Incomplete love

بواسطة sarcastic_frog1221

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Your life alters when you fall in love with someone, not just for the romantic moments but even the saddest m... المزيد

Is it morning?
A Day
In Sickness
Why not?
Red Herring
Lost words
Ugly Duckling


412 10 6
بواسطة sarcastic_frog1221

A/N: Dear readers, thank you for sticking around and reading this book. It took me longer than necessary to finish this part, I was moving countries and jobs so the book stayed on my laptop, forgotten. I am ending part one here, this chapter will take you to their wedding day (the longest chapter). It is a sad book, I know and I would never wish for such a fate on anyone. But it's a piece of fiction from my mind. Honestly, it has been quite stressful and this book had been my outlet. I have the story written further, but my creative mind wants to end this book here. Do let me know if you want part two. I will gladly share it, and I promise this time I will be regular. 

Author POV

Right indeed, the view was absolutely argument worthy. The sprawling white landscape spread out miles along! Simply sparkling in the mellow sunlight. Paradise. If this was the view from his window, then he wondered what it would be like from the rooftop. 'Stunning right?' Jimin's smug voice echoed in his quiet moment. He deserved to be proud, after working tirelessly to shift venues at the very last minute. Over the entire week, the usual short-tempered dancer patiently heard every single demand Seokjin put forth. Only heard. Because then he had to filter the practicality of each idea with either Namjoon or Hoseok. This became a prerequisite ever since Jin demanded a pair of white doves to be the ring bearers. Jimin had stress hair fall for two days while searching for vendors who would let loose their doves in the cold winds of the Alps. However magical the view was, it was after all snow, that was cold, very cold. This thought brought back the knots in his shoulder. What if something goes wrong? Taehyung habitually flexed his shoulders and broke his neck from side to side. And then cracked his knuckles. No wonder they were so sore. Two whole fucking days! His family and friends had managed to keep Jin out of his sight for two whole days. Jimin had even confiscated all of his devices. The absence of any communication with Jin, not even a glimpse of him was driving the young groom up against the wall. He was going to lose his mind if this continued for even a day longer. Cruel people, all of them! Even the doctors! All of this better be worth it!

'Kim Taehyung.' he felt a tap on his shoulder, a voice far away.


'Jin?! What happened to Jin?!' Taehyung blurted, suddenly dragged out of his thoughts. But Namjoon simply chuckled and shook his head.

'It's YOU!' Jimin scolded him across the room. The glass of champagne swirled in his hands with the way he spoke with his entire body. 'You moron! You were tapping your foot again! Relaxing massage, my foot! Not even a specialist masseuse can help you! Nobody can help you!' he exasperated.

Taehyung sighed. Jimin's words did not seep into his thoughts. He tried to tune out the voices, turning back to the view, but futile.

'You need to relax, Taehyung-ah!' Hyung-Sik Hyung's voice. 'Do you want a drink?'

'Taehyung-ah...Hyung is asking you something.' Namjoon, the one closest to him, tapped his shoulder again.

'Huh? Sorry.' His thoughts were disturbed again.

'I asked if you want a drink, it might help Hyung-Sik sighed, unamused.

'No, thank you. I need to stay alert.' Taehyung shook his head.

'And we are all asleep!' Jimin laughed, sarcastically. 'Taehyung-ah! You need to FUCKING relax! Your anxiety is tiring!'

'Then leave!' Taehyung barked at him. 

'Gladly.' Jimin stood with his drink. One glance at Namjoon's expression stilled him. 'On the other hand, I want to sit here a little longer.'

Taehyung felt immediate guilt wash over him for enjoying his best friend's quirkiness. 

'Hyung, did you check on them? Did they leave yet? Where is Jungkook? Ask him where they reached...' Namjoon remained stunned by the bombarded questions. 'I'll call him..' he suggested, but Jimin pulled the hotel phone out of his reach.

'Taehyung-ah, I told you when they left, an hour ago. And Jungkook just texted, they have arrived at the foot of the hill.' Namjoon sighed, walking away from him. 

'So they are yet to get on the cable car. Maybe you should go there, or Seo-Joon Hyung can go...' He almost walked out of the room himself. But Hyung-Sik came in his way with two glasses, handing one to the impatient man.

'Seo-Joon Hyung is already there, he will stay until they arrive.' Taehyung stepped away from the glass but was handed it forcefully. 'You really need to relax, or else I will drug you.' he warned. Taehyung chugged down the whole glass. He really did need it. The alcohol courses through his body with a warm delight, numbing his thoughts to a calmness.

'Seo-Joon Hyung was right, you are a mess.' Hyung-Sik clicked his tongue, shaking his head. He dragged him by hand to sit him down on the couch.

'I am so glad both of you are here, he has been like this since yesterday!' Namjoon threw his hands in the air. The words came out a little too soon.

'What about the venue? Are the heaters working? The elevators were jittery, can we call the manager to check, where is Sejin Hyung? What about backup?!' he rambled all his worries, his tongue lose due to alcohol. All three of them calmly sipped on their wine, refusing to entertain his queries. 'Let me just...'

'NO!' Jimin was up in a flash eyeing Taehyung's scowl discerningly. 'You are not going anywhere, Mister. Fight me if you want to.' he announced sticking himself to the suite door.  

'I will not forget this. I will make you pay for this at your wedding.' Taehyung hissed his challenge grabbing him by the collar. His best friend didn't flinch. 

'Taehyung-ah!' Hyung-Sik called him out instead. 'How did you handle him, Namjoon-ah?! Look at him! I thought he would relax after a drink. The man literally has dark circles on his wedding day.' he sighed dragging him away by the hoodie. 

'What do you expect from a man that slept for two hours last night....on a lounge bench. All my efforts to pamper his skin went to waste.' Jimin tittered fixing his jacket. He leaned on the door, leisurely, as though he had all the time in this world.

'Why are you here anyways?! I thought you were Team Jin Hyung!' Taehyung barked at him, sitting on a lounge chair, forced by the heavy hand on his shoulder. But his tapping foot was out of control.

'Namjoon Hyung called in the big guns to control a BEAST!' Jimin chortled teasing his soulmate, who clearly affected rushed to his feet ready to bite his head off. 

'Taehyung-ah!' Namjoon roared, standing in front of Jimin, who was crouching behind the tall leader, afraid of Taehyung's anger. The man immediately stepped back, trying but failing to compose himself. Namjoon's hands on his shoulders forced him to stop fidgeting. The older man felt his heart pang with the storm of fears brewing in his eyes, he was a groom, about to marry the love of his life, all of his dreams were coming true right at this moment, and yet, he was waiting for the ball to drop. He was so sure of bad news, that deep in his eyes all one could see was angst. 'Breath...' Namjoon whispered but he only stiffened further. 

'Breath, Taehyung-ah...' he reminded again and did so himself. Taehyung mimicked him as though he had forgotten how to by himself. They synchronized breathing until he loosened up, this is what they had been doing since last night, the boy was so anxious, Namjoon feared for his health. Once assured, he was calmer, Namjoon sat him down and Taehyung relaxed into the chair. 

'They have arrived at the venue, Jungkook just texted me.' Namjoon told him and he simply nodded, mumbling a gratitude to the angels. 'I will now go and check on him, all right?' the leader confirmed with him. 'Promise me, before I come back you will be dressed and ready for the wedding. For God's sake, it is your wedding in two hours, and look at you!' Namjoon pointed and Taehyung innocently did eye himself in the mirror, 'Sweatshirt and tracks, since last night!' he exclaimed and turned to Jimin who got onto the task. He ran to the other room and came back with more people, the style team, makeup team, and grooming team filled up the suite room taking up their respective spots to unwrap their equipment to dress the groom. 

'Taehyung-ah' he turned to Namjoon calling him at the door, distracted slightly by the makeup team tugging at his mane. ' You have done it...Jin Hyung will finally be your husband.' he announced and awws and oos erupted in the room, making the groom shy. But it was the look of tears in Namjoon's eyes that made it all the more real. Who knew their relationship better than Namjoon, a path of roses and thorns, as they walked hand in hand with his support? The sole witness to their struggles and pains. A stupid large grin was plastered on Taehyung's face, making his cheeks blush at the thought of Jin, his husband. Namjoon left him with merry thoughts of their beautiful future and joyful past. 

In a few hours, he was transformed. The stylists and Jimin cheered him when he strutted out in his three-piece black suit with a black shirt and navy blue tie with little hearts on them. 

'Taehyung- are you decent- whoa!' Namjoon froze at the doorway.  His eyes popped out and his jaw remained wide open marveling at the beautiful man. Taehyung snapped out of his fashion show daze to enquire about his beloved when Namjoon ran out of the door again. His heart was racing, why did he suddenly run? But before he could react, the door opened again and it was his turn to be speechless. 

'Hyung?!' Jimin exclaimed at the man that walked in wearing a dark blazer over a turtle neck and jeans. Yoongi looked paler than usual with his long man tucked behind his ears and the red rose on his blazer gave him some color. But those witty eyes traced every corner of the room before finally settling on the subject of the day. Taehyung ran past Jimin to crush the man in a hug, grinning from ear to ear like a child. Jimin and the makeup team watched him anxiously as tears gathered in his eyes.

'Ah- ok ok let go of me now!' Yoongi warned, squirming in the arms he was wrapped in. 

'Woah, Hyung!' Taehyung exclaimed, still lost for words. He kept hugging the man, half surprised by his presence and half afraid he will disappear. 

Taehyung's fear was justified because Suga had refused to attend their wedding with a standing order. He refused to adjust the schedule or attend it virtually. His exact words to a sad Jin were, 'I will not watch both of you ending up in doom together' he held Taehyung's father's ideologies but supported Jin more than Taehyung in this. He was under the impression that Jin needed all the attention to recover completely.  Well, he traveled with Taehyung in the same boat, that Jin had hoped to come back in one piece. But this, made Jin the saddest, he sulked, complained, and shut himself up on the topic. Everyone, his own family even tried to convince him to attend the wedding, but he refused to budge. 

'Let go, Taehyung! or I will return back to Korea, right now!' Yoongi threatened him and Taehyung did let go but still clutched onto his jacket. 

'Thank you so much for coming! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!' Taehyung was grinning and jumping and laughing. 'Yes! my wedding is complete!' he did a little wiggle dance with Jimin before letting go of Yoongi. The entire room watched him as though they had lost it. Namjoon sighed because he witnessed the laughing Taehyung after a long time. 

'You look handsome, no doubt.' Yoongi nodded, adjusting his jacket while eyeing the boy. 'The pictures will look good. Two handsome men!'

'We are HYBE's visual couple after all!' Taehyung did a little shoulder shrug with an eye wiggle, breaking Yoongi broke into a small laugh. 'Did you meet Jin yet?' he asked next, carefully. Yoongi's smile dropped and he looked at his feet instead. 

These were uncharted waters. Nobody spoke with Yoongi about this ever since the con call, where everyone tried to ambush him to convince him. You see, the two of them shared a room for over three years and a band for almost ten.  And yet, Jin did not tell Suga about his illness, at least not outright. Suga blamed himself for not picking up on Jin's distress signs, even during that frightful night. He refused to see him, call him, or even text him.  But once every week, Jin waited impatiently for a parcel. A hamper was full of his favorite comics, games, and clothes. Every single item had a very special place in Jin's room and in his heart, for he knew they were handpicked by Yoongi. This was his love language, carefully picking gifts for his older brother every weekend despite his busy schedule. Not to belittle his own trauma, but Yoongi never processed almost losing his closest brother very well, he still couldn't articulate it very well. Both of them were so similar. Even hundreds of miles away, a whole set of unsaid words transpired between them. Jin did not say it, but Taehyung knew he was afraid to meet Yoongi, just because he was afraid of telling him the truth. 

'Hyung was the one who convinced him to come. He arrived late last night and was with him the whole time.' Namjoon answered his question.

'Jin didn't tell me-'

'He didn't know either.' Yoongi scratched the back of his neck, walking into the suite and searching for a place to sit. He was delaying answering the boy but followed closely watching him like a hawk. 'Nobody knew.' He answered Taehyung's questioning gaze bouncing off the people in the room as he settled into the couch next to Hyung-Shik. 'It was very last minute, I took the first flight out. Thankfully, Sejin Hyung was awake, and he arranged everything else for me, I tried calling Jin Hyung, but I didn't know if...'

'Hyung...' Taehyung sat down beside him and took his hand in his own. He was familiar with this apprehension, having experienced it himself. 'He is much better now, the doctors have assured me that he will be much better, he laughs, plays video games, eats well and soon he will even sing and dance. Don't worry.' he patted the hand in his own, assuring himself just as he was to the other. He noticed the dark shadows under his eyes, and worried for Jin, whether he even got any sleep last night. But the Yoongi wriggled his hand out his hold, nodding at the emotional explanation, bringing Taehyung to the present.

'Yes, we had a lengthy conversation about that last night.' Yoongi nodded, running his hand on his thighs. He took the glass of wine Hyung-shik handed him and contemplated the crowd.

'Taehyung-ah?' he cleared his throat, after a lengthy pause. 

'Hmm?' Taehyung looked at him asking the make-up lady to pause from approaching him. He could sense something off in his tone, in the way his grip on the glass tightened and his eyes roamed Taehyung's face, studying him.

'Jin Hyung-' he cleared his throat again, putting the glass down on the table now. 'Jin Hyung is happy now.' he declared, with an open end. 'He will always stay happy right?' he looked straight at Taehyung, speaking with his whole body then just words.

Taehyung's eyebrows pinched at his obvious statement. He exchanged an unsure look with Namjoon, who looked at him as blankly as he was. 

'I asked you something.' Yoongi repeated his tone stern. Did he hear it right?  Suga Hyung was threatening him? Their Suga Hyung, once again looked at everyone in the room, making sure he was hearing this right, it was almost laughable. But Yoongi placed a hand on his knee to convey his impatience. 

'yes- yes.' Taehyung blurted out, not sure what else to say. But Yoongi did not look satisfied, the look in Yoongi's eyes was quickly changing into that of fire making him nervous. Even Jin's family hadn't asked him that, yeah, his brother had tried to scare him, but not to this extent. 'Of course, Hyung, I will make sure he always stays happy.' Taehyung supplied further, hoping to calm him down. Because honestly, he didn't know what else to say.

'Trust me, Kim Taehyung.' his voice was so low and raspy, bewitching Taehyung as he edged closer to the man. His eyes breathing fire for the younger man who had dared to marry his beloved older brother. 'I will make you pay if you hurt him this time.' he articulated, tightening his grip on Taehyung's knee, making the younger guy gulp in fear. He or nobody in the room had seen this side of Yoongi. Even if was famously known to be stoic, this, threatening Taehyung was new to them all.  

'Ha! Ha ha! Suga-shi! You look like a noir film actor!' Hyung-Sik chuckled, patting his back to break the tense moment. Taehyung flinched under Yoongi's unfazed gaze. A shatter of glass broke their tension, Yoongi let go of his gaze and they turned to the source of the sound, Jimin had dropped a glass in the corner. 'Sorry.' he mumbled, a stupid smile plastered on his face acknowledging Taehyung's silent gratitude. Taehyung did not relax because his brother's hand was still on his knee, still clutching. He was nervous to even shift slightly. Everyone in the room was confused by Yoongi's behavior, and now so was Taehyung. What had transpired between them last night? What did Jin tell him?

'Come on now, Hyung.' Namjoon came to sit between them breaking apart the hold he had on Taehyung. 'Our Taehyungie is all grown up now. He is capable of taking care of Jin Hyung, and they are both responsible beings.' He handed the forgotten wine glass back to Yoongi, as he slid back into the couch, half listening to the Namjoon gloating about Taehyung. 'You should have seen him run around during surgery, arranging everything from visas to insurance documents. He has been relentless ever since he landed here.' he said proudly, to the man drifting in his drink. Yoongi had heard all of this already, Jin hadn't stopped talking about the man he was marrying all night long. But that one image, that one phone call from Jin, was still fresh in his mind. 

'Yeah...but he has turned into such a bore since...' Jimin whined, turning heads. Yoongi did not react, swirling his wine glass. 'Do you know what we did for his bachelorette? A camp. The only booze we could carry was wine and this man was out of it in two glasses. The rest of the night he cried and dreamed about Jin Hyung, out loud.' Jimin teased but had a proud smile adorning his lips. 'I have never met anyone so dumb in love. This dorky even made a short film on Jin Hyung, you will get to see it for the reception, Hyung!' he announced, patting Yoongi's shoulders to grab his attention. 

'It's nothing..' Taehyung found his voice again. ' A surprise for Jin-' he paused 'Hyung.' he added the suffix to not anger Yoongi further.

'I am leaving after the ceremony.' Yoongi muttered, only for the four men on the couch to hear. 

'You are not staying for the reception?' Taehyung asked, heartbroken by the announcement. 

'No.' he emptied the glass with a long drag., while the others waited for an explanation. 'Appa is expecting me in Daegu tomorrow.' he announced standing up. 'I should go before Jin Hyung sends a search party for me.' he walked to the door closely followed by Namjoon. No goodbye, no all the best, no nothing, normally Taehyung would have forced a hug on him to bid share his love, but after the last exchange, he was scared to even stand. But then Yoongi suddenly paused. 'Taehyung-ah, Jin Hyung sent you a message penguins are waddling.' he shrugged and walked out of the door.

'You don't want to know.' Taehyung answered the curious eyes of Jimin and Hyug-shik on him, he was grinning in a split second.  Explaining it to them would only earn him a badge of a freak. He felt his cheeks turn hot at the thought, Jin was turning bolder closer to the wedding. 

He gazed out the window, but couldn't shake the embarrassing flush of blood under his skin. The memory was still fresh in his mind. It all started one night when they were cozied up on the couch watching a penguin documentary post-dinner. And it is public news that Jin hates documentaries. But he wanted to be all grown up and watch one for Taehyung. The wine kept him going. The moment the bottle had emptied, he began to lose patience. This is a secret, Kim Seokjin gets drunk on red wine. And then there was a tipping point, the narrator explained that male penguins would waddle miles just to mate with their partners. Jin's naughty hands slipped under his waistband as he whispered 'I will waddle miles for you.' Voice a mere seductive growl. How could Taehyung resist him then? They pounced on each other with raw hunger. It was etched in their memory as one of the top steamiest nights. Topping that list was only their first vacation to New Zealand, in winter, they didn't even leave the suite for five days. 

Taehyung felt dizzy in excitement. He crossed his legs to control the butterflies in his belly. When he saw his own reflection in the window, there was a grin plastered on his lips. He slapped himself repeatedly, reminded that nothing was happening tonight. The reflection asked him, how will you resist Jin? You are fucking weak for him. His heart fluttered out of control.

'Hyung?' Jungkook's voice wiped his excitement clean. 'Waah! You will floor Jin Hyung today!' the youngest clapped in joy.

'Kook-ah! How is he? Is he in pain? Did they check his vitals? What is his BP like? And heart rate? Is he cold? Did he take his medications?' He was surprised by his own switch in emotions. But the words just flourished out of his mouth before he could think. These questions were underlying somewhere, Yoongi's arrival and Jin's flirting had thrown him off.

'Whoa Whoa! Calm down. He is fine!' Jungkook froze at the doorway with the sudden bombarding. 'Um-Jin Hyung's vitals are good, he took one painkiller, two stabilizers, and one bottle of saline before we left. Two doctors with two nurses are shadowing him, a fully equipped medic team is sitting down in the reception hall and there is an ambulance at the resort entrance. Just as you asked for.' Jungkook spoke at the same pace, just as Jin had made him recite.

'May I come in?' Jin's father knocked before Taehyung could follow up. Namjoon rushed to let them in.

'Aigooo! Look at you! So handsome, my son!' Jin's mom shoved her husband aside to run into Taehyung's open arms. Hoseok tittered behind them at the wrinkles in Taehyung's freshly pressed vest. Taehyung nodded to acknowledge Hoseok.

'Thank you, Appa, Eommoni! This outfit was Jin's choice, the man dressed me in Gucci from head to toe!' Taehyung said proudly, trying to impress his in-laws. He noticed his own parents arrive and enter the suite as well. 

'Ahh, indeed, my Jinnie has a golden hand, he chose YOU after all.' Jin's mom quipped. The room echoed with laughter.

'Here. This is a small legacy.' Jin's father handed him a box, with a small smile. Taehyung hesitated, Mr. Kim opened his hand and placed it. 'Open it.' he commanded. An emerald, the size of a sugar cube sat majestically in a pocket of gold, the sides had carved grooves and red rubies lined the edges decoratively, he was speechless, it felt like a crime to even hold it. 'It was supposed to be a pendant, but we had it made into a brooch for you.'

'But-' he couldn't make sense, nor speak. 

'It's yours now.' Jin's father said, patting him on the shoulder. Taehyung's vision was blurry shifting between all four parents. His mother nodded at him, she was clutching her husband's hand tightly, who looked far away. 

'Thank you. I will cherish it forever.'

'Aigoo, your makeup is getting ruined!' Jin's mother exclaimed. The stylist swooped in with some tissues to dab at his cheeks. Quickly fixing his eyes.

'Eommoni, I want to wear it today. Will you pin it?' He handed the box back to her.

'You don't have to.' She hesitated.

'But I want to.' Taehyung whined. She turned to look at her husband, who signaled to Taehyung's own parents in the far corner of the room. They exchanged a strange look before Mrs. Kim walked to Taehyung's mother and handed her the box.

'I think, this honor should be yours.'

'Me?' His mother was taken aback switching between her husband and her son for reaffirmation. Taehyung longed for Jin by his side to witness this moment. Their parents had come a long way from accepting their preferences to accepting their relationship.

'A mother should have this honor.' Jin's father provided, helping her out. She walked up to her own son and kissed him lightly on the cheek offering a warm smile before pinning the brooch. Taehyung hugged her tightly, overjoyed to have his parents at the wedding and to see tears in her eyes. 'My Eomma looks so pretty today.' he whispered to her and realized something bad. He straightened up and corrected himself,  'Both of my Eommoni's look so sexy today!' That's right, he had two of them now, he had to be careful. The four of them laughed a little at his cuteness. 

'Cold feet?' His father asked him as soon as Jin's parents were out of earshot. 

'Pfft! Taehyung? Cold feet? To marry Jin Hyung?!' Hobi blurted while fixing his jacket, amused that Taehyung would ever think twice about marrying the love of his life. Member just knew him so well.

'I have waited for this moment, Appa. For a very long time.' Taehyung answered but his father did not return his smile, instead studied him carefully. 'Appa, your oldest son is ready to be a married man, cheer up!' he insisted hugging him but all he earned was an unamused nod. Taehyung found it strange, usually, his father would hug him tighter, but here he was with his hands in his pockets. Was he regretting this? No way, he convinced himself. He looked around the room to show the brooch to Jimin and Namjoon but found him in deep conversation with Jin's parents, in the farthest corner of the room, beyond his earshot. But something was odd, the way his mother's forehead was creased and Jin's father held his hands in a twist. He could swear there was a tremble in them. He shrugged off the chill that ran down his spine. They are anxiousThey were fine a few moments ago.

'How is Jin?' he turned back to his own parents since they had traveled together, his mother was turning the same shade as Jin's mother now, so he focussed on his father. Hoseok's hands paused while fussing over his hair.

'Uh-' he hesitated, exchanging a look with Hoseok who tensed right by his side. The dancer avoided his eyes and scanned the room instead, speeding his heart. He turned and scanned the room with Hoseok. There were too many people in the suite. Wait, no, everyone part of the wedding party was here. Except for Jin and the medical team.

He whipped his head back to his father, who jerked his own away, in panic, now asking Seo Joon something with his eyes. From another corner, the man caught his father's gaze and was shaking his head in a no. His core was twisting at the look in his brother's eyes, he had never seen him look so woeful. 

'If all of you are here, then who is with Jin?' he whispered to his father who turned to him with fear in his eyes.  'WHO IS WITH JIN?!' he screamed, panting as though he had just run a marathon. The chatter died down and the room froze, nobody, not even Namjoon was meeting his eyes directly, for his eyes were now burning. 

'Tae- the thing is-' Hoseok tried, but he stepped back when Taehyung turned to him with fire. 

'Taehyung-ah. Calm down. The medical team is running some tests on him before the ceremony.' Namjoon dared, hoping to make him believe it was an overreaction and to save Hoseok.  But Taehyung's mother's tears right after betrayed him, and even Namjoon sighed realizing it won't work. 

'Why?' his voice trembled, mirroring his own mother and questioning Namjoon for the deception. He knew that face, he had seen it so many times, at the airport, at the hospital, before the surgery. Pity. 

It was either him or Jin at the moment, he had to see the man himself. His heart was hammering in his throat while tears choked him. He felt a grip and tug while he tried to get out of the room, someone else tried to wrap his hands around his waist trying to pull him back, but he shoved them away as well. And then he just pivot when elderly Jin's father stood in his path, he couldn't hurt him. Only Namjoon stood his ground, exactly where he was. He was the only one who knew how futile it was despite Hoseok and Jimin pushing him to stop the lunatic version of Taehyung they had never before witnessed. But nobody could stop him, his feet had a mind of their own while his mind ran faster with all kinds of painful thoughts. Blinding him some more.  He huffed, his outfit was heavy, but his heart and thoughts were loftier.

'Taehyung-ah! wait!' Yoongi was following closely, almost running with him. But his appeals followed many others. Taehyung found a man in an emergency vest opening one of the doors on the next floor. The man yelled some profanities in a foreign tongue when Taehyung shoved him aside to rush inside the room.

The room was menacingly chaotic. Medical staff rushed to unpack equipment, monitors, and devices that came to life while the nurses helped the figure on the couch, His eyes shut tightly as his beautiful long forehead pinched in multiple lines near the eyebrows. Plump red lip bit by his own teeth, punishing them for the pain coursing in his body. The crisp white shirt of his outfit was soaked in sweat, drawing a soft line of his contours. His legs sprawled haphazardly as he propped on his elbows at an uncomfortable angle. Beads of sweat ran down his sideburn disappearing into the collar, where his neck stiffened to bear the pain, one could see the green of his veins tightening even further.  He was an ethereal beauty but in so much pain that it hurt to even look. His long neck was exposed as he threw his head back onto the headrest, changing his skin color as he couldn't draw a breath by himself. Panic was etched in his pale features as he coughed up. Taehyung felt the ground disappear beneath his feet, all he had was the wall to hold him still. His own palms sweating with the thundering heart rate, 'Mr. Kim, please wait outside.' a nurse blocked his gaze and broke his torture. This was his worst fear coming true, he spent sleepless nights imagining just this. But he was prepared for this, he had made up his mind, rather soothed himself every night, that he was not helpless anymore. 

'I am calling it off. Jungkook go call the ambulance.' Taehyung declared, straining to speak through the stiff trembling jaw. A cold shudder ran down his own spine, murdering his own dreams, but he turned away from the sight and onto the task. His family begged him to reconsider, but that didn't shake his resolve. 

'JIN -HYUNG!' Jimin screamed for he was being dragged to undo their wedding preparations, for he knew the order relayed to Jungkook would be already done.

'Taehyung-ah?' amidst all the chaos he heard the one whisper, he stopped and turned back to find the voice he loved the most in this world. Tired, pained dark eyes, met his and he drew a sharp inhale, finally breathing to see him breathe. His red plump lips pulled to one side in a smile that was only for Taehyung. He owned that signature smile. Jin blinked and shifted his gaze to the nurse's face. She was telling him something. He nodded at her and she unbuttoned his shirt and wiped the sweat on his shoulder. Jin's forehead contorted in multiple lines when the syringe broke his skin. Taehyung didn't know if he was floating, running, or walking, but he was beside Jin in a flash holding his hand in support. 

'You just can't wait to get your hands on me, hmm?' Jin whispered, and smiled with a frown, still eyeing the syringe. Taehyung couldn't help but break into a smile. His stupid heart fluttered at the tease.

'Pch-pch. Let her finish.' Taehyung reminded him, pulling his hand back. He noticed Jin's gaze scanning the crowd. He was clearly uncomfortable with so many of them staring at him. Not many had witnessed the multiple scars on his chest. Then there were those who had never seen him in this state, so very close to an attack. Hoseok, with a very low tolerance for pain, was missing from the crowd. And Ken looked like he was having a meltdown.  

'Wait- bandage!' Taehyung scolded, pulling his arm from buttoning the shirt. 

'I forgot.' Jin chuckled. Taehyung didn't know whether to find it innocent or frightful that he forgot about binding his wounds. Either way, it meant that Jin was getting used to the pain and open wounds. The same ones he desperately tried to heal.

'You should not be here, it's bad luck.' Jin commented while Taehyung and a nurse helped him sit in a more comfortable position. Jin's smiled adoringly laying his head back on the pillows Taehyung adjusted. The doctor brought another monitor to life, sliding a cuff up his arm. 

'Like I care. I am calling the wedding off.' Taehyung declared.

'Why?' Jin asked matter of factly. He was scowling at his beloved's perfect face. Marveling at his beauty, sharp in a three-piece and hair perfectly gelled. The only thing that disturbed him was the deep frown. His veins would burst open if he tightened them any further.

'Let's go back to the hotel. No, maybe to the hospital...' he trailed off paying no attention to Jin. Taehyung's eyes were glued to the lines on the screen. What he was looking at didn't relax the stiffness in his shoulders. In fact, he tightened his hold on Jin's arm.

'But why?' Jin asked, pulling his hand out of Taehyung's hold, and grabbing his attention. He did expect Taehyung to react like this, but he hoped for some space for bargaining. Jin was fuming at Taehyung's outright declaration.

'Jin... it's not worth it. Not with you like this!' Taehyung did not want to argue, he found it difficult to hold Jin's gaze. His heart was still racing with the anxiety coursing through his cells.

'Like this? What do you mean like this?! You are talking about our WEDDING!' Jin hissed, causing the nurse to jerk. One of the two doctors tried to calm him down and turned to Taehyung.

'Will they at least stop fighting for today?' Jimin whispered, tiredly.

'Sshh.' Namjoon shut him up.

'Mr. Kim' the doctor intervened with the couple. 'His blood pressure shot up on the airbus, amplifying his breathing difficulty. The two of us diagnose the cause as altitude change.' he tried to explain and Taehyung nodded, listening attentively. 'But Mr. Kim also told us he didn't sleep well last night.'

'Why?!' Taehyung snapped at Jin. 'Why didn't you sleep last night?!'

'Why do you think?!' Jin countered. Giving up on the hope that his thick-headed husband-to-be would understand why he didn't sleep well a day before their wedding.

'Jin, you have sleep medication prescribed!' Taehyung hissed back. Jimin shifted behind Jungkook afraid of Taehyung's glare shifting on him. 'What the fuck were you doing?!' Taehyung spits out at Jimin.

'Taehyung-ah...' Jin sighed, grabbing his hand and attention back to himself. 'It's not his fault...' He noticed Taehyung's furious gaze then shift to Yoongi, who stood his ground with a blank face. 'It's nobody's fault, I was excited about our wedding, in fact, I was on an overdose of joy. After all, it is my wedding day!' He watched Taeyhung's frown melt and cheeks burn red. Jin bit his lip, always amused by Taehyung's reaction to his words. 'Our whole family is finally here, all of our friends are here, and Yoongi is finally here!' Jin beamed at Suga, who looked at him helplessly. ' how could I sleep with so much going on??!' he questioned. Taehyung's mind was clouded, he was fixated on how vulnerable Jin was right now in front of him. Namjoon looked around, and decided to take action. There were too many people in the suite, which meant too many triggers for them to fight. He ushered them all to wait in the corridor and passed on the baton to Suga to maintain peace outside while he handled the tension brewing inside.

'I want to get married today.' Namjoon heard Jin calming the boy down, pulling him closer. 'I want to be your husband today.' he requested, thumbing at Taehyung's flushed cheek.' Don't make me wait. There will never be a good time.' his voice trembled, tearing through Taehyung's resolve. 

'Okay.' Taehyung nodded after consideration. 'But on one condition. We are going back to the old venue.'

'Tae!' Jin whispered. 'You know very well it's too late to change venues! You know it will take hours!' he barked in a barely audible tone, straining his vocal cords. 'Just calm the fuck down, will you? It's not like I am dying already, they are keeping me alive, see!' 

'HYUNG! ENOUGH!' Namjoon barked at him, more so for his words, and the effect they had in the room. Even the medical team winced and pitied the groom. The man was drained of any color. His body stiffened at the thought, the words hanging in the air, on his wedding day. He jerked away from the hold on his arm, unattached and unbothered by the way it clawed at his shirt. There was a limit that Jin had just crossed, these were the last words Taehyung wanted to hear today. Coming from his own beloved's mouth, it devastated him. All the built-up tension, tolerance, and emotions were slipping out of his hand as he clenched his jaw and turned away from Jin. His hands trembled in tight fists as did his stiffened shoulders. He didn't what to punch, whom to hurt, or how to let go. 

'You want a wedding....' he muttered in the silent room. 'Let's do this.' he growled. ' You want to be my husband today, right?! Let's just sign the papers and be done with it.' his neck trembling in the tightness. 'Namjoon Hyung, get me the paper, RIGHT NOW!' he barked at him, a cocktail of fury and pain swirling in his eyes, making Namjoon flinch in his spot. 

The words lay hanging in the room for barely a second before one of the doctors realized the loud beeping in the room was Jin's heart rate abnormally elevating. His BP was higher than what it was in the airbus, he was running out of air and blood very quickly, very dangerously. He signaled one of the nurses to inject the steroids, but the said man had nothing but his lover's anger back in his mind. He swat the nurse's syringe before it broke his skin, instead struggling on the couch to get his man to reason. 'Tae...' he whispered, barely audible clutching the edge of his cuffs, grabbing his attention right in time as he swat another attempt to inject him. Namjoon focus on fear shifted to the way he kept rejecting remedies. 

'What the fuck are you doing, Jin-ah?!' Taehyung yelled, his voice a mix of horror and rage as panic grew in his eyes. He couldn't place his anger anymore, quickly shifting to fear as Jin was intentionally trying to kill himself. 

'Not like this...please Tae, don't do this...Tae, I am sorry... I'm sorry, I'm sorry' he begged barely breathing, eyes drooping from lack of oxygen. 'Please, Voo-yah, I am not unfit, I want a wedding- I can stand- walk-sing- games- I can-' he mumbled, twisting as his body reminded him of the coursing pain. Taehyung immediately straightened him up, helping him lay back while he signaled to the doctor to try again pinning him to the leather. But Jin fought against his hold. 'JIN-AH!' Taehyung scolded him, and tears fell from his eyes finally letting go of his anger. 

'Tae, please...I am so-ryy' Jin begged, unable to breathe and yet wanting to be forgiven. The stubborn ass that he is.

'Baby, ssshh shh.' he tried to soothe the man, wiping his own tears. 'I won't, okay. I didn't mean it. Now calm down, please, and let them treat you.' he confirmed and nodded his head, knowing Jin can barely see him. It was enough to calm down Jin, he went lax and let them inject steroids. He mumbled something in his sleep, as he and the monitor were tamed to normalcy. But his hand was still curled around Taehyung's sleeve, not letting him leave, not that he was intending to. Not even wild horses could drag Taehyung out of that spot. 

'Can he endure the temperature?' he asked the doctor, running a hand on his cheek, soothing his disturbed sleep. He shifted to lay Jin's head on his lap with the nurse's help, to feel him a little closer. The doctors discussed amongst themselves studying the digits. 

'Mr. Kim needs to rest for at least an hour. His vitals are already growing strong, maybe in a few minutes he should be able to endure it.' The doctor smiled at the man in his lap. 'Besides, there are no bounds to his determination. We have never met such a stubborn patient.'  Jin woke up just in time to hear the next words. 'And we will be with you every step. So yeah, we have a wedding to attend, Mr. Kim.'

'Shall we?' Jimin tapped his shoulder as a cue. The harp changed tunes and the wide doors opened. Two hours later, Taehyung was in front of a view straight out of his dreams. A range of white-shadowed mountains curved endlessly into infinity, shining in the mellow sun rays of a spring morning. A brilliant halo or sunshine formed around the intricately carved altar of blue and white carnations. Wooden rustic benches lined the aisle, decorated with cinnamon leaves and white lilies. Peach carnations created a mirage of bloomed flowers on the mountains as they hung onto nothing. Ivory carpet lined with crates of blue carnations completed the floating appearance of the roof in the middle of nowhere. Taehyung gaped at the beauty, he wondered, how did Jin know him so well. This scene, these flowers, and the colors were exactly out of his dream. Did they ever discuss it in such detail? This time Seokjoong Hyung nudged at him because the harpist's smile was now faltering. He shook his head smiling to himself, he didn't need the answers, he was marrying the man of his dreams, after all. He wrapped his arm around his mother's and his father's as they walked, smiling at the audience that marveled at his beauty. The stylist had worked hard. 

Seo Joon, Hyungsik, and his younger brother, his groomsmen, took their places. He leaned in to kiss his mother's cheek before leaving them to their seats. He tried to shut the voices in his head, but his core rumbled. Butterflies of anticipation. He found Bang PD-nim in the small crowd, smiling back at him like a child with candy. Minutes seemed like hours, where was Jin? What if something happened again? He rubbed his sweaty palms on his trousers, and a cold drop of sweat rolled down his nape in the chill weather. His ears were trained on the main door as he focussed on the empty spot opposite him. Seokjoong Hyung, Ken, and Sandeul, Jin's groomsmen teased him with synchronized breathing techniques. He couldn't help but relax.

Jungkook and the medical staff appeared from nowhere and took their places on the sides of the benches. A flurry of purple twinkling lights lit up the venue in soft blue hues, blending in perfectly with the red hues of the sunlight. The roof turned into a magical slice of heaven while the harpist changed its tune to 'Serenade' by Mozart. His favorite track. Taehyung was awestruck, watching the space change with a delight. Jungkook and Jimin bit on their smug smiles, acknowledging Jin's prediction of Taehyung's reaction. Jin caught a glimpse of it when the doors opened. Taehyung was his old self, eyes dancing in all directions, gaping at the scene with a childlike amusement. All of his worries were forgotten momentarily. Jin waited patiently until Taehyung found his gaze, filled with pure joy and innocence. This is all he wanted for today, Taehyung at his happiest, just like he was before any of this happened, just like he was on their first date or all of those late nights at Han River. Jin was simply proud of the boy, he had indeed come a long way and he deserved this. He wanted them to forget the entire last year. This was a new beginning. 

Taehyung and the rest of the audience laughed when the doors opened and Jin stuck his tongue out to tease him or rather the stress he was enveloped in.  He drew a sharp inhale to ease the anxious thoughts and got lost in those beautiful eyes. Jin looked divine, his long white fur coat paired well with the beige three-piece suit. The red tie, matching his own was cute. His hair gelled perfectly well and his sharp features enhanced. Somehow his plump lips appeared plumper and flushed. Made him want to kiss them till they were swollen, even more. But he graced a beautiful smile for everyone to admire. His graceful floating down the aisle masked the few unsteady steps. Taehyung was lost in his eyes wondering if he could ever love the man more. Seo Joon poked at his back, but he didn't budge. 'Tae..' Jin's voice brought him out of his daze.  He forgot that he had to step down and take Jin's arm. 'Taehyung, will you take my son's hand?' Jin's father joked the entire room broke into another peel of laughter. He apologized and thanked his parents, taking Jin by the arm and resting his hand on the waist to support his weight. Jin ran a thumb on his cheeks, enjoying the way they turned brighter under his fingertip. Taehyung wondered if it was fair to take the one man that he had forever loved and wanted. 

The one man that had stood by their side through all the ups and downs, Kim Namjoon appeared on the aisle, to officiate their wedding. Jin breathed a sigh, leaning on Taehyung. This is all he ever wanted, after all. He wondered if it was alright to get married like this when his days are numbered, to feel this happy, to share his joy, to be someone's life partner when the size of his life is unassured. Can he be truly happy? But then Taehyung read his mind, like he always does, and pressed lips on his forehead, melting away all those thoughts.

'Dearly beloved....' Namjoon started with the story of their love and how uniquely well they were made for each other. Taehyung was a sobbing mess when Jin finished his vows, the audience wept with him.

'I now pronounce you lawfully wedded husband.' Namjoon declared into a flurry of claps. Jin couldn't take his eye off the intricately carved platinum band encrusted with tiny diamonds, that declared him as someone's husband, a promise of Taehyung's love. The day he realized his disease, he had given up on this dream. To see it coming true, his heart swelled with absolute joy. 'You may kiss-' Jin had already crashed his lips on Taehyung, taking the latter by sheer surprise. Taehyung tasted pure, unbound love on his lips, how long had he waited for this moment?  Jin was in euphoria, unabashedly gnawing at Taehyung's skin to convey whom he belonged to now and ever. The audience cheered them. They let go when Namjoon cleared his throat. Taehyung noticed his eyes convey all of his fears, doubts, and vulnerabilities, handing them over. This time their kiss was full of emotions, he let Jin know that he was only his now and ever. It felt so powerful to belong to the one he had loved forever. 

They broke apart in a fit of laughter when Seo Joon whispered to them 'Save something for later.' in Taehyung's ear. Jin was still lightheaded with the desire coursing through his veins, he pecked Taehyung's cheek with a grin and leaned on him. They were basking in this joyful moment, finally, officially married. Husbands. One by one their family came forwards to congratulate them. Taehyung held Jin by his waist, trying to usher them towards the door one step at a time. As beautiful as the entire ceremony was, he wanted to get his new husband indoors as quickly as possible, where it was nice and warm. But Jin squeezed his hand to resist. Jin leaned in for one more kiss when the photographer asked them to. 'We should get inside, my husband.' Taehyung whispered against his lips, Jin's neck and ears blushed a deep red. He pulled Taehyung by his coat lapel to stay 'Hmmm, just a moment.' he replied. He turned Taehyung around for another pose.

'Aww baby, yeah. Listen now' Jungkook sang at the right pitch. Taehyung found it strange but dismissed it thinking he was just too happy to sing out loud. Classic Kookie.

But then a trumpet played a very familiar tune:

'I see you first thing in the morning

I love the way you shine when the sun is rising

And every day all I wanna do is hear your voice

It's like you strike a Chord in my heart babe

And even when it stops you still sustain

You're the best melody in my life' 

Taehyung had whipped his head around, staring at the scene agape.  Jungkook was singing from the far left corner

An entire orchestra was set up where the harpist had sat. The crowd was spread out in small clusters led by Namjoon, Jhope, and Jimin around the terrace.  They were singing 'You're my Music' the song he always sang for Jin.

'Cause every time I think of you I know
That you inspire me in every song
When I'm touchin you it takes me home (Yes it does)
Oh oh oh oh oh
Let's make music, you're my music'

The chorus hit the right note, all in unison perfectly led by the three. Jin drank him in wonder, watching every inch of his face carved out in pleasure. He stepped down the stair out of his arm, heart pounding as the music violin bit ended and shut his eyes. 

'Let's slow it down, take it one note at a time

'cause I will never ever stop till you're satisfied

Just open up and sing it to me loud and clear, ohh

This is real, no need to pretend

And I hope this will never end

'cause you're the only melody in my life' he sang without missing a beat, not a crack, and not even a breath loss. He slowly opened his eyes in the sheer wonder of himself but turned to his new husband who watched him in utter shock. There were tears in his surprised gaze, and a grin plastered on his face. Untethered, unbound, joy etched his face. It was pure gold for him to hear his beloved sing again. He tore his gaze away to look at the audience still singing and his body swayed with absolute joy as he ran forward to the crowd, dancing with his mom and Jimin,  jumping with Hyung-shik and his brothers. This, exactly is what Jin wanted. Taehyung at his absolutely normal, pure, innocent, and worry-free. The look of pure joy on his face brought tears to his eyes, he watched his beloved deliriously happy once again. He stumbled slightly feeling light-headed with the mix of emotions, and Suga, excluded from the singing plan caught him. 

'Taehyung-ah!' Suga called out after him steadying Jin's weight by the waist. The latter stopped him, watching the one he loved enjoy the moment in untethered happiness a little longer. It was blissful, all of his efforts paid off to see Taehyung dance and jump around in sheer joy. He would pay any price for that smile, that of a child. Jin realized how satisfied he was, trading for this day to be one of his last if necessary. The thought hurt so much for it could be real, that incessant tears poured down his cheeks instead of the mellower ones earlier, worrying Suga. 'Hyung, what happened?' he shook his head, at the loss of any explanation.

'Your husband is crying.' Sandeul whispered in Taehyung's ears. The moment his eyes caught him, he knew the reason for those tears. He smiled softly walking back to his husband to envelope him in a hug making Jin cry harder, silently. 'You are mine now, not letting you go anywhere.' Taehyung whispered, nuzzling against his temple. 'You are the melody of my life, baby.' Taehyung sang, just for him. 'Thank you so much, my love. Thank you for being mine.' he whispered against Jin's forehead as he calmed down.' thank you for singing for me' another whisper against his cheek, happy to see him grinning back. 'I love you so much, baby. I am all yours.' Taehyung whispered against his lips, their kiss was firm and sweet. Jin surrendered in his embrace, in his love. But his body had enough for the day. Taehyung noticed something and whipped about in a flash, already heading towards the elevator, thanking people on the way.

Once inside, Jin let out short puffs of air before he crashed his lips on Taehyung's again. But his husband pulled away. 'I love you so much, baby.' Jin whispered, still leaning in to continue. Taehyung held his face away, resisting the urge of his puckered swollen lips. 'What is it? Did you not like it?' Jin asked, his smile faltering.  Taehyung noticed that he was getting upset and thumbed at his reddened cheek, 'Of course, I loved it, baby. It is our song, after all, you didn't tell me you could sing.' he countered, Jin broke into a smile, deliriously drunk. He cozied himself against his new husband and grinned right in his face, 'I practiced, for an entire month. Jungkook was supposed to take it originally, but I thought I would give it a try.' he nuzzled against Taehyung's nose, about to lean in once again for the kiss. But Taehyung tilted away, chuckling to be loved so much. 'Why?' Jin was offended, he pressed that annoying thumb on Taehyung's forehead to indicate his worry lines. 'My dearest husband, as much as I want to devour you, I also want you in one piece for the rest of our lives.' He pressed his lips on Jin's forehead and paused to pull him closer. 'You are breathing strange, my darling. Look.' Taehyung whispered, bringing Jin to self-realization. He was breathing shallowly and the dull ache in his chest was exhausting him. It was only Taehyung's arms looped around his torso holding him steady as he leaned on the man entirely. 'And we are surrounded by the medical team.' Taehyung whispered against his nape. Jin whipped his head to see the entire team in the same elevator.  He flushed red hot under his skin. 'Congratulations, Mr. Kim. May you have a happy marriage!' They wished them in unison. 

'I love you so much, my heart. Always stay with me.' Taehyung whispered against his temple.

A/N: Thank you! Do let me know if you want part two. It's all about Jin trying to bring Taehyung's memory back and their family life with a growing child! 

I love you all, you readers! Thank you so much! 

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