even pinned them by his head. "Hold still. I love you, and I want to do this with you. Even more than Blaze and Nadia do. I'd say Archer and Roxy too, but I don't think I have that stamina." Blade got an amused gleam in his stormy eyes and Claire smiled down st him. It was comical, she was the one going to be impaled and stretched beyond belief, yet Blade was the nervous one. He really had no business being so perfect. Claire leaned down, capturing his tongue and distracting them both. She slowly lowered her hips taking his head inside of her. She gasped, her eyes going wide and she was stretched wide. Her pussy was already beginning to protest. Even Blade did a sharp intake of breath while he was squeezed. Claire stayed in this position allowing herself to stretch. As she was ready she began dropping lower and lower. Blade appeared to be stuck between "ouch" and "that feels amazing." Claire began breathing deeply through her nose. Blade could tell she hurt and he trilled as he began tugging at his hands. Claire just held onto him tighter. "Give me a minute. I promise everything's going to be fine. Trust me, sweet Seară." She said breathlessly. Blade trilled sadly, but he nodded once. Claire leaned down and she kissed his neck, before she began sucking on it. Blade trilled in confusion but it worked and he stopped tensing. On the flip side his gentle trills made Claire relax too and she was able to sit all the way down on his impressive girth. Claire moaned as her eyes widened again as if enlightened. Nadia and Roxy didn't mention that it went all the way to their cervix either. So not only was she spread wide, but she was full as well.

When it felt good to her she let go of Blade's hands to place hers on his chest. She began riding him slowly and shallow at first, but gradually she went faster and took him deeper while she braced herself by cupping his pecks. Blade grunted and groaned under her as she moaned. The slaps and the sloshing filling the air. Blade placed one hand on her hip, while his other found her clit again and began to stroke it. Claire moaned as she continued her work. She leaned over to feel him more, her breasts close to his face. He wasted no time in catching her nipple between his jaws as he sucked on them and circled his tongue around them. "Fuck me." She moaned. Blade glanced up at her but obliged. He gripped her ass with one arm, again had a hand behind her head to protect and brace it as he flipped the position laying her back, even though they were on a mattress. He never even removed his cock as he did it. When they were in position he began to thrust. Claire cried out, even when they are gentle they were powerful and precise. She couldn't believe he already knew and was already hitting her g spot. Although evidently their masks allowed them to see in x-ray, so she shouldn't be that surprised. If you've seen enough insides you probably could find a lot of hidden gems with or without a mask. She was still surprised though. Blade continued to pump into her, stimulating her external clit, but also her g spot at the same time. Her moans were now getting louder and higher pitched. She also couldn't believe that with as long as he's been erect, he hadn't ejaculated yet. Meanwhile she was about to climax a second time. She cried his name out as her juices erupted again. They're a little traditional. Maybe he needs a different position? She said internally.

She pulled herself off of his length then. She turned her back to him, and she could just feel the head tilt causing her to smile. Claire was on her hands and knees, and she lowered her upper body while lifting her ass. Blade seemed to get the message because she soon felt his heat and massive body behind her. He spread her pussy lips, leaning down he licked her clit to asshole and back again. Claire moaned softly. Then she felt his massive member entering her and stretching her wide again. She gripped the sheets as she felt him thrust in. He leaned over her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he began to pound into her. He moved his hands then. Once again he began to tease her clit, stroking and pinching it. Claire was moaning with each thrust. She was pretty sure that if she wasn't gripping something she'd go flying off the bed from the force behind the thrusts. Even gripping something she sort of felt that way still. He then changed his tactics. Now one hand was gripping her hips while the other was rubbing her breast, pinching and pulling on her nipple. Even this position he was still able to slam into her g spot as he entered. She could also feel he was starting to pulse now. So it was a position thing. Claire was turned on enough just hearing his moans and by his thrusts, but to be sure she reached down and began to rub her clit while he continued to torment her breasts and pound inside of her. After a few moments, she actually screamed his name as they both reached their climax together. Even their ejaculations were strong she noticed. Together they rode each wave of pleasure, and she made sure she took every last drop. Claire collapsed onto the mattress, panting and seeing stars. Blade's heavy cock fell out of her when she did. Blade grabbed her, effortlessly turning her limp body onto her back. He lightly tapped her cheek, cooing at her. Claire refocused and looked up at him. He didn't even seem out of breath! How!? Claire groaned. Blade nuzzled her as he chuffed. Claire hugged him. Really she needed better stamina. Blade hugged her too.

He lifted her up bridal style and carried her into the bathroom. Sitting her on the edge of the tub he made the water start. He added some herbs and powders to the bath. She smiled as it started to smell rejuvenating yet relaxing. Once it was ready Blade lowered Claire slowly into it. She practically melted into the warm water. Blade stood up and walked out. Claire peeked out from around the door and saw he was actually removing the bedding. Claire smiled as she leaned on her arms and watched him. When he was done with a satisfied nod he trilled. Claire smiled brighter. Blade came back in after a while and slipped into the water with Claire. Sliding over to her he began to wash her body. When he got to her thighs, lower abdomen and lower back he actually massaged her too. Claire moaned as her stiff muscles felt relief, and she leaned against Blade while he did it. She glanced at him and smiled seeing how focused he was. She flicked her hair and his attention instantly diverted as she predicted. Claire couldn't help but laugh. "Do you want to wash it?" She asked. Just as expected Blade's eyes brightened and he trilled. Claire nodded, and Blade began to wash her hair then. Even during this he massaged her scalp and her head like certain hair salons do. His touch was so gentle, and his claws in a way felt good. She almost fell asleep from it, she had to stop herself. When Claire was thoroughly massaged and scrubbed Blade began to focus on washing himself. She tried to help but he slid away and signed for her to just relax and soak. Claire huffed, and even pouted but did as he said. When they were both clean, and Claire was as relaxed as she'd ever be, Blade lifted her up bridal style again, and set her on the side of the tub. He dried her and himself off and slid another leather loin cloth on. Lifting her one more time he carried her to the bed. She snuggled against his chest, and Blade got into the bed with her. Laying down, he pulled the blanket over her. Claire laid on top of him, it didn't take her long at all to fall asleep again. Blade cooed as he held her. He closed his eyes and dozed off as well.

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