
By luton1983

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A false accusation ruins many lives. Can it be fixed? More

The past
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71 1 0
By luton1983

Caitlin sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. She felt like she didn't recognise the girl looking back at her. Where was the fun loving, energetic Caitlin gone? Who was this stranger staring back at her? She began to take off her jewellery, and caught sight of it. Could she really do this? Suddenly, she heard tapping on her door

"Are you decent?"

Caitlin laughed and put a big smile on her face, and told Ronnie to come in

"So, how are you feeling?"

"Me? I've just got engaged. How do you think I'm feeling?"

"I don't know. That is why I'm asking you"

"I'm happy"

"Really? You don't sound it"

"I am. He's a great guy. He loves me a lot, he's kind, loyal. Everything you could wish for in a man"

"Then why aren't you happy?"

"I am"


"No buts. He's, he's ......."

"But he's not Barry"

Caitlin stood up and went over to Ronnie. She lightly punched him in the arm

"Why did you have to bring him up? It's been ages. I've forgotten all about him, and moved on"

"Caitlin, it's alright to be upset. He was a big part of your life"

"Upset? Why would I be upset? I've moved on"

"Have you?"

"Ronnie, stop this. Otherwise we will fall out"

"Okay fine. Tell me this, do you love him?"

"Love? What is love? I tried love once, look how it turned out. I do love him, in my own way"

"What about Barry?"

"Ronnie, stop it", Caitlin screamed, "the love I had for Barry is over. Finished. Why do you keep insisting it's not? Why do you keep mentioning him?"

"Because I've seen the hurt on your face and in your eyes. I know that you were really hurt by what happened"

"That was ages ago. I'm over it. Why can't you just let me be happy?"

"Because your my little sister and I don't want you to do something that you will regret"

"I'm not. I'm happy"

"Really? Then why is the ring on your other finger, and not on the right one?"

"I told you. I cut my finger and it was bleeding. That's why"

Ronnie hugged Caitlin, "it's okay. You can admit you miss him"

Caitlin kept dropping little punches on Ronnies chest

"No. Your wrong. I'm fine. That was in the past. I'm moving on with my life. Please let me"

"I would, if you were genuinely happy. My little sister is ruining her life, and I won't allow you too"

Caitlin buried her face, into his chest, and stared crying 

"There, there. Let it all out"

"Why do I still feel this way? I should hate him, after everything"

Caitlin sat on her bed, thinking about everything.  Was this all true? Was Ronnie telling the truth? Was Barry still in her heart,  despite what had happened? No, no, this couldn't happen. She couldn't allow it. Barry had stood to one side, while they all threw these false accusations at her. He hadn't said or done anything to defend her. She couldn't and wouldn't forgive it. Plus, she had a whole new life to look forward to. She couldn't let anything get in the way of that

The next day, Caitlin woke up, after a disturbed sleep. She got ready and looked in the mirror. She had dark circles under her eyes. She put abit of makeup on to hide her dark circles, then drove to work, after pretending to Ronnie that she was fine 

"DR Snow, I have been told to send you straight to the consultants office straight away", the receptionist told her

Caitlin made her way there immediately. Whilst walking there, she tried to think about why she had been summoned. She was working very hard, and everyone seemed satisfied with her work. She hoped that she wasn't in any type of trouble 

"You wanted to see me?", she asked, popping her head through the door

"DR Snow, please come in"

Caitlin entered the office and took a seat. This was it. The moment that they went going to let her know what she had done wrong 

"As you know, we have hospitals all around the world, and we hire our staff on one condition. That they can travel to one anywhere when we need them to"

"Yes. But why are you telling me all this?"

"Because your time has come. Your needed at our hospital in another country"

"Me? Am I qualified enough?"

"Your one of our best doctors. We'll be sorry to see you go. But we all know that our position isn't permanent. Here are all the details you need in this file. We'll be sad to see you go, but needs must"

Caitlin drove home, after a busy day

"Ronnie, get packing. We have to leave"

"Where are we going?"

"Here's the details"

Ronnie checked the file, after Caitlin handed everything over

"Caitlin, have you seen this?"

"What's wrong?"

Caitlin checked the file, after Ronnie passed it over. She dropped it, after reading everything 

"No. I can't", she shouted, covering her face

Duff, duff, duff. What can't Caitlin do? As always, feedback appreciated 

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